Please ask how Balance's retest data was obtained.

Author: XiaoHuihui0111, Created: 2022-07-23 22:05:11, Updated: 2022-07-24 08:47:41

Simulated retesting environment

How is the Balance value calculated for the account information obtained through exchange.GetAccount (())?

Initial capital 50000, 100 times leverage, initial capital 500%, collateral occupancy should theoretically be 5%, available usdt should be 95% of the initial capital, the actual printed data is 3937


The Little DreamThe initial capital * 5 times the opening = 50000 * 5 = 250000, 100 leverage, i.e. the collateral is used 1/100 of the opening size, i.e. 2500. /upload/asset/16994bd40a7251614992.png This is a list of all the different ways Upload/asset/16994bd40a7251614992.png is credited in the database. /upload/asset/16a9bab6a99666979233.png This is a list of all the characters that appear in the game. What's up? function main (()) { Exchange.SetContractType (swap) is a type of exchange. exchange.SetMarginLevel ((100) is a var acc = exchange.GetAccount Log ((acc)) What do you mean? - I'm going down. var t = exchange.GetTicker ((() exchange.SetDirection (("buy") exchange.Buy ((t.Sell + 1000, acc.Balance * 5 / t.Last) is the last What do you mean? What do you mean? Log ((exchange.GetAccount)) I'm not going anywhere. What's going on? Balance is the current available collateral.

XiaoHuihui0111That's good.

The Little DreamThere is only a flat warehouse.

XiaoHuihui0111I mean, you make money, the available collateral should be magnified, the deductible cannot be higher than the earnings figure.

The Little DreamThe currency futures have a capital fee (retesting is also available), consider it.

XiaoHuihui0111'' backtested Start time: 2021-09-25 00:00:00 End: 2021-10-25 23:59:00 This is a list of characters who are or were born in the United States. period: 1d basePeriod: 1h [{"eid:"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] '" def main (: Exchange.SetContractType (swap) is the name of the exchange. exchange.SetMarginLevel ((100) is a What do you mean? acc = exchange.GetAccount t = exchange.GetTicker ((() exchange.SetDirection (("buy") exchange.Buy ((t.Sell + 1000, acc.Balance * 5 / t.Last) What do you mean? while True: acc = exchange.GetAccount Pos = exchange.GetPosition ()) Log ((("Account.Balance: {}, Position.Profit: {}".format ((acc.Balance, pos[0].Profit)) is the name of the log file that is used to store your account. Sleep ((3600000*8)) is the name of the game Please help me see if there is a problem with my code.

The Little DreamThe test is normal here, you can see it in detail.

XiaoHuihui0111/upload/asset/20711b5b9230125975968.png This is a list of all the different ways Upload/Asset is credited in the database. The higher the profit, the lower the balance.

XiaoHuihui0111class Trade (((): def __init__ ((self): Exchange.SetContractType (swap) is the name of the exchange. exchange.SetMarginLevel ((100) is a What do you mean? def OnOrder ((self): acc = exchange.GetAccount t = exchange.GetTicker ((() exchange.SetDirection (("buy") exchange.Buy ((t.Sell + 1000, acc.Balance * 5 / t.Last) Log ((acc)) def main (: trade = trade Trade.OnOrder is a free trade. What do you mean? while True: acc = exchange.GetAccount Pos = exchange.GetPosition ()) Log (("Account.Balance: {}, Position.Profit: {}".format ((acc.Balance, pos[0].Profit)) This is a list of all the different ways Account.Balance: {}, Position.Profit is credited in the database. Sleep ((3600000*8) /upload/asset/20711b5b9230125975968.png The higher the profit, the lower the balance.

XiaoHuihui0111Well, I'll take a look over here.