Simple Iceberg order to sell

Author: The grass, Date: 2018-10-13 11:22:03
Tags: StudyTrade-aidedIceberg

Very simple, just for learn. Code is best annotation.

Iceberg commissioning, breaking orders into small pieces and selling to avoid a market shock, is a good simple introduction to Bitcoin quantitative trading learning strategy.

function main(){
    var initAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
    if (initAccount.Stocks < SELLAMOUNT){
        throw 'check your account amount to sell'
        var account = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
        var dealAmount =  initAccount.Stocks - account.Stocks
        var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker)
        if(SELLAMOUNT - dealAmount > SELLSIZE){
            var id = exchange.Sell(ticker.Buy, SELLSIZE)
                exchange.CancelOrder(id) // May cause error log when the order is completed, which is all right.
                throw 'sell error'
            account = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
            var avgCost = (account.Balance - initAccount.Balance)/(initAccount.Stocks - account.Stocks)
            Log('Iceberg order to sell is done, avg price is ', avgCost) // including fee cost



The grassFor beginners, programmatic trading is not only about completing a complete strategy, but also about small tasks like commissioning an iceberg.