Precision of coins

Author: One punch boy, Date: 2019-07-26 15:06:23
Tags: Tool

  • $.getAmountPrecision(Currency)

Accuracy of transaction counting for base currency (digit after decimal) Returns the value type number

  • $.getPricePrecision(Currency)

Accuracy of the transaction to the quote (digit after decimal) Returns the value type number

  • $.getMinOrderAmount(Currency)

Trade for the lowest order quantity Returns the type of value number

  • $.getMaxOrderAmount(Currency)

Deal on the maximum order quantity Returns the type of value number

  • $.getValuePrecision(Currency)

Accuracy of the transaction to the transaction amount (digit after decimal) Returns the value type number

  • $.getMinValue(Currency)

Minimum order amount (order amount refers to the amount transferred by the order interface when the order type is a limit order; amount * price); when the order type is a buy-market, the amount transferred by the order interface is the sum of the sum of the sums) Returns the value type number

var _symbols = _C(getSymbols)
var _cacheTicker = {}

function parseJson(str) {
    try {
        return JSON.parse(str)
    } catch(e) {
        Log(str + e.message + '#FF0000')
        return null

function getSymbols() {
    var ret = parseJson(HttpQuery(''))
    if (ret && ret.status === 'ok') {
    } else {
        return null

function getTicker(ex) {
    var currency = getCurreny(ex)
    if (_cacheTicker[currency] && Unix() - _cacheTicker[currency].UpdatedAt < TICKER_EXPIRE_TIME) {
        return _cacheTicker[currency]
    var sym = currency.replace('_', '').toLocaleLowerCase()
    var ret = parseJson(HttpQuery('' + sym))
    if (ret && ret.status === 'ok') {
        _cacheTicker[currency] = _.extend({ UpdatedAt: Unix() }, ret.tick)
    } else {
        return null

function getCurreny(ex) {
    var currency = null
    if (typeof(ex) === 'object') {
        return ex.GetCurrency()
    } else {
        return ex

function getCoin(ex) {
    var currency = getCurreny(ex)
    var currencyAry ='_'), function(sym) { return sym.toLocaleLowerCase() })
    return _.find(_symbols, function(coin) {
        return currencyAry[0] === coin['base-currency'] && currencyAry[1] === coin['quote-currency']

$.getSymbols = getSymbols

$.getAmountPrecision = function (ex) {
    var coin = getCoin(ex)
    if (coin) {
        return coin['amount-precision']
    return 0

$.getPricePrecision = function(ex) {
    var coin = getCoin(ex)
    if (coin) {
        return coin['price-precision']
    return 0

$.getMinOrderAmount = function(ex, price) {
    var coin = getCoin(ex)
    if (coin) {
        price = price || _C(getTicker, ex).close
        return +(new Decimal(coin['min-order-value']).mul(1.1).div(price).toFixed($.getAmountPrecision(ex), Decimal.ROUND_CEIL))
    return 0

$.getMaxOrderAmount = function(ex) {
    var coin = getCoin(ex)
    if (coin) {
        return coin['max-order-amt']
    return 0

$.getValuePrecision = function(ex) {
    var coin = getCoin(ex)
    if (coin) {
        return coin['value-precision']
    return 0

$.getMinValue = function(ex) {
    var coin = getCoin(ex)
    if (coin) {
        return coin['min-order-value']
    return 0

