Uniform policy (python version)

Author: The Little Dream, Date: 2016-09-08 18:43:58
Tags: PythonMA

It's a simple, easy-to-understand, easy-to-follow, and easy-to-follow tutorial.

import types
def main():
    STATE_IDLE = -1
    state = STATE_IDLE
    initAccount = ext.GetAccount()
    while True:
        if state == STATE_IDLE :
            n = ext.Cross(FastPeriod,SlowPeriod) # 指标交叉函数
            if abs(n) >= EnterPeriod :
                opAmount = _N(initAccount.Stocks * PositionRatio,3)
                Dict = ext.Buy(opAmount) if n > 0 else ext.Sell(opAmount)
                if Dict :
                    opAmount = Dict['amount']
                    state = PD_LONG if n > 0 else PD_SHORT
            n = ext.Cross(ExitFastPeriod,ExitSlowPeriod) # 指标交叉函数
            if abs(n) >= ExitPeriod and ((state == PD_LONG and n < 0) or (state == PD_SHORT and n > 0)) :
                nowAccount = ext.GetAccount()
                Dict2 = ext.Sell(nowAccount.Stocks - initAccount.Stocks) if state == PD_LONG else ext.Buy(initAccount.Stocks - nowAccount.Stocks)
                state = STATE_IDLE
                nowAccount = ext.GetAccount()
                LogProfit(nowAccount.Balance - initAccount.Balance,'钱:',nowAccount.Balance,'币:',nowAccount.Stocks,'平仓详情:',Dict2,'交叉周期:',n)
        Sleep(Interval * 1000)



gaof05210 iikuj

gaof05210 iikuj

my1000wLine five, why do you use ext? What does that mean?

The Little DreamThis is an export function of the template for the Python version of the digital currency trading library.