Single-point sniper with high-frequency accumulation of automatic counter-hand unlocking algorithm V1.2

Author: Zero, Date: 2014-11-30 12:00:04
Tags: High-frequency

First open the position, specify a leverage position, if it is not flat, over the stop loss point, then add the position to the low cost price, immediately add to the profitable exit, if the position is added to no money or coin added, then start doing the reverse, originally empty, then do more reverse, this is repeated.

For example, now 10 yuan open multiple positions, the target profit is 5 rupees, the program hangs a 10.5 yuan sold order, if the price falls, then hangs up to the current price, adjust the average price, then hang a target profit order, if it is not possible, continue to hang up and pull down the average price, in fact, it is not possible, is tied, then the counter begins to make blank orders.

Automated countermeasures of the strategy

If you are currently making more positions, the profit is out, you will automatically make more positions, if you are suited, the counter holds the coin to make a blank position, after the blank position is profitable, continue to do blank position, until the increase in the position does not move, the counter begins to make more positions, this is a cycle. As long as the last time is profitable, always maintain the direction of the last opening position. The strategy will automatically calculate the new value of the amount of stock required and the target leverage. What to look out for

This strategy has a complete recovery mechanism that can be practiced or learned. The premise of this strategy is to make 100% profit: you have to be prepared to have enough money to invest. If you don't have enough money, let's do it automatically, and you'll have floating profits and losses. If you have enough money, you don't have to automatically reverse the process, you can just keep the process going. The strategy can be implemented as a high-frequency trading strategy by adjusting parameters. It's not suitable for futures, futures are easy to blow up, so only cash can be used. The Purpose of Open Source

It's about attracting more people to join the circle of quantitative trading instead of a closed car all day long.

V1.1 resolves a bug that caused OKCoin to freeze 0.001 coins and cause the program to get stuck

For more details, click here:!/bbs-topic/38

var TradeType = OpType == 0 ? ORDER_TYPE_BUY : ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
var OrgAccount = null;
var Counter = {s : 0, f: 0};
var LastProfit = 0;
var AllProfit = 0;
var LastTicker = null;
function _N(v, precision) {
    if (typeof(precision) != 'number') {
        precision = 4;
    var d = parseFloat(v.toFixed(Math.max(10, precision+5)));
    s = d.toString().split(".");
    if (s.length < 2 || s[1].length <= precision) {
        return d;

    var b = Math.pow(10, precision);
    return Math.floor(d*b)/b;

function EnsureCall(e, method) {
    var r;
    while (!(r = e[method].apply(this, {
    return r;

function StripOrders(e, orderId) {
    var order = null;
    if (typeof(orderId) == 'undefined') {
        orderId = null;
    while (true) {
        var dropped = 0;
        var orders = EnsureCall(e, 'GetOrders');
        for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
            if (orders[i].Id == orderId) {
                order = orders[i];
            } else {
                var extra = "";
                if (orders[i].DealAmount > 0) {
                    extra = "成交: " + orders[i].DealAmount;
                } else {
                    extra = "未成交";
                e.CancelOrder(orders[i].Id, orders[i].Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? "买单" : "卖单", extra);
        if (dropped == 0) {
    return order;

function updateProfit(e, account, ticker) {
    if (typeof(account) == 'undefined') {
        account = GetAccount(e);
    if (typeof(ticker) == 'undefined') {
        ticker = EnsureCall(e, "GetTicker");
    var profit = (((account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks) - (OrgAccount.Stocks + OrgAccount.FrozenStocks)) * ticker.Last) + ((account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance) - (OrgAccount.Balance + OrgAccount.FrozenBalance));
    LogProfit(_N(profit + LastProfit, 4), "币数:", _N(account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks, 4), "钱数:", _N(account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance, 4));

var preMsg = "";
function GetAccount(e, waitFrozen) {
    if (typeof(waitFrozen) == 'undefined') {
        waitFrozen = false;
    var account = null;
    var alreadyAlert = false;
    while (true) {
        account = EnsureCall(e, "GetAccount");
        if (!waitFrozen || (account.FrozenStocks < MinStock && account.FrozenBalance < 0.01)) {
        if (!alreadyAlert) {
            alreadyAlert = true;
            Log("发现账户有冻结的钱或币", account);
    msg = "成功: " + Counter.s + " 次, " + (AutoReverse ? "被":"解") + "套: " + Counter.f + " 次, 当前账户 钱: " + account.Balance + " 币: " + account.Stocks;
    if (account.FrozenStocks > 0) {
        msg += " 冻结的币: " + account.FrozenStocks;
    if (account.FrozenBalance > 0) {
        msg += " 冻结的钱: " + account.FrozenBalance;

    if (LastTicker != null && OrgAccount != null && OrgAccount != null) {
        var profit = (((account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks) - (OrgAccount.Stocks + OrgAccount.FrozenStocks)) * LastTicker.Last) + ((account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance) - (OrgAccount.Balance + OrgAccount.FrozenBalance));
        msg += " 平仓盈亏: " + AllProfit + ", 浮动盈亏: " + _N(profit, 4);
        msg += " (初始账户 钱: " + OrgAccount.Balance + " 币 : " + OrgAccount.Stocks + ")";

    if (msg != preMsg) {
        preMsg = msg;
        LogStatus(msg, "#ff0000");
    return account;

// mode = 0 : direct buy, 1 : buy as buy1
function Trade(e, tradeType, tradeAmount, mode, slidePrice, maxAmount, maxSpace, retryDelay) {
    var initAccount = GetAccount(e, true);
    var nowAccount = initAccount;
    var orderId = null;
    var prePrice = 0;
    var dealAmount = 0;
    var diffMoney = 0;
    var isFirst = true;
    var tradeFunc = tradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? e.Buy : e.Sell;
    var isBuy = tradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
    while (true) {
        var ticker = EnsureCall(e, 'GetTicker');
        LastTicker = ticker;
        var tradePrice = 0;
        if (isBuy) {
            tradePrice = _N((mode == 0 ? ticker.Sell : ticker.Buy) + slidePrice, 4);
        } else {
            tradePrice = _N((mode == 0 ? ticker.Buy : ticker.Sell) - slidePrice, 4);
        if (orderId == null) {
            if (isFirst) {
                isFirst = false;
            } else {
                nowAccount = GetAccount(e, true);
            var doAmount = 0;
            if (isBuy) {
                diffMoney = _N(initAccount.Balance - nowAccount.Balance, 4);
                dealAmount = _N(nowAccount.Stocks - initAccount.Stocks, 4);
                doAmount = Math.min(maxAmount, tradeAmount - dealAmount, _N((nowAccount.Balance-10) / tradePrice, 4));
            } else {
                diffMoney = _N(nowAccount.Balance - initAccount.Balance, 4);
                dealAmount = _N(initAccount.Stocks - nowAccount.Stocks, 4);
                doAmount = Math.min(maxAmount, tradeAmount - dealAmount, nowAccount.Stocks);
            if (doAmount < MinStock) {
            prePrice = tradePrice;
            orderId = tradeFunc(tradePrice, doAmount);
        } else {
            if (Math.abs(tradePrice - prePrice) > maxSpace) {
                orderId = null;
            var order = StripOrders(exchange, orderId);
            if (order == null) {
                orderId = null;

    if (dealAmount <= 0) {
        return null;

    return {price: _N(diffMoney / dealAmount, 4), amount: dealAmount};

function loop(isFirst) {
    var minStock = MinStock;
    var initAccount = GetAccount(exchange, true);
    var holdPrice = 0;
    var holdAmount = 0;
    if (RestoreIt && isFirst) {
        LastProfit = RestoreProfit;
        TradeType = RestoreType == 0 ? ORDER_TYPE_BUY : ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
        holdPrice = RestorePrice;
        holdAmount = RestoreAmount;
        if (holdAmount != 0) {
            initAccount = {
                Stocks: initAccount.Stocks,
                FrozenStocks: initAccount.FrozenStocks,
                Balance: initAccount.Balance,
                FrozenBalance: initAccount.FrozenBalance,
            if (RestoreType == 0) {
                initAccount.Stocks -= holdAmount;
                initAccount.Balance += (holdPrice * holdAmount);
            } else {
                initAccount.Stocks += holdAmount;
                initAccount.Balance -= (holdPrice * holdAmount);
            OrgAccount = initAccount;
            Log("恢复持仓状态为:", RestoreType == 0 ? "做多" : "做空", "均价:", holdPrice, "数量:", holdAmount);
            if (RestoreType == 0) {
                holdAmount = Math.min(initAccount.Stocks, holdAmount);
        if (LastProfit != 0) {
            AllProfit = LastProfit;
            LogProfit(LastProfit, "恢复上次盈利");
    if (holdAmount == 0) {
        var obj = Trade(exchange, TradeType, OpAmount, OpMode, SlidePrice, MaxAmount, MaxSpace, Interval);
        if (!obj) {
            throw "出师不利, 开仓失败";
        } else {
            Log(TradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? "开多仓完成" : "开空仓完成", "均价:", obj.price, "数量:", obj.amount);
        Log(GetAccount(exchange, true));
        holdPrice = obj.price;
        holdAmount = obj.amount;
    var openFunc = TradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? exchange.Buy : exchange.Sell;
    var coverFunc = TradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? exchange.Sell : exchange.Buy;
    var isFinished = false;
    while (!isFinished) {
        var account = GetAccount(exchange, true);
        var openAmount = 0;
        var openPrice = 0;
        var coverPrice = 0;
        var canOpen = true;

        if (TradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) {
            var upLine = AddLine;
            openPrice = _N(holdPrice - AddGoal, 4);
            openAmount = _N((holdAmount * (holdPrice - openPrice - upLine)) / upLine, 4);
            coverPrice = _N(holdPrice + ProfitGoal, 4);
            if (_N(account.Balance / openPrice, 4) < openAmount) {
                Log("没有钱加多仓, 需要加仓: ", openAmount, "个");
                if (AutoReverse) {
                    return holdAmount;
                } else {
                    canOpen = false;
        } else {
            var upLine = -AddLine;
            openPrice = _N(holdPrice + AddGoal, 4);
            coverPrice = _N(holdPrice - ProfitGoal, 4);
            openAmount = _N((holdAmount * (holdPrice - openPrice - upLine) / upLine), 4);
            if (account.Stocks < openAmount) {
                Log("没有币加空仓, 需要币:", openAmount);
                if (AutoReverse) {
                    return holdAmount;
                } else {
                    canOpen = false;
        if (holdAmount < minStock) {
            Log("剩余币数过小, 放弃操作", holdAmount);
            return 0;
        openAmount = Math.max(minStock, openAmount);

        var order_count = 0;
        var openId = null;
        var coverId = null;
        if (!canOpen) {
            openId = -1;

        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            if (!openId) {
                openId = openFunc(openPrice, openAmount);
            if (!coverId) {
                coverId = coverFunc(coverPrice, holdAmount);
            if (openId && coverId) {
        if (!openId || !coverId) {
            throw "下单失败";
        if (openId > 0) {
        if (coverId > 0) {

        var preAccount = account;
        while (true) {
            var ticker = EnsureCall(exchange, "GetTicker");
            var orders = EnsureCall(exchange, "GetOrders");
            LastTicker = ticker;
            var nowAccount = GetAccount(exchange);
            var diff = nowAccount.Stocks + nowAccount.FrozenStocks - preAccount.Stocks;

            if (orders.length != order_count || Math.abs(diff) >= minStock) {
                nowAccount = GetAccount(exchange, true);
                var diffAmount = nowAccount.Stocks - initAccount.Stocks;
                var diffMoney = nowAccount.Balance - initAccount.Balance;
                if (Math.abs(diffAmount) < minStock) {
                    AllProfit= _N(AllProfit + (holdAmount * ProfitGoal), 4);
                    LogProfit(AllProfit, "平仓完成, 达到目标盈利点, 单次盈利", _N(holdAmount * ProfitGoal, 4));
                    initAccount = nowAccount;
                    isFinished = true;
                    if (!canOpen) {
                var newHoldPrice = 0;
                var newHoldAmount = 0;
                if (TradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) {
                    newHoldAmount = _N(diffAmount, 4);
                    newHoldPrice = _N((-diffMoney) / diffAmount, 4);
                } else {
                    newHoldAmount = _N(-diffAmount, 4);
                    newHoldPrice = _N(diffMoney / (-diffAmount), 4);
                // if open again, we need adjust hold positions's price
                var isAdd = false;
                if (newHoldAmount > holdAmount) {
                    holdPrice = newHoldPrice;
                    isAdd = true;
                holdAmount = newHoldAmount;
                if (!isAdd) {
                    // reset initAccount
                    initAccount = {
                        Stocks : nowAccount.Stocks,
                        Balance : nowAccount.Balance,
                        FrozenBalance : nowAccount.FrozenBalance,
                        FrozenStocks : nowAccount.FrozenStocks,
                    if (TradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) {
                        initAccount.Stocks -= holdAmount;
                        initAccount.Balance += holdAmount * holdPrice;
                    } else {
                        initAccount.Stocks += holdAmount;
                        initAccount.Balance -= holdAmount * holdPrice;
                    initAccount.Stocks = _N(initAccount.Stocks, 4);
                    initAccount.Balance = _N(initAccount.Balance, 4);
                    Log("持仓前账户调整为: ", initAccount);
                Log((TradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? "多仓" : "空仓"), (isAdd ? "加仓后" : "平仓后"), "重新调整持仓, 均价: ", holdPrice, "数量", holdAmount);
                Log("买一:", ticker.Buy, "卖一:", ticker.Sell, "上次成交价:", ticker.Last);
    return 0;

function onexit() {

function main() {
    if (AddLine > AddGoal || AddLine <= 0) {
        throw "加仓均价目标错误";
    if (exchange.GetName().indexOf("Future") != -1) {
        throw "只支持现货, 期货容易爆仓, 暂不支持";
    if (exchange.GetRate() != 1) {
    Interval *= 1000;
    SetErrorFilter("502:|503:|unexpected|network|timeout|WSARecv|Connect|GetAddr|no such|reset|http|received|EOF");
    OrgAccount = GetAccount(exchange);
    var isFirst = true;
    while (true) {
        var ret = loop(isFirst);
        isFirst = false;
        if (ret != 0) {
            if (TradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) {
                TradeType = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
            } else {
                TradeType = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
        } else {



jjkkIn zb transaction, multiple positions are completed, hang a buy and sell order, the payment has been completed, prompting you to find that the account has frozen money or coins, then you get stuck, the payment is seen in zb's app and debug tool is done, don't know why?

tony7hAsk why the odds of winning are 100% but the expected return is negative? /upload/asset/10bb1893b448a3ea908a8.png

tony7hWhy is it that the odds of winning are 100%, but the expected return is negative?

momox@zero As shown in the picture, every time an order is placed, it is placed at the cost price of + - 2 yen, and since the rate of depreciation is definitely slower than the market price, this will not cause the problem of frequent stockpiling?

momox@zero God, I would like to ask why the price of the second order is not the current market price +-, but the current cost price +-, is it intentional or a mistake?

ZeroThe winning rate is calculated only after the trade has been made, and the expected return is calculated based on the market price of the trade.

momoxSo I've been running for a while, and the returns have been unstable, and what you're trying to say is that there's a lot of retracement, so how can you improve that, if you can call me, give me some ideas, I'll do some programming, I'd be interested in folding it.

ZeroThe strategy of pulling back is also a big one.

ZeroThe price of the stock is the cost price, which is used to strictly control the cost of holding.