Digital currency futures with double-equal turning point strategies (Teaching)

Author: The Little Dream, Date: 2021-12-03 11:25:28

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start: 2021-09-01 00:00:00
end: 2021-12-02 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"ETH_USDT"}]

var LONG = 1 
var SHORT = -1
var IDLE = 0

function getPosition(positions, direction) {
    var ret = {Price : 0, Amount : 0, Type : ""}
    _.each(positions, function(pos) {
        if (pos.Type == direction) {
            ret = pos
    return ret 

function cancellAll() {
    while (true) {
        var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders)
        if (orders.length == 0) {
        } else {
            for (var i = 0 ; i < orders.length ; i++) {
                exchange.CancelOrder(orders[i].Id, orders[i])

function cover(tradeFunc, direction) {
    var mapDirection = {"closebuy": PD_LONG, "closesell": PD_SHORT}
    var positions = _C(exchange.GetPosition)
    var pos = getPosition(positions, mapDirection[direction])
    if (pos.Amount > 0) {
        if (tradeFunc(-1, pos.Amount)) {
            return true 
        } else {
            return false 
    return true 

function main() {
    if (okexSimulate) {
        exchange.IO("simulate", true) // 切换到OKEX V5模拟盘测试 
        Log("切换到OKEX V5模拟盘")
    var state = IDLE
    var holdPrice = 0
    var preTime = 0

    while (true) {
        var r = _C(exchange.GetRecords)
        var l = r.length
        if (l < Math.max(ema1Period, ema2Period)) {
        var ema1 = TA.EMA(r, ema1Period)
        var ema2 = TA.EMA(r, ema2Period)
        // 画图
        $.PlotRecords(r, 'K线')
        if(preTime !== r[l - 1].Time){
            $.PlotLine('ema1', ema1[l - 2], r[l - 2].Time)
            $.PlotLine('ema2', ema2[l - 2], r[l - 2].Time)
            $.PlotLine('ema1', ema1[l - 1], r[l - 1].Time)
            $.PlotLine('ema2', ema2[l - 1], r[l - 1].Time)
            preTime = r[l - 1].Time
        } else {
            $.PlotLine('ema1', ema1[l - 1], r[l - 1].Time)
            $.PlotLine('ema2', ema2[l - 1], r[l - 1].Time)
        var up = (ema1[l - 2] > ema1[l - 3] && ema1[l - 4] > ema1[l - 3]) && (ema2[l - 2] > ema2[l - 3] && ema2[l - 4] > ema2[l - 3])
        var down = (ema1[l - 2] < ema1[l - 3] && ema1[l - 4] < ema1[l - 3]) && (ema2[l - 2] < ema2[l - 3] && ema2[l - 4] < ema2[l - 3])
        if (up && (state == SHORT || state == IDLE)) {
            if (state == SHORT && cover(exchange.Buy, "closesell")) {
                state = IDLE
                holdPrice = 0
                $.PlotFlag(r[l - 1].Time, 'coverShort', 'CS')
            if (exchange.Buy(-1, amount)) {
                state = LONG
                holdPrice = r[l - 1].Close
                $.PlotFlag(r[l - 1].Time, 'openLong', 'L')
        } else if (down && (state == LONG || state == IDLE)) {
            if (state == LONG && cover(exchange.Sell, "closebuy")) {
                state = IDLE
                holdPrice = 0
                $.PlotFlag(r[l - 1].Time, 'coverLong', 'CL')
            if (exchange.Sell(-1, amount)) {
                state = SHORT
                holdPrice = r[l - 1].Close
                $.PlotFlag(r[l - 1].Time, 'openShort', 'S')
        // 止盈
        if (state == LONG && r[l - 1].Close - holdPrice > profitTarget && cover(exchange.Sell, "closebuy")) {            
            state = IDLE
            holdPrice = 0
            $.PlotFlag(r[l - 1].Time, 'coverLong', 'CL')
        } else if (state == SHORT && holdPrice - r[l - 1].Close > profitTarget && cover(exchange.Buy, "closesell")) {            
            state = IDLE
            holdPrice = 0
            $.PlotFlag(r[l - 1].Time, 'coverShort', 'CS')


xxs1xxs1I've made some changes to your little one, and the results look good. You give me some advice. Risk and optimization. This is the first time I've seen this video.

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13826543292Thank goodness, it's great.

The Little DreamWell, this study study.

xxs1xxs1I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. We have a strategy of stopping the direct losses too quickly. We want to add a lock and wait for the next market.

The Little DreamWell, we will share more strategies in the future, thanks for supporting FMZ.

xxs1xxs1All I can say is, "Boss, you're really 666". I'm just taking advantage of the bonus. You can try the EOS trial. I'm going to do some research to see if it's possible. The current estimate is not enough to pay the bills. I can try to do a BUSD contract in Yuan.

The Little DreamThis is the reason why the account is underfunded.

The Little DreamIn general, the leverage is 10 times greater when retesting.

The Little DreamX. X amount, I also said not allowed. But speaking of your optimized version of 666, how tall is Sharp?

Treasures from HeavenIt's your contract, isn't it?

The Little DreamYou have a bad account, not enough collateral, not enough money to pay.

The Little DreamCode according to needs. You can find examples in Strategy Square.