La stratégie de rupture de choc

Auteur:C'est pas vrai., Date: 2020-05-13 13:53:46 Le président du conseil d'administration
Les étiquettes:Une percée

Décrire la stratégie

En haut: le prix le plus élevé des 30 dernières lignes K

En bas: le prix le plus bas des 30 dernières lignes K

Largeur de l'intervalle: (train supérieur - train inférieur) / (train supérieur + train inférieur)

Si la largeur de la fourchette est inférieure au seuil a, le prix dépasse la trajectoire ascendante, achète une position ouverte, et le prix dépasse la trajectoire descendante.

Si la largeur de la fourchette est inférieure au seuil a, le prix se déplace vers le bas, vend une position ouverte, et le prix se déplace vers le haut.img

Les coordonnées

Si vous êtes intéressé par cette stratégie, veuillez contacter +V:Irene11229 (Cliquez sur ma page, je vais continuer à mettre à jour plus de stratégies, ainsi que des données d'analyse de marché de plusieurs des principaux échanges)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import time

import requests
from kumex.client import Trade

def check_response_data(response_data):
    if response_data.status_code == 200:
            d = response_data.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception(response_data.content)
            if d and d.get('s'):
                if d.get('s') == 'ok':
                    return d
                    raise Exception("{}-{}".format(response_data.status_code, response_data.text))
        raise Exception("{}-{}".format(response_data.status_code, response_data.text))

def get_kline(s, r, f, t, timeout=5, is_sandbox=False):
    headers = {}
    url = ''
    if is_sandbox:
        url = ''
    uri_path = url
    data_json = ''
    p = []
    if s:
        p.append("{}={}".format('symbol', s))
    if r:
        p.append("{}={}".format('resolution', r))
    if f:
        p.append("{}={}".format('from', f))
    if t:
        p.append("{}={}".format('to', t))
    data_json += '&'.join(p)
    uri_path += '?' + data_json

    response_data = requests.request('GET', uri_path, headers=headers, timeout=timeout)
    return check_response_data(response_data)

class Shock(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # read configuration from json file
        with open('config.json', 'r') as file:
            config = json.load(file)

        self.api_key = config['api_key']
        self.api_secret = config['api_secret']
        self.api_passphrase = config['api_passphrase']
        self.sandbox = config['is_sandbox']
        self.symbol = config['symbol']
        self.resolution = int(config['resolution'])
        self.valve = float(config['valve'])
        self.leverage = float(config['leverage'])
        self.size = int(config['size']) = Trade(self.api_key, self.api_secret, self.api_passphrase, is_sandbox=self.sandbox)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    shock = Shock()

    while 1:
        time_to = int(time.time())
        time_from = time_to - shock.resolution * 60 * 35
        data = get_kline(shock.symbol, shock.resolution, time_from, time_to, is_sandbox=shock.sandbox)
        print('now time =', time_to)
        print('symbol closed time =', data['t'][-1])
        if time_to != data['t'][-1]:
        now_price = int(data['c'][-1])
        print('closed price =', now_price)
        # high_track
        high = data['h'][-31:-1]
        high_track = float(high[0])
        print('high_track =', high_track)

        # low_track
        low = data['l'][-31:-1]
        low_track = float(low[0])
        print('low_track =', low_track)

        # interval_range
        interval_range = (high_track - low_track) / (high_track + low_track)
        print('interval_range =', interval_range)

        order_flag = 0
        # current position qty of the symbol
        position_details =
        position_qty = int(position_details['currentQty'])
        print('current position qty of the symbol =', position_qty)
        if position_qty > 0:
            order_flag = 1
        elif position_qty < 0:
            order_flag = -1

        if order_flag == 1 and now_price < low_track:
            order =, 'sell', position_details['realLeverage'],
                                                   position_qty, now_price)
            print('order_flag == 1,order id =', order['orderId'])
            order_flag = 0
        elif order_flag == -1 and now_price > high_track:
            order =, 'buy', position_details['realLeverage'],
                                                   position_qty, now_price)
            print('order_flag == -1,order id =', order['orderId'])
            order_flag = 0

        if interval_range < shock.valve and order_flag == 0:
            if now_price > high_track:
                order =, 'buy', shock.leverage, shock.size, now_price)
                print('now price > high track,buy order id =', order['orderId'])
                order_flag = 1
            if now_price < high_track:
                order =, 'sell', shock.leverage, shock.size, now_price)
                print('now price < high track,sell order id =', order['orderId'])
                order_flag = -1


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