
作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン, 日付: 2023-10-09 15:10:39


グラデント逆転取引戦略 (Gradient Reversal Trading Strategy) は,動向平均クロスオーバーシステムを使用して取引信号を生成するトレンドフォロー戦略である.異なる期間の動向平均を計算して現在の価格傾向の方向性を検出し,トレンド逆転点で長または短取引を行う.この戦略は,中長期のトレンドを把握し,トレンドが逆転したときの取引を目的としている.



  1. 長期トレンドを表す周期パラメータ len1 を用いたベースラインMAを計算する.

  2. 短期間トレンド,len2 < len1を表現する,period len2で信号MAを計算する.

  3. 低値が高値を下回る時,低値に移動し,トレンドの逆転を示し,価格が下がる可能性があります.

  4. 低値が低値を横切る時,長値が横切るので,トレンドの逆転を示し,価格が上昇する可能性があります.

  5. 価格がより長いMAに戻ると,ポジションを閉じる.

  6. MAのクロスオーバーを把握することで 中期トレンド逆転を取引します


  1. 中期トレンド逆転を有効に捉える MAクロスオーバーシステム

  2. トレーディング・シグナルは 簡単でわかりやすいです

  3. パーソナライズ可能な期間パラメータは,異なる製品とトレーダーに適しています.

  4. ストップ・ロスを設定し,取引ごとにリスクを制御するために利益を取ることができます.

  5. 特定の価格値を予測する必要はありません 傾向の方向性だけを気にします


  1. 頻繁にMAが交差する市場では,より多くの誤った信号が発生する可能性があります.

  2. 短期的な価格変動から利益を得られないため,中期から長期間のトレンド取引に適している.

  3. MAシステムは価格変化に遅れをとり,傾向の逆転を間に合うように捉えることができない.

  4. 取引頻度が低く,十分な利益を得られないかもしれません.

  5. 市場を適正にするために 適時にパラメータを調整する必要があります


  1. MACD,KDなどの他の指標と組み合わせて 偽信号をフィルターします

  2. トレンドフィルターを追加し,トレンドが明確であれば取引する.

  3. 複数のタイムフレームで取引する 異なる期間のMAsを組み合わせる より多くの機会

  4. 変化する市場に対応するパラメータを動的に最適化します

  5. 傾向の逆転を判断するのに役立つ機械学習モデルを導入する.



start: 2022-10-02 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-08 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Created by 100kiwi
strategy(title = "TrapTrading", overlay = true)

// Backtesting Period Selector | Component by pbergden
testStartYear = input(2015, "Backtest Start Year")
testStartMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month")
testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day")
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0)

testStopYear = input(2018, "Backtest Stop Year")
testStopMonth = input(12, "Backtest Stop Month")
testStopDay = input(31, "Backtest Stop Day")
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0)

// A switch to control background coloring of the test period
testPeriodBackground = input(title="Color Background?", type=bool, defval=true)
testPeriodBackgroundColor = testPeriodBackground and (time >= testPeriodStart) and (time <= testPeriodStop) ? #00FF00 : na
bgcolor(testPeriodBackgroundColor, transp=97)

testPeriod() => true

// input
buySide = input(defval = true, title = "Trade Direction (ON: Buy Side OFF: Sell Side)", type = bool)
counterTrend  = input(defval = true, title = "Trade Mode (ON: Counter Trend OFF: Trend Following)", type = bool)
len1 = input(defval = 14, title = "Period")
multiple = input(defval = 1.4, title = "Multiple")

m1 = close - close[len1]
controlPoint = counterTrend ? lowest(abs(m1), len1) == abs(m1) : highest(abs(m1), len1) == abs(m1)
baseLine = valuewhen(controlPoint, avg(close, close[len1]), 0)

// trap line
atr = atr(len1)
line1Up = baseLine + (atr * multiple)
line2Up = baseLine + (atr * 2 * multiple)
line3Up = baseLine + (atr * 3 * multiple)
line4Up = baseLine + (atr * 4 * multiple)
line5Up = baseLine + (atr * 5 * multiple)
line6Up = baseLine + (atr * 6 * multiple)
line7Up = baseLine + (atr * 7 * multiple)
line8Up = baseLine + (atr * 8 * multiple)
line9Up = baseLine + (atr * 9 * multiple)
line10Up = baseLine + (atr * 10 * multiple)
line1Down = baseLine - (atr * multiple)
line2Down = baseLine - (atr * 2 * multiple)
line3Down = baseLine - (atr * 3 * multiple)
line4Down = baseLine - (atr * 4 * multiple)
line5Down = baseLine - (atr * 5 * multiple)
line6Down = baseLine - (atr * 6 * multiple)
line7Down = baseLine - (atr * 7 * multiple)
line8Down = baseLine - (atr * 8 * multiple)
line9Down = baseLine - (atr * 9 * multiple)
line10Down = baseLine - (atr * 9 * multiple)

// draw
color = close >= baseLine ? teal : red
barcolor(controlPoint ? yellow : na, title = "Candle Color")

plot(baseLine, title = "Base Line", color = white, linewidth = 4, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line1Up, title = "1Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line2Up, title = "2Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line3Up, title = "3Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line4Up, title = "4Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line5Up, title = "5Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line6Up, title = "6Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line7Up, title = "7Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line8Up, title = "8Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line9Up, title = "9Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line10Up, title = "10Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line1Down, title = "1Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line2Down, title = "2Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line3Down, title = "2Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line4Down, title = "4Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line5Down, title = "5Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line6Down, title = "6Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line7Down, title = "7Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line8Down, title = "8Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line9Down, title = "9Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line10Down, title = "10Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)

// strategy code
if testPeriod() and buySide
    strategy.exit("Exit Long0", from_entry = "Long0", qty = 1, limit = line2Up)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long1", from_entry = "Long1", qty = 1, limit = line1Up)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long2", from_entry = "Long2", qty = 1, limit = baseLine)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long3", from_entry = "Long3", qty = 1, limit = line1Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long4", from_entry = "Long4", qty = 1, limit = line2Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long5", from_entry = "Long5", qty = 1, limit = line3Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long6", from_entry = "Long6", qty = 1, limit = line4Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long7", from_entry = "Long7", qty = 1, limit = line5Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long8", from_entry = "Long8", qty = 1, limit = line6Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long9", from_entry = "Long9", qty = 1, limit = line7Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long10", from_entry = "Long10", qty = 1, limit = line8Down)
    strategy.order("Long0", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = baseLine, when = strategy.position_size <= 0)
    strategy.order("Long1", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line1Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 1)
    strategy.order("Long2", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line2Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 2)
    strategy.order("Long3", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line3Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 3)
    strategy.order("Long4", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line4Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 4)
    strategy.order("Long5", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line5Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 5)
    strategy.order("Long6", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line6Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 6)
    strategy.order("Long7", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line7Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 7)
    strategy.order("Long8", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line8Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 8)
    strategy.order("Long9", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line9Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 9)
    strategy.order("Long10", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line10Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 10)
    if testPeriod() and not buySide
        strategy.exit("Exit Short0", from_entry = "Short0", qty = 1, limit = line2Down)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short1", from_entry = "Short1", qty = 1, limit = line1Down)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short2", from_entry = "Short2", qty = 1, limit = baseLine)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short3", from_entry = "Short3", qty = 1, limit = line1Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short4", from_entry = "Short4", qty = 1, limit = line2Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short5", from_entry = "Short5", qty = 1, limit = line3Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short6", from_entry = "Short6", qty = 1, limit = line4Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short7", from_entry = "Short7", qty = 1, limit = line5Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short8", from_entry = "Short8", qty = 1, limit = line6Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short9", from_entry = "Short9", qty = 1, limit = line7Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short10", from_entry = "Short10", qty = 1, limit = line8Up)
        strategy.order("Short0", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = baseLine, when = strategy.position_size >= 0)
        strategy.order("Short1", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line1Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -1)
        strategy.order("Short2", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line2Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -2)
        strategy.order("Short3", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line3Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -3)
        strategy.order("Short4", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line4Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -4)
        strategy.order("Short5", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line5Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -5)
        strategy.order("Short6", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line6Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -6)
        strategy.order("Short7", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line7Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -7)
        strategy.order("Short8", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line8Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -8)
        strategy.order("Short9", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line9Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -9)
        strategy.order("Short10", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line10Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -10)
