Bithumb received account information in error

Author: whtwhtwht53, Created: 2017-10-16 22:38:08, Updated: 2017-10-16 22:38:24

The result returned is GetAccount: 400: {status:5300,message:Invalid Apikey}, what is the reason? Also, does Bithumb need to be IP bound?


whtwhtwht53The problem has been solved, Bithumb's API activation is a little different, thanks to Little Dream Big Bang.

The Little DreamInvalid Apikey means that the API KEY is invalid, or is the API KEY set incorrectly? If the exchange wants to bind the IP to the IP address of the host's system, it works.

The Little DreamNo, not at all.

wisequnI tried, both are required. I couldn't find the technical support group for this exchange, can you please give me a contact?

The Little DreamHello, this is to ask the exchange side, this interface specifically calls passwords ⇒ ko_name and en_name should be the first option.

wisequnHello, all permissions are enabled. Did you use the BitTumb token interface? If my parameter removes ko_name=이남인, it will report: { status bar: 5600, "message:" you can only send money to an address in your name. ‖\\nPlease check recipient information.‖"}; when I add ko_name=이남인, it reports {"status":"5100","message":"Bad Request.(Auth Data") error, which feels like this is a Korean problem, how should I write it? /upload/ngasset/c2ae9331749a81e7a3a9.pp

The Little DreamYou can check the documentation of the exchange, 5100 error code.

wisequnHello, I found the reason, it was that my apikey application was not successful in activating it. Now a new problem has occurred, I'm using the token interface:, string sParams = "units=0.2&address=0xe03334290b8f22075f1ea6c39fafb5b42dfdfdf552¤cy=ETH&exchange_name=MEXC&cust_type_cd=01&ko_name=이남녕&en_name=LEE NAMN****" This is the parameter I sent, it's been {"status":"5100","message":"Bad Request.Auth.Data.((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

The Little DreamThis error message means an API KEY error, which should be a misconfiguration. You can re-apply for the API KEY on the exchange and try configuring it on FMZ.

wisequn{"status":"5300","message":"Invalid Apikey"} How to resolve this issue, Bithumb's api was activated, but could not be used, kept reporting this error. When the activation was done to the last step, there was no inbox authentication, directly sent an email saying that the activation was successful, was the activation method incorrect, or other problems.