Bithumb getaccount error message, please point to master

Author: simple-chun, Created: 2017-12-10 10:03:47, Updated: 2019-07-31 18:08:07

The inventor quantified the built-in function,getaccount, and IO, both of which were used to access Bithumb account information, but both received the same error message: GetAccount: 405: {status:5302,message:Method Not Allowed ((Access)) } The two methods I use are as follows:

Method one: if (exchanges[i].GetName() == Bithumb):
rgParams = {order_currency: BTC, payment_currency: KRW}; Rg_params is { Bitcoin: Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. I'm not sure. bhumbbal = exchanges[i].IO ((api,POST, "/info/account",BTC) is a cryptocurrency exchange. Log (BHUMB!!! oh, bhumbbal) is the name of the game.

Method two: Log (( platform balance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I also have the option to use the following commands:

Ask the master how to solve it.


The Little DreamMethod Not Allowed ((Access) " Your API does not allow this interface to operate, please check your bithumb API settings.