Inventor Quantitative Trading Platform new feature button one button deployment administrator button and button manual trading button

Author: The Little Dream, Created: 2019-02-20 12:47:58, Updated: 2019-02-28 18:34:26

Inventor Quantitative Trading Platform new feature button one button deployment administrator button and button manual trading button

  • One-click deployment of the host feature

    If you find it more difficult to manually deploy a host on your server or computer, you can use the automatic one-key deployment feature.

    • 1 Ready for deployment:



      # 本平台出租的云服务器由第三方云服务商提供, 余额不足后会自动删除, 请严格遵守您所在地区的法律法规 !
      # 注意,需要在发明者量化交易平台账户预留足够余额用以一键部署的VPS服务器的费用。


      # 目前支持上图中的地区,有2种配置可选。
    • 2 Verified confirmation:





      After a few minutes of automatic deployment, the hosts are up and running on the rented server.

    • 3 Other operations:


      • Removed from: Delete this server and stop using it.

      • Re-deployment: Re-download the host program, update to the current latest version of the host, and preserve previous log records.

  • Beta is a manual transaction

    When there is a need for manual trading, there are a lot of exchange websites that need to be opened every time, some of which require a ladder, switching pages is a hassle. It is now possible to make a manual transaction on a single page. Hands-on transaction page is essentially an interface to the debug tool.

    • Jump to manual transaction page Click on the manual trading button to jump to the manual trading page of the last open exchange by default. For example, the last time you opened a token, click on the "Manual Transaction" button and you will jump to the "Manual Transaction" page. You can also click on a specific well-configured exchange to jump directly to it.


    • Handcrafted trading interface


    • Support

      • It supports digital currencies, spot exchanges, futures exchanges. Futures exchanges such as BITMEX set contracts in the position of set pairs. (OKEX contract trading, now supports all currency contracts)


      • Support for Commodity Futures Commodity futures contracts set up in


        Commodity futures contract support is set to: For example: MA000 index contract, MA888 main sequential contract

    • Updated by

      • Location adjustment: Added a quick jump option.


      • The fast-moving market: The transaction is not acquired by the trustee, but is pushed directly by the inventor through a quantized rapid transaction interface, updated in real time. Currently supported: huibi, binance, bitfinex, ZB.

  • We welcome your suggestions and comments

    If you have any suggestions and comments, please leave a comment, we will implement these good features, ideas and provide a better user experience.


yangzexuanIs there a manual deployment host for Nanjing only? Is there a foreign one? Is it a rental one?

guangtianxiaIf the FMZ server is free to use, it is also worth considering. But the server costs $300 a month, which is not very competitive, and you can buy a server and do many other things, which is just one thing.

wmjbs123It's very convenient, but it's a bit expensive, and I rent a US Silicon Valley server for only $30 a month.

The Little DreamThank you for your support ^^


Lego is quantizedThis is a great update, congratulations!

The Little DreamManual deployment is very flexible, you can rent from Ali Cloud Hong Kong, Amazon or other server operators, and then log in to your server manually deployed.