How do robots communicate with each other?

Author: feng_yq, Created: 2015-07-27 16:37:29, Updated:

I'm ready to do several robots running different strategies, and now the problem arises. For example, the robot of strategy A is building a warehouse, and the robot of strategy B does not know about the operation of A, so it may take some opposite action. My original idea was that the robots could share some information between themselves like a process, but I did not find out how to do it. Please tell me how to solve this problem, thanks!


LaughingZero, your platform is really very convenient for a fool like me, you better do it, think again and add this feature!

LaughingYes, this feature is not included, I just have to learn Go from scratch! Zero you are very good at it, I especially need this feature.

feng_yq@Zero, that's hard!

ZeroThe old version was supported, the new version has removed this feature to make it more stable and to change to multi-processing, which will be considered in the next version.

Shipwrecked 7The Cowboy

ZeroOkay, I'll add, there'll be a version out in about a week.