Playing JavaScript with old people - creating a buyer/seller tool (7) Useful tool to know why!

Author: The Little Dream, Created: 2017-03-16 12:29:51, Updated: 2017-10-11 10:37:54

                                  // 把 AccountToTable 引用传递给 导出函数 (接口)

// Test with the main function function main (() { var p = $.NewPositionManager (); and p.OpenShort ((MA701, 1); p.OpenShort ((MA705, 1); Log ((p.GetPosition ((MA701, PD_SHORT))); Log ((p.GetAccount (())); Log ((p.Account (()); Sleep ((60000 * 10); p.CoverAll (((); and LogProfit ((p.Profit))); Log (($.IsTrading ((MA701))); // Use transaction queues to complete unblocked transaction tasks when multi-varieties var q = $.NewTaskQueue (); q.pushTask ((exchange, MA701, buy, 3, function ((task, ret) { // The last parameter function ((task, ret) {...} is an anonymous function that acts as a callback function for the task object. Log ((task.desc, ret) // In the callback function, a description of the task is output, and the return value of the task completed, which are presets and will not be executed immediately. if (ret) { q.pushTask ((exchange, MA701, closebuy, 1, 123, function ((task, ret) { // In the callback function of the first pressed queue task, the pressed match task to the task queue is used to implement pairing transactions. // triggers a matching operation in the callback function as soon as the first task transaction is completed. Log ((q, task.desc, ret, and task.arg) is the name of the file. It's not. I'm not sure. It's not. while (true) { // Call poll to complete unfinished tasks when idle Q. poll ((() Sleep ((1000) is the name of the I'm not sure. I'm not sure.

- #### 通篇看完,我想你们应该对这个模块有了一定的了解。

这个模块代码分两种 模式:
- 1、单品种的交易模式

- 2、多品种模拟并发交易模式:


#### 先写到这,欢迎读者给我留言!提出建议和意见,如果感觉好玩可以分享给更多热爱程序热爱交易的朋友

### 程序员 littleDream 原创
