Why is the difference in the area a measure of the degree of dissociation?

Author: The Little Dream, Created: 2017-05-10 09:39:04, Updated:

Why is the difference in the area a measure of the degree of dissociation?

For example, if I convert the square of the desired space into a square, and the square of the desired space into a square of the desired space, can this be expressed?

Answer: A non-mathematical major.

I understand that the square is used because the square can better represent the distance between the data, the dispersion. If you want to see a comparison of subjects, then you can think about the situation in terms of the fourth dimension.

---------------- Source Internet, origin unknown, partially selected

  • Question one:

    If you had to choose one of the two A and B shooters to compete, what would you design? S: High scores overall.
    T: If one player shoots five times and scores 30 points, and the other player shoots 10 times and scores 50 points, who would you pick?
    S: It seems that the average is still good.

  • Question two:

    Who do you choose?
    A: three, five, six, seven, nine
    B: four, five, six, seven, eight
    From the data, it can be seen that it is not advisable to choose using the average number. Although the average number of rings is the same, the level of the two people is still different. Let the students study thoroughly, and after observing the analytical data, it is easier to reach a consensus: A has a maximum of 9, at least 3 rings, a large range of fluctuations, while B has a maximum of 8, at least 4, a smaller range of fluctuations. Therefore, B is more stable and B should be chosen.

  • Question three:

    Is the very high and the very low weakness analysis accurate?
    A: three, five, six, seven, nine
    And then we have the three, six, six, six, nine
    It is not difficult to find that, although the maximum is the same as the minimum gap, the ratio is stable. At the same time, it is also found that, in the same average, the simple comparison of the largest and the smallest two data cannot explain the overall fluctuation of a set of data, each data has a decisive power.
    S: Subtract the averages of each data to get the deviations of each data; then add the deviations.
    After doing the calculations: it is easy to get the sum of the deviations of A, B, and C are all 0. At this point, the students will suddenly think about the problem of eliminating the deviation of negative numbers. The teacher guides the students to explore, analyze, and summarize two methods.

    - ((1) Find the absolute value of each deviation and add it; - ((2) Take the squares of the deviations and add them.

  • Question four:

    The deviations of the following data are taken into account.
    A: three, five, six, seven, nine
    B: four, five, six, seven, eight
    And then we have the three, six, six, six, nine
    A:8;B:6;:6 (what is the stability of B,?)
    This algorithm can be used to calculate the stability of all three. It also gives students a preliminary understanding that the purpose of using squares instead of absolute values is to increase the gap between the data.

Translated from Chinese by: 陳龍
