I've recently developed an entry point idea.

Author: lengfeng, Created: 2015-10-10 10:31:05, Updated: 2015-10-10 10:32:53

A recent introduction to the idea, which has not been specifically verified, comes from the following books:

First, the stock market is a manipulative business, and it is likely that the trend is going up, waiting for the callback, and buying when the innovation is high.


In Chapter 14 of the Short-Line Trading Master, the key point buy is the first time a stock creates an eight-day high, the second time three or more consecutive lower prices occur, and the last time the stock is bought when it is above the high of the previous line.

In the book I read, they mentioned the same entry method, which has the advantage that the initial stop loss is easier to set, as long as it is set below the lowest point before buying.

Next week, I'm going to take a closer look at this approach to the market and start practicing, see how it works, wait for the test to be done, and then write a post.


ZeroThe paper came to a screeching halt, knowing that the matter would be settled, and waiting for the actual experience to be summed up.