A bit of thinking about the logic of digital currency futures trading

Author: The Little Dream, Created: 2020-06-01 09:52:45, Updated: 2023-10-08 19:41:25


A bit of thinking about the logic of digital currency futures trading

The Problem Scenario


Practical experience

Because of this issue, I have seen a strategy that has been crazy to open multiple positions, fortunately due to the market crash, floating once above 10 BTC.

Trying to solve

  • The first option It is possible to design the strategy to place orders only the next time, and the price of the order can be added to the price of the counterparty at the time, and eat the price of the counterparty at a certain depth. The advantage of doing this is that only the next order is placed, and not judged based on the information held. This avoids the problem of repeated orders, but sometimes it is possible that when the price changes are relatively large, the order can trigger the price limit mechanism of the exchange, and it is possible to add a large slip price that is still not done, and miss the opportunity.

  • The second option With the exchange's single market price function, the FMZ price transfer-1 is the market price list, and the OKEX futures interface has been upgraded to support real market price lists.

  • The third option We still use the previous trading logic, using the limit order order, but we add some tests in the trading logic to try to solve the problem caused by this position data delay. Testing whether the post-order order disappeared directly in the pending list without being revoked (two possibilities: 1 withdrawal, 2 transactions), detecting such a situation and again ordering the same amount as the previous order, at this time it is necessary to pay attention to whether the hold data is delayed, let the program enter the waiting logic, retrieve the hold information, or even continue to optimize, increase the number of triggers waiting, more than a certain number of times indicates that the hold interface data delay problem is serious, let this transaction logic end.

Design based on Scheme 3

// 参数
var MinAmount = 1
var SlidePrice = 5
var Interval = 500

function GetPosition(e, contractType, direction) {
    var positions = _C(e.GetPosition);
    for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
        if (positions[i].ContractType == contractType && positions[i].Type == direction) {
            return positions[i]

    return null

function Open(e, contractType, direction, opAmount) {
    var initPosition = GetPosition(e, contractType, direction);
    var isFirst = true;
    var initAmount = initPosition ? initPosition.Amount : 0;
    var nowPosition = initPosition;
    var directBreak = false 
    var preNeedOpen = 0
    var timeoutCount = 0
    while (true) {
        var ticker = _C(e.GetTicker)
        var needOpen = opAmount;
        if (isFirst) {
            isFirst = false;
        } else {
            nowPosition = GetPosition(e, contractType, direction);
            if (nowPosition) {
                needOpen = opAmount - (nowPosition.Amount - initAmount);
            // 检测directBreak 并且持仓未变的情况
            if (preNeedOpen == needOpen && directBreak) {
                Log("疑似仓位数据延迟,等待30秒", "#FF0000")
                nowPosition = GetPosition(e, contractType, direction);
                if (nowPosition) {
                    needOpen = opAmount - (nowPosition.Amount - initAmount);
                if (timeoutCount > 10) {
                    Log("连续10次疑似仓位延迟,下单失败!", "#FF0000")
            } else {
                timeoutCount = 0
        if (needOpen < MinAmount) {
        var amount = needOpen;
        preNeedOpen = needOpen
        e.SetDirection(direction == PD_LONG ? "buy" : "sell");
        var orderId;
        if (direction == PD_LONG) {
            orderId = e.Buy(ticker.Sell + SlidePrice, amount, "开多仓", contractType, ticker);
        } else {
            orderId = e.Sell(ticker.Buy - SlidePrice, amount, "开空仓", contractType, ticker);

        directBreak = false
        var n = 0
        while (true) {
            var orders = _C(e.GetOrders);
            if (orders.length == 0) {
                if (n == 0) {
                    directBreak = true
            for (var j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
                if (j < (orders.length - 1)) {

    var ret = {
        price: 0,
        amount: 0,
        position: nowPosition
    if (!nowPosition) {
        return ret;
    if (!initPosition) {
        ret.price = nowPosition.Price;
        ret.amount = nowPosition.Amount;
    } else {
        ret.amount = nowPosition.Amount - initPosition.Amount;
        ret.price = _N(((nowPosition.Price * nowPosition.Amount) - (initPosition.Price * initPosition.Amount)) / ret.amount);
    return ret;

function Cover(e, contractType, opAmount, direction) {
    var initPosition = null;
    var position = null;
    var isFirst = true;

    while (true) {
        while (true) {
            var orders = _C(e.GetOrders);
            if (orders.length == 0) {
            for (var j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
                if (j < (orders.length - 1)) {

        position = GetPosition(e, contractType, direction)
        if (!position) {
        if (isFirst == true) {
            initPosition = position;
            opAmount = Math.min(opAmount, initPosition.Amount)
            isFirst = false;

        var amount = opAmount - (initPosition.Amount - position.Amount)
        if (amount <= 0) {

        var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker)
        if (position.Type == PD_LONG) {
            e.Sell(ticker.Buy - SlidePrice, amount, "平多仓", contractType, ticker);
        } else if (position.Type == PD_SHORT) {
            e.Buy(ticker.Sell + SlidePrice, amount, "平空仓", contractType, ticker);


    return position

$.OpenLong = function(e, contractType, amount) {
    if (typeof(e) == "string") {
        amount = contractType
        contractType = e
        e = exchange

    return Open(e, contractType, PD_LONG, amount);

$.OpenShort = function(e, contractType, amount) {
    if (typeof(e) == "string") {
        amount = contractType
        contractType = e
        e = exchange

    return Open(e, contractType, PD_SHORT, amount);

$.CoverLong = function(e, contractType, amount) {
    if (typeof(e) == "string") {
        amount = contractType
        contractType = e
        e = exchange

    return Cover(e, contractType, amount, PD_LONG);

$.CoverShort = function(e, contractType, amount) {
    if (typeof(e) == "string") {
        amount = contractType
        contractType = e
        e = exchange

    return Cover(e, contractType, amount, PD_SHORT);

function main() {
    var info = $.OpenLong(exchange, "quarter", 100)
    Log(info, "#FF0000")

    info = $.CoverLong(exchange, "quarter", 30)
    Log(info, "#FF0000")

    info = $.CoverLong(exchange, "quarter", 80)
    Log(info, "#FF0000")

The template address is:https://www.fmz.com/strategy/203258

The way to call the template interface is the same as in the main function above.$.OpenLong$.CoverLongI'm not going to lie. The template is a test version, and suggestions are welcome, and will continue to be optimized to address storage data latency.



excmThe best way to do this is to use ws, an order that notifies you immediately when there is an update, instead of asking you every time.

Xueqiu BotWhen I encountered this problem, my solution was to record the holdings before the order, then record id after the ioc order, the loop gets the order status, if it's a transaction/partial transaction, the loop contrasts the current holdings and the record holdings, when the two values are different the loop jumps out.

The Little DreamI've had unstable WS, various failures, all with their pros and cons.

excmThere's basically no problem, even if the connection is cut off at a critical time, there's no problem in building a good re-connection mechanism; of course there's a complete solution, which you have to feel for yourself.

The Little DreamHowever, there are also times when the WS interface is unreliable, which is more annoying than the REST protocol.

The Little DreamThank you very much, learn.