Push Binance deal order to WeChat

Author: The grass, Date: 2018-10-20 14:42:39
Tags: BinanceStudyWebscoketPushMessage

By using the websocket protocol to push Bitcoin transaction information to WeChat, it can be used as an exercise in the WSS protocol. The basic principle is to update listenKey for 30 minutes, and then subscribe to the subscription's datastream.

function main() {
    var listenKey = JSON.parse(HttpQuery('https://api.binance.com/api/v1/userDataStream','',null,'X-MBX-APIKEY:'+APIKEY)).listenKey;
    HttpQuery('https://api.binance.com/api/v1/userDataStream', {method:'DELETE',data:'listenKey='+listenKey}, null,'X-MBX-APIKEY:'+ APIKEY);
    listenKey = JSON.parse(HttpQuery('https://api.binance.com/api/v1/userDataStream','',null,'X-MBX-APIKEY:'+ APIKEY)).listenKey;
    var datastream = Dial("wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/"+listenKey, 100);
    var update_listenKey_time =  Date.now()/1000;
    while (true){
        if (Date.now()/1000 - update_listenKey_time > 1800){
            update_listenKey_time = Date.now()/1000;
            HttpQuery('https://api.binance.com/api/v1/userDataStream', {method:'PUT',data:'listenKey='+listenKey}, null,'X-MBX-APIKEY:'+ APIKEY);
            Log('keep listenKey alive');
        var data = datastream.read();
            data = JSON.parse(data);
            if(data.e == 'executionReport' && data.x == 'TRADE'){
                Log(data.S, data.s,  'amount is ', data.l, 'at price:', data.p, '@');



Eternal RangerCan't support other exchanges?

The grassLearn how to use HttpQuery functions, and how to use the user data stream

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