Bit-Maker 3.0 arbitrage Smart learning USDT on the Binance single platform-arbitrage USDT standard

Author: AutoBitMaker-ABM, Date: 2019-12-17 23:46:42

Self-learning grid:

The self-learning grid is based on the traditional grid strategy idea, but after long-term real-time + retest data has been optimized for dozens of parameter configurations such as opening position logic, raising position time, stop-lock position, position ratio, grid interval. An intelligent dynamic raising model and stop-lock position have been implemented, which can avoid the high risks that traditional grids encounter unilateral situations, using extremely low position returns, to achieve a good return withdrawal ratio.

Strategy configuration parameters are extremely rich, the team assigns specialists to customize unique combinations of parameters for your account based on customer risk and return needs, and there is round-the-clock artificial + automated market monitoring.

We have developed our own index trading sets, each index trading set contains multiple high-quality single-trade pairs, each with a unique weighting ratio. The robots run the index set on a self-learning grid strategy, avoiding the unilateral risk of a single trade. In addition to the built-in static index, we define a dynamic index for the index set of multiple currency models, selecting the leading currency types of each block to form an index level, further reducing the risk.

A single account can be configured to simultaneously run multiple single currency trading pairs and index trading pairs, both to spread risk and to help you profit in a variety of complex markets.

This is the first time I have seen this video. The historical retracement server is open all year round, automatically retracing all the latest data, and the optimal parameters are calculated in real time. Our strategic cluster consists of more than 50 auxiliary servers that check account stop loss conditions at an average rate of 2 times per second, and can exit quickly when a risk arises.

Ali Cloud, Amazon Cloud, Microsoft Cloud architectures using heterogeneous hybrid clouds, separate management and execution nodes, clustering between multiple nodes for redundancy assurance, secure and efficient implementation of smooth operation of the business and financial security

About the trial: Depending on your budget, we offer a trial run of about two weeks. Once the bot has taken over your account, do not do anything on your own, and all bots will exit immediately when any other manual positions are detected.

About the commission: It depends on your funds. We can talk more after the trial phase. If you can create an account using our recommendation link, we will charge a very low commission.

Contact us at the following link: WeChat: DuQi_SEC/autobitmaker/Shawn_gb2312/ABM_DD This is the first time I've seen this video. Email

WeChat has submitted a trial application:微信小程序码

var chart = {
    __isStock: false,
    extension: {
        layout: 'single',
        col: 8,
        height: '300px'
    tooltip: {
        xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A'
    title: {
        text: 'Account_Balance_Detail'
    xAxis: {
        type: 'datetime'
    yAxis: {
        title: {
            text: 'USDT'
        opposite: false
    series: []

function initChart() {
        name: "Account_" + (Number(0)) + "_Detail",
        id: "Account_" + (Number(0)) + "_Detail",
        data: []

function getChartPosition(avaliableMargin) {
    return {
        __isStock: false,
        extension: {
            layout: 'single',
            col: 4,
            height: '300px'
        title: {
            text: '保证金占比(%)'
        series: [{
            type: 'pie',
            name: 'one',
            data: [{
                name: '可用保证金(%)',
                y: avaliableMargin,
                color: '#dff0d8',
                sliced: true,
                selected: true
            }, {
                name: '保证金占用(%)',
                y: 100 - avaliableMargin,
                color: 'rgb(217, 237, 247)',
                sliced: true,
                selected: true

function updateAccountDetailChart(ObjChart) {
    var nowTime = new Date().getTime();
    var account = exchanges[0].GetAccount();
    try {
        if (account !== null && account.Info !== null && account.Info.totalMarginBalance > 0) {
            ObjChart.add([0, [nowTime, Number(account.Info.totalMarginBalance)]]);
    } catch (err) {
        Log('ERROR ' + account + ',' + err)

function getBalance() {
    var currentBalance = 0;
    var account = exchanges[0].GetAccount();
    try {
        if (account !== null && account.Info !== null && account.Info.totalWalletBalance > 0) {
            currentBalance += Number(account.Info.totalWalletBalance);
    } catch (err) {
        Log('ERROR ' + account + ',' + err)
    return Number(currentBalance).toFixed(6);

function getMarginBalance() {
    var currentBalance = 0;
    var account = exchanges[0].GetAccount();
    try {
        if (account !== null && account.Info !== null && account.Info.totalMarginBalance > 0) {
            currentBalance += Number(account.Info.totalMarginBalance);
    } catch (err) {
        Log('ERROR ' + account + ',' + err)
    return Number(currentBalance).toFixed(6);

function printProfitInfo(currentBalance) {
    var profit = Number((currentBalance) - baseOriginalBalance).toFixed(5);
    var profitRate = Number((((currentBalance) - baseOriginalBalance) / baseOriginalBalance) * 100).toFixed(4);
    LogProfit(Number(profitRate), '&');
    Log('The current balance is ' + currentBalance + ', the profit is ' + profit + ', the profit rate is ' + profitRate + '%');

function printPositionInfo(exchangeInnerArray, totalProfitUSDT, totalProfitRate) {
    var totalProfit = 0.0
    var table = {
        type: 'table',
        title: 'POSITIONS',
        cols: ['Symbol', 'Type', 'AvgPrice', 'Position', 'Profit'],
        rows: []
    if (showInfo) {
            body: '* 2020-09-07 之前一直人民币100万实盘运行,现策略更新,自动将合约闲置资金转入币安宝,即提高资金安全性,也可以双边获利,当合约所需保证金上涨或下降时,将自动调整两边余额。因当前FMZ无法监控币安宝余额,所以剥离10W人民币继续运行原策略以做展示。',
            colspan: 5
        body: '本策略是 USDT 本位,基于均值回归的币安合约套利策略,并以低风险辅助网格并行(BitMEX支持BTC本位)',
        colspan: 5
        body: '套利主要币种是 BTC/USDT 和 ETH/USDT,网格覆盖币安永续合约全部币种交易对',
        colspan: 5
    for (var index in exchangeInnerArray) {
        var position = exchangeInnerArray[index].GetPosition()
        for (var indexInner in position) {
            var profit = Number(position[indexInner].Info.unRealizedProfit);
            totalProfit = totalProfit + profit
            table.rows.push([position[indexInner].Info.symbol, (position[indexInner].Type == 1 ? 'SHORT #da1b1bab' : 'LONG #1eda1bab'), position[indexInner].Price, position[indexInner].Amount, profit.toFixed(5)]);
        colspan: 4
    }, totalProfit.toFixed(6) + ' USDT']);
        body: 'TOTAL PROFIT',
        colspan: 4
    }, totalProfitUSDT + ' USDT']);
        body: 'TOTAL PROFIT RATE',
        colspan: 4
    }, totalProfitRate + ' %']);
    LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`');

function main() {
    var ObjChart = Chart([chart, getChartPosition(100)]);
    while (true) {
        try {
            var currentBalance = getBalance();
            for (var i = 0; i < 120; i++) {
                try {
                    var avaliableMargin = ((getMarginBalance()) / (getBalance())) * 100;
                    ObjChart.update([chart, getChartPosition(avaliableMargin)]);
                    var profit = Number((currentBalance) - baseOriginalBalance).toFixed(5);
                    var profitRate = Number((((currentBalance) - baseOriginalBalance) / baseOriginalBalance) * 100).toFixed(4);
                    printPositionInfo(exchanges, profit, profitRate);
                    Sleep(1000 * 120);
                } catch (errInner) {
                    throw errInner;
        } catch (err) {
            throw err;


joker 。。