The one-sided grid of the grid deformation strategy

Author: Zero, Date: 2014-09-24 11:38:00
Tags: Grid

Grids can be customized Buy and sell first: The grid starts from the initial price and hangs the invoice downwards, with each purchase interval The price interval of the grid This parameter, the number of pending invoices is "single number", hangs enough The total number of pending invoices, there is an arbitrary invoice transaction, after the program adds on the basis of the purchase price The price of the value of this parameter is the price of the pending bid, sell, sell, after the sale, re-pending the purchase price of the grid Buy before you sell: Operate the opposite way.

The biggest risk of the strategy is the one-sided market, where prices fluctuate outside the grid.

Grids with automatic stop loss and mobile functions

function hasOrder(orders, orderId) {
    for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
        if (orders[i].Id == orderId) {
            return true;
    return false;

function cancelPending() {
    var ret = false;
    while (true) {
        if (ret) {
        var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders);
        if (orders.length == 0) {

        for (var j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
            exchange.CancelOrder(orders[j].Id, orders[j]);
            ret = true;
    return ret;

function valuesToString(values, pos) {
    var result = '';
    if (typeof(pos) === 'undefined') {
        pos = 0;
    for (var i = pos; i < values.length; i++) {
        if (i > pos) {
            result += ' ';
        if (values[i] === null) {
            result += 'null';
        } else if (typeof(values[i]) == 'undefined') {
            result += 'undefined';
        } else {
            switch (values[i] {
                case 'Date':
                case 'Number':
                case 'String':
                case 'Function':
                    result += values[i].toString();
                    result += JSON.stringify(values[i]);
    return result;

function Trader() {
    var vId = 0;
    var orderBooks = [];
    var hisBooks = [];
    var orderBooksLen = 0;
    this.Buy = function(price, amount, extra) {
        if (typeof(extra) === 'undefined') {
            extra = '';
        } else {
            extra = valuesToString(arguments, 2);
        var orderId = "V" + vId;
        orderBooks[orderId] = {
            Type: ORDER_TYPE_BUY,
            Status: ORDER_STATE_PENDING,
            Id: 0,
            Price: price,
            Amount: amount,
            Extra: extra
        return orderId;
    this.Sell = function(price, amount, extra) {
        if (typeof(extra) === 'undefined') {
            extra = '';
        } else {
            extra = valuesToString(arguments, 2);
        var orderId = "V" + vId;
        orderBooks[orderId] = {
            Type: ORDER_TYPE_SELL,
            Status: ORDER_STATE_PENDING,
            Id: 0,
            Price: price,
            Amount: amount,
            Extra: extra
        return orderId;
    this.GetOrders = function() {
        var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders);
        for (orderId in orderBooks) {
            var order = orderBooks[orderId];
            if (order.Status !== ORDER_STATE_PENDING) {
            var found = false;
            for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
                if (orders[i].Id == order.Id) {
                    found = true;
            if (!found) {
        return orders;
    this.GetOrder = function(orderId) {
        if (orderId && orderId.toString().indexOf("V") != 0) {
            return exchange.GetOrder(orderId);
        if (typeof(hisBooks[orderId]) !== 'undefined') {
            return hisBooks[orderId];
        if (typeof(orderBooks[orderId]) !== 'undefined') {
            return orderBooks[orderId];
        return null;
    this.Len = function() {
        return orderBooksLen;
    this.RealLen = function() {
        var n = 0;
        for (orderId in orderBooks) {
            if (orderBooks[orderId].Id > 0) {
        return n;
    this.Poll = function(ticker, priceDiff) {
        var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders);
        for (orderId in orderBooks) {
            var order = orderBooks[orderId];
            if (order.Id > 0) {
                var found = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
                    if (order.Id == orders[i].Id) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    order.Status = ORDER_STATE_CLOSED;
                    hisBooks[orderId] = order;
            var diff = _N(order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? (ticker.Buy - order.Price) : (order.Price - ticker.Sell));
            var pfn = order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? exchange.Buy : exchange.Sell;
            if (order.Id == 0 && diff <= priceDiff) {
                var realId = pfn(order.Price, order.Amount, order.Extra + "(距离: " + diff + (order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? (" 买一: " + ticker.Buy) : (" 卖一: " + ticker.Sell))+")");
                if (realId) {
                    order.Id = realId;
            } else if (order.Id > 0 && diff > (priceDiff + 1)) {
                var ok = true;
                do {
                    ok = true;
                    exchange.CancelOrder(order.Id, "不必要的" + (order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? "买单" : "卖单"), "委托价:", order.Price, "量:", order.Amount, ", 距离:", diff, order.Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY ? ("买一: " + ticker.Buy) : ("卖一: " + ticker.Sell));
                    orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders);
                    for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
                        if (orders[i].Id == order.Id) {
                            ok = false;
                } while (!ok);
                order.Id = 0;

function balanceAccount(orgAccount, initAccount) {
    var nowAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    var slidePrice = 0.2;
    var ok = true;
    while (true) {
        var diff = _N(nowAccount.Stocks - initAccount.Stocks);
        if (Math.abs(diff) < MinStock) {
        var depth = _C(exchange.GetDepth);
        var books = diff > 0 ? depth.Bids : depth.Asks;
        var n = 0;
        var price = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < books.length; i++) {
            n += books[i].Amount;
            if (n >= Math.abs(diff)) {
                price = books[i].Price;
        var pfn = diff > 0 ? exchange.Sell : exchange.Buy;
        var amount = Math.abs(diff);
        var price = diff > 0 ? (price - slidePrice) : (price + slidePrice);
        Log("开始平衡", (diff > 0 ? "卖出" : "买入"), amount, "个币");
        if (diff > 0) {
            amount = Math.min(nowAccount.Stocks, amount);
        } else {
            amount = Math.min(nowAccount.Balance / price, amount);
        if (amount < MinStock) {
            Log("资金不足, 无法平衡到初始状态");
            ok = false;
        pfn(price, amount);
        nowAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    if (ok) {
        LogProfit(_N(nowAccount.Balance - orgAccount.Balance));
        Log("平衡完成", nowAccount);

var ProfitCount = 0;
var BuyFirst = true;
var IsSupportGetOrder = true;
var LastBusy = 0;

function setBusy() {
    LastBusy = new Date();

function isTimeout() {
    if (MaxIdle <= 0) {
        return false;
    var now = new Date();
    if (((now.getTime() - LastBusy.getTime()) / 1000) >= MaxIdle) {
        LastBusy = now;
        return true;
    return false;

function onexit() {
    if (CancelAllWS) {
        Log("正在退出, 尝试取消所有挂单");

function fishing(orgAccount, fishCount) {
    var account = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    var InitAccount = account;
    var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker);
    var amount = _N(AmountOnce);
    var amountB = [amount];
    var amountS = [amount];
    if (typeof(AmountType) !== 'undefined' && AmountType == 1) {
        for (var idx = 0; idx < AllNum; idx++) {
            amountB[idx] = BAmountOnce;
            amountS[idx] = SAmountOnce;
    } else {
        for (var idx = 1; idx < AllNum; idx++) {
            switch (AmountCoefficient[0]) {
                case '+':
                    amountB[idx] = amountB[idx - 1] + parseFloat(AmountCoefficient.substring(1));
                case '-':
                    amountB[idx] = amountB[idx - 1] - parseFloat(AmountCoefficient.substring(1));
                case '*':
                    amountB[idx] = amountB[idx - 1] * parseFloat(AmountCoefficient.substring(1));
                case '/':
                    amountB[idx] = amountB[idx - 1] / parseFloat(AmountCoefficient.substring(1));
            amountB[idx] = _N(amountB[idx], AmountDot);
            amountS[idx] = amountB[idx];
    if (FirstPriceAuto) {
        FirstPrice = BuyFirst ? _N(ticker.Buy - PriceGrid, Precision) : _N(ticker.Sell + PriceGrid, Precision);
    // Initialize fish table
    var fishTable = {};
    var uuidTable = {};
    var needStocks = 0;
    var needMoney = 0;
    var actualNeedMoney = 0;
    var actualNeedStocks = 0;
    var notEnough = false;
    var canNum = 0;
    for (var idx = 0; idx < AllNum; idx++) {
        var price = _N((BuyFirst ? FirstPrice - (idx * PriceGrid) : FirstPrice + (idx * PriceGrid)), Precision);
        needStocks += amountS[idx];
        needMoney += price * amountB[idx];
        if (BuyFirst) {
            if (_N(needMoney) <= _N(account.Balance)) {
                actualNeedMondy = needMoney;
                actualNeedStocks = needStocks;
            } else {
                notEnough = true;
        } else {
            if (_N(needStocks) <= _N(account.Stocks)) {
                actualNeedMondy = needMoney;
                actualNeedStocks = needStocks;
            } else {
                notEnough = true;
        fishTable[idx] = STATE_WAIT_OPEN;
        uuidTable[idx] = -1;
    if (!EnableAccountCheck && (canNum < AllNum)) {
        Log("警告, 当前资金只可做", canNum, "个网格, 全网共需", (BuyFirst ? needMoney : needStocks), "请保持资金充足");
        canNum = AllNum;
    if (BuyFirst) {
        if (EnableProtectDiff && (FirstPrice - ticker.Sell) > ProtectDiff) {
            throw "首次买入价比市场卖1价高" + _N(FirstPrice - ticker.Sell, Precision) + ' 元';
        } else if (EnableAccountCheck && account.Balance < _N(needMoney)) {
            if (fishCount == 1) {
                throw "资金不足, 需要" + _N(needMoney) + "元";
            } else {
                Log("资金不足, 需要", _N(needMoney), "元, 程序只做", canNum, "个网格 #ff0000");
        } else {
            Log('预计动用资金: ', _N(needMoney), "元");
    } else {
        if (EnableProtectDiff && (ticker.Buy - FirstPrice) > ProtectDiff) {
            throw "首次卖出价比市场买1价高 " + _N(ticker.Buy - FirstPrice, Precision) + ' 元';
        } else if (EnableAccountCheck && account.Stocks < _N(needStocks)) {
            if (fishCount == 1) {
                throw "币数不足, 需要 " + _N(needStocks) + " 个币";
            } else {
                Log("资金不足, 需要", _N(needStocks), "个币, 程序只做", canNum, "个网格 #ff0000");
        } else {
            Log('预计动用币数: ', _N(needStocks), "个, 约", _N(needMoney), "元");

    var trader = new Trader();
    var OpenFunc = BuyFirst ? exchange.Buy : exchange.Sell;
    var CoverFunc = BuyFirst ? exchange.Sell : exchange.Buy;
    if (EnableDynamic) {
        OpenFunc = BuyFirst ? trader.Buy : trader.Sell;
        CoverFunc = BuyFirst ? trader.Sell : trader.Buy;
    var ts = new Date();
    var preMsg = "";
    var profitMax = 0;
    while (true) {
        var now = new Date();
        var table = null;
        if (now.getTime() - ts.getTime() > 5000) {
            if (typeof(GetCommand) == 'function' && GetCommand() == "收网") {
                balanceAccount(orgAccount, InitAccount);
                return false;
            ts = now;
            var nowAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
            var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker);
            if (EnableDynamic) {
                trader.Poll(ticker, DynamicMax);
            var amount_diff = (nowAccount.Stocks + nowAccount.FrozenStocks) - (InitAccount.Stocks + InitAccount.FrozenStocks);
            var money_diff = (nowAccount.Balance + nowAccount.FrozenBalance) - (InitAccount.Balance + InitAccount.FrozenBalance);
            var floatProfit = _N(money_diff + (amount_diff * ticker.Last));
            var floatProfitAll = _N((nowAccount.Balance + nowAccount.FrozenBalance - orgAccount.Balance - orgAccount.FrozenBalance) + ((nowAccount.Stocks + nowAccount.FrozenStocks - orgAccount.Stocks - orgAccount.FrozenStocks) * ticker.Last));
            var isHold = Math.abs(amount_diff) >= MinStock;
            if (isHold) {

            profitMax = Math.max(floatProfit, profitMax);
            if (EnableAccountCheck && EnableStopLoss) {
                if ((profitMax - floatProfit) >= StopLoss) {
                    Log("当前浮动盈亏", floatProfit, "利润最高点: ", profitMax, "开始止损");
                    balanceAccount(orgAccount, InitAccount);
                    if (StopLossMode == 0) {
                        throw "止损退出";
                    } else {
                        return true;
            if (EnableAccountCheck && EnableStopWin) {
                if (floatProfit > StopWin) {
                    Log("当前浮动盈亏", floatProfit, "开始止盈");
                    balanceAccount(orgAccount, InitAccount);
                    if (StopWinMode == 0) {
                        throw "止盈退出";
                    } else {
                        return true;
            var distance = 0;
            if (EnableAccountCheck && AutoMove) {
                if (BuyFirst) {
                    distance = ticker.Last - FirstPrice;
                } else {
                    distance = FirstPrice - ticker.Last;
                var refish = false;
                if (!isHold && isTimeout()) {
                    Log("空仓过久, 开始移动网格");
                    refish = true;
                if (distance > MaxDistance) {
                    Log("价格超出网格区间过多, 开始移动网格, 当前距离: ", _N(distance, Precision), "当前价格:", ticker.Last);
                    refish = true;
                if (refish) {
                    balanceAccount(orgAccount, InitAccount);
                    return true;

            var holdDirection, holdAmount = "--",
                holdPrice = "--";
            if (isHold) {
                if (RestoreProfit && ProfitAsOrg) {
                    if (BuyFirst) {
                        money_diff += LastProfit;
                    } else {
                        money_diff -= LastProfit;
                holdAmount = amount_diff;
                holdPrice = (-money_diff) / amount_diff;
                if (!BuyFirst) {
                    holdAmount = -amount_diff;
                    holdPrice = (money_diff) / -amount_diff;
                holdAmount = _N(holdAmount, 4);
                holdPrice = _N(holdPrice, Precision);
                holdDirection = BuyFirst ? "多" : "空";
            } else {
                holdDirection = "--";
            table = {
                type: 'table',
                title: '运行状态',
                cols: ['动用资金', '持有仓位', '持仓大小', '持仓均价', '总浮动盈亏', '当前网格盈亏', '撒网次数', '网格偏移', '真实委托', '最新币价'],
                rows: [
                    [_N(actualNeedMondy, 4), holdDirection, holdAmount, holdPrice, _N(floatProfitAll, 4) + ' ( ' + _N(floatProfitAll * 100 / actualNeedMondy, 4) + ' % )', floatProfit, fishCount, (AutoMove && distance > 0) ? ((BuyFirst ? "向上" : "向下") + "偏离: " + _N(distance) + " 元") : "--", trader.RealLen(), ticker.Last]
        var orders = _C(trader.GetOrders);
        if (table) {
            if (!EnableDynamic) {
                table.rows[0][8] = orders.length;
            LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`');
        for (var idx = 0; idx < canNum; idx++) {
            var openPrice = _N((BuyFirst ? FirstPrice - (idx * PriceGrid) : FirstPrice + (idx * PriceGrid)), Precision);
            var coverPrice = _N((BuyFirst ? openPrice + PriceDiff : openPrice - PriceDiff), Precision);
            var state = fishTable[idx];
            var fishId = uuidTable[idx];
            if (hasOrder(orders, fishId)) {

            if (fishId != -1 && IsSupportGetOrder) {
                var order = trader.GetOrder(fishId);
                if (!order) {
                    Log("获取订单信息失败, ID: ", fishId);
                if (order.Status == ORDER_STATE_PENDING) {
                    //Log("订单状态为未完成, ID: ", fishId);

            if (state == STATE_WAIT_COVER) {
                var coverId = CoverFunc(coverPrice, (BuyFirst ? amountS[idx] : amountB[idx]), (BuyFirst ? '完成买单:' : '完成卖单:'), openPrice, '量:', (BuyFirst ? amountB[idx] : amountS[idx]));
                if (coverId) {
                    fishTable[idx] = STATE_WAIT_CLOSE;
                    uuidTable[idx] = coverId;
            } else if (state == STATE_WAIT_OPEN || state == STATE_WAIT_CLOSE) {
                var openId = OpenFunc(openPrice, BuyFirst ? amountB[idx] : amountS[idx]);
                if (openId) {
                    fishTable[idx] = STATE_WAIT_COVER;
                    uuidTable[idx] = openId;
                    if (state == STATE_WAIT_CLOSE) {
                        var account = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
                        var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker);
                        var initNet = _N(((InitAccount.Stocks + InitAccount.FrozenStocks) * ticker.Buy) + InitAccount.Balance + InitAccount.FrozenBalance, 8);
                        var nowNet = _N(((account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks) * ticker.Buy) + account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance, 8);
                        var actualProfit = _N(((nowNet - initNet)) * 100 / initNet, 8);
                        if (AmountType == 0) {
                            var profit = _N((ProfitCount * amount * PriceDiff) + LastProfit, 8);
                            Log((BuyFirst ? '完成卖单:' : '完成买单:'), coverPrice, '量:', (BuyFirst ? amountS[idx] : amountB[idx]), '平仓收益', profit);
                        } else {
                            Log((BuyFirst ? '完成卖单:' : '完成买单:'), coverPrice, '量:', (BuyFirst ? amountS[idx] : amountB[idx]));
    return true;

function main() {
    if (ResetData) {
    exchange.SetPrecision(Precision, XPrecision)
    if (typeof(AmountType) === 'undefined') {
        AmountType = 0;
    if (typeof(AmountDot) === 'undefined') {
        AmountDot = 3;
    if (typeof(EnableDynamic) === 'undefined') {
        EnableDynamic = false;
    if (typeof(AmountCoefficient) === 'undefined') {
        AmountCoefficient = "*1";
    if (typeof(EnableAccountCheck) === 'undefined') {
        EnableAccountCheck = true;
    BuyFirst = (OpType == 0);
    IsSupportGetOrder = exchange.GetName().indexOf('itstamp') == -1;
    if (!IsSupportGetOrder) {
        Log(exchange.GetName(), "不支持GetOrder, 可能影响策略稳定性.");

    SetErrorFilter("502:|503:|S_U_001|unexpected|network|timeout|WSARecv|Connect|GetAddr|no such|reset|http|received|refused|EOF|When");

    Log('已经禁用汇率转换, 当前货币为', exchange.GetBaseCurrency());

    if (!RestoreProfit) {
        LastProfit = 0;

    var orgAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    var fishCount = 1;
    while (true) {
        if (!fishing(orgAccount, fishCount)) {
        Log("第", fishCount, "次重新撒网...");
        FirstPriceAuto = true;



I was alive.Automatically, re-seeding is either automatically recycled or re-seeded according to the payment amount.

I was alive.Automatically, re-seeding is either automatically recycled or re-seeded according to the payment amount.

I was alive.Automatically, re-seeding is either automatically recycled or re-seeded according to the payment amount.

I was alive.Automatically, re-seeding is either automatically recycled or re-seeded according to the payment amount.

I was alive.If the stop loss is withdrawn and the net is re-scattered, there will be a new round of stop loss, if it keeps falling, so the hypothesis keeps going round?

wangxh7812Do you support futures?

The grass/upload/asset/1a80e4a5d664116b890.png This is a list of all the different ways Upload/asset/1a80e4a5d664116b890.png is credited in the database. Failed to obtain an order, delete this condition

dellRun it, if you get the following error, what's the problem? Failed to receive order information, ID: FHYCiq0FQsLrTI4fX_sESWuE2RSE0tgGZqDqgm3yk8M=

jjkkThis strategy, to open a dynamic hold, and then keep ordering, should be a bug.

woe880Master, you haven't added me yet. QQ: 3219496198 What is your name?

What is it?What is the mechanism for the current price to be lower than the opening price?

momoxWhat do you call a non-representative return? Isn't it true that strategies are not always measured in terms of returns?

Shipwrecked 7How much a month?

Shipwrecked 7Why don't you share the benefits of this?

fyl_4545I have the same problem as you, have you solved it?

The Old ManI'm more familiar with this strategy, if there's any problem, can you contact me to modify or re-develop it, go for it, laohu1379

ZeroI'm the owner of the contact group.

Shipwrecked 7How did I get in touch with you and find out that you only responded here, send an email to or and no reply. How do I pay?

ZeroThis is a short-line strategy that requires adjusting parameters at intervals, and the amount of return is not representative.