Tendencia compuesta siguiendo la estrategia

El autor:¿ Qué pasa?, Fecha: 2023-09-16 19:10:37
Las etiquetas:

Resumen general

Este artículo presenta una estrategia de negociación cuantitativa que combina múltiples indicadores para determinar las tendencias.

Estrategia lógica

La estrategia se basa en:

  1. Utilizando promedios móviles, índice de nuevos máximos/bajos para determinar la tendencia de los precios.

  2. Incorporar niveles anuales para evitar problemas a corto plazo.

  3. Entrando en señales de paquete de indicadores alineados para filtrar falsificaciones.

  4. Siguiendo con la super tendencia para asegurar las ganancias de la tendencia.

  5. Detenerse en las violaciones de promedio móvil.

Análisis de ventajas

Ventajas de la estrategia:

  1. Los múltiples indicadores mejoran la precisión de las decisiones.

  2. Sólo el comercio de tendencias claras evita operaciones innecesarias.

  3. Supertrend de seguimiento bloquea en las ganancias y reduce las reducciones.

  4. Las detenciones oportunas en las fugas mejoran la tasa de ganancia.

  5. La lógica clara hace que la optimización sea intuitiva.

Análisis de riesgos

Los riesgos potenciales incluyen:

  1. Múltiples filtros pueden causar operaciones perdidas.

  2. Las supertrends podrían limitar demasiado las ganancias.

  3. Las malas paradas de escape causan salidas innecesarias.

  4. El ajuste de parámetros afecta significativamente el rendimiento.


Esta estrategia combina múltiples indicadores técnicos para determinar la tendencia. Con la optimización adecuada, puede lograr buenos rendimientos. Pero los operadores deben observar la precisión de la tendencia y ajustar los parámetros en consecuencia.

start: 2023-08-16 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-15 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

strategy("AlignedMA and Cumulative HighLow Strategy V2", overlay=true, initial_capital = 1000, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, pyramiding = 1, commission_value = 0.01, calc_on_order_fills = true)

MAType = input(title="Moving Average Type", defval="hma", options=["ema", "sma", "hma", "rma", "vwma", "wma"])
includePartiallyAligned = input(true)
HighLowPeriod = input(22, minval=1,step=1)
LookbackPeriod = input(10, minval=1,step=1)
considerYearlyHighLow = input(false)

dirTBars = input(1)
dirRBars = input(30)

PMAType = input(title="Moving Average Type", defval="ema", options=["ema", "sma", "hma", "rma", "vwma", "wma"])
PMALength = input(10, minval=2, step=10)
shift = input(2, minval=1, step=1)

//Use 2 for ASX stocks
supertrendMult = input(3, minval=1, maxval=10, step=0.5)
supertrendLength = input(22, minval=1)

riskReward = input(2, minval=1, maxval=10, step=0.5)

tradeDirection = input(title="Trade Direction", defval=strategy.direction.all, options=[strategy.direction.all, strategy.direction.long, strategy.direction.short])
backtestYears = input(1, minval=1, step=1)

f_getMovingAverage(source, MAType, length)=>
    ma = sma(source, length)
    if(MAType == "ema")
        ma := ema(source,length)
    if(MAType == "hma")
        ma := hma(source,length)
    if(MAType == "rma")
        ma := rma(source,length)
    if(MAType == "vwma")
        ma := vwma(source,length)
    if(MAType == "wma")
        ma := wma(source,length)
f_getMaAlignment(MAType, includePartiallyAligned)=>
    ma5 = f_getMovingAverage(close,MAType,5)
    ma10 = f_getMovingAverage(close,MAType,10)
    ma20 = f_getMovingAverage(close,MAType,20)
    ma30 = f_getMovingAverage(close,MAType,30)
    ma50 = f_getMovingAverage(close,MAType,50)
    ma100 = f_getMovingAverage(close,MAType,100)
    ma200 = f_getMovingAverage(close,MAType,200)

    upwardScore = 0
    upwardScore := close > ma5? upwardScore+1:upwardScore
    upwardScore := ma5 > ma10? upwardScore+1:upwardScore
    upwardScore := ma10 > ma20? upwardScore+1:upwardScore
    upwardScore := ma20 > ma30? upwardScore+1:upwardScore
    upwardScore := ma30 > ma50? upwardScore+1:upwardScore
    upwardScore := ma50 > ma100? upwardScore+1:upwardScore
    upwardScore := ma100 > ma200? upwardScore+1:upwardScore
    upwards = close > ma5 and ma5 > ma10 and ma10 > ma20 and ma20 > ma30 and ma30 > ma50 and ma50 > ma100 and ma100 > ma200
    downwards = close < ma5 and ma5 < ma10 and ma10 < ma20 and ma20 < ma30 and ma30 < ma50 and ma50 < ma100 and ma100 < ma200
    upwards?1:downwards?-1:includePartiallyAligned ? (upwardScore > 5? 0.5: upwardScore < 2?-0.5:upwardScore>3?0.25:-0.25) : 0

    currentHigh = highest(high,HighLowPeriod) == high
    currentLow = lowest(low,HighLowPeriod) == low

    direction = Series > Series[1] ? 1 : Series < Series[1] ? -1 : 0
    direction := direction == 0? nz(direction[1],0):direction

f_getDirectionT(Series, tBars, rBars)=>
    compH = Series > 0? Series[tBars] : Series[rBars]
    compL = Series < 0? Series[tBars] : Series[rBars]
    direction = Series > compH ? 1 : Series < compL ? -1 : 0
    direction := direction == 0? nz(direction[1],0):direction

    yhigh = security(syminfo.tickerid, '12M', high[1]) 
    ylow = security(syminfo.tickerid, '12M', low[1]) 
    yhighlast = yhigh[365]
    ylowlast = ylow[365]
    yhighllast = yhigh[2 * 365]
    ylowllast = ylow[2 * 365]
    yearlyTrendUp = na(yhigh)? true : na(yhighlast)? close > yhigh : na(yhighllast)? close > max(yhigh,yhighlast) : close > max(yhigh, min(yhighlast, yhighllast))
    yearlyHighCondition = (  (na(yhigh) or na(yhighlast) ? true : (yhigh > yhighlast) ) and ( na(yhigh) or na(yhighllast) ? true : (yhigh > yhighllast))) or yearlyTrendUp or not considerYearlyHighLow
    yearlyTrendDown = na(ylow)? true : na(ylowlast)? close < ylow : na(ylowllast)? close < min(ylow,ylowlast) : close < min(ylow, max(ylowlast, ylowllast))
    yearlyLowCondition = (  (na(ylow) or na(ylowlast) ? true : (ylow < ylowlast) ) and ( na(ylow) or na(ylowllast) ? true : (ylow < ylowllast))) or yearlyTrendDown or not considerYearlyHighLow

f_getOpenCloseMA(MAType, length)=>
    openMA = f_getMovingAverage(open, MAType, length)
    closeMA = f_getMovingAverage(close, MAType, length)
    direction = openMA < closeMA ? 1 : -1
    [openMA, closeMA, direction]

inDateRange = true

maAlignment = f_getMaAlignment(MAType,includePartiallyAligned)
alignedMaIndex = sum(maAlignment,LookbackPeriod)

maAlignmentDirection=f_getDirectionT(alignedMaIndex,dirTBars, dirRBars)
atr = atr(22)
highLowIndex = f_getHighLowValue(HighLowPeriod)
cumulativeHighLowIndex = sum(highLowIndex,LookbackPeriod)

hlDirection = f_getDirectionT(cumulativeHighLowIndex,dirTBars,dirRBars)
[yearlyHighCondition,yearlyLowCondition] = f_getYearlyHighLowCondition(considerYearlyHighLow)
[supertrend, dir] = supertrend(supertrendMult, supertrendLength)
[esupertrend, edir] = supertrend(supertrendMult+1, supertrendLength)

movingAverage = f_getMovingAverage(close, PMAType, PMALength)

secondaryBuyFilter = movingAverage > movingAverage[shift]
secondarySellFilter = movingAverage < movingAverage[shift]

closeBuyFilter = dir == 1
closeSellFilter = dir == -1
buyFilter = (maAlignmentDirection == 1 and hlDirection == 1 and yearlyHighCondition)
sellFilter = (maAlignmentDirection == -1 and hlDirection == -1 and yearlyLowCondition)

barColor = buyFilter?color.lime:sellFilter?color.orange:color.gray

bandColor = secondaryBuyFilter ? color.green : secondarySellFilter ? color.red : color.gray

compound = strategy.position_size > 0? strategy.position_avg_price + (atr* supertrendMult * riskReward) : strategy.position_size < 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price - (atr* supertrendMult * riskReward) : na
riskFree = na(compound)?false:strategy.position_size > 0 ? supertrend > compound : strategy.position_size < 0 ? supertrend < compound : false

trailingStop = riskFree?(dir==-1?supertrend - 2*atr : supertrend + 2*atr) :supertrend
trailingStop := (strategy.position_size > 0 and trailingStop < trailingStop[1]) ? trailingStop[1] :  ((strategy.position_size < 0 and trailingStop > trailingStop[1])? trailingStop[1] :trailingStop)
plot(trailingStop, title="Supertrend", color=riskFree? color.blue:dir==-1?color.green:color.red, linewidth=2)

buyEntry = buyFilter and secondaryBuyFilter and not closeBuyFilter and low > trailingStop
sellEntry = sellFilter and secondarySellFilter and not closeSellFilter and low < trailingStop
Fi1 = plot(movingAverage[shift], title="MA", color=color.red, linewidth=1, transp=50)
Fi2 = plot(movingAverage, title="Shift", color=color.green, linewidth=1, transp=50)
fill(Fi1, Fi2, title="Band Filler", color=bandColor, transp=40)


//plot(compound, title="Compound"mzn, color=dir==-1?color.lime:color.orange, linewidth=2)

strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, when=buyEntry and inDateRange and (riskFree or strategy.position_size==0), oca_name="oca_buy")
strategy.exit("ExitBuy", "Buy", stop = trailingStop)
strategy.close("Buy", when=closeBuyFilter)

strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, when=sellEntry and inDateRange and (riskFree or strategy.position_size==0), oca_name="oca_sell")
strategy.exit("ExitSell", "Buy", stop = trailingStop)
strategy.close("Sell", when=closeSellFilter)
