Versão Python Commodity Futures Moving Average Estratégia

Autora:Bem-estar, Criado: 2020-05-28 13:17:45, Atualizado: 2023-11-02 19:57:32


É completamente transplantado do CTP Estratégia de média móvel de variedade de futuros sobre commodities. Uma vez que a versão Python da estratégia de futuros de commodities ainda não tem uma estratégia multi-variedade, a versão JavaScript da CTP Commodity Futures Multi-Variable Moving Average Strategy foi portada.Estratégia da tartaruga de futuros de commodities de várias variedades.

Como a estratégia mais simples, a estratégia da média móvel é muito fácil de aprender, porque a estratégia da média móvel não tem algoritmos avançados e lógica complexa. As ideias são claras e fáceis, permitindo que os iniciantes se concentrem mais no estudo do design da estratégia, e até removam a parte relacionada à codificação, deixando uma estrutura de estratégia multi-variedade que pode ser facilmente expandida em ATR, MACD, BOLL e outras estratégias de indicadores.

Artigos relacionados à versão JavaScript:

Código fonte da estratégia

start: 2019-07-01 09:00:00
end: 2020-03-25 15:00:00
period: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_CTP","currency":"FUTURES"}]

import json
import re
import time

_bot = ext.NewPositionManager()

class Manager:
    'Strategy logic control'

    ACT_IDLE = 0
    ACT_LONG = 1
    ACT_SHORT = 2 
    ACT_COVER = 3

    ERR_GET_POS = 3
    ERR_TRADE = 4
    errMsg = ["Success", "Failed to switch contract", "Failed to get order info", "Failed to get position info", "Placing Order failed", "Failed to get order depth info", "Not in trading hours"]
    def __init__(self, needRestore, symbol, keepBalance, fastPeriod, slowPeriod):
        # Get symbolDetail 
        symbolDetail = _C(exchange.SetContractType, symbol)
        if symbolDetail["VolumeMultiple"] == 0 or symbolDetail["MaxLimitOrderVolume"] == 0 or symbolDetail["MinLimitOrderVolume"] == 0 or symbolDetail["LongMarginRatio"] == 0 or symbolDetail["ShortMarginRatio"] == 0:
            raise Exception("Abnormal contract information")
        else :
            Log("contract", symbolDetail["InstrumentName"], "1 lot", symbolDetail["VolumeMultiple"], "lot, Maximum placing order quantity", symbolDetail["MaxLimitOrderVolume"], "Margin rate: ", _N(symbolDetail["LongMarginRatio"]), _N(symbolDetail["ShortMarginRatio"]), "Delivery date", symbolDetail["StartDelivDate"])

        # Initialization    
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.keepBalance = keepBalance
        self.fastPeriod = fastPeriod
        self.slowPeriod = slowPeriod

        self.marketPosition = None
        self.holdPrice = None
        self.holdAmount = None 
        self.holdProfit = None

        self.task = {
            "action" : Manager.ACT_IDLE,
            "amount" : 0,
            "dealAmount" : 0,
            "avgPrice" : 0,
            "preCost" : 0,
            "preAmount" : 0,
            "init" : False,
            "retry" : 0,
            "desc" : "idle",
            "onFinish" : None
        self.lastPrice = 0 
        self.symbolDetail = symbolDetail

        # Position status information
        self.status = {
            "symbol" : symbol,
            "recordsLen" : 0,
            "vm" : [], 
            "open" : 0,
            "cover" : 0,
            "st" : 0,
            "marketPosition" : 0,
            "lastPrice" : 0,
            "holdPrice" : 0, 
            "holdAmount" : 0,
            "holdProfit" : 0, 
            "symbolDetail" : symbolDetail,
            "lastErr" : "",
            "lastErrTime" : "",
            "isTrading" : False   
        # Other processing work during object construction
        vm = None
        if RMode == 0:
            vm = _G(self.symbol)
            vm = json.loads(VMStatus)[self.symbol]
        if vm:
            Log("Ready to resume progress, current contract status is", vm)
            if needRestore:
                Log("could not find" + self.symbol + "progress recovery information")

    def setLastError(self, err=None):
        if err is None:
            self.status["lastErr"] = ""
            self.status["lastErrTime"] = ""
        t = _D()
        self.status["lastErr"] = err
        self.status["lastErrTime"] = t
    def reset(self, marketPosition=None):
        if marketPosition is not None:
            self.marketPosition = marketPosition
            pos = _bot.GetPosition(self.symbol, PD_LONG if marketPosition > 0 else PD_SHORT)
            if pos is not None:
                self.holdPrice = pos["Price"]
                self.holdAmount = pos["Amount"]
                Log(self.symbol, "Position", pos)
            else :
                raise Exception("Restore" + self.symbol + "position status is wrong, no position information found")
            Log("Restore", self.symbol, "average holding position price:", self.holdPrice, "Number of positions:", self.holdAmount)
            self.status["vm"] = [self.marketPosition]
        else :
            self.marketPosition = 0
            self.holdPrice = 0 
            self.holdAmount = 0 
            self.holdProfit = 0
        self.holdProfit = 0
        self.lastErr = ""
        self.lastErrTime = ""

    def Status(self):
        self.status["marketPosition"] = self.marketPosition
        self.status["holdPrice"] = self.holdPrice
        self.status["holdAmount"] = self.holdAmount
        self.status["lastPrice"] = self.lastPrice
        if self.lastPrice > 0 and self.holdAmount > 0 and self.marketPosition != 0:
            self.status["holdProfit"] = _N((self.lastPrice - self.holdPrice) * self.holdAmount * self.symbolDetail["VolumeMultiple"], 4) * (1 if self.marketPosition > 0 else -1)
        else :
            self.status["holdProfit"] = 0 
        return self.status

    def setTask(self, action, amount = None, onFinish = None):
        self.task["init"] = False 
        self.task["retry"] = 0
        self.task["action"] = action
        self.task["preAmount"] = 0
        self.task["preCost"] = 0
        self.task["amount"] = 0 if amount is None else amount
        self.task["onFinish"] = onFinish
        if action == Manager.ACT_IDLE:
            self.task["desc"] = "idle"
            self.task["onFinish"] = None
            if action != Manager.ACT_COVER:
                self.task["desc"] = ("Adding long position" if action == Manager.ACT_LONG else "Adding short position") + "(" + str(amount) + ")"
            else :
                self.task["desc"] = "Closing Position"
            Log("Task received", self.symbol, self.task["desc"])

    def processTask(self):
        insDetail = exchange.SetContractType(self.symbol)
        if not insDetail:
            return Manager.ERR_SET_SYMBOL
        SlideTick = 1
        ret = False
        if self.task["action"] == Manager.ACT_COVER:
            hasPosition = False
            while True:
                if not ext.IsTrading(self.symbol):
                    return Manager.ERR_NOT_TRADING
                hasPosition = False
                positions = exchange.GetPosition()
                if positions is None:
                    return Manager.ERR_GET_POS
                depth = exchange.GetDepth()
                if depth is None:
                    return Manager.ERR_GET_DEPTH
                orderId = None
                for i in range(len(positions)):
                    if positions[i]["ContractType"] != self.symbol:
                    amount = min(insDetail["MaxLimitOrderVolume"], positions[i]["Amount"])
                    if positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG or positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG_YD:
                        exchange.SetDirection("closebuy_today" if positions[i].Type == PD_LONG else "closebuy")
                        orderId = exchange.Sell(_N(depth["Bids"][0]["Price"] - (insDetail["PriceTick"] * SlideTick), 2), min(amount, depth["Bids"][0]["Amount"]), self.symbol, "Close today's position" if positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG else "Close yesterday's position", "Bid", depth["Bids"][0])
                        hasPosition = True
                    elif positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT or positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT_YD:
                        exchange.SetDirection("closesell_today" if positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT else "closesell")
                        orderId = exchange.Buy(_N(depth["Asks"][0]["Price"] + (insDetail["PriceTick"] * SlideTick), 2), min(amount, depth["Asks"][0]["Amount"]), self.symbol, "Close today's position" if positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT else "Close yesterday's position", "Ask", depth["Asks"][0])
                        hasPosition = True
                    if hasPosition:
                        if not orderId:
                            return Manager.ERR_TRADE
                        while True:
                            orders = exchange.GetOrders()
                            if orders is None:
                                return Manager.ERR_GET_ORDERS
                            if len(orders) == 0:
                            for i in range(len(orders)):
                if not hasPosition:
            ret = True
        elif self.task["action"] == Manager.ACT_LONG or self.task["action"] == Manager.ACT_SHORT:
            while True:
                if not ext.IsTrading(self.symbol):
                    return Manager.ERR_NOT_TRADING
                while True:
                    orders = exchange.GetOrders()
                    if orders is None:
                        return Manager.ERR_GET_ORDERS
                    if len(orders) == 0:
                    for i in range(len(orders)):
                positions = exchange.GetPosition()
                if positions is None:
                    return Manager.ERR_GET_POS
                pos = None
                for i in range(len(positions)):
                    if positions[i]["ContractType"] == self.symbol and (((positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG or positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG_YD) and self.task["action"] == Manager.ACT_LONG) or ((positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT) or positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT_YD) and self.task["action"] == Manager.ACT_SHORT):
                        if not pos:
                            pos = positions[i]
                            pos["Cost"] = positions[i]["Price"] * positions[i]["Amount"]
                        else :
                            pos["Amount"] += positions[i]["Amount"]
                            pos["Profit"] += positions[i]["Profit"]
                            pos["Cost"] += positions[i]["Price"] * positions[i]["Amount"]
                # records pre position 
                if not self.task["init"]:
                    self.task["init"] = True
                    if pos:
                        self.task["preAmount"] = pos["Amount"]
                        self.task["preCost"] = pos["Cost"]
                        self.task["preAmount"] = 0
                        self.task["preCost"] = 0
                remain = self.task["amount"]
                if pos:
                    self.task["dealAmount"] = pos["Amount"] - self.task["preAmount"]
                    remain = int(self.task["amount"] - self.task["dealAmount"])
                    if remain <= 0 or self.task["retry"] >= MaxTaskRetry:
                        ret = {
                            "price" : (pos["Cost"] - self.task["preCost"]) / (pos["Amount"] - self.task["preAmount"]),
                            "amount" : (pos["Amount"] - self.task["preAmount"]),
                            "position" : pos
                elif self.task["retry"] >= MaxTaskRetry:
                    ret = None

                depth = exchange.GetDepth()
                if depth is None:
                    return Manager.ERR_GET_DEPTH
                orderId = None
                if self.task["action"] == Manager.ACT_LONG:
                    orderId = exchange.Buy(_N(depth["Asks"][0]["Price"] + (insDetail["PriceTick"] * SlideTick), 2), min(remain, depth["Asks"][0]["Amount"]), self.symbol, "Ask", depth["Asks"][0])
                    orderId = exchange.Sell(_N(depth["Bids"][0]["Price"] - (insDetail["PriceTick"] * SlideTick), 2), min(remain, depth["Bids"][0]["Amount"]), self.symbol, "Bid", depth["Bids"][0])
                if orderId is None:
                    self.task["retry"] += 1
                    return Manager.ERR_TRADE
        if self.task["onFinish"]:
        return Manager.ERR_SUCCESS

    def Poll(self, subroutine = False):
        # Judge the trading hours
        self.status["isTrading"] = ext.IsTrading(self.symbol)
        if not self.status["isTrading"]:

        # Perform order trading tasks
        if self.task["action"] != Manager.ACT_IDLE:
            retCode = self.processTask()
            if self.task["action"] != Manager.ACT_IDLE:
                self.setLastError("The task was not successfully processed:" + Manager.errMsg[retCode] + ", " + self.task["desc"] + ", Retry:" + str(self.task["retry"]))
            else :

        if subroutine:

        suffix = "@" if WXPush else ""
        # switch symbol
        _C(exchange.SetContractType, self.symbol)

        # Get K-line data
        records = exchange.GetRecords()
        if records is None:
            self.setLastError("Failed to get K line")
        self.status["recordsLen"] = len(records)
        if len(records) < self.fastPeriod + 2 or len(records) < self.slowPeriod + 2:
            self.setLastError("The length of the K line is less than the moving average period:" + str(self.fastPeriod) + "or" + str(self.slowPeriod))

        opCode = 0   # 0 : IDLE , 1 : LONG , 2 : SHORT , 3 : CoverALL 
        lastPrice = records[-1]["Close"]
        self.lastPrice = lastPrice

        fastMA = TA.EMA(records, self.fastPeriod)
        slowMA = TA.EMA(records, self.slowPeriod)

        # Strategy logic
        if self.marketPosition == 0:
            if fastMA[-3] < slowMA[-3] and fastMA[-2] > slowMA[-2]:
                opCode = 1 
            elif fastMA[-3] > slowMA[-3] and fastMA[-2] < slowMA[-2]:
                opCode = 2
            if self.marketPosition < 0 and fastMA[-3] < slowMA[-3] and fastMA[-2] > slowMA[-2]:
                opCode = 3
            elif self.marketPosition > 0 and fastMA[-3] > slowMA[-3] and fastMA[-2] < slowMA[-2]:
                opCode = 3

        # If no condition is triggered, the opcode is 0 and return
        if opCode == 0:

        # Preforming closing position action
        if opCode == 3:
            def coverCallBack(ret):
                _G(self.symbol, None)
            self.setTask(Manager.ACT_COVER, 0, coverCallBack)
        account = _bot.GetAccount()
        canOpen = int((account["Balance"] - self.keepBalance) / (self.symbolDetail["LongMarginRatio"] if opCode == 1 else self.symbolDetail["ShortMarginRatio"]) / (lastPrice * 1.2) / self.symbolDetail["VolumeMultiple"])
        unit = min(1, canOpen)

        # Set up trading tasks
        def setTaskCallBack(ret):
            if not ret:
                self.setLastError("Placing Order failed")
            self.holdPrice = ret["position"]["Price"]
            self.holdAmount = ret["position"]["Amount"]
            self.marketPosition += 1 if opCode == 1 else -1
            self.status["vm"] = [self.marketPosition]
            _G(self.symbol, self.status["vm"])

        self.setTask(Manager.ACT_LONG if opCode == 1 else Manager.ACT_SHORT, unit, setTaskCallBack)

def onexit():
    Log("Exited strategy...")

def main():
    if exchange.GetName().find("CTP") == -1:
        raise Exception("Only support commodity futures CTP")
    SetErrorFilter("login|ready|flow control|connection failed|initial|Timeout")
    mode = exchange.IO("mode", 0)
    if mode is None:
        raise Exception("Failed to switch modes, please update to the latest docker!")
    while not exchange.IO("status"):
        LogStatus("Waiting for connection with the trading server," + _D())
    positions = _C(exchange.GetPosition)
    if len(positions) > 0:
        Log("Detecting the current holding position, the system will start to try to resume the progress...")
        Log("Position information:", positions)

    initAccount = _bot.GetAccount()
    initMargin = json.loads(exchange.GetRawJSON())["CurrMargin"]
    keepBalance = _N((initAccount["Balance"] + initMargin) * (KeepRatio / 100), 3)
    Log("Asset information", initAccount, "Retain funds:", keepBalance)

    tts = []
    symbolFilter = {}
    arr = Instruments.split(",")
    arrFastPeriod = FastPeriodArr.split(",")
    arrSlowPeriod = SlowPeriodArr.split(",")
    if len(arr) != len(arrFastPeriod) or len(arr) != len(arrSlowPeriod):
        raise Exception("The moving average period parameter does not match the number of added contracts, please check the parameters!")
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        symbol = re.sub(r'/\s+$/g', "", re.sub(r'/^\s+/g', "", arr[i]))
        if symbol in symbolFilter.keys():
            raise Exception(symbol + "Already exists, please check the parameters!")
        symbolFilter[symbol] = True
        hasPosition = False 
        for j in range(len(positions)):
            if positions[j]["ContractType"] == symbol:
                hasPosition = True
        fastPeriod = int(arrFastPeriod[i])
        slowPeriod = int(arrSlowPeriod[i])
        obj = Manager(hasPosition, symbol, keepBalance, fastPeriod, slowPeriod)
    preTotalHold = -1
    lastStatus = ""
    while True:
        if GetCommand() == "Pause/Resume":
            Log("Suspending trading ...")
            while GetCommand() != "Pause/Resume":
            Log("Continue trading...")
        while not exchange.IO("status"):
            LogStatus("Waiting for connection with the trading server," + _D() + "\n" + lastStatus)

        tblStatus = {
            "type" : "table",
            "title" : "Position information",
            "cols" : ["Contract Name", "Direction of Position", "Average Position Price", "Number of Positions", "Position profits and Losses", "Number of Positions Added", "Current Price"],
            "rows" : [] 

        tblMarket = {
            "type" : "table", 
            "title" : "Operating status", 
            "cols" : ["Contract name", "Contract multiplier", "Margin rate", "Trading time", "Bar length", "Exception description", "Time of occurrence"], 
            "rows" : []

        totalHold = 0
        vmStatus = {}
        ts = time.time()
        holdSymbol = 0
        for i in range(len(tts)):
            d = tts[i].Status()
            if d["holdAmount"] > 0:
                vmStatus[d["symbol"]] = d["vm"]
                holdSymbol += 1
            tblStatus["rows"].append([d["symbolDetail"]["InstrumentName"], "--" if d["holdAmount"] == 0 else ("long" if d["marketPosition"] > 0 else "short"), d["holdPrice"], d["holdAmount"], d["holdProfit"], abs(d["marketPosition"]), d["lastPrice"]])
            tblMarket["rows"].append([d["symbolDetail"]["InstrumentName"], d["symbolDetail"]["VolumeMultiple"], str(_N(d["symbolDetail"]["LongMarginRatio"], 4)) + "/" + str(_N(d["symbolDetail"]["ShortMarginRatio"], 4)), "is #0000ff" if d["isTrading"] else "not #ff0000", d["recordsLen"], d["lastErr"], d["lastErrTime"]])
            totalHold += abs(d["holdAmount"])

        now = time.time()
        elapsed = now - ts
        tblAssets = _bot.GetAccount(True)
        nowAccount = _bot.Account()

        if len(tblAssets["rows"]) > 10:
            tblAssets["rows"][0] = ["InitAccount", "Initial asset", initAccount]
            tblAssets["rows"].insert(0, ["NowAccount", "Currently available", nowAccount])
            tblAssets["rows"].insert(0, ["InitAccount", "Initial asset", initAccount])
        lastStatus = "`" + json.dumps([tblStatus, tblMarket, tblAssets]) + "`\nPolling time:" + str(elapsed) + " Seconds, current time:" + _D() + ", Number of varieties held:" + str(holdSymbol)
        if totalHold > 0:
            lastStatus += "\nManually restore the string:" + json.dumps(vmStatus)
        if preTotalHold > 0 and totalHold == 0:
            LogProfit(nowAccount.Balance - initAccount.Balance - initMargin)
        preTotalHold = totalHold
        Sleep(LoopInterval * 1000)

Endereço estratégico:

Comparação de ensaio posterior

Comparamos a versão JavaScript e a versão Python da estratégia com backtest.

  • Backtest da versão Python

Usamos um servidor público para backtest, e podemos ver que o backtest da versão Python é um pouco mais rápido.


  • Backtest da versão JavaScript


Pode-se ver que os resultados dos backtests são exatamente os mesmos.


Vamos fazer uma demonstração de extensão e estender a função gráfico para a estratégia, como mostrado na figura:


Principalmente aumentar a parte de codificação:

  • Adicionar um membro à classe Manager:objChart
  • Adicionar um método à classe Manager:PlotRecords

Algumas outras modificações são feitas em torno desses dois pontos. Você pode comparar as diferenças entre as duas versões e aprender as ideias de funções estendidas.

Versão Python da estratégia de média móvel multi-variável de futuros de commodities (gráfico alargado)

