If the underlying cycle of the simulated tick is 1 minute, how many tick data per minute can be simulated?

Author: lpf820123, Created: 2019-05-08 19:24:35, Updated:

In digital currency retesting, if the underlying cycle of the analog tick is 1 minute, how many tick data can be simulated per minute? According to the introduction of https://www.fmz.cn/bbs-topic/662, a maximum of 12 ticks should be generated, but if the printed tick results are 14 ticks, then 3 ticks, how about this?

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lpf820123Add a question, if I randomly insert 5 GetTicker queries in an ontick loop, what specifically determines the tick time interval each time they return? Is it determined by the expense of running the code between the two queries?

The Little DreamDepending on the type of K-line, you can see the documentation below https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/662.