
作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン, 日時: 2022-05-17 15:26:51

私は最高のZigZagインジケーターを探しに多くの時間を費やしました.それらのすべての困難は,彼らは常にピボットポイントを特定または確認するいくつかの事前に定義されたルールに賭けているということです.通常は時間因子です.ピボットポイントは特定の数のキャンドル後に確認されます.この方法論は,市場が比較的ゆっくりと動いているとき,おそらく最良のものです. しかし価格が上昇し,低下し始めると,ZigZagが正確に続く方法はありません.一方,あなたがそれをあまりにも緊密に設定した場合 (例えば,わずか2つまたは1個のキャンドル後にピボット確認),あなたは何百ものジグザグ線を得て,彼らはあなたに何も言わないでしょう.

私の見解は,市場をフォローすることです. もし市場が逆転したなら,逆転しました. 確認のために,事前に定義された数個のキャンドルを待つ必要はありません. このような逆転は,最も人気のあるMACDのようなモメンタムインディケーターで常に見えるでしょう. しかし,単行線移動平均値は,逆転を認識するのに十分良いかもしれません. または私のお気に入り - QQE,私はJustUncleLから借り (そして改善) しました.

逆転すると,インパルスから最も高い (または最も低い) 点が捕らえられ,ZigZagが印刷されます. 逆転すると,インパルスから最も高い (または最も低い) 点が捕らえられ,ZigZagが印刷されます.

このインジケーターは再塗りではありません. 線が少し遅れているように見えますが,特にTradingViewの他のZigZagインジケーターと比較すると,実際は本当です.この点には価値があります.私のインジケーターはピボットポイントとZigZagを正確に認識した瞬間にプリントします.

ボーナスとして,インジケーターは,インパルスの強さをマークします. 進歩するインパルスを見ることは非常に素敵ですが,力がない場合,より大きな動きで逆転が起こる可能性が高いです.

このZigZag アルゴをベースにした スクリプトを公開しますので TradingViewで 追ってご連絡ください




start: 2022-05-09 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-15 23:59:00
period: 10m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Peter_O

indicator('Momentum-based ZigZag', overlay=true)

var int momentum_direction = 0
color_zigzag_lines = input(true, title='Color ZigZag lines to show force direction')
momentum_select = input.string(title='Select Momentum Indicator:', defval='QQE', options=['MACD', 'MovingAverage', 'QQE'])

// ZigZag function {
zigzag(_momentum_direction) =>
    zz_goingup = _momentum_direction == 1
    zz_goingdown = _momentum_direction == -1
    var float zz_peak = na
    var float zz_bottom = na
    zz_peak := high > zz_peak[1] and zz_goingup or zz_goingdown[1] and zz_goingup ? high : nz(zz_peak[1])
    zz_bottom := low < zz_bottom[1] and zz_goingdown or zz_goingup[1] and zz_goingdown ? low : nz(zz_bottom[1])
    zigzag = zz_goingup and zz_goingdown[1] ? zz_bottom[1] : zz_goingup[1] and zz_goingdown ? zz_peak[1] : na
// } End of ZigZag function

// MACD  {
fast_length = input.int(title='Fast Length', defval=12, group='if MACD Selected', inline='macd')
slow_length = input.int(title='Slow Length', defval=26, group='if MACD Selected', inline='macd')
src = input.source(title='Source', defval=close, group='if MACD Selected', inline='macd')
signal_length = input.int(title='Signal Smoothing', minval=1, maxval=50, defval=9, group='if MACD Selected', inline='macd')
sma_source = input.string(title='Oscillator MA Type', defval='EMA', options=['SMA', 'EMA'], group='if MACD Selected', inline='macd')
sma_signal = input.string(title='Signal Line MA Type', defval='EMA', options=['SMA', 'EMA'], group='if MACD Selected', inline='macd')

fast_ma = sma_source == 'SMA' ? ta.sma(src, fast_length) : ta.ema(src, fast_length)
slow_ma = sma_source == 'SMA' ? ta.sma(src, slow_length) : ta.ema(src, slow_length)
macd = fast_ma - slow_ma
signal = sma_signal == 'SMA' ? ta.sma(macd, signal_length) : ta.ema(macd, signal_length)

macdUP = ta.crossover(macd, signal)
macdDOWN = ta.crossunder(macd, signal)
// } End of MACD

// Moving Averages {
smoothing_type = input.string(title='Average type', defval='SMA', options=['EMA', 'SMA', 'WMA', 'VWMA', 'HMA', 'RMA', 'DEMA'], inline='movingaverage', group='if Moving Average selected')
ma_length = input.int(20, title='Length', inline='movingaverage', group='if Moving Average selected')
moving_average(_series, _length, _smoothing) =>
    _smoothing == 'EMA' ? ta.ema(_series, _length) : _smoothing == 'SMA' ? ta.sma(_series, _length) : _smoothing == 'WMA' ? ta.wma(_series, _length) : _smoothing == 'VWMA' ? ta.vwma(_series, _length) : _smoothing == 'HMA' ? ta.hma(_series, _length) : _smoothing == 'RMA' ? ta.rma(_series, _length) : _smoothing == 'DEMA' ? 2 * ta.ema(_series, _length) - ta.ema(ta.ema(_series, _length), _length) : ta.ema(_series, _length)
movingaverage = moving_average(close, ma_length, smoothing_type)
maUP = movingaverage > movingaverage[1] and movingaverage[2] > movingaverage[1]
maDOWN = movingaverage < movingaverage[1] and movingaverage[2] < movingaverage[1]
// } End of Moving Averages

// QQE {
RSI_Period = input.int(14, title='RSI Length', inline='qqe', group='if QQE selected')
qqeslow = input.float(4.238, title='QQE Factor', inline='qqe', group='if QQE selected')
SFslow = input.int(5, title='RSI Smoothing', inline='qqe', group='if QQE selected')
ThreshHold = input.int(10, title='Thresh-hold', inline='qqe', group='if QQE selected')
rsi_currenttf = ta.rsi(close, RSI_Period)

qqenew(_qqefactor, _smoothingfactor, _rsi, _threshold, _RSI_Period) =>
    RSI_Period = _RSI_Period
    SF = _smoothingfactor
    QQE = _qqefactor
    ThreshHold = _threshold
    Wilders_Period = RSI_Period * 2 - 1
    Rsi = _rsi
    RsiMa = ta.ema(Rsi, SF)
    AtrRsi = math.abs(RsiMa[1] - RsiMa)
    MaAtrRsi = ta.ema(AtrRsi, Wilders_Period)
    dar = ta.ema(MaAtrRsi, Wilders_Period) * QQE
    longband = 0.0
    shortband = 0.0
    trend = 0
    DeltaFastAtrRsi = dar
    RSIndex = RsiMa
    newshortband = RSIndex + DeltaFastAtrRsi
    newlongband = RSIndex - DeltaFastAtrRsi
    longband := RSIndex[1] > longband[1] and RSIndex > longband[1] ? math.max(longband[1], newlongband) : newlongband
    shortband := RSIndex[1] < shortband[1] and RSIndex < shortband[1] ? math.min(shortband[1], newshortband) : newshortband
    QQExlong = 0
    QQExlong := nz(QQExlong[1])
    QQExshort = 0
    QQExshort := nz(QQExshort[1])
    qqe_goingup = ta.barssince(QQExlong == 1) < ta.barssince(QQExshort == 1)
    qqe_goingdown = ta.barssince(QQExlong == 1) > ta.barssince(QQExshort == 1)
    var float last_qqe_high = high
    var float last_qqe_low = low
    last_qqe_high := high > last_qqe_high[1] and qqe_goingup or qqe_goingdown[1] and qqe_goingup ? high : nz(last_qqe_high[1])
    last_qqe_low := low < last_qqe_low[1] and qqe_goingdown or qqe_goingup[1] and qqe_goingdown ? low : nz(last_qqe_low[1])
    trend := ta.crossover(RSIndex, shortband[1]) or ta.crossover(high, last_qqe_high) ? 1 : ta.crossunder(RSIndex, longband[1]) or ta.crossunder(low, last_qqe_low) ? -1 : nz(trend[1], 1)
    FastAtrRsiTL = trend == 1 ? longband : shortband
    // Find all the QQE Crosses
    QQExlong := trend == 1 and trend[1] == -1 ? QQExlong + 1 : 0
    QQExshort := trend == -1 and trend[1] == 1 ? QQExshort + 1 : 0
    qqeLong = QQExlong == 1 ? FastAtrRsiTL[1] - 50 : na
    qqeShort = QQExshort == 1 ? FastAtrRsiTL[1] - 50 : na
    qqenew = qqeLong ? 1 : qqeShort ? -1 : na

qqeUP = qqenew(qqeslow, SFslow, rsi_currenttf, ThreshHold, RSI_Period) == 1
qqeDOWN = qqenew(qqeslow, SFslow, rsi_currenttf, ThreshHold, RSI_Period) == -1
// } End of QQE

momentumUP = momentum_select == 'MACD' ? macdUP : momentum_select == 'MovingAverage' ? maUP : momentum_select == 'QQE' ? qqeUP : qqeUP

momentumDOWN = momentum_select == 'MACD' ? macdDOWN : momentum_select == 'MovingAverage' ? maDOWN : momentum_select == 'QQE' ? qqeDOWN : qqeDOWN

momentum_direction := momentumUP ? 1 : momentumDOWN ? -1 : nz(momentum_direction[1])

// { Force detection
rsi5 = ta.rsi(close, 5)
ob = 80
os = 20
barssince_momentumUP = ta.barssince(momentumUP)
barssince_momentumDOWN = ta.barssince(momentumDOWN)
momentum_DOWN_was_force_up = momentumDOWN and (barssince_momentumUP >= ta.barssince(rsi5 > ob))[1]
momentum_UP_was_force_down = momentumUP and (barssince_momentumDOWN >= ta.barssince(rsi5 < os))[1]
zzcolor_rsi5 = momentum_DOWN_was_force_up ? color.lime : momentum_UP_was_force_down ? color.red : color.black
// } End of Force detection

ZigZag = zigzag(momentum_direction)
plot(ZigZag, linewidth=5, color=color_zigzag_lines ? zzcolor_rsi5 : color.black, title='ZIGZAG', style=plot.style_line, transp=0)

GoShort = momentumDOWN and not momentum_DOWN_was_force_up
GoLong = momentumUP and not momentum_UP_was_force_down

if GoShort
    label.new(bar_index, ZigZag, style=label.style_label_down, color=color.red, text=str.tostring('SHORT\n\npivot high: \n' + str.tostring(ZigZag)))
if GoLong
    label.new(bar_index, ZigZag, style=label.style_label_up, color=color.lime, text=str.tostring('LONG\n\npivot low: \n' + str.tostring(ZigZag)))

var float stoploss_long = low
var float stoploss_short = high

pl = ta.valuewhen(momentumUP, ZigZag, 0)
ph = ta.valuewhen(momentumDOWN, ZigZag, 0)

if GoLong
    stoploss_long := low < pl ? low : pl
if GoShort
    stoploss_short := high > ph ? high : ph


if GoLong
    alertsyntax_golong = 'long slprice=' + str.tostring(stoploss_long) + ' tp=' + str.tostring(TakeProfitLevel)
    alert(message=alertsyntax_golong, freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if GoShort
    alertsyntax_goshort = 'short slprice=' + str.tostring(stoploss_short) + ' tp=' + str.tostring(TakeProfitLevel)
    alert(message=alertsyntax_goshort, freq=alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

if GoLong
    strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long)
else if GoShort
    strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)

