StochRSI strategy (framework of indicators)

Author: The Little Dream, Date: 2016-08-22 19:23:00
Tags: ToolRSI

StochRSI indicator strategy

stochRSI  指标参数   数组     [14,14,3,3]
var stochRSI_P_arr = "[14,14,3,3]";

var Interval = 500;

var long = 1;
var free = 0;
var state = free; //每次开仓   平仓  重置 
var buyInfo = null; //每次平仓重置
var sellInfo = null; //每次开仓重置
var initAccount = null; //每次平仓重置
var beginAccount = null; //不重置
var Profit = 0; //已实现盈亏
var prefloatProfit = 0;//上次的浮动盈亏,滑动止盈 更新
var openBalance = 0;//开仓量
var isCover = false;

var NowPositionInfo = {//持仓信息, 每次平仓更新
    avgPrice: 0,
    amount: 0 ,
    floatProfit: 0

function openUpdate(){//开仓后的更新
    state = long;
    sellInfo = null;
function closeUpdate(){//平仓后的更新
    state = free;
    addLevel = 0;
    buyInfo = null;
    initAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    NowPositionInfo.avgPrice = 0;
    NowPositionInfo.amount = 0;
    NowPositionInfo.floatProfit = 0;
    isCover = true;

function Calculate(nowAccount,nowDepth){//计算并更新收益 、 浮动收益 、计算 持仓均价 、持仓量
    if(typeof(nowAccount) === 'undefined' ){
        nowAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
        nowDepth = _C(exchange.GetDepth);
    var diff_stocks = nowAccount.Stocks - initAccount.Stocks;//币之差
    var diff_balance = nowAccount.Balance - initAccount.Balance;//钱之差
    NowPositionInfo.avgPrice = Math.abs(diff_balance) / Math.abs(diff_stocks);
    NowPositionInfo.amount = Math.abs(diff_stocks);
    NowPositionInfo.floatProfit = diff_balance + diff_stocks * nowDepth.Bids[0].Price; //此次交易的浮动盈亏
    Profit = (initAccount.Stocks - beginAccount.Stocks) * nowDepth.Bids[0].Price + (initAccount.Balance - beginAccount.Balance); //实现盈亏


function LLV(array,period){
    if(!array || array.length - period < 0){
        throw "error:" + array;
    var min = array[array.length - period];
    for(var i = array.length - period; i < array.length; i++){
        if( array[i] < min ){
            min = array[i];
    return min;

function HHV(array,period){
    if(!array || array.length - period < 0){
        throw "error:" + array;
    var max = array[array.length - period];
    for(var i = array.length - period; i < array.length; i++){
        if( array[i] > max){
            max = array[i];
    return max;

function DeleteNullEle(initArr){
    var dealArr = [];
    var initArrLen = initArr.length;
    for(var i = 0,j = 0 ; i < initArrLen ; i++,j++){
        if(initArr[i] === null || isNaN(initArr[i]) ){
        dealArr[j] = initArr[i];
    return dealArr;

LC := REF(CLOSE,1); //REF(C,1) 上一周期的收盘价
%K:     MA(RSI-LLV(RSI,M),P1)/MA(HHV(RSI,M)-LLV(RSI,M),P1)*100;  LLV(l,60)表示:检索60天内的最低价,可适应于检索任何股票

function FstochRSI(records,n,m,p1,p2){
    var len = records.length;
    //var LC = records[len-2];//上一周期收盘价
    //var rsi = TA.RSI(records,n);// RSI 数组   ,talib
    var rsi = talib.RSI(records,n);
    rsi = DeleteNullEle(rsi);//ceshi
    //Log("rsi:",rsi) //测试
    //throw "stop";//ceshi
    table.e5 = "rsi :" + rsi[rsi.length-1] + "rsi[-1]:" + rsi[rsi.length-2];//ceshi

    var arr1 = [];
    var arr2 = [];
    var arr3 = [];
    var arr4 = [];
    var rsi_a = [];
    var rsi_b = [];
    var k = [];
    var d = null;

    for(var a = 0 ;a < rsi.length ; a++ ){//改造 不用 LLV
        for(var aa = 0 ; aa <= a; aa++ ){
        arr1.push(rsi[a] - TA.Lowest(rsi_a,m));
    for(var b = 0 ;b < rsi.length ; b++ ){//改造 不用 HHV
        for(var bb = 0 ; bb <= b; bb++ ){
        arr2.push(TA.Highest(rsi_b,m) - TA.Lowest(rsi_b,m));
    for(var a = 0 ;a < rsi.length ; a++ ){//改造 不用 LLV
        if(a < m){
        for(var aa = 0 ; aa <= a; aa++ ){
        arr1.push(rsi[a] - LLV(rsi_a,m));
    for(var b = 0 ;b < rsi.length ; b++ ){//改造 不用 HHV
        if(b < m){
        for(var bb = 0 ; bb <= b; bb++ ){
        arr2.push(HHV(rsi_b,m) - LLV(rsi_b,m));

    arr1 = DeleteNullEle(arr1);
    arr2 = DeleteNullEle(arr2);

    arr3 = talib.MA(arr1,p1);
    arr4 = talib.MA(arr2,p1);

    arr3 = DeleteNullEle(arr3);
    arr4 = DeleteNullEle(arr4);

    var c = 0;
    var diff = 0;
    if(arr3.length !== arr4.length){//实测 长度不相等
        throw "error: !=" + arr3.length + "----" + arr4.length;
        diff = arr4.length - arr3.length; //example   diff  =   10  -   6
        //throw "error:" + arr3.length + "----" + arr4.length;

    for( ;c < arr3.length ; c++ ){
        k.push(arr3[c] / arr4[c + diff] * 100);
    d = talib.MA(k,p2);

    return [k,d,rsi];

function Loop(){//循环主体
    var go_account = exchange.Go("GetAccount");
    var go_records = exchange.Go("GetRecords");
    var go_depth = exchange.Go("GetDepth");

    var account = go_account.wait(1000);
    var records = go_records.wait(1000);
    var depth = go_depth.wait(1000);
    if(account === null || records === null || depth === null){
    var account = _C(exchange.GetAccount);
    var records = _C(exchange.GetRecords);
    var depth = _C(exchange.GetDepth);

    var len = records.length - 1;

    if(records.length < array_P[0] || records.length < array_P[1] || records.length < array_P[2] || records.length < array_P[3] ){
        msg = "K线长度不足,获取中...";
    var records_close = [];
    for(var i = 0; i <= len; i++){

    msg = "K line `s length:" + (len + 1);

    //var ma = TA.MA(records,3);//测试 使用  MA3
    //var stochRSI = talib.STOCHRSI(records,array_P[0],array_P[1],array_P[2],array_P[3]);
    //var stochRSI = talib.STOCHRSI(records_close,14,3,3,3);
    var stochRSI = FstochRSI(records,14,14,3,3);
    var fastLine = stochRSI[0]; //stochrsi
    var slowLine = stochRSI[1]; // ma(k,3)
    //var slowLine = ma;
    //var rsi = stochRSI[2];
    if(isFirst === true){
        $.SignOP((new Date()).getTime(),null,null,3,"图表显示启动!");// 测试标记 自定义信息 到图表上
        isFirst = false;
    table.a4 = "fastLine[len]:" + _N(fastLine[fastLine.length-1],2);
    table.b4 = "slowLine[len]:" + _N(slowLine[slowLine.length-1],2);

    table.a5 = "fastLine[len-1]" + _N(fastLine[fastLine.length-2],2);
    table.b5 = "slowLine[len-1]" + _N(slowLine[slowLine.length-2],2);
    table.c5 = "fastLine[len-2]" + _N(fastLine[fastLine.length-3],2);
    table.d5 = "slowLine[len-2]" + _N(slowLine[slowLine.length-3],2);
    //table.e5 = "rsi:" + rsi[rsi.length - 1] + "rsi[-2]:" + rsi[rsi.length - 2] + "rsi[-3]:" + rsi[rsi.length - 3];

    table.b1 = "stock:" + account.Stocks + "#ff00ff";
    table.c1 = "Fstock:" + account.FrozenStocks + "#ff00ff";
    table.d1 = "balance:" + account.Balance + "#ff00ff";
    table.e1 = "Fbalance:" + account.FrozenBalance + "#ff00ff";
    table.b2 = "open:" + records[len].Open;
    table.c2 = "high:" + records[len].High;
    table.d2 = "low:" + records[len].Low;
    table.e2 = "close:" + records[len].Close;
    table.b3 = "bids[0].price:" + depth.Bids[0].Price;
    table.c3 = "bids[0].amount:" + depth.Bids[0].Amount;
    table.d3 = "asks[0].price:" + depth.Asks[0].Price;
    table.e3 = "asks[0].amount:" + depth.Asks[0].Amount;

    table.c4 = "avgPrice:" + NowPositionInfo.avgPrice;
    table.d4 = "amount:" + NowPositionInfo.amount;
    table.e4 = "floatProfit:" + NowPositionInfo.floatProfit;

    if(isCover === true){
        isCover = false;

var table = null;
var array_P = null;
var msg = "";//显示在状态栏表格头部的 消息
var isFirst = true;

function main(){
    beginAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount);//程序开始运行时的初始账户信息
    initAccount = beginAccount;//每次开仓前的账户信息
    table = $.TableInit(5,6);
    table.a1 = "account:" + "#ff00ff";
    table.a2 = "records[length-1]:";
    table.a3 = "depth.Bids[0]/Asks[0]:";
    table.a0 = "beginAccount:";
    table.b0 = "stock:" + beginAccount.Stocks;
    table.c0 = "Fstock:" + beginAccount.FrozenStocks;
    table.d0 = "balance:" + beginAccount.Balance;
    table.e0 = "Fbalance:" + beginAccount.FrozenBalance;

    array_P = JSON.parse(stochRSI_P_arr);// 解析  stochRSI 参数

        msg = "";




makeleiIf the landlord can help me write one, thank you, is to read the stochrsi indicator data in the OKEX contract. 1 minute or 5 minutes STOCHRRSI greater than 90 or less than 1.

fangjLLV and HHV can be solved with an underscore. ((r=>r.High); ((r=>r.Low); LLV = _.min ((records_low); HHV = _.max ((records_high); DeleteNullEle should not be necessary. It is possible to use 50 as the default value for both RSI and KD. It is better to replace the null value with 50. Speed is not important. It's just that if you look at the curve, the length of the time doesn't matter. If you look at the real disk, it's enough to take one value from each of the last 14 points.

makeleiThank you.

The Little DreamThe above example can be modified, the STOCHRSI indicator is the same as the one I checked with OKEX. You can just modify the condition to judge it.