Binance contract butterfly swap (Millennium War Strategy 3)

Author: The grass, Date: 2020-09-09 13:45:11
Tags: HedgeBinance

In this case, the price of the currency is the same as the price of the other currency.

This policy manual should be read in its entirety and cannot be used without a brain. The policy code is for reference only and can be modified as needed. Feedback is welcome.

The Principles of Strategy

There are three contracts that exist simultaneously, namely the perpetual BTCUSD_PERP, the quarterly BTCUSD_200925 and the quarterly BTCUSD_201225.

Permanent contracts can be treated as cash, generally two contracts to hedge a total of three differences: in the current season-permanent, second-season-permanent, second-season-permanent. Butterfly rate requires the operation of three contracts, the difference is ((second-season-permanent) - ((second-season-permanent), i.e. difference = second-season + permanent-2* current season.

Policy parameters

  • Trading currencies: Three varieties must exist simultaneously, one permanent, one seasonal, and one subsequent.
  • The number of pages in each grid.
  • Net bidding spread: for every deviation of one spread, make more or make one blank.
  • Difference smoothing parameter Alpha: used to calculate the mean value of the difference, available by default, or self-retested.
  • Ice Mountain order number: If the number of open orders is too large, to reduce the phenomenon of one-legged, you can set the minimum number of open orders each time, the disadvantage is that the bid price is not timely.

If the average of the spread is 100, the current spread is 200, and the number of subsequent orders is 2, the grid opening price is 30, then the holding at this time is: 6 next quarter gaps, 6 permanent gaps, 12 more in the season.

Please note:

  • The transaction ratio is approximately one-way holding, i.e. holding multiple spaces at different times.
  • The collateral is in the full-stock mode.
  • This strategy is not a brainless operation, and should be carefully tested in the context of understanding the principles.
  • The review of the research article will not be a real-world situation, without over-optimizing the parameters.
  • Robots do not work for a long time, and new ones are needed to prevent the price difference from being too big.
  • The grid bid-ask spread parameter must cover the transaction fee, such as a bid-ask fee of $2,000, a Bitcoin price of $10,000, and at least greater than 8*10000*0.0002=16, plus a certain balance, which can be set to 25-30*.
  • The time difference between the second-quarter-of-delivery-and-of-quarter-of-permanent is getting bigger and bigger, and finally the quarter-of-permanent-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent is actually the difference between the second-quarter-of-delivery-of-permanent-of-quarter-of-permanent and the second-quarter-of-permanent-of
  • The following order uses the IOC, the part that can be completed immediately at the commission price (or better price) will be completed immediately, the part that can not be completed immediately will be cancelled; therefore, there is no need to withdraw.
  • This strategy can also be modified slightly into a balance between current and permanent or secondary and permanent.
  • The strategy is not to open frequent positions, and it is possible not to open a single one in a day.
  • The robot has only just started to calculate the average difference, without going back in time.
  • The strategy is likely to be self-optimized due to the single-leggedness caused by the failure of the transaction.
  • The lower order plus the slippage price has little effect on the number of small openings, and the number of large openings needs to be optimized by oneself, such as the iceberg order.

    throw '不能回测,回测参考研究文章'
if(exchange.GetName() != 'Futures_Binance'){
    throw '只支持币安期货交易所,和现货交易所不同,需要单独添加,名称为Futures_Binance'
if(Grid == 0){
    throw '需要设置网格差价,需要覆盖8份手续费,可设置为当前价*fee*15'

exchange.SetBase("") //切换至交割合约

var exchange_info = HttpQuery('')
    throw '无法连接币安网络,需要非公用海外托管者'
exchange_info = JSON.parse(exchange_info)
trade_info = {} //合约基础信息
trade_contract = {NEXT_QUARTER:'',CURRENT_QUARTER:'',PERPETUAL:''} //需要交易的合约代码
for (var i=0; i<exchange_info.symbols.length; i++){
   trade_info[exchange_info.symbols[i].symbol] =  exchange_info.symbols[i]
   if(exchange_info.symbols[i].baseAsset == Symbol && exchange_info.symbols[i].contractType in trade_contract && exchange_info.symbols[i].contractStatus == 'TRADING'){
       trade_contract[exchange_info.symbols[i].contractType] = exchange_info.symbols[i].symbol
if(!(trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER && trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER && trade_contract.PERPETUAL)){
    throw '无法找到蝶式对冲的三个合约'
var pricePrecision = trade_info[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].pricePrecision //价格精度

var ticker = {}
var account = {}
var position = {}

var diff_mean = null //差价均价
if(_G('diff_mean') && _G('symbol') == Symbol){ //防止切换币种,差价出错
    diff_mean = _G('diff_mean')

var diff_buy = 0 //做多的差价
var diff_sell = 0 //做空的差价
Trade_value = _N(Trade_value, 0)
var init_asset = 0 //初始资金
    init_asset = _G('init_asset')
    init_asset = parseFloat(account[Symbol].marginBalance)
    _G('init_asset', init_asset)
var update_status_time = 0
var update_account_time =

function onexit(){
    _G('diff_mean', diff_mean)

function updateTicker(){
    var bookTicker =  HttpQuery('')
    try {
        bookTicker = JSON.parse(bookTicker)
        for(var i=0;i<bookTicker.length;i++){
            ticker[bookTicker[i].symbol] = bookTicker[i]
    } catch (e) {

function updateAccount(){
    var acc = exchange.IO("api", "GET", "/dapi/v1/account", "timestamp="
    for(var i=0;i<acc.assets.length;i++){
        account[acc.assets[i].asset] = acc.assets[i]

function updatePosition(){
    var pos = exchange.IO("api", "GET", "/dapi/v1/positionRisk", "timestamp="
    for(var i=0;i<pos.length;i++){
        position[pos[i].symbol] = pos[i]

function updateStatus(){
    if( - update_status_time < 4000){
    update_status_time =
    if( - update_account_time >  5*60*1000){
        update_account_time =
        LogProfit(_N(parseFloat(account[Symbol].marginBalance) - init_asset, 5))
    $.PlotLine('buy', _N(diff_buy, pricePrecision))
    $.PlotLine('sell', _N(diff_sell, pricePrecision))
    $.PlotLine('mean', _N(diff_mean, pricePrecision+3))
    var table1 = {type: 'table', title: '账户信息', 
             cols: ['账户余额', '未实现盈亏', '保证金余额',  '可用余额', '维持保证金', '起始保证金', 'BNB', '初始余额', '收益', '平均差价', '做多差价', '做空差价', '下单量'],
             rows: [[_N(parseFloat(account[Symbol].walletBalance),5), _N(parseFloat(account[Symbol].unrealizedProfit),5), _N(parseFloat(account[Symbol].marginBalance),5), 
                     _N(parseFloat(account[Symbol].availableBalance),5),  _N(parseFloat(account[Symbol].maintMargin),5), _N(parseFloat(account[Symbol].initialMargin),5), 
                     _N(parseFloat(account.BNB.walletBalance),5), _N(init_asset,5),
                      _N(parseFloat(account[Symbol].marginBalance) - init_asset,5), _N(diff_mean, pricePrecision+1),
                     _N(diff_buy, pricePrecision),_N(diff_sell, pricePrecision), Trade_value
    var table2 = {type: 'table', title: '对冲信息', 
             cols: ['合约', '持仓张数', 'Bid', 'Ask', '持仓价值', '杠杆', '开仓均价', '未实现盈亏'],
             rows: []}
    for(var contract in trade_contract){
        var symbol = trade_contract[contract]
        table2.rows.push([symbol, position[symbol].positionAmt, ticker[symbol].bidPrice, ticker[symbol].askPrice, 
                          parseInt(position[symbol].positionAmt)*parseInt(trade_info[symbol].contractSize), position[symbol].leverage,
                         position[symbol].entryPrice, position[symbol].unRealizedProfit])
    var logString = _D()+'  策略代码最后更新时间9月29日\n'
    LogStatus(logString + '`' + JSON.stringify(table1) + '`'+'\n'+'`' + JSON.stringify(table2) + '`')

function trade(symbol, side, price, amount){
    exchange.Log(side == 'BUY' ? LOG_TYPE_BUY : LOG_TYPE_SELL, price, amount, ' buy: ' + _N(diff_buy, pricePrecision) + ' sell: '+ _N(diff_sell, pricePrecision) + ' mean: '+_N(diff_mean, pricePrecision+3))
    exchange.IO("api", "POST","/dapi/v1/order","symbol="+symbol+"&side="+side+"&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=IOC&quantity="+amount+"&price="+price+"&timestamp="

function onTicker(){
    diff_sell = parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER].bidPrice) + parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].bidPrice) -
    diff_buy = parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER].askPrice) + parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].askPrice)  -

    if(!diff_mean){diff_mean = (diff_buy+diff_sell)/2}
    diff_mean = diff_mean*(1-Alpha) + Alpha*(diff_buy+diff_sell)/2 //差价均价的更新
    var aim_buy_amount = -Trade_value*(diff_buy - diff_mean)/Grid
    var aim_sell_amount = -Trade_value*(diff_sell - diff_mean)/Grid 
    if(aim_buy_amount - parseFloat(position[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].positionAmt) > Trade_value){ //做多差价,价格加了滑价
        trade(trade_contract.PERPETUAL, 'BUY', _N(parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].askPrice)*1.01, pricePrecision), _N(Math.min(aim_buy_amount-parseFloat(position[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].positionAmt),Ice_value),0))
    if(aim_buy_amount - parseFloat(position[trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER].positionAmt) > Trade_value){
        trade(trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER, 'BUY', _N(parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER].askPrice)*1.01,pricePrecision), _N(Math.min(aim_buy_amount-parseFloat(position[trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER].positionAmt),Ice_value),0))
    if(-2*aim_buy_amount - parseFloat(position[trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER].positionAmt) < -2*Trade_value){
        trade(trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER, 'SELL', _N(parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER].bidPrice)*0.99,pricePrecision), _N(2*Math.min(aim_buy_amount+parseFloat(position[trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER].positionAmt),Ice_value),0))
    if(aim_sell_amount - parseFloat(position[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].positionAmt) < -Trade_value){ //做空差价
        trade(trade_contract.PERPETUAL, 'SELL', _N(parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].bidPrice)*0.99,pricePrecision), _N(Math.min(parseFloat(position[trade_contract.PERPETUAL].positionAmt)-aim_sell_amount,Ice_value),0))
    if(aim_sell_amount - parseFloat(position[trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER].positionAmt) < -Trade_value){
        trade(trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER, 'SELL', _N(parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER].bidPrice)*0.99,pricePrecision), _N(Math.min(parseFloat(position[trade_contract.NEXT_QUARTER].positionAmt)-aim_sell_amount,Ice_value),0))
    if(-2*aim_sell_amount - parseFloat(position[trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER].positionAmt) > 2*Trade_value){
        trade(trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER, 'BUY', _N(parseFloat(ticker[trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER].askPrice)*1.01,pricePrecision), _N(-2*Math.min(aim_sell_amount-parseFloat(position[trade_contract.CURRENT_QUARTER].positionAmt),Ice_value),0))

function main() {



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