Kombinierte Kreuzung der gleitenden Durchschnitte

Schriftsteller:ChaoZhang, Datum: 2023-09-20 16:42:37


Diese Strategie kombiniert die T3, T3 Fibonacci und MavilimW gleitenden Durchschnitte, um Handelssignale aus den Preis-MA-Beziehungen zu generieren.

Strategie Logik

  1. Berechnen Sie die gleitenden Durchschnitte T3, T3 Fibonacci und MavilimW separat.

  2. Preisdurchbruch und Rückzug von MAs erzeugen Kauf- und Verkaufssignale.

  3. Die Kombination mehrerer MAs kann Signale für eine höhere Qualität filtern.

  4. Stop-Loss für die Kontrolle von Verlusten pro Handel.

  5. Flexibilität bei der Verwendung einzelner oder kombinierter Zulassungssysteme


  1. MA-Combine verbessert die Signalgenauigkeit durch gegenseitige Bestätigung.

  2. Jeder MA reagiert unterschiedlich auf Trendänderungen für den kombinierten Vorteil.

  3. Intuitive Signale, die durch MA-Beziehungen gebildet werden.

  4. Stoppverlusthilfen bei der Risikokontrolle.

  5. Klarer Code für einfaches Verstehen und Anpassen.


  1. MA-Combos können immer noch falsche Signale erzeugen, die Verluste verursachen.

  2. Es ist schwierig, wichtige Umkehrpunkte in Trends zu bestimmen.

  3. Unangemessene MA-Parameter beeinträchtigen die Leistung negativ.

  4. Häufige Positionswechsel erhöhen die Transaktionskosten.

  5. Überoptimierung Risiken während der Optimierung.


  1. Versuche verschiedene MA-Parameter, um optimale Kombinationen zu finden.

  2. Bewertung zusätzlicher Trendindikatoren für die Signalfilterung.

  3. Optimieren Sie die Stop-Loss-Parameter, um das Verlustrisiko pro Handel zu senken.

  4. Studieren Sie Preiszyklusmuster, um Trendumkehrpunkte zu identifizieren.

  5. Hinzufügen von Trendmetriken, um unnötige Umkehrgeschäfte zu vermeiden.

  6. Dynamische Positionsgrößen für eine bessere Kapitaleffizienz.


Diese Strategie kombiniert mehrere MA-Systeme zur gegenseitigen Signalüberprüfung. Aber MA-Combos haben immer noch falsche Signalrisiken. Kontinuierliche Parameteroptimierung und Risikokontrolle können es zu einem robusten Trendfolgensystem machen.

start: 2022-09-13 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-19 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//creator&compiler: Bartu Altan
//inspired by: KIVANÇ ÖZBİLGİÇ @fr3792 and @mavilim0732 on twitter
//With courtesy of Kıvanç Özbilgiç, Permission Pending

strategy("Tilson T3, Tilson T3 Fibo and MavilimW Combined Strategy Strategy",shorttitle="T3 and MavilimW Strategy", initial_capital=100,currency=currency.USD,default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity,default_qty_value =75,overlay=true)
stop_loss=input(defval=3.0,title="Stop Loss %",type=input.float)*0.01
strategyt3 = input(true,"T3")
strategyt3Fibo = input(true,"T3 Fibo Cross")
strategyMav = input(true,"MavilimW")
fmal=input(3,"First Moving Average length")
smal=input(5,"Second Moving Average length")
barsSinceCloseUnderMavw = input(5,"Bars Since Close Under MAVW")
T3FiboLine = input(false, title="Show T3 Fibonacci Ratio Line?")
length1 = input(8, "T3 Length")
a1 = input(0.7, "Volume Factor")


e1 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length1)
e2 = ema(e1, length1)
e3 = ema(e2, length1)
e4 = ema(e3, length1)
e5 = ema(e4, length1)
e6 = ema(e5, length1)
c1 = -a1 * a1 * a1
c2 = 3 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1 * a1
c3 = -6 * a1 * a1 - 3 * a1 - 3 * a1 * a1 * a1
c4 = 1 + 3 * a1 + a1 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1
T3 = c1 * e6 + c2 * e5 + c3 * e4 + c4 * e3

col1t3 = T3 > T3[1]
col3t3 = T3 < T3[1]
color_1 = col1t3 ? color.green : col3t3 ? color.red : color.yellow
plot(strategyt3 or strategyt3Fibo ? T3:na, color=color_1, linewidth=3, title="T3")

//T3 Fibo

length12 = input(5, "T3 Length fibo")
a12 = input(0.618, "Volume Factor fibo")

e12 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length12)
e22 = ema(e12, length12)
e32 = ema(e22, length12)
e42 = ema(e32, length12)
e52 = ema(e42, length12)
e62 = ema(e52, length12)
c12 = -a12 * a12 * a12
c22 = 3 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12 * a12
c32 = -6 * a12 * a12 - 3 * a12 - 3 * a12 * a12 * a12
c42 = 1 + 3 * a12 + a12 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12
T32 = c12 * e62 + c22 * e52 + c32 * e42 + c42 * e32

col12 = T32 > T32[1]
col32 = T32 < T32[1]
color2 = col12 ? color.blue : col32 ? color.purple : color.yellow
plot(strategyt3Fibo and T3FiboLine and T32 ? T32 : na, color=color2, linewidth=2, title="T3fibo")

//End of T3 Fibo

// END OF T3



M1= wma(close, fmal)
M2= wma(M1, smal)
M3= wma(M2, tmal)
M4= wma(M3, Fmal)
M5= wma(M4, Ftmal)
MAVW= wma(M5, Smal)
col1= MAVW>MAVW[1]
col3= MAVW<MAVW[1]
colorM = col1 ? color.blue : col3 ? color.red : color.yellow
plot(strategyMav ?MAVW:na,title="MAVW",color=colorM,linewidth=2)


// Long Conditions // 

longT3single = strategyt3 and not(strategyt3Fibo) and not(strategyMav) ? crossover(close,T3) and barssince(crossunder(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw : na
longT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? crossover(T32,T3):na
longMav = not(strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? crossover(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossunder(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw : na

longT3WFiboandMav = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? close > T3 and close > MAVW and T32 > T3 : na
longT3WFibo = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? (crossover(T32,T3)  and close > T3) or (T32>T3 and crossover(close,T3) and barssince(crossunder(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw):na
longMavT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? (crossover(T32,T3) and close > MAVW) or (T32>T3 and crossover(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossunder(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw) : na
longMavT3 = (strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? (crossover(close,T3) and barssince(crossunder(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw and close>MAVW) or (crossover(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossunder(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw and close>T3) : na

longchosen = longT3single or longT3Fibo or longMav or longT3WFiboandMav or longT3WFibo or longMavT3Fibo or longMavT3

// Long Close Conditions // 
longcT3single = strategyt3 and not(strategyt3Fibo) and not(strategyMav) ? crossunder(close,T3) : na
longcT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? crossunder(T32,T3):na
longcMav = not(strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? crossunder(close,MAVW): na

longcT3WFiboandMav = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? close < T3 and close < MAVW and T32 < T3 : na
longcT3WFibo = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? (crossunder(T32,T3)  and close < T3) or (T32<T3 and crossunder(close,T3)):na
longcMavT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? (crossunder(T32,T3) and close < MAVW) or (T32<T3 and crossunder(close,MAVW)):  na
longcMavT3 = (strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? (crossunder(close,T3) and close<MAVW) or (crossunder(close,MAVW) and close<T3) : na

longclosechosen = longcT3single or longcT3Fibo or longcMav or longcT3WFiboandMav or longcT3WFibo or longcMavT3Fibo or longcMavT3

// t3 fibo //

long = longchosen
longclose = longclosechosen
long_plot = barssince(long[1])>barssince(longclose[1])?long:na
longclose_plot = barssince(longclose[1])>barssince(long[1])?longclose:na

plotshape(long_plot,title="Long",style=shape.labelup,color=color.green,text="Long",textcolor=color.white, location=location.abovebar)
plotshape(longclose_plot,title="Long Close",style=shape.labeldown,color=#B1E141,text="Long Close",textcolor=color.white,location=location.belowbar)

// Short Conditions // 

shortT3single = strategyt3 and not(strategyt3Fibo) and not(strategyMav) ? crossunder(close,T3) and barssince(crossover(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw : na
shortT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? crossunder(T32,T3):na
shortMav = not(strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? crossunder(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossover(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw : na

shortT3WFiboandMav = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? close < T3 and close < MAVW and T32 < T3 : na
shortT3WFibo = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? (crossunder(T32,T3)  and close < T3) or (T32<T3 and crossunder(close,T3) and barssince(crossover(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw):na
shortMavT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? (crossunder(T32,T3) and close < MAVW) or (T32<T3 and crossunder(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossover(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw) : na
shortMavT3 = (strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? (crossunder(close,T3) and barssince(crossover(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw and close<MAVW) or (crossunder(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossover(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw and close<T3) : na

shortchosen = shortT3single or shortT3Fibo or shortMav or shortT3WFiboandMav or shortT3WFibo or shortMavT3Fibo or shortMavT3

// Long Close Conditions // 
shortcT3single = strategyt3 and not(strategyt3Fibo) and not(strategyMav) ? crossover(close,T3) : na
shortcT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? crossover(T32,T3):na
shortcMav = not(strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? crossover(close,MAVW): na

shortcT3WFiboandMav = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? close > T3 and close > MAVW and T32 > T3 : na
shortcT3WFibo = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? (crossover(T32,T3)  and close > T3) or (T32>T3 and crossover(close,T3)):na
shortcMavT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? (crossover(T32,T3) and close > MAVW) or (T32>T3 and crossover(close,MAVW)):  na
shortcMavT3 = (strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? (crossover(close,T3) and close>MAVW) or (crossover(close,MAVW) and close>T3) : na

shortclosechosen = shortcT3single or shortcT3Fibo or shortcMav or shortcT3WFiboandMav or shortcT3WFibo or shortcMavT3Fibo or shortcMavT3

short = shortchosen
shortclose = shortclosechosen
short_plot = barssince(short[1])>barssince(shortclose[1])?short:na
shortclose_plot = barssince(shortclose[1])>barssince(short[1])?shortclose:na

plotshape(shortclose_plot,title="Short Close",style=shape.labeldown,color=#E19B89,text="Short Close",textcolor=color.white,location=location.belowbar)

strategy.entry("Long", true, when=long_plot)
strategy.exit("Long Stop Loss","Long",stop=strategy.position_avg_price*(1-stop_loss))

strategy.entry("Short", false, when=short_plot)
strategy.exit("Short Stop Loss","Short",stop=strategy.position_avg_price*(1+stop_loss))
