The data center

Author: edwardgyw, Created: 2016-10-10 09:25:18, Updated:

Please ask when the data center will be completed, can the commodity futures K line be provided during this period, and will the assembly not be interrupted?


ZeroThe data center will not be left behind, as the directory is developing a feedback framework for real-time tick-level simulations, after the upline, the commodity futures K line will continue to provide ((for more comprehensive data from third-party channels, not collected by itself))

ZeroWell, I'm a direct purchaser of third-party channels, and I've cleaned the data, the directory is uncurated, and I'm putting it up.

edwardgywThe third-party channels are the most recent 200-300K, which is not good enough, but botvs can take a lot, which is helpful for strategy development.