Hedge_BTC/ETH Demo

Author: The Little Dream, Date: 2017-07-24 17:40:08
Tags: Hedge

Bitcoin and ETH cross-breed hedging thought test DEMO Drawing a chart based on the price ratio, analyzing the price ratio changes, finding leverage space. If you're interested, you can research the feasibility of the strategy.

by littleDream


var RateUpDateTime = new Date().getTime()
var UpDateCyc = 60 * 60 * 1000
var SumInCyc = 0
var AddCounts = 1
var RateArray = []

var BTC_hold_amount = 0
var ETH_hold_amount = 0

var IDLE = 0
var PLUS = 1

var fee_btc = {
    buy : 0.2,    // 0.2 % , εƒεˆ†δΉ‹ε››
    sell : 0.2

var fee_eth = {
    buy : 0.2,
    sell : 0.2

var ModeStr = ["BOLL", "SMA"][Mode]

function CalcPriceForNoFee(price, fee, type){
    if(type == "buy"){
        return price * (1 - fee / 100)
    }else if(type == "sell"){
        return price * (1 + fee / 100)

function loop(nowTime){
    var depthA = exchanges[0].GetDepth()
    var depthB = exchanges[1].GetDepth()
    var sma120 = null
    var sma10 = null
    var boll = null
    if(!depthA || !depthB || depthA.Asks.length == 0 || depthA.Bids.length == 0 || depthB.Asks.length == 0 || depthB.Bids.length == 0){
    var Rate = CalcPriceForNoFee((depthA.Bids[0].Price + depthA.Asks[0].Price) / 2, 0.2, "buy") / CalcPriceForNoFee((depthB.Bids[0].Price + depthB.Asks[0].Price) / 2, 0.2, "sell") 
    if(nowTime - RateUpDateTime > UpDateCyc){
        $.PlotLine("avgRate", RateArray[RateArray.length - 2], RateUpDateTime)
        if(RateArray.length > 60){
            if(ModeStr == "SMA"){
                sma120 = talib.SMA(RateArray, 60)
                sma10 = talib.SMA(RateArray, 10)
                $.PlotLine("sma120", sma120[sma120.length - 2], RateUpDateTime)
                $.PlotLine("sma10", sma10[sma10.length - 2], RateUpDateTime)
            }else if(ModeStr == "BOLL"){            
                boll = TA.BOLL(RateArray, 20, 2.5)
                $.PlotLine("up", boll[0][boll[0].length - 2], RateUpDateTime)
                $.PlotLine("down", boll[2][boll[2].length - 2], RateUpDateTime)
        RateUpDateTime += UpDateCyc
        SumInCyc = 0
        AddCounts = 1
        SumInCyc += Rate
        RateArray[RateArray.length - 1] = (SumInCyc / AddCounts)
        $.PlotLine("avgRate", RateArray[RateArray.length - 1], RateUpDateTime)
        if(RateArray.length > 60){
            if(ModeStr == "SMA"){
                sma120 = talib.SMA(RateArray, 60)
                sma10 = talib.SMA(RateArray, 10)
                $.PlotLine("sma120", sma120[sma120.length - 1], RateUpDateTime)
                $.PlotLine("sma10", sma10[sma10.length - 1], RateUpDateTime)
            }else if(ModeStr == "BOLL"){          
                boll = TA.BOLL(RateArray, 20, 2.5)
                $.PlotLine("up", boll[0][boll[0].length - 1], RateUpDateTime)
                $.PlotLine("down", boll[2][boll[2].length - 1], RateUpDateTime)
    if(ModeStr == "SMA"){
        if(STATE == IDLE && (sma120 && sma10) && sma120[sma120.length - 2] > sma10[sma10.length - 2] && sma120[sma120.length - 1] < sma10[sma10.length - 1]){
            // PLUS
            var SellInfo = $.Sell(exchanges[1], 5)
            var sumMoney = SellInfo.price * SellInfo.amount
            var amount = _N(sumMoney / depthA.Asks[0].Price, 2)
            var BuyInfo = $.Buy(exchanges[0], amount)
            ETH_hold_amount = SellInfo.amount
            BTC_hold_amount = amount
            STATE = PLUS
            // throw "stop"  // ceshi
        if(STATE == PLUS && (sma120 && sma10) && sma120[sma120.length - 2] < sma10[sma10.length - 2] && sma120[sma120.length - 1] > sma10[sma10.length - 1]){
            // COVER
            var BuyInfo = $.Buy(exchanges[1], ETH_hold_amount)
            var SellInfo = $.Sell(exchanges[0], BTC_hold_amount)
            ETH_hold_amount = 0
            BTC_hold_amount = 0
            STATE = IDLE
            Log(exchanges[0].GetAccount(), exchanges[1].GetAccount())

function main() {
    var AccountA = exchanges[0].GetAccount()
    var AccountB = exchanges[1].GetAccount()
    Log("AccountA:", AccountA, "AccountB:", AccountB)
        var beginTime = new Date().getTime()




dayTrader2018The problem is, where does this PlotLine function in the above code come from?

cooboyDare to write, awesome.

cooboyDare to write, awesome.

LogaThe dream is to become a martial artist

The Little DreamDraw a linear class library template in which to export functions and implement code in the template.

The Little DreamIt's mostly easy, just write a few simple sentences and see if you can do it, by the way, give an example.