Strategi perdagangan fluktuasi per jam

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2023-09-20 16:50:27

Gambaran umum

Strategi ini menargetkan SPY untuk memperdagangkan fluktuasi per jam untuk pembalikan jangka pendek.

Logika Strategi

  1. Crossover MA 5 hari dan 13 hari menentukan pembalikan harga per jam.

  2. RSI lebih tinggi dari 50 untuk sinyal pembelian MA crossover.

  3. 13 hari MA crossover di bawah 5 hari MA, dan garis MACD crossover di bawah garis sinyal menghasilkan sinyal jual.

  4. Stop loss dan mengambil garis keuntungan ditetapkan, dengan mengambil keuntungan parsial pada target 2x.

  5. Opsi untuk berdagang short side setelah menyelesaikan putaran saat ini.

  6. Parameter yang dapat disesuaikan seperti periode MA, rasio stop/profit dll.


  1. Mengambil perdagangan jangka pendek dari perubahan harga per jam.

  2. Kombinasi multi-indikator meningkatkan akurasi sinyal.

  3. Stop dan profit setup bantuan dalam manajemen risiko.

  4. Keuntungan parsial membantu mengunci keuntungan.

  5. Parameter yang dapat disesuaikan cocok untuk pedagang jangka pendek.


  1. Fluktuasi setiap jam dapat menyebabkan sinyal palsu dan kerugian.

  2. Rasio stop/profit yang tidak tepat mengarah pada keluarnya awal atau penundaan.

  3. Parameter membutuhkan optimasi untuk beberapa simbol.

  4. Optimasi berisiko terlalu pas.

  5. Frekuensi perdagangan yang tinggi meningkatkan biaya transaksi.


  1. Uji kombinasi parameter untuk menemukan yang optimal.

  2. Evaluasi indikator tambahan untuk mengkonfirmasi sinyal.

  3. Mengoptimalkan berhenti dan target untuk keseimbangan risiko-pengembalian.

  4. Tambahkan filter tren untuk menghindari perdagangan kontra-tren.

  5. Meredakan kondisi keuntungan parsial untuk keuntungan yang diperluas.

  6. Mengevaluasi simbol lain yang cocok untuk strategi.


Strategi ini bertujuan untuk menangkap peluang per jam jangka pendek SPY. Memperbaiki melalui optimalisasi, penyaringan dll dapat meningkatkan keandalan menjadi sistem jangka pendek yang efektif.

strategy(title="SPY 1 Hour Swing Trader", initial_capital=300000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=15, pyramiding=0, commission_type=strategy.commission.cash_per_order, commission_value=0, overlay=true, calc_on_every_tick=false, process_orders_on_close=true, max_labels_count=500)

//The purpose of this script is to spot 1 hour pivots that indicate ~5 to 6 trading day swings.
//Results indicate that swings are held approximately 5 to 6 trading days on average, over the last 6 years.
//This indicator spots a go long opportunity when the 5 ema crosses the 13 ema on the 1 hour along with the RSI > 50.
//It also spots uses a couple different means to determine when to exit the trade. Sell condition is 
//primarily when the 13 ema crosses the 5 ema and the MACD line crosses below the signal line and
//the smoothed Stoichastic appears oversold (greater than 60). Stop Losses and Take Profits are configurable
//in Inputs along with ability to include short trades plus other MACD and Stoichastic settings.
//If a stop loss is encountered the trade will close. Also once twice the expected move is encountered
//partial profits will taken and stop losses and take profits will be re-established based on most recent close
//Once long trades are exited, short trades will be initiated if recent conditions appeared oversold and
//input option for short trading is enabled. If trying to use this for something other than SPXL it is best
//to update stop losses and take profit percentages and check backtest results to ensure proper levels have
//been selected and the script gives satisfactory results.

// Initialize variables
var float long_entry_price = na
var float short_entry_price = na
var float stop_loss = na
var float take_profit = na
var float twoxtake_profit = na
var float short_stop_loss = na
var float short_take_profit = na
var float short_twoxtake_profit = na
var int startshort = 0

// Inputs
short = input.bool(true, "Include Short Trades!")
option_SL_P = input.float(0.02, "Input Stop Loss Percentage (0.02 = 2%)")
option_TP_P = input.float(0.03, "Input Take Profit Percentage (0.03 = 3%)")
pp =, "Partial Profit Percentage in whole numbers (50 is 50%)")
ema5 =, "Fast EMA Period", minval=1)
ema13 =, "Slow EMA Period", minval=1)
rsi_length =, "RSI Length", minval=1)
macd_fast_length =, "MACD Fast Length", minval=1)
macd_slow_length =, "MACD Slow Length", minval=1)
macd_signal_length =, "MACD Signal Length", minval=1)
len =, title="ADX Length", minval=1)
length =, "Stochastic Length")
smoothK =, "Stoicastic Smooth K")
src = input(close, "Stoicastic Source")

// Calculating EMA 
ema_13 = ta.ema(close, ema13)
ema_5 = ta.ema(close, ema5)

// Calculate RSI
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsi_length)
smooth_rsi = ta.ema(rsi, 5)

// Calculate MACD
[macd_line, signal_line, _] = ta.macd(close, macd_fast_length, macd_slow_length, macd_signal_length)

// Calculate the True Range
tr =

// Calculate slope of MACD line
rsiSlope = (smooth_rsi - smooth_rsi[3]) / (bar_index - bar_index[3])

// Calculate the Directional Movement
up = ta.change(high)
down = -ta.change(low)
plusDM = na(up) ? na : (up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0)
minusDM = na(down) ? na : (down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0)

// Calculate the Smoothed Directional Movement
plusDI = 100 * ta.ema(plusDM, len) / ta.ema(tr, len)
minusDI = 100 * ta.ema(minusDM, len) / ta.ema(tr, len)

// Calculate the Directional Index (DX)
DX = 100 * math.abs(plusDI - minusDI) / (plusDI + minusDI)

// Calculate the ADX
adx = ta.ema(DX, len)

//Stochastic Calculation
highestHigh = ta.highest(src, length)
lowestLow = ta.lowest(src, length)
k = 100 * ((src - lowestLow) / (highestHigh - lowestLow))
d = ta.sma(k, smoothK)

// Determine current VIX
vixClose ="VIX", timeframe.period, close[3])
//plot(vixClose, title="VIX Close",

// Buy and Sell Conditions
buy_condition = ta.crossover(ema_5 , ema_13) and rsi > 50
sell_condition = ema_13 > ema_5 and macd_line < signal_line and (d > 60)

// Plotting indicators
plot(ema_13,, title="Slow EMA Period")
plot(ema_5,, title="Fast EMA Period")

// Executing trades
if buy_condition and strategy.position_size == 0 and barstate.isconfirmed
    strategy.entry("Pivot Up", strategy.long, alert_message = "Pivoting Up")
    long_entry_price := close
    stop_loss := long_entry_price - (option_SL_P * close)
    take_profit := long_entry_price + (option_TP_P * close)
    twoxtake_profit := long_entry_price + (2 * option_TP_P * close)

if strategy.position_size > 0 and barstate.isconfirmed
    if close < stop_loss and barstate.isconfirmed
        strategy.close("Pivot Up", "Exit Longs Stopped")
        if short == 1 
            startshort := 1
    else if sell_condition and barstate.isconfirmed
        if short == 1
            startshort := 1
        strategy.close("Pivot Up", "Exit Longs Sell Condition Met")
    else if close >= twoxtake_profit and barstate.isconfirmed
        stop_loss := close - (.5*option_TP_P*close)
        take_profit := close + (.5*option_TP_P*close)
        strategy.exit("Exit Partial Longs", "Pivot Up", stop=stop_loss, limit = take_profit, qty_percent = pp)

if startshort == 1
    if (d[6] > 80) and barstate.isconfirmed
        strategy.entry("Pivot Down", strategy.short, alert_message = "Pivoting Down")
        short_entry_price := close
        short_stop_loss := short_entry_price + (option_SL_P * close)
        short_take_profit := short_entry_price - (option_TP_P * close)
        short_twoxtake_profit := short_entry_price - (2 * option_TP_P * close)
        startshort := 0
        startshort := 0

if strategy.position_size < 0 and barstate.isconfirmed
    if close > short_stop_loss and barstate.isconfirmed
        strategy.close("Pivot Down", "Exit Shorts Stopped")
    else if close <= short_twoxtake_profit and barstate.isconfirmed
        short_stop_loss := close + (.5*option_TP_P*close)
        short_take_profit := close - (.5*option_TP_P*close)
        strategy.exit("Exit Partial Shorts", "Pivot Down", stop=short_stop_loss, limit = short_take_profit, qty_percent = pp)

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