
作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン, 日時: 2023-09-20 16:42:37


この戦略は,T3,T3 フィボナッチおよび MavilimW 移動平均を組み合わせて,価格-MA 関係から取引信号を生成する.これはトレンドフォロー戦略に属します.


  1. T3,T3 フィボナッチ,マビリムWの移動平均を別々に計算します.

  2. 価格のブレイクとPullbackは,MAsから買い・売シグナルを生成します.

  3. 複数のMAsを組み合わせることでより高い品質の信号をフィルタリングできます

  4. 取引ごとに損失を制御するために停止損失を設定します.

  5. 単一のまたは組み合わせたMAシステムを使用する柔軟性


  1. MAコンボは相互確認によって信号の精度を向上させます

  2. 各MAは,組み合わせたエッジの傾向変化に異なる反応を示します.

  3. MA関係によって形成される直感的な信号です

  4. リスク管理における停止損失補助剤

  5. 簡単な理解とカスタマイズのために 明確なコードです


  1. MAコンボは 誤った信号を生成し 損失を招く

  2. 傾向の転換点を特定するのは難しいのです

  3. 適正でない MA パラメータは性能に悪影響を及ぼします

  4. ポジションの頻繁な変更は取引コストを増加させる.

  5. オーバーオプティマイゼーションリスク


  1. 最適な組み合わせを見つけるために異なるMAパラメータをテストする.

  2. シグナルフィルタリングのための追加の傾向指標を評価する.

  3. ストップ・ロスのパラメータを最適化し,取引ごとに損失リスクを低減します.

  4. 傾向の逆転点を特定するために 価格サイクルパターンを研究します

  5. 不必要な逆取引を避けるためにトレンドメトリックを追加します.

  6. 資本効率の向上のために動的ポジションサイズを使用する.



start: 2022-09-13 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-19 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//creator&compiler: Bartu Altan
//inspired by: KIVANÇ ÖZBİLGİÇ @fr3792 and @mavilim0732 on twitter
//With courtesy of Kıvanç Özbilgiç, Permission Pending

strategy("Tilson T3, Tilson T3 Fibo and MavilimW Combined Strategy Strategy",shorttitle="T3 and MavilimW Strategy", initial_capital=100,currency=currency.USD,default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity,default_qty_value =75,overlay=true)
stop_loss=input(defval=3.0,title="Stop Loss %",type=input.float)*0.01
strategyt3 = input(true,"T3")
strategyt3Fibo = input(true,"T3 Fibo Cross")
strategyMav = input(true,"MavilimW")
fmal=input(3,"First Moving Average length")
smal=input(5,"Second Moving Average length")
barsSinceCloseUnderMavw = input(5,"Bars Since Close Under MAVW")
T3FiboLine = input(false, title="Show T3 Fibonacci Ratio Line?")
length1 = input(8, "T3 Length")
a1 = input(0.7, "Volume Factor")


e1 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length1)
e2 = ema(e1, length1)
e3 = ema(e2, length1)
e4 = ema(e3, length1)
e5 = ema(e4, length1)
e6 = ema(e5, length1)
c1 = -a1 * a1 * a1
c2 = 3 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1 * a1
c3 = -6 * a1 * a1 - 3 * a1 - 3 * a1 * a1 * a1
c4 = 1 + 3 * a1 + a1 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1
T3 = c1 * e6 + c2 * e5 + c3 * e4 + c4 * e3

col1t3 = T3 > T3[1]
col3t3 = T3 < T3[1]
color_1 = col1t3 ? color.green : col3t3 ? color.red : color.yellow
plot(strategyt3 or strategyt3Fibo ? T3:na, color=color_1, linewidth=3, title="T3")

//T3 Fibo

length12 = input(5, "T3 Length fibo")
a12 = input(0.618, "Volume Factor fibo")

e12 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length12)
e22 = ema(e12, length12)
e32 = ema(e22, length12)
e42 = ema(e32, length12)
e52 = ema(e42, length12)
e62 = ema(e52, length12)
c12 = -a12 * a12 * a12
c22 = 3 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12 * a12
c32 = -6 * a12 * a12 - 3 * a12 - 3 * a12 * a12 * a12
c42 = 1 + 3 * a12 + a12 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12
T32 = c12 * e62 + c22 * e52 + c32 * e42 + c42 * e32

col12 = T32 > T32[1]
col32 = T32 < T32[1]
color2 = col12 ? color.blue : col32 ? color.purple : color.yellow
plot(strategyt3Fibo and T3FiboLine and T32 ? T32 : na, color=color2, linewidth=2, title="T3fibo")

//End of T3 Fibo

// END OF T3



M1= wma(close, fmal)
M2= wma(M1, smal)
M3= wma(M2, tmal)
M4= wma(M3, Fmal)
M5= wma(M4, Ftmal)
MAVW= wma(M5, Smal)
col1= MAVW>MAVW[1]
col3= MAVW<MAVW[1]
colorM = col1 ? color.blue : col3 ? color.red : color.yellow
plot(strategyMav ?MAVW:na,title="MAVW",color=colorM,linewidth=2)


// Long Conditions // 

longT3single = strategyt3 and not(strategyt3Fibo) and not(strategyMav) ? crossover(close,T3) and barssince(crossunder(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw : na
longT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? crossover(T32,T3):na
longMav = not(strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? crossover(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossunder(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw : na

longT3WFiboandMav = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? close > T3 and close > MAVW and T32 > T3 : na
longT3WFibo = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? (crossover(T32,T3)  and close > T3) or (T32>T3 and crossover(close,T3) and barssince(crossunder(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw):na
longMavT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? (crossover(T32,T3) and close > MAVW) or (T32>T3 and crossover(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossunder(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw) : na
longMavT3 = (strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? (crossover(close,T3) and barssince(crossunder(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw and close>MAVW) or (crossover(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossunder(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw and close>T3) : na

longchosen = longT3single or longT3Fibo or longMav or longT3WFiboandMav or longT3WFibo or longMavT3Fibo or longMavT3

// Long Close Conditions // 
longcT3single = strategyt3 and not(strategyt3Fibo) and not(strategyMav) ? crossunder(close,T3) : na
longcT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? crossunder(T32,T3):na
longcMav = not(strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? crossunder(close,MAVW): na

longcT3WFiboandMav = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? close < T3 and close < MAVW and T32 < T3 : na
longcT3WFibo = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? (crossunder(T32,T3)  and close < T3) or (T32<T3 and crossunder(close,T3)):na
longcMavT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? (crossunder(T32,T3) and close < MAVW) or (T32<T3 and crossunder(close,MAVW)):  na
longcMavT3 = (strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? (crossunder(close,T3) and close<MAVW) or (crossunder(close,MAVW) and close<T3) : na

longclosechosen = longcT3single or longcT3Fibo or longcMav or longcT3WFiboandMav or longcT3WFibo or longcMavT3Fibo or longcMavT3

// t3 fibo //

long = longchosen
longclose = longclosechosen
long_plot = barssince(long[1])>barssince(longclose[1])?long:na
longclose_plot = barssince(longclose[1])>barssince(long[1])?longclose:na

plotshape(long_plot,title="Long",style=shape.labelup,color=color.green,text="Long",textcolor=color.white, location=location.abovebar)
plotshape(longclose_plot,title="Long Close",style=shape.labeldown,color=#B1E141,text="Long Close",textcolor=color.white,location=location.belowbar)

// Short Conditions // 

shortT3single = strategyt3 and not(strategyt3Fibo) and not(strategyMav) ? crossunder(close,T3) and barssince(crossover(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw : na
shortT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? crossunder(T32,T3):na
shortMav = not(strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? crossunder(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossover(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw : na

shortT3WFiboandMav = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? close < T3 and close < MAVW and T32 < T3 : na
shortT3WFibo = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? (crossunder(T32,T3)  and close < T3) or (T32<T3 and crossunder(close,T3) and barssince(crossover(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw):na
shortMavT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? (crossunder(T32,T3) and close < MAVW) or (T32<T3 and crossunder(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossover(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw) : na
shortMavT3 = (strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? (crossunder(close,T3) and barssince(crossover(close,T3)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw and close<MAVW) or (crossunder(close,MAVW) and barssince(crossover(close,MAVW)) > barsSinceCloseUnderMavw and close<T3) : na

shortchosen = shortT3single or shortT3Fibo or shortMav or shortT3WFiboandMav or shortT3WFibo or shortMavT3Fibo or shortMavT3

// Long Close Conditions // 
shortcT3single = strategyt3 and not(strategyt3Fibo) and not(strategyMav) ? crossover(close,T3) : na
shortcT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? crossover(T32,T3):na
shortcMav = not(strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? crossover(close,MAVW): na

shortcT3WFiboandMav = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? close > T3 and close > MAVW and T32 > T3 : na
shortcT3WFibo = strategyt3 and strategyt3Fibo and not(strategyMav) ? (crossover(T32,T3)  and close > T3) or (T32>T3 and crossover(close,T3)):na
shortcMavT3Fibo = not(strategyt3) and strategyt3Fibo and strategyMav ? (crossover(T32,T3) and close > MAVW) or (T32>T3 and crossover(close,MAVW)):  na
shortcMavT3 = (strategyt3) and not(strategyt3Fibo) and strategyMav ? (crossover(close,T3) and close>MAVW) or (crossover(close,MAVW) and close>T3) : na

shortclosechosen = shortcT3single or shortcT3Fibo or shortcMav or shortcT3WFiboandMav or shortcT3WFibo or shortcMavT3Fibo or shortcMavT3

short = shortchosen
shortclose = shortclosechosen
short_plot = barssince(short[1])>barssince(shortclose[1])?short:na
shortclose_plot = barssince(shortclose[1])>barssince(short[1])?shortclose:na

plotshape(shortclose_plot,title="Short Close",style=shape.labeldown,color=#E19B89,text="Short Close",textcolor=color.white,location=location.belowbar)

strategy.entry("Long", true, when=long_plot)
strategy.exit("Long Stop Loss","Long",stop=strategy.position_avg_price*(1-stop_loss))

strategy.entry("Short", false, when=short_plot)
strategy.exit("Short Stop Loss","Short",stop=strategy.position_avg_price*(1+stop_loss))
