Die Kommission vertritt die Auffassung, dass die in den Erwägungsgründen 6 und 7 genannten Maßnahmen nicht in Einklang mit dem Grundsatz der angemessenen Marktwirtschaft stehen.

Schriftsteller:ChaoZhang, Datum: 26.09.2023


Diese Strategie identifiziert Preistrends, indem sie den Average True Range (ATR) und den Commodity Channel Index (CCI) kombiniert und überkaufte/überverkaufte Ebenen als Einstiegs- und Ausstiegssignale verwendet. ATR berechnet die oberen und unteren Bands, während CCI die Trendrichtung bestimmt.

Strategie Logik

  1. Berechnen Sie ATR, hier 2-Periode ATR verwendet wird
  2. Berechnen Sie den CCI-Wert, hier wird der 10-Perioden-CCI verwendet.
  3. Bestimmung der Trendrichtung auf der Grundlage des aktuellen CCI-Wertes
    • CCI >= 0, definiert als Aufwärtstrend
    • CCI < 0, definiert als Abwärtstrend
  4. Berechnen Sie Ober- und Unterband
    • Oberer Band = Höchster Höchster + ATR * Multiplikator
    • Unterer Band = Niedrigster Tief - ATR * Multiplikator
  5. Unter verschiedenen Trendrichtungen Speichern und Aktualisieren der oberen und unteren Bands
    • Wenn CCI >= 0, wenn Oberband < vorhergehendes Oberband, zurücksetzen; wenn CCI < 0, wenn Unterband > vorhergehendes Unterband, zurücksetzen
    • Dies verhindert, dass sich die Kanäle umgekehrt mit dem Preis bewegen
  6. Eingabe im oberen oder unteren Band auf der Grundlage des CCI-Wertes als Eingangssignal
  7. Ausgang, wenn CCI als Ausgangssignal 0 überschreitet
  8. Stop-Loss und Take-Profit-Ausgang festlegen


Diese Strategie kombiniert Trenderkennung und Kanalbreaking, wodurch Trends effektiv verfolgt werden.

  1. Die Kommission stellt fest, dass die in den Erwägungsgründen 1 und 2 dargelegten Faktoren nicht berücksichtigt werden können.
  2. ATR-Kanal setzt Stop-Loss und Take-Profit fest, um Risiken zu kontrollieren
  3. Kanäle können die Richtung schnell anpassen, wenn sich der Preis umkehrt, um nicht im ursprünglichen Trendkanal gefangen zu bleiben
  4. Der Ausgang von CCIs 0 folgt den Trends und vermeidet Schlagzeilen

Risiken und Verbesserungen

  1. CCI- und ATR-Parameter müssen für bestmögliche Ergebnisse über Perioden und Parameter hinweg optimiert werden
  2. Obwohl durch die Anpassung der Kanäle Überlastungen vermieden werden, können starke Umkehrungen immer noch zu unzureichenden Gewinnen oder Verlusten führen
  3. Stop-Loss-Platzierung muss optimiert werden, Stopps entspannen, um übermäßige Stops zu vermeiden
  4. Zusätzliche Filter auf dem Eingangssignal können die Eintrittsmöglichkeiten optimieren
  5. Die Kombination mit einem höheren Zeitrahmen-Trendindikator kann den Handel gegen einen höheren Trend vermeiden.


Im Allgemeinen ist dies eine einfache und praktische Trend-Folge-Strategie. Sein Vorteil ist die klare Logik und die einfache Implementierung für das schnelle Kapitalisieren von Trends. Aber Parameter wie Stop-Loss-Range erfordern eine Optimierung basierend auf den Marktbedingungen. Die Kombination mit anderen Indikatoren kann die Strategie weiter verbessern. Als Anfänger-Trend-Folge-Strategie lohnt es sich zu lernen und zu verweisen.

start: 2023-08-26 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-25 00:00:00
period: 3h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Trend Trader Karan",overlay=true)
res = input(title="Resolution", type=input.resolution, defval="60",confirm = true)

ProfitPerc = input(title=" Take Profit (%)",type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=1.4) * 0.01

stoploss = input(title=" Stop Loss (%)",type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=0.7) * 0.01

CCI = input(10,title = "CCI")
ATR = input(2,title = "ATR")
Multiplier= 1
original = false
thisCCI = cci(close, CCI)
lastCCI = nz(thisCCI[1])

    bufferDn= high + Multiplier * wma(tr,ATR)
    bufferUp= low - Multiplier * wma(tr,ATR)
    if (thisCCI >= 0 and lastCCI < 0) 
        bufferUp := bufferDn[1]
    if (thisCCI <= 0 and lastCCI > 0) 
        bufferDn := bufferUp[1]

    if (thisCCI >= 0)
        if (bufferUp < bufferUp[1])
            bufferUp := bufferUp[1]
        if (thisCCI <= 0)
            if (bufferDn > bufferDn[1])
                bufferDn := bufferDn[1]

    x = 0.0
    x := thisCCI >= 0 ?bufferUp:thisCCI <= 0 ?bufferDn:x[1]

tempx = calcx()

calcswap() =>
    swap = 0.0
    swap := tempx>tempx[1]?1:tempx<tempx[1]?-1:swap[1]

tempswap = calcswap()

swap3=thisCCI >=0 ?color.green :color.red

//display current timeframe's Trend

plot(tempx,color=swap4 == color.green ? color.green : swap4,transp=0,linewidth=4)

htfx = security(syminfo.tickerid,res,tempx[1],lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
htfswap4 = security(syminfo.tickerid,res,swap4[1],lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)


//plotarrow( ? 1 : swap4[1] == color.yellow and swap4 == color.blue ? -1 :0 , title="Up Entry Arrow", colorup=color.green,colordown = color.blue, maxheight=10, minheight=10, transp=0)

plotshape( swap4[1] == color.red and swap4 == color.green ? 1 : na , style = shape.triangleup , color = color.blue , location = location.belowbar , size = size.tiny )
plotshape( swap4[1] == color.green and swap4 == color.red ? 1 : na , style = shape.triangledown , color = color.red , location = location.abovebar , size = size.tiny)

buy =  swap4[1] == color.red and swap4 == color.green and htfswap4 == color.green

sell =  swap4[1] == color.green and swap4 == color.red and htfswap4 == color.red

if(swap4[1] == color.red and swap4 == color.green)
if(swap4[1] == color.green and swap4 == color.red )
longExitPrice  = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + ProfitPerc)
shortExitPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - ProfitPerc)

stop_buy = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - stoploss)
stop_sell = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + stoploss)
if (strategy.position_size > 0)
    strategy.exit(id="Target", limit=longExitPrice , stop = stop_buy)

if (strategy.position_size < 0)
    strategy.exit(id="Target", limit=shortExitPrice , stop = stop_sell)
///////////////study("EMA ", overlay=true)
plot(ema(close, 200), color=#FF7000, linewidth=2, title='200 Day EMA')
plot(ema(close, 20), color=#0088FA, linewidth=2, title='20 Day EMA')
plot(ema(close, 50), color=#FA00D0, linewidth=2, title='50 Day EMA')

//////////////////study("Trend Lines+++", overlay=true)
src = input(low)
len0 = input(100)

calcSlope(src, len0) =>
    if not barstate.islast
        [float(na), float(na), float(na)]
        sumX = 0.0
        sumY = 0.0
        sumXSqr = 0.0
        sumXY = 0.0
        for i = 0 to len0 - 1
            val = src[i]
            per = i + 1.0
            sumX := sumX + per
            sumY := sumY + val
            sumXSqr := sumXSqr + per * per
            sumXY := sumXY + val * per
        slope = (len0 * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (len0 * sumXSqr - sumX * sumX)
        average = sumY / len0
        intercept = average - slope * sumX / len0 + slope
        [slope, average, intercept]

[s, a, i] = calcSlope(src, len0)

startPrice = i + s * (len0 - 1)
endPrice = i
// var line baseLine = na
// if na(baseLine)
//     baseLine := line.new(bar_index - len0 + 1, startPrice, bar_index, endPrice, width=4, extend=extend.right)
// else
//     line.set_xy1(baseLine, bar_index - len0 + 1, startPrice)
//     line.set_xy2(baseLine, bar_index, endPrice)
//     na 

mx = input(100, "Range", minval=1)
mn = max(2, round(mx / 10) + 1)

LN(B, CLR) =>
    s1 = B == 1 ? highest(src, mx) : lowest(src, mx)
    s2 = B == 1 ? highest(src, mn) : lowest(src, mn)
    c1 = s1 == src
    c2 = s2 == src
    b1 = barssince(c1)
    b2 = barssince(c2)
    v1 = valuewhen(c1, s1, 0)
    v2 = valuewhen(c2, s2, 0)
    // line.new(bar_index - b1, v1, bar_index - b2, v2, extend=extend.both, color=CLR, width=2)

// L1 = LN(1, #ff0088), line.delete(L1[1])
// L2 = LN(0, #00ff88), line.delete(L2[1])
// Input variables
len=input(30,title="loockback length pivots")
wicks=input(true,title="Draw lines from wicks (checked) or real bodies (unchecked)?")
disp_select=input(true,title="Display only falling 'high' and rising 'low' trendlines?")
do_mono=input(false,title="checked = monochrome lines, unchecked = direction colored lines?")
limit_extension=input(0,title="Limit extensions of the lines? 0 = infinite, other values x 100 bars",minval=0)
do_alerts=input(true,title="show trendline breaks")
trendline_nr=input(5,title="number of past trendlines to check for breaks (max = 10)",minval=0,maxval=10)
select_breaks=input(true,title="only display 'long' breaks on trendlines connecting 'highs' and 'short' for 'lows'")
log_chart=input(false,title="USING A LOG CHART? MAKE SURE TO CHECK THIS BOX!!")

// Calculating the 'time value' of one bar

// Initialising color scheme
var color color_rising=do_mono?color.teal:color.lime
var color color_falling=do_mono?color.teal:color.fuchsia

/////// Function declarations ///////

// Declaration of trendline function
f_trendline(_input_function,_delay,_only_up,_extend) =>
    // Calculate line coordinates (Ax,Ay) - (Bx,By)
    var int Ax = 0
    var int Bx = 0
    var float By = 0.0
    var float slope = 0.0
    Ay = fixnan(_input_function)
    if change(Ay)!=0
        Ax := time[_delay]
        By:= Ay[1]
        Bx := Ax[1]
        Ax := Ax[1]
        Bx := Bx[1]
        By := By[1]
    // Draw trendlines
    var line trendline=na
    var int Axbis=0
    var float Aybis=0.0
    var bool _xtend=true
    extension_time = limit_extension*bar_time*100
    Axbis := Ax + extension_time
    Aybis := log_chart?(Ay*exp(extension_time*slope)):(Ay + extension_time*slope)
    if limit_extension!=0
    if change(Ay)!=0
        line_color = slope*time<0?(_only_up?(disp_select?na:color_rising):color_rising):(_only_up?color_falling:(disp_select?na:color_falling))
        if not na(line_color)
            trendline = line.new(Bx,By,Axbis, Aybis, xloc.bar_time, extend=_xtend?extend.right:extend.none, color=line_color, style=line.style_dotted, width=1)


// Function to get trendline price for X bars ago ("0" = current value)
line_get_price(_start_time,_start_price,_slope,_lookback_period,_log_chart) =>
    var float current_price=0.0
    elapsed_time = (time-_start_time)
    current_price := _log_chart?(_start_price*exp((elapsed_time-(_lookback_period*bar_time))*_slope)):(_start_price + (elapsed_time-(_lookback_period*bar_time))*_slope)

// Function to check for trendline crosses
line_cross(_check_value,_start_time,_start_price,_slope,_log_chart) =>
    var float current_value=0.0
    var float previous_value=0.0
    // Get current and previous price for the trendline
    current_value := line_get_price(_start_time,_start_price,_slope,0,_log_chart)
    previous_value := line_get_price(_start_time,_start_price,_slope,1,_log_chart)
    // Return 1 for crossover, -1 for crossunder and 0 for no cross detected
    cross =
     _check_value[1]<previous_value and _check_value>current_value?1:
     _check_value[1]>previous_value and _check_value<current_value?-1:0

/////// Start of main script ///////

// Calculate pivot points    

// Call trendline function for high and low pivot points

// Initialition of pseudo array to keep track of last 10 high and 10 low trendline values
var int high_x0=0, var float high_y0=0.0, var float high_sl0=0.0
var int high_x1=0, var float high_y1=0.0, var float high_sl1=0.0 
var int high_x2=0, var float high_y2=0.0, var float high_sl2=0.0 
var int high_x3=0, var float high_y3=0.0, var float high_sl3=0.0 
var int high_x4=0, var float high_y4=0.0, var float high_sl4=0.0
var int high_x5=0, var float high_y5=0.0, var float high_sl5=0.0
var int high_x6=0, var float high_y6=0.0, var float high_sl6=0.0
var int high_x7=0, var float high_y7=0.0, var float high_sl7=0.0
var int high_x8=0, var float high_y8=0.0, var float high_sl8=0.0
var int high_x9=0, var float high_y9=0.0, var float high_sl9=0.0

var int low_x0=0,  var float low_y0=0.0,  var float low_sl0=0.0
var int low_x1=0,  var float low_y1=0.0,  var float low_sl1=0.0 
var int low_x2=0,  var float low_y2=0.0,  var float low_sl2=0.0 
var int low_x3=0,  var float low_y3=0.0,  var float low_sl3=0.0 
var int low_x4=0,  var float low_y4=0.0,  var float low_sl4=0.0
var int low_x5=0,  var float low_y5=0.0,  var float low_sl5=0.0
var int low_x6=0,  var float low_y6=0.0,  var float low_sl6=0.0
var int low_x7=0,  var float low_y7=0.0,  var float low_sl7=0.0
var int low_x8=0,  var float low_y8=0.0,  var float low_sl8=0.0
var int low_x9=0,  var float low_y9=0.0,  var float low_sl9=0.0

// If a new trendline is formed, shift all values in the array one place up and forget the last values
if change(fixnan(high_point))!=0
    high_x9:=high_x8, high_y9:=high_y8, high_sl9:=high_sl8
    high_x8:=high_x7, high_y8:=high_y7, high_sl8:=high_sl7
    high_x7:=high_x6, high_y7:=high_y6, high_sl7:=high_sl6
    high_x6:=high_x5, high_y6:=high_y5, high_sl6:=high_sl5
    high_x5:=high_x4, high_y5:=high_y4, high_sl5:=high_sl4
    high_x4:=high_x3, high_y4:=high_y3, high_sl4:=high_sl3
    high_x3:=high_x2, high_y3:=high_y2, high_sl3:=high_sl2
    high_x2:=high_x1, high_y2:=high_y1, high_sl2:=high_sl1
    high_x1:=high_x0, high_y1:=high_y0, high_sl1:=high_sl0
    high_x0:=phx1, high_y0:=phy1, high_sl0:=slope_high
if change(fixnan(low_point))!=0
    low_x9:=low_x8, low_y9:=low_y8, low_sl9:=low_sl8
    low_x8:=low_x7, low_y8:=low_y7, low_sl8:=low_sl7
    low_x7:=low_x6, low_y7:=low_y6, low_sl7:=low_sl6
    low_x6:=low_x5, low_y6:=low_y5, low_sl6:=low_sl5
    low_x5:=low_x4, low_y5:=low_y4, low_sl5:=low_sl4
    low_x4:=low_x3, low_y4:=low_y3, low_sl4:=low_sl3
    low_x3:=low_x2, low_y3:=low_y2, low_sl3:=low_sl2
    low_x2:=low_x1, low_y2:=low_y1, low_sl2:=low_sl1
    low_x1:=low_x0, low_y1:=low_y0, low_sl1:=low_sl0
    low_x0:=plx1, low_y0:=ply1, low_sl0:=slope_low
// Check Trendline crosses for last X nr. of trendlines
 disp_select and high_sl0*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl0*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl1*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl1*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl2*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl2*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl3*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl3*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl4*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl4*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl5*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl5*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl6*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl6*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl7*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl7*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl8*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl8*time<0?0:

 disp_select and high_sl9*time>0?0:
 disp_select and low_sl9*time<0?0:
 (trendline_nr>9?cross_high9==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low9==1):false) or
 (trendline_nr>8?cross_high8==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low8==1):false) or
 (trendline_nr>7?cross_high7==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low7==1):false) or
 (trendline_nr>6?cross_high6==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low6==1):false) or
 (trendline_nr>5?cross_high5==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low5==1):false) or
 (trendline_nr>4?cross_high4==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low4==1):false) or
 (trendline_nr>3?cross_high3==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low3==1):false) or
 (trendline_nr>2?cross_high2==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low2==1):false) or
 (trendline_nr>1?cross_high1==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low1==1):false) or
 cross_high0==1 or (select_breaks?false:cross_low0==1)

 (trendline_nr>9?(select_breaks?false:cross_high9==-1) or cross_low9==-1:false) or
 (trendline_nr>8?(select_breaks?false:cross_high8==-1) or cross_low8==-1:false) or
 (trendline_nr>7?(select_breaks?false:cross_high7==-1) or cross_low7==-1:false) or
 (trendline_nr>6?(select_breaks?false:cross_high6==-1) or cross_low6==-1:false) or
 (trendline_nr>5?(select_breaks?false:cross_high5==-1) or cross_low5==-1:false) or
 (trendline_nr>4?(select_breaks?false:cross_high4==-1) or cross_low4==-1:false) or
 (trendline_nr>3?(select_breaks?false:cross_high3==-1) or cross_low3==-1:false) or
 (trendline_nr>2?(select_breaks?false:cross_high2==-1) or cross_low2==-1:false) or
 (trendline_nr>1?(select_breaks?false:cross_high1==-1) or cross_low1==-1:false) or
 (select_breaks?false:cross_high0==-1) or cross_low0==-1

// Plot and connect pivot points
// Function outputs 1 when it's the first bar of the D/W/M/Y
is_newbar(res) =>
    ch = 0
    if(res == 'Y')
        t  = year(time('D'))
        ch := change(t) != 0 ? 1 : 0
        t = time(res)
        ch := change(t) != 0 ? 1 : 0

// INPUTS //

pp_period = input(title = "Period", type=input.string, defval="Day", options = ['Day', 'Week', 'Month', 'Year'])

pp_res = pp_period == 'Day' ? 'D' : pp_period == 'Week' ? 'W' : pp_period == 'Month' ? 'M' : 'Y' 

// Get HLC from HT //

// Calc High
high_cur = 0.0
high_cur := is_newbar(pp_res) ? high : max(high_cur[1], high)

phigh = 0.0
phigh := is_newbar(pp_res) ? high_cur[1] : phigh[1]

// Calc Low
low_cur = 0.0
low_cur := is_newbar(pp_res) ? low : min(low_cur[1], low)

plow = 0.0
plow := is_newbar(pp_res) ? low_cur[1] : plow[1]

// Calc Close
pclose = 0.0
pclose := is_newbar(pp_res) ? close[1] : pclose[1]
