How to use a template for drawing two Y-axes

Author: The Little Dream, Created: 2017-04-07 14:14:29, Updated: 2017-10-11 10:26:42

How to use a template to draw two Y-axes

  • Can be copied first画线类库This template is now available in its own control center.

简化了策略图表画线的逻辑, 可以直接调用封装好的函数

function main() {
    var isFirst = true
    while (true) {
        var records = exchange.GetRecords();
        if (records && records.length > 0) {
            $.PlotRecords(records, 'BTC')
            if (isFirst) {
                $.PlotFlag(records[records.length-1].Time, 'Start', 'S')
                isFirst = false
        var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
        if (ticker) {
            $.PlotLine('Last', ticker.Last)
            $.PlotTitle('Last ' + ticker.Last)


The following problems may occur when using this template:


The reason is that the calculated MACD indicator value is too small, and the result is not shown locally (too small).

The solution is to add a Y-axis to the graph to display the indicator line separately, with the following example code:

var preTime = 0;
var ChartObj = null;
function main(){
    ChartObj = Chart(null);
    var records = null;
    var MACD = null;
    // Log(exchange.GetUSDCNY());
    // exchange.SetRate(exchange.GetUSDCNY());
    ChartObj = $.GetCfg();
    // 处理 指标轴------------------------
    ChartObj.yAxis = [{
            title: {text: 'K线'},//标题
            style: {color: '#4572A7'},//样式 
            opposite: false  //生成右边Y轴
            title:{text: "指标轴"},
            opposite: true,  //生成右边Y轴  ceshi
    // 初始化指标线
    while(!records || records.length < 30){
        records = _C(exchange.GetRecords);
        LogStatus("records.length:", records.length);
    $.PlotRecords(records, 'OK期货');
    $.PlotLine('dif', 0, records[records.length - 1].Time);
    $.PlotLine('dea', 0, records[records.length - 1].Time);
    var chart = $.PlotLine('macd', 0, records[records.length - 1].Time);
    // 修改指标线 坐标轴Y轴
    for(var key in ChartObj.series){
        if(ChartObj.series[key].name == 'dif' || ChartObj.series[key].name == 'dea' || ChartObj.series[key].name == 'macd'){
            ChartObj.series[key].yAxis = 1;
        records = _C(exchange.GetRecords);
        if(records.length > 50){
            $.PlotRecords(records, 'OK期货');
            MACD = TA.MACD(records);
            var dif = MACD[0];
            var dea = MACD[1];
            var macd = MACD[2];
            if(preTime !== records[records.length - 1].Time){
                $.PlotLine('dif', dif[dif.length - 2], records[records.length - 2].Time);
                $.PlotLine('dea', dea[dea.length - 2], records[records.length - 2].Time);
                $.PlotLine('macd', macd[macd.length - 2], records[records.length - 2].Time);
                $.PlotLine('dif', dif[dif.length - 1], records[records.length - 1].Time);
                $.PlotLine('dea', dea[dea.length - 1], records[records.length - 1].Time);
                $.PlotLine('macd', macd[macd.length - 1], records[records.length - 1].Time);
                preTime = records[records.length - 1].Time;
                $.PlotLine('dif', dif[dif.length - 1], records[records.length - 1].Time);
                $.PlotLine('dea', dea[dea.length - 1], records[records.length - 1].Time);
                $.PlotLine('macd', macd[macd.length - 1], records[records.length - 1].Time);
        LogStatus("records.length:", records.length, records[records.length - 1]);
        // Log(records[records.length - 1]);

Remember to check when you testimg

Screenshot from the video:



penglihengThe week is all about writing code, and I haven't had the courage to do it for months after learning it.

penglihengThe problem is solved

penglihengThank you very much! Almost a week later, I finally wrote a simplified version of the visualization, with a 1% profit on the simple move, and a negative profit on the total move.

penglihengEvery time you open the page, you take a moment to look at the iconic data.

penglihengThank you very much, I'll calculate the net reload gain, but this policy graph can't save historical information, why does this graph initialize every time I refresh a page?

The Little Dream

The Little DreamOne week, fast, 666

The Little DreamChart bots on BotVS are permanently stored in a log database, on your hosts' premises, and if deleted, you can check to see if your code has initialized the deleted chart code.

The Little DreamWhat?