複数のタイムフレームをフィルタリングしたトレンド 戦略に従う

作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン, 日時: 2023-09-26 20:36:57


この戦略は,移動平均値,相対強度指数 (RSI),移動平均方向,その他の技術指標を合理的に適用することで,トレンドを正確に判断する.ダブル移動平均値の長短判断に基づいて,RSI指標は,誤ったブレイクを避けるために長短フィルタリングのために追加される.一方,異なるサイクルの移動平均値を共同に見ることで,トレンド方向を効果的に特定することができる.この戦略は大きな最適化空間を有し,さまざまな取引品種とサイクルに適用することができる.



  1. ダブル・ムービング・メアディア:高速・スロー・ムービング・メアディアの黄色の十字は,ロング・シグナルを意味し,デッド・クロスはショート・シグナルを意味する.この戦略では,EMAが移動平均を計算するために使用される.

  2. RSI指標:高いRSIレベルからの低下は短い機会を示唆し,低いレベルからの回復は長い機会を示唆する.この戦略ではRSI論理がトレンドフィルタリングに使用される.

  3. 移動平均の方向性: 長い移動平均と短い移動平均の方向性を比較することで,トレンドを決定することができます.この戦略では200期EMAが長期の方向性を決定するために使用されます.


  1. 速いEMAがスローEMAを横切るときにロング,速いEMAがスローEMAを横切るときにショート.

  2. 高度のRSIレベルからの低下は短期間の機会を増加させ,低水準からの回復は長期間の機会を増加させる.

  3. 長期トレンド (200日EMA) に一致する方向での取引のみを行う.つまり,上向きトレンドではロング,下向きトレンドではショートする.

  4. 脱出ポジションに利益とストップロスを使う.



  1. 複数の技術指標の組み合わせは,トレンドの方向性を確認し,誤ったブレイクの可能性を減らすのに役立ちます.

  2. RSIフィルターを追加すると 傾向が逆転すると ストップを避けられます

  3. 短期,中期,長期の動向を利用することで 進出のタイミングと方向性を改善できます

  4. ストップ・ロスの設定は,単一の取引の損失を制限するためのリスク制御を提供します.

  5. 調整可能なパラメータにより,異なる商品の多時間枠取引に適応できます.



  1. ストップ損失は,強いトレンドにおける短期的な引き下げによって引き起こされる.より広いストップ損失範囲または移動/トレーリングストップ損失を使用することができる.

  2. RSIのフィルタリング範囲や ドンチアン・チャネルなどの追加指標が役立つかもしれません.

  3. パラメータの最適化が不適切である場合,過剰な取引につながる可能性がある.異なる製品に対して注意深くテストと最適化が必要である.

  4. この戦略は,技術的な要素のみに基づいています.主要な傾向を決定するには,基本的な分析が必要です.



  1. 移動平均期間を調整し,異なる市場サイクルに適応する.

  2. ロング/ショート選択の精度を向上させるために RSI パラメータを最適化する.

  3. ボリンジャー帯やケルターチャネルなどの追加指標をテストして 突破成功率を向上させる

  4. トレンドを把握するために ストップ・ロスの動きや遅れを試してください

  5. トレンドが弱くなると 誤った信号を減らすために 範囲の突破操作を研究する

  6. 合理的なストップ・ロスを設定し,リスク管理のために製品の特徴に基づいて利益値を取る.

  7. 取引サイズをコントロールして 単一の賭けを 過剰にしないようにします



start: 2023-08-26 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-08 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Nostradamus by Wicksell 2.0", overlay=true, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100)

// MACD + EMA 200 *** estratégia de compra e venda (RSI, EMA, SMA) *** Doji Harami *** sobrecompra e sobrevenda *** Direção de tendência *** Divergência *** Ichimoku

// === Entradas gerais ===
// Curto
maFastSource   = input(defval = open, title = "Fast MA Source")
maFastLength   = input(defval = 14, title = "Fast MA Period", minval = 1)
// long ma
maSlowSource   = input(defval = open, title = "Slow MA Source")
maSlowLength   = input(defval = 21, title = "Slow MA Period", minval = 1)

// === Entradas relacionado a estratégia ===
tradeInvert     = input(defval = false, title = "Invert Trade Direction?")
// Entrada de riscos
inpTakeProfit   = input(defval = 100000000, title = "Take Profit", minval = 0)
inpStopLoss     = input(defval = 5000, title = "Stop Loss", minval = 0)
inpTrailStop    = input(defval = 1000, title = "Trailing Stop Loss", minval = 0)
inpTrailOffset  = input(defval = 0, title = "Trailing Stop Loss Offset", minval = 0)

// === Valores de gerenciamento de riscos ===
// if an input is less than 1, assuming not wanted so we assign 'na' value to disable it.
useTakeProfit   = inpTakeProfit  >= 1 ? inpTakeProfit  : na
useStopLoss     = inpStopLoss    >= 1 ? inpStopLoss    : na
useTrailStop    = inpTrailStop   >= 1 ? inpTrailStop   : na
useTrailOffset  = inpTrailOffset >= 1 ? inpTrailOffset : na

// === Configurações de série ===
maFast = ema(maFastSource, maFastLength)
maSlow = ema(maSlowSource, maSlowLength)

// === Lógica ===
// is fast ma above slow ma?
aboveBelow = maFast >= maSlow ? true : false
// are we inverting our trade direction?
tradeDirection = tradeInvert ? aboveBelow ? false : true : aboveBelow ? true : false

// MACD + EMA 200

// Input
source = input(close)
fastLength = input(12, minval=1, title="MACD fast moving average")
slowLength=input(26,minval=1, title="MACD slow moving average")
signalLength=input(9,minval=1, title="MACD signal line moving average")
veryslowLength=input(200,minval=1, title="Very slow moving average")
switch1=input(true, title="Enable Bar Color?")
switch2=input(true, title="Enable Moving Averages?")
switch3=input(true, title="Enable Background Color?")

// Calculation
fastMA = sma(source, fastLength)
slowMA = sma(source, slowLength)
veryslowMA = sma(source, veryslowLength)
macd = fastMA - slowMA
signal = sma(macd, signalLength)
hist = macd - signal

// Colors
MAtrendcolor = change(veryslowMA) > 0 ? green : red
trendcolor = fastMA > slowMA and change(veryslowMA) > 0 and close > slowMA ? green : fastMA < slowMA and change(veryslowMA) < 0 and close < slowMA ? red : blue
bartrendcolor = close > fastMA and close > slowMA and close > veryslowMA and change(slowMA) > 0 ? green : close < fastMA and close < slowMA and close < veryslowMA and change(slowMA) < 0 ? red : blue
backgroundcolor = slowMA > veryslowMA and crossover(hist, 0) and macd > 0 and fastMA > slowMA and close[slowLength] > veryslowMA ? green : slowMA < veryslowMA and crossunder(hist, 0) and macd < 0 and fastMA < slowMA and close[slowLength] < veryslowMA ? red : na

// Output

// estratégia de compra e venda wicksell

// Estratégia longo 
longEntry() => rsi(close, 2) <= 20 and close >= sma(close, 200) and ema(close, 20)
longExit() => ema(close, 80) and rsi(close, 2) >= 80

strategy.entry(id = "Compra", long = true, when = longEntry())
strategy.close(id = "Compra", when = longExit())
strategy.exit("Feche a ordem", from_entry = "Venda", profit = useTakeProfit, loss = useStopLoss, trail_points = useTrailStop, trail_offset = useTrailOffset)

// Estratégia curta
shortEntry() => rsi(close, 2) >= 80 and close <= sma(close, 200) and ema(close, 80)
shortExit() => low <= ema(close, 20) and rsi(close, 2) <= 10

strategy.entry(id = "Venda", long = false, when = shortEntry())
strategy.close(id = "Venda", when = shortExit())
strategy.exit("feche a ordem", from_entry = "Compra", profit = useTakeProfit, loss = useStopLoss, trail_points = useTrailStop, trail_offset = useTrailOffset)

// Sobrecompra e Sobrevenda

backtime = input(title='Period',  defval=5)
overbought = input(title='RSI Overbought',  defval=74)
oversold = input(title='RSI Oversold',  defval=24)

calcSpread(k) =>
    ((high[k] - low[k]) / high[k])*100

isOversold(k) =>
    key = k <= 1 ? 0 : k - 1
    rsi(close[k], backtime) <= oversold and volume[k] >= volume[key]

isOverbought(k) =>
    key = k <= 1 ? 0 : k - 1
    rsi(close[k], backtime) >= overbought and volume[k] >= volume[key]

plotshape(isOverbought(1) and isOverbought(0), style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=#ff0000)
plotshape(isOversold(1) and isOversold(0), style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=green)

// Bandas

// Script created by JoinFree
// BollingerBands added for reference
// Buy Long when you see a Green colour bar 
// Sell Short when you see a Red colour bar
mysignal = ema(close, 12) - ema(close, 26)
barcolor(mysignal[0] > mysignal[1] ? green : red)
length = input(20, minval=1), mult = input(2.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50)
basis = sma(source, length)
dev = mult * stdev(source, length)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev
p1 = plot(upper, color=white)
p2 = plot(lower, color=white)
fill(p1, p2)

// Padrão candle

delta = close - open
gap = open - close[1]
is_up = delta >= 0
high_len = is_up ? high - close : high - open
low_len = is_up ? open - low : close - low
mod_delta = delta<0 ? -delta:delta
avg_mod = (mod_delta + mod_delta[1] + mod_delta[2] + mod_delta[3] + mod_delta[4] + mod_delta[5] + mod_delta[6] + mod_delta[7] + mod_delta[8] + mod_delta[9])/10

is_bearish_engulf = -delta > delta[1]*2 and delta[1] > 0 and delta < 0 and delta[2] > 0
is_bullish_engulf = delta > -delta[1]*2 and delta[1] < 0 and delta > 0 and delta[2] < 0
plotshape(is_bearish_engulf, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white, title='bearish_englf')
plotshape(is_bearish_engulf, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white, title='bearish_englf')
plotshape(is_bullish_engulf, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=yellow, title='bullish_englf')

is_doji_up = delta*10 < mod_delta and (high-low) > mod_delta*10 and delta[1] < 0
is_doji_down = delta*10 < mod_delta and (high-low) > mod_delta*10 and delta[1] > 0
plotshape(is_doji_down, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white, title='doji_down')
plotshape(is_doji_down, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white, title='doji_down')
plotshape(is_doji_up, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=yellow, title='doji_up')

is_doji_dr_up = delta*10 < mod_delta and low_len*10 < mod_delta and high_len > mod_delta*5 and delta[1] < 0
is_doji_dr_down = delta*10 < mod_delta and high_len*10 < mod_delta and low_len > mod_delta*5 and delta[1] > 0
plotshape(is_doji_dr_down, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white, title='doji_dr_down')
plotshape(is_doji_dr_down, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white, title='doji_dr_down')
plotshape(is_doji_dr_up, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=yellow, title='doji_dr_up')

same_up = delta > mod_delta*2 and delta[1] > mod_delta[1]*2 and delta[2] > mod_delta[2]*2 and is_up 
same_down = delta*2 < mod_delta and (high-low) > mod_delta*10 and delta[1] > 0
plotshape(same_down, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white, title='3_same_down')
plotshape(same_down, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=white, title='3_same_down')
plotshape(same_up, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=yellow, title='3_same_up', offset=2)
plotshape(same_up, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=yellow, title='3_same_up')
plotshape(same_up, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=yellow, title='3_same_up', offset=1)

// ichimoku

turningPeriods = input(9, minval=1), standardPeriods = input(26, minval=1)
leadingSpan2Periods = input(52, minval=1), displacement = input(26, minval=1)
donchian(len) => avg(lowest(len), highest(len))
turning = donchian(turningPeriods)
standard = donchian(standardPeriods)
leadingSpan1 = avg(turning, standard)
leadingSpan2 = donchian(leadingSpan2Periods)
plot(turning, title = 'Tenkan-Sen (9 Period)', linewidth=4, color=white)
plot(standard, title = 'Kinjun-Sen (26 Period)', linewidth=4, color=orange)

spanColor = leadingSpan1>=leadingSpan2 ? lime : red

p3 = plot(leadingSpan1, title = 'Senkou Span A (26 Period)', linewidth=4, offset = displacement, color=spanColor)
p4 = plot(leadingSpan2, title = 'Senkou Span B (52 Period)', linewidth=4, offset = displacement, color=spanColor)
fill(p3, p4, color=silver, transp=40, title='Kumo (Cloud)')

// direção de tendência

//izole dip - Isolated Bottom

//izole tepe - Isolated Peak

izotepe1=iff((iztepe2>t02 and iztepe2>=t12 and iztepe2>t32 and iztepe2>t42 and low[1]>min(L32,L22) and low<min(L32,L22)),-1,na)
izotepe2=iff(t12>t02 and t12>iztepe2 and t12>t32 and low<min(L22,low[1]),-2,na)

izodip1=iff((izdip2<d02 and izdip2<d12 and izdip2<d32 and izdip2<d42 and high[1]<max(h32,h22) and high>max(h32,h22)),1,na)
izodip2=iff(d12<d02 and d12<izdip2 and d12<d32 and high>max(h22,high[1]),1,na)

plotarrow(izotepe1, colordown=white, offset = -2, transp=60)
plotarrow(izotepe2, colordown=white, offset = -1, transp=60)
plotarrow(izodip1, colorup=yellow, offset = -2, transp=40)
plotarrow(izodip2, colorup=yellow, offset = -1, transp=40)

// detector de divergência

//Credit to https://www.tradingview.com/script/p3oqCa56-Pekipek-s-PPO-Divergence-BETA/ (I just changed the visuals and added alerts)

topbots = input(false, title="Show PPO peak/trough triangles?")
long_term_div = input(true, title="Use long term divergences?")
div_lookback_period = input(55, minval=1, title="Lookback Period")
fastLength1 = input(12, minval=1, title="PPO Fast")
slowLength1=input(26, minval=1, title="PPO Slow")
signalLength1=input(9,minval=1, title="PPO Signal")
smoother = input(2,minval=1, title="PPO Smooth")
fastMA1 = ema(source, fastLength1)
slowMA1 = ema(source, slowLength1)
macd3 = fastMA1 - slowMA1
d = sma(macd4, smoother) // smoothing PPO
bullishPrice = low 

priceMins = bullishPrice > bullishPrice[1] and bullishPrice[1] < bullishPrice[2] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[3] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] == low[3] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[4] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] == low[3] and low[1] and low[1] == low[4] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[5] // this line identifies bottoms and plateaus in the price
oscMins= d > d[1] and d[1] < d[2] // this line identifies bottoms in the PPO

BottomPointsInPPO = oscMins

bearishPrice = high
priceMax = bearishPrice < bearishPrice[1] and bearishPrice[1] > bearishPrice[2] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[3] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] == high[3] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[4] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] == high[3] and high[1] and high[1] == high[4] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[5]  // this line identifies tops in the price
oscMax = d < d[1] and d[1] > d[2]   // this line identifies tops in the PPO

TopPointsInPPO = oscMax

currenttrough4=valuewhen (oscMins, d[1], 0) // identifies the value of PPO at the most recent BOTTOM in the PPO
lasttrough4=valuewhen (oscMins, d[1], 1) // NOT USED identifies the value of PPO at the second most recent BOTTOM in the PPO
currenttrough5=valuewhen (oscMax, d[1], 0) // identifies the value of PPO at the most recent TOP in the PPO
lasttrough5=valuewhen (oscMax, d[1], 1) // NOT USED identifies the value of PPO at the second most recent TOP in the PPO

currenttrough6=valuewhen (priceMins, low[1], 0) // this line identifies the low (price) at the most recent bottom in the Price
lasttrough6=valuewhen (priceMins, low[1], 1) // NOT USED this line identifies the low (price) at the second most recent bottom in the Price
currenttrough7=valuewhen (priceMax, high[1], 0) // this line identifies the high (price) at the most recent top in the Price
lasttrough7=valuewhen (priceMax, high[1], 1) // NOT USED this line identifies the high (price) at the second most recent top in the Price

delayedlow = priceMins and barssince(oscMins) < 3 ? low[1] : na
delayedhigh = priceMax and barssince(oscMax) < 3 ? high[1] : na

// only take tops/bottoms in price when tops/bottoms are less than 5 bars away
filter = barssince(priceMins) < 5 ? lowest(currenttrough6, 4) : na
filter2 = barssince(priceMax) < 5 ? highest(currenttrough7, 4) : na

//delayedbottom/top when oscillator bottom/top is earlier than price bottom/top
y11 = valuewhen(oscMins, delayedlow, 0)
y12 = valuewhen(oscMax, delayedhigh, 0)

// only take tops/bottoms in price when tops/bottoms are less than 5 bars away, since 2nd most recent top/bottom in osc
y2=valuewhen(oscMax, filter2, 1) // identifies the highest high in the tops of price with 5 bar lookback period SINCE the SECOND most recent top in PPO
y6=valuewhen(oscMins, filter, 1) // identifies the lowest low in the bottoms of price with 5 bar lookback period SINCE the SECOND most recent bottom in PPO

long_term_bull_filt = valuewhen(priceMins, lowest(div_lookback_period), 1)
long_term_bear_filt = valuewhen(priceMax, highest(div_lookback_period), 1)

y3=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough5, 0) // identifies the value of PPO in the most recent top of PPO 
y4=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough5, 1) // identifies the value of PPO in the second most recent top of PPO 

y7=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough4, 0) // identifies the value of PPO in the most recent bottom of PPO
y8=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough4, 1) // identifies the value of PPO in the SECOND most recent bottom of PPO

y9=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough6, 0)
y10=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough7, 0)

bulldiv= BottomPointsInPPO ? d[1] : na // plots dots at bottoms in the PPO
beardiv= TopPointsInPPO ? d[1]: na // plots dots at tops in the PPO

i = currenttrough5 < highest(d, div_lookback_period) // long term bearish oscilator divergence
i2 = y10 > long_term_bear_filt // long term bearish top divergence
i3 = delayedhigh > long_term_bear_filt // long term bearish delayedhigh divergence

i4 = currenttrough4 > lowest(d, div_lookback_period) // long term bullish osc divergence
i5 = y9 < long_term_bull_filt // long term bullish bottom div
i6 = delayedlow < long_term_bull_filt // long term bullish delayedbottom div

//plot(0, color=gray)
//plot(d, color=black)
//plot(bulldiv, title = "Bottoms", color=maroon, style=circles, linewidth=3, offset= -1)
//plot(beardiv, title = "Tops", color=green, style=circles, linewidth=3, offset= -1)

bearishdiv1 = (y10 > y2 and oscMax and y3 < y4) ? true : false
bearishdiv2 = (delayedhigh > y2 and y3 < y4) ? true : false
bearishdiv3 = (long_term_div and oscMax and i and i2) ? true : false
bearishdiv4 = (long_term_div and i and i3) ? true : false

bullishdiv1 = (y9 < y6 and oscMins and y7 > y8) ? true : false
bullishdiv2 = (delayedlow < y6 and y7 > y8) ? true : false
bullishdiv3 = (long_term_div and oscMins and i4 and i5) ? true : false
bullishdiv4 = (long_term_div and i4 and i6) ? true : false

bearish = bearishdiv1 or bearishdiv2 or bearishdiv3 or bearishdiv4
bullish = bullishdiv1 or bullishdiv2 or bullishdiv3 or bullishdiv4
greendot = beardiv != 0 ? true : false
reddot = bulldiv != 0 ? true : false

plotshape(bearish ? d : na, text='▼\nP', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=maroon, textcolor=white, offset=0)
plotshape(bullish ? d : na, text='P\n▲', style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=green, textcolor=white, offset=0)
plotshape(topbots and greendot ? d : na, text='', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=maroon, offset=-1)
plotshape(topbots and reddot ? d : na, text='', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=green, offset=-1)

//barcolor(bearishdiv1 or bearishdiv2 or bearishdiv3 or bearishdiv4 ? orange : na)
//barcolor(bullishdiv1 or bullishdiv2 or bullishdiv3 or bullishdiv4 ? fuchsia : na)

// compra e venda por ema

r7=input(100, title="Period",  minval=1)
buy7=close>b7 and low<=b7 and open>b7 or open<b7 and close>b7
sell7=close<b7 and high>=b7 and open<b7 or open>b7 and close<b7
plotshape(buy7, color=green, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.arrowup, transp=10, text="Buy")
plotshape(sell7, color=red, location=location.abovebar, style=shape.arrowdown, transp=10, text="Sell")

// doji harami

pctDw = input(60,minval=0,maxval=90,title="Doji, Min % of Range of Candle for Wicks")
pipMin= input(0,minval=0,title="Doji, Previous Candle Min Pip Body Size")
sname=input(true,title="Show Price Action Bar Names")
cbar = input(false,title="Highlight Harami & Doji Bars")
sHm    = input(false,title="Show Only Harami Style Doji's")
setalm = input(true, title="Generate Alert for Harami & Doji Bars")
uha   =input(true, title="Use Heikin Ashi Candles for Calculations")
bars = input(3,minval=1,maxval=3,step=1, title="Doji, Number of Lookback Bars")
// Use only Heikinashi Candles for all calculations
srcclose = uha ? security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, close) : close
srcopen = uha ? security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, open) : open
srchigh = uha ? security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, high) : high
srclow = uha ?security(heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, low) : low

pip = syminfo.mintick
range = srchigh - srclow

// Calculate Doji/Harami Candles
pctCDw = (pctDw/2) * 0.01
pctCDb = (100-pctDw) * 0.01

//Lookback Candles for bulls or bears
lbBull = bars==1? srcopen[1]>srcclose[1]: bars==2? (srcopen[1]>srcclose[1] and srcopen[2]>srcclose[2]): bars==3?(srcopen[1]>srcclose[1] and srcopen[2]>srcclose[2] and srcopen[3]>srcclose[3]):false
lbBear = bars==1? srcopen[1]<srcclose[1]: bars==2? (srcopen[1]<srcclose[1] and srcopen[2]<srcclose[2]): bars==3?(srcopen[1]<srcclose[1] and srcopen[2]<srcclose[2] and srcopen[3]<srcclose[3]):false

//Lookback Candle Size only if mininum size is > 0
lbSize = pipMin==0? true : bars==1 ? (abs(srcopen[1]-srcclose[1])>pipMin*pip) :
  bars==2 ? (abs(srcopen[1]-srcclose[1])>pipMin*pip and abs(srcopen[2]-srcclose[2])>pipMin*pip) :
  bars==3 ? (abs(srcopen[1]-srcclose[1])>pipMin*pip and abs(srcopen[2]-srcclose[2])>pipMin*pip and abs(srcopen[3]-srcclose[3])>pipMin*pip) :

dojiBu = (srcopen[1] >= max(srcclose,srcopen) and srcclose[1]<=min(srcclose,srcopen)) and lbSize and
  (abs(srcclose-srcopen)<range*pctCDb and (srchigh-max(srcclose,srcopen))>(pctCDw*range) and (min(srcclose,srcopen)-srclow)>(pctCDw*range))? 1 : 0

dojiBe = (srcclose[1] >= max(srcclose,srcopen) and srcopen[1]<=min(srcclose,srcopen)) and lbSize and
  (abs(srcclose-srcopen)<range*pctCDb and (srchigh-max(srcclose,srcopen))>(pctCDw*range) and (min(srcclose,srcopen)-srclow)>(pctCDw*range))? 1 : 0
haramiBull = (srcopen<=srcclose or (max(srcclose,srcopen)-min(srcclose,srcopen))<pip*0.5) and lbBull and dojiBu
haramiBear = (srcopen>=srcclose or (max(srcclose,srcopen)-min(srcclose,srcopen))<pip*0.5) and lbBear and dojiBe

dojiBull = not sHm and not haramiBull and not haramiBear and lbBull and dojiBu
dojiBear = not sHm and not haramiBull and not haramiBear and lbBear and dojiBe

plotshape(haramiBear and sname?srchigh:na,title="Bearish Harami",text='Bearish\nHarami',color=red, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar)
plotshape(haramiBear and cbar?max(srcopen,srcclose):na,title="Bear Colour Harami",color=red, style=shape.circle,location=location.absolute,size=size.normal)
plotshape(haramiBull and sname?srclow:na,title="Bullish Harami",text='Bullish\nHarami',color=green, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar)
plotshape(haramiBull and cbar?max(srcopen,srcclose):na,title="Bull Colour Harami",color=green, style=shape.circle,location=location.absolute,size=size.normal)
plotshape(dojiBear and sname?srchigh:na,title="Bearish Doji",text='Bearish\nDoji',color=fuchsia, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar)
plotshape(dojiBear and cbar?max(srcopen,srcclose):na,title="Bear Colour Doji",color=fuchsia, style=shape.circle,location=location.absolute,size=size.normal)
plotshape(dojiBull and sname?srclow:na,title="Bullish Doji",text='Bullish\nDoji',color=aqua, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar)
plotshape(dojiBull and cbar?max(srcopen,srcclose):na,title="Bull Colour Doji",color=aqua, style=shape.circle,location=location.absolute,size=size.normal)

// Only Alert harami Doji's
bcolor = haramiBull ? 1 : haramiBear ? 2 : dojiBull ? 3 : dojiBear ? 4 : 0
baralert = setalm and bcolor>0
alertcondition(baralert,title="PACDOJI Alert",message="PACDOJI Alert")

plotshape(na(baralert[1])?na:baralert[1], transp=0,style=shape.circle,location=location.bottom, offset=-1,title="Bar Alert Confirmed", 
  color=bcolor[1]==1 ? green : bcolor[1]==2? red : bcolor[1]==3? aqua : bcolor[1]==4? fuchsia : na)

