Strategi Perdagangan Grid RSI Multi-Periode

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2023-11-23 17:50:13


Gambaran umum

Strategi ini menggunakan 7 indikator RSI dengan kerangka waktu yang berbeda untuk menentukan tren pasar dan menetapkan posisi grid untuk perdagangan grid yang efisien ketika indikator RSI berfluktuasi.

Logika Strategi

  1. Strategi ini menggunakan 7 indikator RSI dengan kerangka waktu yang berbeda (1 menit, 5 menit, 15 menit, 30 menit, 1 jam, 2 jam dan 1 hari). Ketika semua 7 indikator RSI secara bersamaan lebih rendah dari garis overbought, sinyal beli dihasilkan. Ketika semua 7 indikator RSI secara bersamaan lebih tinggi dari garis oversold, sinyal jual dihasilkan.

  2. Berdasarkan sinyal beli dan jual, 20 order dengan interval harga persentase tetap ditempatkan di sekitar harga saat ini.

  3. Ketika harga mencapai salah satu harga order, order dipenuhi dan posisi ditetapkan.

Keuntungan dari Strategi

  1. Menggunakan beberapa indikator menghindari salah tafsiran tren pasar. 7 kerangka waktu mencakup perubahan tren jangka pendek dan jangka menengah untuk penilaian yang akurat.

  2. Indikator RSI secara dapat diandalkan mengidentifikasi tingkat overbought dan oversold, menghindari membeli tinggi dan menjual rendah.

  3. Perintah grid secara efisien memasuki posisi, menghindari mengejar rally dan penurunan.

  4. Mengambil keuntungan dan stop loss pengaturan bantuan manajemen risiko dan mengurangi eksposur kerugian selama gerakan ekstrem.

Risiko & Solusi

  1. Gerakan harga yang tajam dapat menembus grid. Hal ini dapat ditangani dengan menetapkan interval grid yang wajar dan menambahkan margin.

  2. Stop loss yang ditempatkan terlalu dekat dapat menimbulkan biaya slippage yang tidak perlu.

  3. Beberapa indikator RSI dapat menghasilkan sinyal yang salah. Menyaring jangka waktu RSI tertentu dapat mengisolasi masalah.

Arahan Optimasi

  1. Kombinasi yang berbeda dari parameter dan logika penilaian alternatif dapat diuji untuk memperbaiki strategi masuk dan keluar.

  2. Masukkan metrik volatilitas untuk menyesuaikan interval grid secara otomatis, dengan interval yang lebih luas selama lingkungan volatilitas yang lebih tinggi.

  3. Tambahkan modul manajemen modal untuk mengubah secara dinamis ukuran posisi maksimum, interval grid dll berdasarkan ekuitas akun.


Strategi ini menggabungkan indikator RSI multi-timeframe untuk menentukan tren pasar, secara efisien menetapkan posisi grid selama pasar yang bervariasi. Keuntungan dari pengoptimalan biaya, mengambil keuntungan, memotong kerugian dan pengendalian risiko membuatnya cocok untuk pedagang yang ingin memanfaatkan pasar yang bervariasi sambil mentolerir risiko yang ditentukan. Penyempurnaan dan pengoptimalan lebih lanjut dimungkinkan untuk memenuhi nafsu risiko tertentu.

start: 2023-11-15 00:00:00
end: 2023-11-22 00:00:00
period: 4h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
args: [["MinLot",0.001,358374]]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © rrolik66

strategy(title="7-RSI strategy", overlay=true)

// inputs
src = input(close, "Source RSI", type = input.source)
bot_res = input(title="Bot period", type=input.resolution, defval="1")
srcin_bot = input(ohlc4, "Source Bot", type = input.source)
src_bot = security(syminfo.tickerid, bot_res, srcin_bot)

tradeDirection = input(title="Trade Direction", type=input.string,
     options=["Long Bot", "Short Bot"], defval="Long Bot")

rsi1_res = input(title="RSI-1 period", type=input.resolution, defval="1", group="indicators")
rsi1_Len = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI-1 Length", group="indicators")
rsi2_res = input(title="RSI-2 period", type=input.resolution, defval="5", group="indicators")
rsi2_Len = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI-2 Length", group="indicators")
rsi3_res = input(title="RSI-3 period", type=input.resolution, defval="15", group="indicators")
rsi3_Len = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI-3 Length", group="indicators")
rsi4_res = input(title="RSI-4 period", type=input.resolution, defval="30", group="indicators")
rsi4_Len = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI-4 Length", group="indicators")
rsi5_res = input(title="RSI-5 period", type=input.resolution, defval="60", group="indicators")
rsi5_Len = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI-5 Length", group="indicators")
rsi6_res = input(title="RSI-6 period", type=input.resolution, defval="120", group="indicators")
rsi6_Len = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI-6 Length", group="indicators")
rsi7_res = input(title="RSI-7 period", type=input.resolution, defval="1D", group="indicators")
rsi7_Len = input(14, minval=1, title="RSI-7 Length", group="indicators")

longProfitPerc = input(title="Long Bot Take Profit (%)",
     type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.05, defval=0.5, group="Long Bot") * 0.01
st_long_orders = input(title="Long Bot Step orders (%)",
     type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=2.0, group="Long Bot") * 0.01

rsi1_low = input(100, title="RSI-1 <", group="Long Bot")
rsi2_low = input(100, title="RSI-2 <", group="Long Bot")
rsi3_low = input(100, title="RSI-3 <", group="Long Bot")
rsi4_low = input(100, title="RSI-4 <", group="Long Bot")
rsi5_low = input(100, title="RSI-5 <", group="Long Bot")
rsi6_low = input(100, title="RSI-6 <", group="Long Bot")
rsi7_low = input(100, title="RSI-7 <", group="Long Bot")

shortProfitPerc = input(title="Short Bot Take Profit (%)",
     type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.05, defval=0.5, group="Short Bot") * 0.01
st_short_orders = input(title="Short Bot Step orders (%)",
     type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=2.0, group="Short Bot") * 0.01

rsi1_up = input(0, title="RSI-1 >", group="Short Bot")
rsi2_up = input(0, title="RSI-2 >", group="Short Bot")
rsi3_up = input(0, title="RSI-3 >", group="Short Bot")
rsi4_up = input(0, title="RSI-4 >", group="Short Bot")
rsi5_up = input(0, title="RSI-5 >", group="Short Bot")
rsi6_up = input(0, title="RSI-6 >", group="Short Bot")
rsi7_up = input(0, title="RSI-7 >", group="Short Bot")

rsi1 = rsi(src, rsi1_Len)
rsi1_sec = security(syminfo.tickerid, rsi1_res, rsi1)
rsi2 = rsi(src, rsi2_Len)
rsi2_sec = security(syminfo.tickerid, rsi2_res, rsi2)
rsi3 = rsi(src, rsi3_Len)
rsi3_sec = security(syminfo.tickerid, rsi3_res, rsi3)
rsi4 = rsi(src, rsi4_Len)
rsi4_sec = security(syminfo.tickerid, rsi4_res, rsi4)
rsi5 = rsi(src, rsi5_Len)
rsi5_sec = security(syminfo.tickerid, rsi5_res, rsi5)
rsi6 = rsi(src, rsi6_Len)
rsi6_sec = security(syminfo.tickerid, rsi6_res, rsi6)
rsi7 = rsi(src, rsi7_Len)
rsi7_sec = security(syminfo.tickerid, rsi7_res, rsi7)

rsi1_up_signal = rsi1_sec > rsi1_up
rsi1_low_signal = rsi1_sec < rsi1_low
rsi2_up_signal = rsi2_sec > rsi2_up
rsi2_low_signal = rsi2_sec < rsi2_low
rsi3_up_signal = rsi3_sec > rsi3_up
rsi3_low_signal = rsi3_sec < rsi3_low
rsi4_up_signal = rsi4_sec > rsi4_up
rsi4_low_signal = rsi4_sec < rsi4_low
rsi5_up_signal = rsi5_sec > rsi5_up
rsi5_low_signal = rsi5_sec < rsi5_low
rsi6_up_signal = rsi6_sec > rsi6_up
rsi6_low_signal = rsi6_sec < rsi6_low
rsi7_up_signal = rsi7_sec > rsi7_up
rsi7_low_signal = rsi7_sec < rsi7_low

//Buy & Sell
Buy = rsi1_low_signal and rsi2_low_signal and rsi3_low_signal and rsi4_low_signal and rsi5_low_signal and rsi6_low_signal and rsi7_low_signal
Sell = rsi1_up_signal and rsi2_up_signal and rsi3_up_signal and rsi4_up_signal and rsi5_up_signal and rsi6_up_signal and rsi7_up_signal

// input into trading conditions
longOK  = (tradeDirection == "Long Bot")
shortOK = (tradeDirection == "Short Bot")

// in entry orders price
longEntryPrice1 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders))
longEntryPrice2 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*2))
longEntryPrice3 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*3))
longEntryPrice4 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*4))
longEntryPrice5 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*5))
longEntryPrice6 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*6))
longEntryPrice7 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*7))
longEntryPrice8 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*8))
longEntryPrice9 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*9))
longEntryPrice10 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*10))
longEntryPrice11 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*11))
longEntryPrice12 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*12))
longEntryPrice13 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*13))
longEntryPrice14 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*14))
longEntryPrice15 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*15))
longEntryPrice16 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*16))
longEntryPrice17 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*17))
longEntryPrice18 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*18))
longEntryPrice19 = src_bot * (1 - (st_long_orders*19))

shortEntryPrice1 = src_bot * (1 + st_short_orders)
shortEntryPrice2 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*2))
shortEntryPrice3 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*3))
shortEntryPrice4 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*4))
shortEntryPrice5 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*5))
shortEntryPrice6 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*6))
shortEntryPrice7 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*7))
shortEntryPrice8 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*8))
shortEntryPrice9 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*9))
shortEntryPrice10 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*10))
shortEntryPrice11 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*11))
shortEntryPrice12 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*12))
shortEntryPrice13 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*13))
shortEntryPrice14 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*14))
shortEntryPrice15 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*15))
shortEntryPrice16 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*16))
shortEntryPrice17 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*17))
shortEntryPrice18 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*18))
shortEntryPrice19 = src_bot * (1 + (st_short_orders*19))

// take profit price
longExitPrice  = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + longProfitPerc)
shortExitPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - shortProfitPerc)

// take profit values for confirmation
plot(series=(strategy.position_size > 0) ? longExitPrice : na,, style=plot.style_circles,
     linewidth=3, title="Long Take Profit")
plot(series=(strategy.position_size < 0) ? shortExitPrice : na,, style=plot.style_circles,
     linewidth=3, title="Short Take Profit")

// entry orders

if (strategy.position_size == 0)
    strategy.order(id="Long0", long=true, limit=src_bot, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long1", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice1, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long2", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice2, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long3", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice3, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long4", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice4, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long5", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice5, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long6", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice6, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long7", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice7, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long8", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice8, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long9", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice9, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long10", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice10, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long11", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice11, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long12", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice12, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long13", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice13, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long14", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice14, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long15", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice15, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long16", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice16, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long17", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice17, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long18", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice18, when=longOK and Buy)
	strategy.order(id="Long19", long=true, limit=longEntryPrice19, when=longOK and Buy)

if (strategy.position_size == 0)
    strategy.order(id="Short0", long=false, limit=src_bot, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short1", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice1, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short2", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice2, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short3", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice3, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short4", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice4, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short5", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice5, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short6", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice6, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short7", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice7, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short8", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice8, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short9", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice9, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short10", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice10, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short11", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice11, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short12", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice12, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short13", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice13, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short14", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice14, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short15", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice15, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short16", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice16, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short17", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice17, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short18", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice18, when=shortOK and Sell)
	strategy.order(id="Short19", long=false, limit=shortEntryPrice19, when=shortOK and Sell)

// exit position based on take profit price

if (strategy.position_size > 0)
    strategy.order(id="exit_Long", long=false, limit=longExitPrice, qty=strategy.position_size)

if (strategy.position_size < 0)
    strategy.order(id="exit_Short", long=true, limit=shortExitPrice, qty=abs(strategy.position_size))

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