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Pivot Point and Fibonacci Retracement Based Automatic Trend Following Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-01-05 11:34:17



This strategy automatically identifies ABC patterns in stock prices based on pivot points and Fibonacci retracement ratios, and generates long/short signals. It uses pivot points to determine price waves and calculates Fibonacci retracement ratios between ABC waves. If the ratios meet certain criteria, trading signals are generated.

Strategy Logic

  1. Calculate the stock’s pivot high and low points
  2. Judge if the price has fallen from the previous high point or risen from the previous low point
  3. Calculate the Fibonacci retracement ratio between the current wave and previous wave
  4. If the retracement ratios of both up and down waves are within proper ranges, determine a potential ABC pattern
  5. After ABC pattern confirmation, set stop loss at Point C for long, and Point A for short. Set take profit at 1.5 times the price wave range.

Advantage Analysis

  1. Pivot points identify key support/resistance levels to improve signal accuracy
  2. Fibonacci retracements catch trend turning points by identifying ABC patterns
  3. Clear profit/loss rules avoid huge losses

Risk Analysis

  1. Pivot points and Fibonacci retracements cannot ensure perfect identification of every trend turning point. Misjudgements may occur.
  2. Point C and Point A stops can be broken through, leading to larger losses
  3. Parameters like Fibonacci retracement ratio ranges need further optimization

Optimization Directions

  1. Incorporate more technical indicators to assist ABC pattern confirmation, improving signal accuracy
  2. Optimize Fibonacci retracement ratio ranges to suit more market conditions
  3. Utilize machine learning methods to train ABC pattern recognition models


This strategy identifies ABC patterns for generating long/short signals at trend turning points, based on pivot point confirmation of key support/resistance levels, and Fibonacci retracement ratio calculations. The logic is simple and clean, with sensible profit/loss rules that effectively control risks. However, certain misjudgement risks remain, requiring further optimizations and improvements to suit more market conditions.

start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-19 23:59:59
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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strategy("ABCD Strategy", shorttitle="ABCDS", overlay=true, commission_value=0.04)
calcdev(fprice, lprice, fbars, lbars) =>
    rise = lprice - fprice
    run = lbars - fbars
    avg = rise/run
    ((bar_index - lbars) * avg) + lprice

len = input(5)

ph = ta.pivothigh(len, len)
pl = ta.pivotlow(len, len)

var bool ishigh = false
ishigh := ishigh[1]

var float currph = 0.0
var int currphb = 0
currph := nz(currph)
currphb := nz(currphb)

var float oldph = 0.0
var int oldphb = 0
oldph := nz(oldph)
oldphb := nz(oldphb)

var float currpl = 0.0
var int currplb = 0
currpl := nz(currpl)
currplb := nz(currplb)

var float oldpl = 0.0
var int oldplb = 0
oldpl := nz(oldpl)
oldplb := nz(oldplb)

if (not na(ph))
    ishigh := true
    oldph := currph
    oldphb := currphb
    currph := ph
    currphb := bar_index[len]
    if (not na(pl))
        ishigh := false
        oldpl := currpl
        oldplb := currplb
        currpl := pl
        currplb := bar_index[len]

endHighPoint = calcdev(oldph, currph, oldphb, currphb)
endLowPoint = calcdev(oldpl, currpl, oldplb, currplb)

plotshape(ph, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red, location=location.abovebar, offset=-len)
plotshape(pl, style=shape.triangleup, color=color.green, location=location.belowbar, offset=-len)

// var line lnhigher = na
// var line lnlower = na
// lnhigher := line.new(oldphb, oldph, bar_index, endHighPoint)
// lnlower := line.new(oldplb, oldpl, bar_index, endLowPoint)
// line.delete(lnhigher[1])
// line.delete(lnlower[1])

formlong = oldphb < oldplb and oldpl < currphb and currphb < currplb
longratio1 = (currph - oldpl) / (oldph - oldpl)
longratio2 = (currph - currpl) / (currph - oldpl)

formshort = oldplb < oldphb and oldphb < currplb and currplb < currphb
shortratio1 = (oldph - currpl) / (oldph - oldpl)
shortratio2 = (currph - currpl) / (oldph - currpl)

// prevent multiple entry for one pattern
var int signalid = 0
signalid := nz(signalid[1])

longCond = formlong and 
           longratio1 < 0.7 and 
           longratio1 > 0.5 and 
           longratio2 > 1.1 and 
           longratio2 < 1.35 and 
           close < oldph and 
           close > currpl and 
           signalid != oldplb
if (longCond)
    signalid := oldplb
    longsl = currpl - ta.tr
    longtp = ((close - longsl) * 1.5) + close
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long", "Long", limit=math.min(longtp, oldph), stop=longsl)

shortCond = formshort and 
             shortratio1 < 0.7 and 
             shortratio1 > 0.5 and 
             shortratio2 > 1.1 and 
             shortratio2 < 1.35 and 
             close > oldpl and 
             close < currph and 
             signalid != oldphb

if (shortCond)
    signalid := oldphb
    shortsl = currph + ta.tr
    shorttp = close - ((shortsl - close) * 1.5)
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
    strategy.exit("Exit Short", "Short", limit=math.max(shorttp, oldpl), stop=shortsl)

template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6