
作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン, 日付: 2023-12-22 12:56:36




この戦略は,まずRSIとEMA RSIの違いを使用して,潜在的な値下げを特定する.偽信号をフィルタリングするために,戦略は確認のために移動平均値とマルチタイムフレームストキャスティックインジケーターも組み合わせます.低点信号が確認されると,ロングポジションはピラミディングを通じて,その時点から少し低い価格で徐々に構築されます. 戦略は,順番に 12 トラッキングオーダーを開くことができます.各オーダーのサイズが増加することで,リスクを効果的に多様化することができます. すべてのオーダーは,各オーダーで個別に利益を得ることができる一方で,退出するために全体的なストップ損失をフォローします. さらにリスクを管理するために,戦略は,株式パーセントに基づいて全体的なストップ損失を設定します.






戦略 の 利点

  • ピラミッドトラッキングは,個々の注文のリスクを軽減し,全体的なリスクを多様化させる
  • 指標の組み合わせにより,低点識別の精度は向上します
  • 総ストップ・ロスト,収益の引き上げ,ストップ・フォロー機能は,リスクを効果的に制御する
  • 株式ストップ損失は,重要な損失からアカウントを保護します.
  • パラメータはリスクと報酬をバランスするように調整できます


  • 低点識別はまだいくつかの制限があります 最良のエントリーポイントを見逃すか,誤った信号に入る可能性があります
  • オーダーを追加するときに不利な市場に直面すると損失を増やす可能性があります
  • 利点を反映するために比較的長い期間が必要である
  • 適切なパラメータ設定が不十分なリスク管理につながる可能性があります.


  1. 低点識別の精度を向上させるための指標を変更または追加
  2. オーダー数,間隔,利益率などを最適化して,オーダー毎のリスクを低減する
  3. 利益を守るため,ストップロスのレベルを適度に強化する
  4. 流動性が良し,変動が大きい異なる製品をテストする



  1. 低点識別のための機械学習のような より高度な技術導入を試みます
  2. 市場状況に基づいて,オーダーの量,ストップ・ロスのレベルなどを動的に調整する
  3. 損失拡大を避けるためにボックスストップ損失メカニズムを追加
  4. 再入力メカニズムを追加
  5. 株式や暗号通貨のパラメータを最適化



start: 2022-12-15 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-21 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © A3Sh

// Strategy that finds potential lows in the price action and spreads the risk by entering multiple positions at these lows.
// The low is detected based on the difference between MTF RSI and EMA based RSI, Moving Average and MTF Stochastic indicators.
// The size of each next position that is entered is multiplied by the sequential number of the position.
// Each separate position can exit when a specified take profit is triggered and re-open when detecting a new potential low.
// All positions are closed when the price action crosses over the dynamic blue stop level line.

// This strategy combines open-source code developed by fellow Tradingview community members: 
// The Lowfinder code is developed by RafaelZioni
// https://www.tradingview.com/script/GzKq2RVl-Low-finder/
// Both the MTF RSI code and the MTF Stochastic code are adapted from the MTFindicators libary written by Peter_O
// https://www.tradingview.com/script/UUVWSpXR-MTFindicators/

// The Stop Level calculation is inspired by the syminfo-mintick tutorial on Kodify.net
// https://kodify.net/tradingview/info/syminfo-mintick/

         overlay=true, pyramiding=99, 

// Backtest Window
start_time   = input(defval=timestamp("01 April 2021 20:00"), group = "Backtest Window", title="Start Time")
end_time     = input(defval=timestamp("01 Aug 2030 20:00"),   group = "Backtest Window", title="End Time")
window() => true

// Inputs
portfolio_size  = input.float  (100,         group = 'Risk - Portfolio',       title = 'Portfolio %', step=1.0) / 100
leverage        = input.int    (1,           group = 'Risk - Portfolio',       title = 'Leverage', minval = 1)
q_mode          = input.string ('multiply',  group = 'Risk - Order Size',      title = 'Order Size Mode', options = ['base', 'multiply'], tooltip = 'Base mode: the base quantiy for each sequential order. Multiply mode: each quantity is multiplied by order number')
q_mode_m        = input.int    (1,           group = 'Risk - Order Size',      title = 'Order Size Divider (Multiply Mode)',  tooltip = 'Divide Multiply by this number to lower the sequential order sizes')
fixed_q         = input.bool   (false,       group = 'Risk - Order Size',      title = 'Fixed Order Size',     inline = '01', tooltip = 'Use with caution! Overrides all Risk calculations')
amount_q        = input.float  (1,           group = 'Risk - Order Size',      title = '. . Base Currency:',   inline = '01')
sl_on           = input.bool   (false,       group = 'Risk - Stop Loss',       title = 'StopLoss of',          inline = '03')
stopLoss        = input.float  (1.5,         group = 'Risk - Stop Loss',       title = '',   step=0.1,         inline = '03') / 100
sl_mode         = input.string ('equity',    group = 'Risk - Stop Loss',       title = '% of',  options = ['avg_price', 'equity'], inline = '03')
stop_len        = input.int    (100,         group = 'Risk - Stop Level',      title = 'Stop Level Length', tooltip = 'Lookback most recent highest high')
stop_deviation  = input.float  (0.3,         group = 'Risk - Stop Level',      title = 'Deviatation % above Stop Level', step=0.1) / 100
cond2_toggle    = input.bool   (true ,       group = 'Risk - Take Profit',     title = 'Take Profit/Trailing Stop', inline = '04')
tp_all          = input.float  (1.0,         group = 'Risk - Take Profit',     title = '..........%', step=0.1,     inline = '04') / 100
tp_on           = input.bool   (true,        group = 'Risk - Take Profit',     title = 'Exit Crossover Take Profit and .....', inline = '02')
exit_mode       = input.string ('stoplevel', group = 'Risk - Take Profit',     title = '',   options = ['close', 'stoplevel'], inline = '02')
takeProfit      = input.float  (10.0,        group = 'Risk - Take Profit',     title = 'Take Profit % per Order', tooltip = 'Each separate order exits when hit', step=0.1)
posCount        = input.int    (12,          group = 'Pyramiding Settings',    title = 'Max Number of Orders')
next_entry      = input.float  (0.2,         group = 'Pyramiding Settings',    title = 'Next Order % below Avg. Price', step=0.1)
oa_lookback     = input.int    (0,           group = 'Pyramiding Settings',    title = 'Next Order after X candles', tooltip = 'Prevents opening too much orders in a Row')
len_rsi         = input.int    (5,           group = 'MTF LowFinder Settings', title = 'Lookback of RSI')
mtf_rsi         = input.int    (1,           group = 'MTF LowFinder Settings', title = 'Higher TimeFrame Multiplier RSI',  tooltip='Multiplies the current timeframe by specified value')
ma_length       = input.int    (26,          group = 'MTF LowFinder Settings', title = 'MA Length / Sensitivity')
new_entry       = input.float  (0.1,         group = 'MTF LowFinder Settings', title = 'First Order % below Low',step=0.1, tooltip = 'Open % lower then the found low')/100
ma_signal       = input.int    (100,         group = 'Moving Average Filter',  title = 'Moving Average Length')
periodK         = input.int    (14,          group = 'MTF Stochastic Filter',  title = 'K',      minval=1)
periodD         = input.int    (3,           group = 'MTF Stochastic Filter',  title = 'D',      minval=1)
smoothK         = input.int    (3,           group = 'MTF Stochastic Filter',  title = 'Smooth', minval=1)
lower           = input.int    (30,          group = 'MTF Stochastic Filter',  title = 'MTF Stoch Filter (above gets filtered)')
mtf_stoch       = input.int    (10,          group = 'MTF Stochastic Filter',  title = 'Higher TimeFrame Multiplier', tooltip='Multiplies the current timeframe by specified value')
avg_on          = input.bool   (true,        group = 'Plots',                  title = 'Plot Average Price')
plot_ma         = input.bool   (false,       group = 'Plots',                  title = 'Plot Moving Average')
plot_ts         = input.bool   (false,       group = 'Plots',                  title = 'Plot Trailing Stop Level')

// variables //
var entry_price     = 0.0    // The entry price of the first entry
var previous_entry  = 0.0    // Stores the price of the previous entry
var iq              = 0.0    // Inititial order quantity before risk calculation
var nq              = 0.0    // Updated new quantity after the loop
var oq              = 0.0    // Old quantity at the beginning or the loop
var q               = 0.0    // Final calculated quantity used as base order size
var int order_after = 0

// Order size calaculations // 

// Order size based on max amount of pyramiding orders or fixed by user input ///
// Order size calculation based on 'base' mode or ' multiply' mode //
if fixed_q
    q := amount_q
else if q_mode == 'multiply'
    iq := (math.abs(strategy.equity * portfolio_size  / posCount) / open) * leverage
    oq := iq
    for i = 0 to posCount
        nq := oq + (iq * ( i/ q_mode_m + 1))
        oq := nq 
    q := (iq  * posCount /  oq) * iq

    q := (math.abs(strategy.equity * portfolio_size  / posCount) / open) * leverage

// Function to calcaulate final order size based on order size modes and round the result with 1 decimal //
quantity_mode(index,string q_mode) =>
    q_mode == 'base' ? math.round(q,1) : q_mode == 'multiply' ? math.round(q * (index/q_mode_m  + 1),1) : na

// LowFinder Calculations //
// MTF RSI by Peter_O //
rsi_mtf(float source, simple int mtf,simple int len) =>
    up_mtf = ta.rma(math.max(change_mtf, 0), len*mtf)
    down_mtf = ta.rma(-math.min(change_mtf, 0), len*mtf)
    rsi_mtf = down_mtf == 0 ? 100 : up_mtf == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up_mtf / down_mtf))

// Lowfinder by RafaelZioni //
vrsi = rsi_mtf(close,mtf_rsi,len_rsi)



// MTF Stoch Calcualation // MTF Stoch adapted from  Peter_O //
stoch_mtfK(source, mtf, len) =>

    k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(source, high, low, periodK * mtf), smoothK * mtf)
stoch_mtfD(source, mtf, len) =>

    k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(source, high, low, periodK * mtf), smoothK * mtf)
    d = ta.sma(k, periodD * mtf)
mtfK = stoch_mtfK(close, mtf_stoch, periodK)
mtfD = stoch_mtfD(close, mtf_stoch, periodK)

// Open next position % below average position price //
below_avg = close < (strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - (next_entry / 100)))

// Moving Average Filter //
moving_average_signal = ta.sma(close, ma_signal)
plot (plot_ma ? moving_average_signal : na, title = 'Moving Average', color = color.rgb(154, 255, 72))

// Buy Signal //
buy_signal = lows and close < moving_average_signal and mtfK < lower
// First Entry % Below lows //
if buy_signal
    entry_price := close * (1 - new_entry)

// Plot Average Price of Position//
plot (avg_on  ? strategy.position_avg_price : na, title = 'Average Price', style = plot.style_linebr, color = color.new(color.white,0), linewidth = 1)

// Take profit per Open Order //
take_profit_price = close * takeProfit / 100 / syminfo.mintick

// Calculate different Stop Level conditions to exit All //

// Stop Level Caculation //
stop_long1_level = ta.highest (high, stop_len)[1]  * (1 + stop_deviation)
stop_long2_level = ta.highest (high, stop_len)[2]  * (1 + stop_deviation)
stop_long3_level = ta.highest (high, stop_len)[3]  * (1 + stop_deviation)
stop_long4_level = ta.highest (high, stop_len)[1]  * (1 - 0.008) 
// Stop triggers //
stop_long1 = ta.crossover(close,stop_long1_level)
stop_long2 = ta.crossover(close,stop_long2_level)
stop_long4 = ta.crossunder(close,stop_long4_level)
// Exit Conditions, cond 1 only Stop Level, cond2 Trailing Stop option //
exit_condition_1 = close < strategy.position_avg_price ? stop_long1 : close > strategy.position_avg_price ? stop_long2 : na
exit_condition_2 = close < strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + tp_all) ? stop_long2 : 
                   close > strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + tp_all) ? stop_long4 :
                   close < strategy.position_avg_price ? stop_long1 : na
// Switch between conditions //
exit_conditions = cond2_toggle ? exit_condition_2 : exit_condition_1

// Exit when take profit //
ex_m = exit_mode == 'close' ? close : stop_long2_level
tp_exit = ta.crossover(ex_m, strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + tp_all)) and close > strategy.position_avg_price * 1.002

// Plot stoplevel, take profit level //
plot_stop_level    = strategy.position_size > 0 ? stop_long2_level : na
plot_trailing_stop = cond2_toggle and plot_ts and strategy.position_size > 0 and close > strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + tp_all) ? stop_long4_level : na

plot(plot_stop_level,    title = 'Stop Level',    style=plot.style_linebr, color = color.new(#41e3ff, 0), linewidth = 1)
plot(plot_trailing_stop, title = 'Trailing Stop', style=plot.style_linebr, color = color.new(#4cfca4, 0), linewidth = 1)

plot_tp_level = cond2_toggle and strategy.position_size > 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + tp_all) : na
plot(plot_tp_level, title = 'Take Profit Level', style=plot.style_linebr, color = color.new(#ff41df, 0), linewidth = 1)

// Calculate Stop Loss based on equity and average price //
loss_equity = ((strategy.position_size * strategy.position_avg_price) - (strategy.equity * stopLoss)) / strategy.position_size
loss_avg_price = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - stopLoss)
stop_loss = sl_mode == 'avg_price' ? loss_avg_price : loss_equity
plot(strategy.position_size > 0  and sl_on ? stop_loss : na, title = 'Stop Loss', color=color.new(color.red,0),style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 1)

// Enter first position //
if ta.crossunder(close,entry_price) and window() and strategy.position_size == 0
    strategy.entry('L_1', strategy.long, qty = math.round(q,1), comment = '+' + str.tostring(math.round(q,1)))
    previous_entry := close

// Enter next pyramiding positions //
if buy_signal and window() and strategy.position_size > 0 and below_avg
    order_after := order_after + 1
    for i = 1 to strategy.opentrades
        entry_comment = '+' + str.tostring((quantity_mode(i,q_mode))) // Comment with variable //
        if strategy.opentrades == i and i < posCount and order_after > oa_lookback
            entry_price := close
            entry_id = 'L_' + str.tostring(i + 1) 
            strategy.entry(id = entry_id, direction=strategy.long, limit=entry_price, qty= quantity_mode(i,q_mode), comment = entry_comment)
            previous_entry := entry_price
            order_after := 0

// Exit per Position //
if strategy.opentrades > 0 and window() 
    for i = 0 to strategy.opentrades 
        exit_comment = '-' + str.tostring(strategy.opentrades.size(i))
        exit_from = 'L_' + str.tostring(i + 1)
        exit_id = 'Exit_' + str.tostring(i + 1)
        strategy.exit(id= exit_id, from_entry= exit_from, profit = take_profit_price, comment = exit_comment)

// Exit All //
if exit_conditions or (tp_exit and tp_on and cond2_toggle) and window()
    strategy.close_all('Exti All')
    entry_price := 0

if ta.crossunder(close,stop_loss)  and sl_on and window()
    entry_price := 0
