
作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2024年2月21日 11:53:30






  1. パラボリックSAR:ストップ・ロスト・ポイントと潜在的なエントリー・ポイントを決定するために使用されます.
  2. チェンデリア出口戦略: 傾向の方向性を決定するために使用されます.
  3. ゼロレイグ SMA:低レイグ移動平均を提示する
  4. EMA: 価格動向と変動を追跡する
  5. 滑らかなハイキンアシ:滑らかなハイキンアシのろうそくを生成する

トレーディング シグナル

  1. パラボリック SAR が上昇傾向を示し,価格は 99 EMA を上回る場合,ダウントレンドと価格が 99 EMA を下回る場合,ショート
  2. トレンドをさらに確認するためにCandelier Exit信号と組み合わせます
  3. 滑らかなハイキンアシは 偽断裂を避けるのに役立ちます


  1. ストップ・ロスを設定し,利益を取ります
  2. 柔軟に位置を調整するためにリセット条件を検討



ストップ・ロストとテイク・プロフィートはリスクをコントロールします 滑らかなラインは短期間の騒音を回避します 戦略は安定しています





  1. 最適な組み合わせを見つけるためにパラメータをテストし最適化します
  2. より正確な機械学習モデルを導入する
  3. 市場情勢を評価し,ポジションを動的に管理するためのセンチメント指標とニュースを組み込む
  4. より柔軟な信号検出のためのリセット条件の論理を改善する



start: 2024-01-21 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-20 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("CE-ZLSMA-EMA-SAR-SHC", overlay=true)

// Parabolic SAR Strategy
start = input(0.02)
increment = input(0.02)
maximum = input(0.2)

var bool uptrend = na
var float EP = na
var float SAR = na
var float AF = start
var float nextBarSAR = na
var bool longSar = false
var bool shortSar = false
//input smoothed HAC 1
len=input.int(title="Length SHC1", defval = 10)

haclose = (o+h+l+c)/4
var haopen = 0.0
if na(haopen[1])
    haopen := (o + c) / 2
    haopen := (haopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2

hahigh = math.max (h, math.max(haopen,haclose))
halow = math.min (l, math.min(haopen,haclose))

o2=ta.ema(haopen, len2)
c2=ta.ema(haclose, len2)
h2=ta.ema(hahigh, len2)
l2=ta.ema(halow, len2)

col=o2>c2 ? color.red : color.lime
bool shc1Green = o2 > c2
bool shc1Lime = o2 < c2
//input smoothed HAC 1
lenSHC2=input.int(title="Length SHC2 ", defval = 20)

hacloseShc2 = (oShc2+hShc2+lShc2+cShc2)/4
var haopenShc2 = 0.0
if na(haopenShc2[1])
    haopenShc2 := (oShc2 + cShc2) / 2
    haopenShc2 := (haopenShc2[1] + hacloseShc2[1]) / 2

hahighShc2 = math.max (hShc2, math.max(haopenShc2,hacloseShc2))
halowShc2 = math.min (lShc2, math.min(haopenShc2,hacloseShc2))

o2Shc2=ta.ema(haopenShc2, len2Shc2)
c2Shc2=ta.ema(hacloseShc2, len2Shc2)
h2Shc2=ta.ema(hahighShc2, len2Shc2)
l2Shc2=ta.ema(halowShc2, len2Shc2)

colShc2=o2Shc2>c2Shc2 ? color.red : color.lime
bool shc2Green = o2Shc2 > c2Shc2
bool shc2Lime = o2Shc2 < c2Shc2
//end smooth 

bool shcGree = shc1Green and shc2Green
bool shcLime = shc1Lime and shc2Lime 

lengthZlsma = input.int(title="Length", defval=32)
offset = input.int(title="Offset", defval=0)
src = input(close, title="Source")
lsma = ta.linreg(src, lengthZlsma, offset)
lsma2 = ta.linreg(lsma, lengthZlsma, offset)
eq= lsma-lsma2
zlsma = lsma+eq
// ema 10
len4 = input.int(10, minval=1, title="Length")
src4 = input.source(close, title="Source")
out4 = ta.ema(src4, len4)
//End of format

// ema 34
len5 = input.int(34, minval=1, title="Length")
src5 = input.source(close, title="Source")
out5 = ta.ema(src5, len5)
//end ema 34

// ema 99
len6 = input.int(99, minval=1, title="Length")
src6 = input.source(close, title="Source")
out6 = ta.ema(src6, len6)
// end ema 99

//kiem tra dieu kien gia dong cua lon hon ema99 thi moi me lenh long
bool onEma99 = close > out6
bool downEma99 = open < out6

if bar_index > 0
    firstTrendBar = false
    SAR := nextBarSAR
    if bar_index == 1
        float prevSAR = na
        float prevEP = na
        lowPrev = low[1]
        highPrev = high[1]
        closeCur = close
        closePrev = close[1]
        if closeCur > closePrev
            uptrend := true
            EP := high
            prevSAR := lowPrev
            prevEP := high
            uptrend := false
            EP := low
            prevSAR := highPrev
            prevEP := low
        firstTrendBar := true
        SAR := prevSAR + start * (prevEP - prevSAR)
    if uptrend
		if SAR > low
			firstTrendBar := true
			uptrend := false
			SAR := math.max(EP, high)
			EP := low
			AF := start
		if SAR < high
			firstTrendBar := true
			uptrend := true
			SAR := math.min(EP, low)
			EP := high
			AF := start
	if not firstTrendBar
		if uptrend
			if high > EP
				EP := high
				AF := math.min(AF + increment, maximum)
			if low < EP
				EP := low
				AF := math.min(AF + increment, maximum)
	if uptrend
		SAR := math.min(SAR, low[1])
		if bar_index > 1
			SAR := math.min(SAR, low[2])
		SAR := math.max(SAR, high[1])
		if bar_index > 1
			SAR := math.max(SAR, high[2])
	nextBarSAR := SAR + AF * (EP - SAR)
	if barstate.isconfirmed
		if uptrend
			// log.info("true")
			strategy.entry("ParSE", strategy.short, stop=nextBarSAR, comment="ParSE")
			shortSar := false
			longSar := true
			// log.info("false")
			strategy.entry("ParLE", strategy.long, stop=nextBarSAR, comment="ParLE")
			longSar := false
			shortSar := true

// Chandelier Exit Strategy
length = input.int(title="ATR Period",  defval=1)
mult = input.float(title="ATR Multiplier",  step=0.1, defval=1.1)
showLabels = input.bool(title="Show Buy/Sell Labels ?",  defval=true)
useClose = input.bool(title="Use Close Price for Extremums ?",  defval=true)
highlightState = input.bool(title="Highlight State ?",  defval=true)

atr = mult * ta.atr(length)

longStop = (useClose ? ta.highest(close, length) : ta.highest(length)) - atr
longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop) 
longStop := close[1] > longStopPrev ? math.max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop

shortStop = (useClose ? ta.lowest(close, length) : ta.lowest(length)) + atr
shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop)
shortStop := close[1] < shortStopPrev ? math.min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop

var int dir = 1
dir := close > shortStopPrev ? 1 : close < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir

var bool longOpened = false
var bool shortOpended = false
// Entry and exit logic
if (dir == 1)
	if longSar
		if not longOpened
			strategy.close("Sell", disable_alert = true)
    		strategy.order("Buy", strategy.long)
			longOpened := true
			shortOpended := false

if (dir == -1) 
	if shortSar
		if not shortOpended
			strategy.close("Buy", disable_alert = true)
			strategy.order("Sell", strategy.short)
			shortOpended := true
			longOpened := false

//strategy YY
// ~~~~~~~~~~~ INPUTS ~~~~~~~~~~~ //
lenYY = input.int(80, "Trend Length:", tooltip="How far back should we span this indicator?\nThis length effects all lengths of the indicator")
purchaseSrc = input.source(close, "Purchase Source (Long and Short):", tooltip="What source needs to exit the purchase zone for a purchase to happen?")
exitSrc = input.source(close, "Exit Source (Long and Short):", tooltip="What source needs to hit a exit condition to stop the trade (Take profit, Stop Loss or hitting the other sides Purchase Zone)?")
useTakeProfit = input.bool(true, "Use Take Profit", tooltip="Should we take profit IF we cross the basis line and then cross it AGAIN?")
useStopLoss = input.bool(true, "Use Stop Loss", tooltip="Stop loss will ensure you don't lose too much if its a bad call")
stopLossMult = input.float(0.1, "Stoploss Multiplier %:", tooltip="How far from the purchase lines should the stop loss be")
resetCondition = input.string("Entry", "Reset Purchase Availability After:", options=["Entry", "Stop Loss", "None"],
 tooltip="If we reset after a condition is hit, this means we can purchase again when the purchase condition is met. \n" +
 "Otherwise, we will only purchase after an opposite signal has appeared.\n" +
 "Entry: means when the close enters the purchase zone (buy or sell).\n" +
 "Stop Loss: means when the close hits the stop loss location (even when were out of a trade)\n" +
 "This allows us to get more trades and also if our stop loss initally was hit but it WAS a good time to purchase, we don't lose that chance.")

// ~~~~~~~~~~~ VARIABLES ~~~~~~~~~~~ //
var bool longStart = na
var bool longAvailable = na
var bool longTakeProfitAvailable = na
var bool longStopLoss = na
var bool shortStart = na
var bool shortAvailable = na
var bool shortTakeProfitAvailable = na
var bool shortStopLoss = na

resetAfterStopLoss = resetCondition == "Stop Loss"
resetAfterEntry = resetCondition == "Entry"

// ~~~~~~~~~~~ CALCULATIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Mid Line
midHigh = ta.vwma(ta.highest(high, lenYY), lenYY)
midLow = ta.vwma(ta.lowest(low, lenYY), lenYY)
mid = math.avg(midHigh, midLow)
midSmoothed = ta.ema(mid, lenYY)

//Volume Filtered
avgVol = ta.vwma(volume, lenYY)
volDiff = volume / avgVol
midVolSmoothed = ta.vwma(midSmoothed * volDiff, 3)

//RSI Filtered
midDifference = ta.sma(midHigh - midLow, lenYY)
midRSI = ta.rsi(midVolSmoothed, lenYY) * 0.01
midAdd = midRSI * midDifference

//Calculate Zones
purchaseZoneHigh = midSmoothed + midAdd
purchaseZoneLow = midSmoothed - midAdd
purchaseZoneBasis = math.avg(purchaseZoneHigh, purchaseZoneLow)

//Create Stop Loss Locations
stopLossHigh = purchaseZoneHigh * (1 + (stopLossMult * 0.01))
stopLossLow = purchaseZoneLow * (1 - (stopLossMult * 0.01))

// ~~~~~~~~~~~ PURCHASE CALCULATIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~ //
longEntry = ta.crossunder(purchaseSrc, purchaseZoneLow)
longStart := ta.crossover(purchaseSrc, purchaseZoneLow) and longAvailable
longAvailable := ta.crossunder(purchaseSrc, purchaseZoneHigh) or (resetAfterStopLoss and longStopLoss) or (resetAfterEntry and longEntry) ? true : longStart ? false : longAvailable[1]
longEnd = ta.crossover(exitSrc, purchaseZoneHigh)
longStopLoss := ta.crossunder(exitSrc, stopLossLow)
longTakeProfitAvailable := ta.crossover(exitSrc, purchaseZoneBasis) ? true : longEnd ? false : longTakeProfitAvailable[1]
longTakeProfit = ta.crossunder(exitSrc, purchaseZoneBasis) and longTakeProfitAvailable

shortEntry = ta.crossover(purchaseSrc, purchaseZoneHigh)
shortStart := ta.crossunder(purchaseSrc, purchaseZoneHigh) and shortAvailable
shortAvailable := ta.crossover(purchaseSrc, purchaseZoneLow) or (resetAfterStopLoss and shortStopLoss) or (resetAfterEntry and shortEntry)? true : shortStart ? false : shortAvailable[1]
shortEnd = ta.crossunder(exitSrc, purchaseZoneLow)
shortStopLoss := ta.crossover(exitSrc, stopLossHigh)
shortTakeProfitAvailable := ta.crossunder(exitSrc, purchaseZoneBasis) ? true : shortEnd ? false : shortTakeProfitAvailable[1]
shortTakeProfit = ta.crossover(exitSrc, purchaseZoneBasis) and shortTakeProfitAvailable

// ~~~~~~~~~~~ STRATEGY ~~~~~~~~~~~ //
var bool openLongYY = false
var bool openShortYY = false
if (longStart)
    strategy.order("BuyYY", strategy.long)
	strategy.close("SellYY", disable_alert = true)
	openLongYY := true
	openShortYY := false
else if (longEnd or (useStopLoss and longStopLoss) or (useTakeProfit and longTakeProfit))
    strategy.close("BuyYY", disable_alert = true)

if (shortStart)
	strategy.close("BuyYY", disable_alert = true)
    strategy.order("SellYY", strategy.short)
	openShortYY := true
	openLongYY := false
else if (shortEnd or (useStopLoss and shortStopLoss) or (useTakeProfit and shortTakeProfit))
    strategy.close("SellYY", disable_alert = true)

// ~~~~~~~~~~~ ALERTS ~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// if longStart or (longEnd or (useStopLoss and longStopLoss) or (useTakeProfit and longTakeProfit)) or shortStart or (shortEnd or (useStopLoss and shortStopLoss) or (useTakeProfit and shortTakeProfit))
//     alert("{{strategy.order.action}} | {{ticker}} | {{close}}", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// Plotting
plot(SAR, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=1, color=color.orange)
plot(nextBarSAR, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color=color.aqua)
plot(zlsma, color=color.rgb(235, 15, 33), linewidth=1, title = "ZLSMA")

plot(out4, color=color.rgb(24, 209, 85), title="Ema 1")
plot(out5, color=color.rgb(139, 234, 231), linewidth = 2, title="Ema 2")
plot(out6, color=color.rgb(219, 230, 18), title="Ema 3")

plotcandle(o2, h2, l2, c2, title="SHC1", color=col)
plotcandle(o2Shc2, hShc2, l2Shc2, c2Shc2, title="SHC2", color=col)

// ~~~~~~~~~~~ PLOTS YY ~~~~~~~~~~~ //
shortLine = plot(purchaseZoneHigh, color=color.green)
shortStopLossLine = plot(stopLossHigh, color=color.green) //color=color.rgb(0, 97, 3)
fill(shortLine, shortStopLossLine, color = color.new(color.green, 90))
plot(purchaseZoneBasis, color=color.white)
longLine = plot(purchaseZoneLow, color=color.red)
longStopLossLine = plot(stopLossLow, color=color.red) //color=color.rgb(105, 0, 0)
fill(longLine, longStopLossLine, color=color.new(color.red, 90))
