Strategi Pencari Tren Multitimeframe

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2024-02-18 10:17:06


Gambaran umum

Multitimeframe Trend Hunter Strategy adalah strategi yang memanfaatkan beberapa indikator untuk menghasilkan sinyal perdagangan otomatis. Strategi ini menggabungkan moving average, indikator Supertrend, Ichimoku Cloud dan banyak lagi di beberapa kerangka waktu untuk menentukan arah tren dan menemukan peluang perdagangan potensial.

Logika Strategi

Logika inti dari strategi ini adalah untuk menilai arah tren secara bersamaan pada jangka waktu yang lebih tinggi dan lebih rendah. Strategi pertama menghitung rata-rata bergerak utama, garis Supertrend, konversi Ichimoku dan garis dasar dll pada jangka waktu yang lebih tinggi. Kemudian menghitung garis Supertrend pada jangka waktu yang lebih rendah. Ketika arah Supertrend pada kedua jangka waktu sejajar, arah tren keseluruhan dikonfirmasi. Selain itu, strategi juga memeriksa apakah harga melanggar rata-rata bergerak atau awan ichimoku untuk lebih memvalidasi keandalan tren.

Setelah kriteria tertentu terpenuhi, strategi akan menghasilkan sinyal beli atau jual. Pengguna dapat memilih untuk hanya berdagang panjang, pendek atau keduanya berdasarkan kebutuhan mereka. Pengguna juga dapat mengoptimalkan parameter seperti moving average, Supertrend, Ichimoku dll untuk meningkatkan kinerja strategi.

Analisis Keuntungan

Keuntungan terbesar dari strategi ini adalah kombinasi dari beberapa kerangka waktu dan indikator, yang sangat meningkatkan akurasi tren dan mendeteksi peluang pembalikan tepat waktu.

  1. Konfirmasi tren dengan jangka waktu tinggi/rendah, hindari kebisingan pasar
  2. Rata-rata bergerak sebagai indikator jangka menengah/panjang menilai tren utama
  3. Supertrend sebagai indikator jangka pendek tepat waktu menangkap pembalikan tren
  4. Awan Ichimoku mengidentifikasi potensi level support/resistance

Analisis Risiko

Risiko utama adalah pengaturan parameter yang tidak tepat yang mengarah pada perdagangan berlebihan atau kehilangan peluang. Sinyal yang salah oleh indikator juga dapat menyebabkan kerugian. Risiko spesifik dan solusi:

  1. Risiko parameter: Backtest dan optimalisasi untuk menemukan parameter optimal
  2. Risiko kesalahan sinyal: Tambahkan lebih banyak indikator untuk memverifikasi dan menghindari sinyal yang salah
  3. Risiko penarikan: Sesuaikan ukuran posisi untuk membatasi kerugian perdagangan tunggal

Arahan Optimasi

Ada ruang tambahan untuk mengoptimalkan strategi ini:

  1. Tambahkan lebih banyak indikator seperti Bollinger Bands, RSI untuk meningkatkan akurasi
  2. Mengintegrasikan model pembelajaran mesin untuk strategi yang lebih cerdas
  3. Menggabungkan teknik kuantum seperti HFT, early bird untuk meningkatkan kinerja lebih lanjut
  4. Mengoptimalkan strategi ukuran posisi untuk mengurangi risiko penarikan


Kesimpulannya, Strategi Pencari Tren Multitimeframe memanfaatkan beberapa indikator di seluruh kerangka waktu untuk menentukan tren dan menangkap pembalikan tepat waktu.

start: 2024-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © godzcopilot / blockybears

// Thanks to anthonyf50 for his MTF Ichimoku
// Thanks to KivancOzbilgic for his SuperTrend
// Thanks to ZenAndTheArtOfTrading / PineScriptMastery for their Higher Timeframe EMA

strategy("TrendHunter [Blocky]", overlay=true, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=80, initial_capital=1000, pyramiding=0)

// ================
// Strategy Inputs
// ================

// Defines user inputs for configuring the strategy.

// Higher Time Frame Selection
HTF_TimeFrame = input.timeframe(title='Higher Time Frame', defval='60', group = '== Timeframe ==', tooltip = "Select Chart for standard functionality")

// Inputs for EMA
len     ="EMA Length", defval=200, group ='== EMA ==')
col     = input.bool(title="Colour EMA", defval=true, group ='== EMA ==')

// SuperTrend
Periods = input(title='ATR Period', defval=10, group = '== Supertrend ==')
Multiplier = input.float(title='ATR Multiplier', step=0.1, defval=3.0, group = '== Supertrend ==')
Src = input.source(title='Source', defval=hl2, group = '== Supertrend ==')

// Ichimoku
conversionPeriods =, minval=1, title='Conversion Line Periods', group = '== Ichimoku ==')
basePeriods =, minval=1, title='Base Line Periods', group = '== Ichimoku ==')
laggingSpan2Periods =, minval=1, title='Lagging Span 2 Periods', group = '== Ichimoku ==')
displacement =, minval=1, title='Displacement', group = '== Ichimoku ==')

// Ichimoku Display Options
isActiveConversion = input(false, 'Conversion Line', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'lines1')
isActiveBase = input(false, 'Base Line', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'lines1')
isActiveLagging = input(false, 'Lagging Span', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'lines2')
isActiveCloud = input(true, 'Cloud', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'lines2')

// ================
// Strategy Options
// ================

bTable = input.bool(true, title='Trade Table', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Show table that shows current selected options and trade trade entry parameters")

bLong = input.bool(true, title='Enter Longs', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline = 'LongShort')
bShort = input.bool(true, title='Enter Shorts', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline = 'LongShort', tooltip = "Filter long / short trade signals")

bPriceCloud = input.bool(true, title='Price outside cloud', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline='PriceCloud')
bPriceCloudBody = input.bool(false, title='Full Body', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline='PriceCloud', tooltip = 'Only trade when price action outside the cloud.\nLongs when price action above the cloud.\nShort when price action below the cloud')

bPriceEMA = input.bool(false, title='Price above/below EMA', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline='PriceEMA')
bPriceEMABody = input.bool(false, title='Full Body', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline='PriceEMA', tooltip = 'Longs when price action above the EMA.\nShort when price action below the EMA')

bSuper = input.bool(true, title='Supertrend transistions', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Trade in direction of the supertrend transitions")
bLTF = input.bool(false, title='LTF/HTF Supertrend alignment', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Utilise a dual supertrends, chart and defined higher time frame")

bEMACloud1 = input.bool(true, title='EMA Outside Cloud', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "EMA must be outside the ichimoku cloud")
bEMACloud2 = input.bool(false, title='EMA above/below Cloud', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Longs when EMA above the cloud.\nShort when EMA below the cloud")

bExitHTFTrail = input.bool(true, title='Super Trend Exits:  HTF', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline = 'Exits')
bExitLTFTrail = input.bool(true, title='LTF', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline = 'Exits', tooltip = 'Exit trades when price crosses the supertrend line\nIf neither selected trade closes when opposite trade opens\nIf using LTF closes turn on HTF/LTF alignment')

// ===========================
// EMA Functions and Plotting
// ===========================

// Calculate EMA
ema = ta.ema(close, len)
emaSmooth =, HTF_TimeFrame, ema[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0], gaps=barmerge.gaps_on)[barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1]

// Draw EMA
plot(emaSmooth, color=col ? (close > emaSmooth ? color.rgb(76, 163, 175) : color.rgb(6, 23, 173)) :, linewidth=2, title="HTF EMA")

// ==================================
// Supertrend Functions and Plotting
// ==================================

// Function to calculate SuperTrend
calcSuperTrend(src, atrPeriods, multiplier) =>
    atr = ta.atr(atrPeriods)
    up = src - multiplier * atr
    up1 = nz(up[1], up)
    up := close[1] > up1 ? math.max(up, up1) : up
    dn = src + multiplier * atr
    dn1 = nz(dn[1], dn)
    dn := close[1] < dn1 ? math.min(dn, dn1) : dn
    trend = 1
    trend := nz(trend[1], trend)
    trend := trend == -1 and close > dn1 ? 1 : trend == 1 and close < up1 ? -1 : trend
    [up, dn, trend]

// Calculate SuperTrend for the current time frame
[up, dn, trend] = calcSuperTrend(Src, Periods, Multiplier)

// Plotting for the current time frame
plot(trend == 1 ? up : dn, title='LTF Supertrend', color=trend == 1 ? :, linewidth=1, style = plot.style_stepline)

// Fetching the higher time frame data
[HTF_up, HTF_dn, HTF_trend] =, HTF_TimeFrame, calcSuperTrend(hl2, Periods, Multiplier), lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

// Plotting for the higher time frame
plot(HTF_trend == 1 ? HTF_up : HTF_dn, title='HTF Up Trend', color= HTF_trend == 1 ? :, linewidth=4)

// ===============================
// Ichimoku Functions and Plotting
// ===============================

// Function to convert timeframe to hours
f_convertTimeframeToHours(tf) =>
    val = 0.0
    if tf == "1S" or tf == "S"
        val := 1.0 / 3600.0
    else if str.contains(tf, "S")
        val := str.tonumber(str.replace(tf, "S", "")) / 3600.0
    else if tf == "1D" or tf == "D"
        val := 24.0
    else if str.contains(tf, "D")
        val := str.tonumber(str.replace(tf, "D", "")) * 24.0
    else if tf == "1W" or tf == "W"
        val := 24.0 * 7.0
    else if str.contains(tf, "W")
        val := str.tonumber(str.replace(tf, "W", "")) * 24.0 * 7.0
    else if tf == "1M" or tf == "M"
        val := 24.0 * 30.0  // Approximation for a month
    else if str.contains(tf, "M")
        val := str.tonumber(str.replace(tf, "M", "")) * 24.0 * 30.0  // Approximation for months
        // Default to minutes
        val := str.tonumber(tf) / 60.0

// Time
timeOffset = time - time[1]

// Returns the displacement based on the chart / HTF resolution
f_getDisplacement(_res) =>
    _res == '' ? displacement : math.round(f_convertTimeframeToHours(_res) / f_convertTimeframeToHours(timeframe.period) * displacement)
    //f_avgDilationOf(_res) * displacement

// Returns average value between lowest and highest
f_avgLH(_len) =>
    math.avg(ta.lowest(_len), ta.highest(_len))

// Returns f_donchian data 
f_donchian(_tf, _src) =>, _tf, _src, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

// Returns ichimoku data
f_ichimokuData(_tf) =>
    _isShow = _tf == '' or f_convertTimeframeToHours(_tf) >= f_convertTimeframeToHours(timeframe.period)
    _displacement = _isShow ? f_getDisplacement(_tf) : na
    _Conversion = _isShow ? f_donchian(_tf, f_avgLH(conversionPeriods)) : na
    _Base = _isShow ? f_donchian(_tf, f_avgLH(basePeriods)) : na
    _Lagging = _isShow ? f_donchian(_tf, close) : na
    _SSA = _isShow ? math.avg(_Conversion, _Base) : na
    _SSB = _isShow ? f_donchian(_tf, f_avgLH(laggingSpan2Periods)) : na
    _middleCloud = _isShow ? _SSA[0] > _SSB[0] ? _SSA[0] - math.abs(_SSA[0] - _SSB[0]) / 2 : _SSA[0] + math.abs(_SSA[0] - _SSB[0]) / 2 : na
    [_displacement, _Conversion, _Base, _Lagging, _SSA, _SSB, _middleCloud]

// Plotting ichimoku data

[Displacement, Conversion, Base, Lagging, SSA, SSB, fisrtMiddleCloud] = f_ichimokuData(HTF_TimeFrame)

// ————— Conversion
plot(isActiveConversion ? Conversion : na,, 0), title=' Conversion', linewidth=1)
// ————— Base
plot(isActiveBase ? Base : na,, 0), title=' Base', linewidth=2)
// ————— Lagging
plot(isActiveLagging ? Lagging : na, offset=-Displacement,, 0), title=' Lagging')

// ————— SSA + SSB
ssa = plot(isActiveCloud ? SSA : na, offset=Displacement,, 0), title=' SSA', linewidth=1)
ssb = plot(isActiveCloud ? SSB : na, offset=Displacement,, 0), title=' SSB', linewidth=1)
fill(ssa, ssb, > SSB ? : , 80), title=' Cloud')

// ===============================
// Strategy Entries
// ===============================

// Checks whether price is inside the Ichimoku cloud
f_PriceCloud(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bPriceCloud
        if bLong and dir == 1
            if bPriceCloudBody
                _enter := close > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and open > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                _enter := close > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
        if bShort and dir == 2
            if bPriceCloudBody
                _enter := close < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and open < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                _enter := close < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
        _enter := na

// Checks whether price is above / below the ema
f_PriceEMA(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bPriceEMA
        if bLong and dir == 1
            if bPriceEMABody
                _enter := close > emaSmooth and open > emaSmooth
                _enter := close > emaSmooth
        if bShort and dir == 2
            if bPriceEMABody
                _enter := close < emaSmooth and open < emaSmooth
                _enter := close < emaSmooth
        _enter := na

// Checks HTF supertrend direction
f_Super(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bSuper
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := HTF_trend == 1
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := HTF_trend == -1
        _enter := na


// Checks LTF supertrend direction
f_LTF(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bLTF
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := trend == 1 and HTF_trend == 1
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := trend == -1 and HTF_trend == -1
        _enter := na

// Checks whether ema is inside the Ichimoku cloud
f_EMACloud1(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bEMACloud1
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := (emaSmooth > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])) or (emaSmooth < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]))
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := (emaSmooth > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])) or (emaSmooth < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]))
        _enter := na

// Checks whether ema is above/below Ichimoku cloud
f_EMACloud2(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bEMACloud2
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := emaSmooth > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := emaSmooth < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
        _enter := na

// Check if a value is 'na' or true.
f_NATrue(val) =>
    _enter = false
    if na(val)
        _enter := true
    if val
        _enter := true

// Consolidates entry conditions.
f_checkCondition(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if na(f_PriceCloud(dir)) and na(f_PriceEMA(dir)) and na(f_Super(dir)) and na(f_LTF(dir)) and na(f_EMACloud1(dir)) and na(f_EMACloud2(dir))
        _enter := false
    else if f_NATrue(f_PriceCloud(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_PriceEMA(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_Super(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_LTF(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_EMACloud1(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_EMACloud2(dir))
        _enter := true

// Execute long trade entries
longCondition = bLong and f_checkCondition(1)
if (longCondition)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)

// Execute short trade entries
shortCondition = bShort and f_checkCondition(2)
if (shortCondition)
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)

// Excute trade exits
exitLong = (bExitHTFTrail and (close < HTF_up or HTF_trend == -1)) or (bExitLTFTrail and (close < up or trend == -1)) 
exitShort = (bExitHTFTrail and (close > HTF_dn or HTF_trend == 1)) or (bExitLTFTrail and (close > dn or trend == 1)) 

if exitLong

if exitShort

// Creates a table shoing all the user options and their current status for entering a trade
if bTable
    // Create a table
    tbl = = position.bottom_right, columns = 4, rows = 9,, 50), border_width = 1)

    table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, "Selected")
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, "Long", bgcolor=na(bLong) ? color.gray : bShort ? color.rgb(4, 112, 8) : color.rgb(100, 7, 7))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 0, "Short", bgcolor=na(bShort) ? color.gray : bShort ? color.rgb(4, 112, 8) : color.rgb(100, 7, 7))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 1, "Entry")
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 1, str.tostring(longCondition), bgcolor=longCondition ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 1, str.tostring(shortCondition), bgcolor=shortCondition ? :

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 3, "Price Cloud")
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 3, str.tostring(bPriceCloud), bgcolor=na(bPriceCloud) ? color.gray : bPriceCloud ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 3, str.tostring(f_PriceCloud(1)), bgcolor=na(f_PriceCloud(1)) ? color.gray : f_PriceCloud(1) ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 3, str.tostring(f_PriceCloud(2)), bgcolor=na(f_PriceCloud(2)) ? color.gray : f_PriceCloud(2) ? :

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 4, "Price EMA")
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 4, str.tostring(bPriceEMA), bgcolor=na(bPriceEMA) ? color.gray : bPriceEMA ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 4, str.tostring(f_PriceEMA(1)), bgcolor=na(f_PriceEMA(1)) ? color.gray : f_PriceEMA(1) ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 4, str.tostring(f_PriceEMA(2)), bgcolor=na(f_PriceEMA(2)) ? color.gray : f_PriceEMA(2) ? :

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 5, "SuperTrend")
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 5, str.tostring(bSuper), bgcolor=na(bSuper) ? color.gray : bSuper ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 5, str.tostring(f_Super(1)), bgcolor=na(f_Super(1)) ? color.gray : f_Super(1) ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 5, str.tostring(f_Super(2)), bgcolor=na(f_Super(2)) ? color.gray : f_Super(2) ? :

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 6, "HTF/LTF")
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 6, str.tostring(bLTF), bgcolor=na(bLTF) ? color.gray : bLTF ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 6, str.tostring(f_LTF(1)), bgcolor=na(f_LTF(1)) ? color.gray : f_LTF(1) ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 6, str.tostring(f_LTF(2)), bgcolor=na(f_LTF(2)) ? color.gray : f_LTF(2) ? :

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 7, "EMA Outside Cloud")
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 7, str.tostring(bEMACloud1), bgcolor=na(bEMACloud1) ? color.gray : bEMACloud1 ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 7, str.tostring(f_EMACloud1(1)), bgcolor=na(f_EMACloud1(1)) ? color.gray : f_EMACloud1(1) ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 7, str.tostring(f_EMACloud1(2)), bgcolor=na(f_EMACloud1(2)) ? color.gray : f_EMACloud1(2) ? :

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 8, "EMA Above/Below Cloud")
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 8, str.tostring(bEMACloud2), bgcolor=na(bEMACloud2) ? color.gray : bEMACloud2 ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 8, str.tostring(f_EMACloud2(1)), bgcolor=na(f_EMACloud2(1)) ? color.gray : f_EMACloud2(1) ? :
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 8, str.tostring(f_EMACloud2(2)), bgcolor=na(f_EMACloud2(2)) ? color.gray : f_EMACloud2(2) ? :

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