Stratégie de l' Ichimoku Cloud Nine axée sur le trading

Auteur:ChaoZhang est là., Date: 19 février 2024 à 11h35
Les étiquettes:



La stratégie Ichimoku Cloud Nine est basée sur l'indicateur Ichimoku Cloud combiné à l'utilisation des fractales de Williams.

La logique de la stratégie

La stratégie utilise principalement les signaux Ichimoku suivants pour entrer dans les transactions:

  1. Kumo Breakout: génère un signal lorsque le prix se ferme au-dessus ou en dessous du nuage
  2. TK Cross: génère un signal lorsque Tenkan traverse Kijun
  3. Kumo Twist: génère un signal lorsque Senkou Span A traverse Senkou Span B
  4. Edge to Edge: génère un signal lorsque le prix entre de chaque côté du Cloud

La stratégie permettra de sortir des transactions dans les situations suivantes:

  1. Fermeture des prix à l'intérieur du Cloud
  2. TK Traversez dans la direction opposée
  3. Violation de la fractal de Williams dans la direction opposée

La stratégie combine plusieurs signaux Ichimoku pour augmenter la fiabilité tout en utilisant des fractales comme stop loss pour contrôler le risque.

Les avantages

Comparée aux stratégies de signal unique, cette stratégie filtre les signaux à travers plusieurs signaux Ichimoku, améliorant ainsi la précision.

L'utilisation de fractales comme stop loss contrôle activement le risque et bloque les bénéfices.

Les risques

Principaux risques:

  1. Le nuage Ichimoku est en retard.
  2. Des signaux multiples peuvent être trop conservateurs et des opportunités manquées
  3. L'arrêt fractal peut être supprimé.

Réductions: ajuster les paramètres ou supprimer certains signaux, régler la période de fractal ou seulement une perte d'arrêt partielle sur la fracture.

Des possibilités d'amélioration

Principaux domaines à optimiser:

  1. Ajustez les paramètres Ichimoku pour différents produits
  2. Enlever certains signaux, conserver les règles de base
  3. Ajustez les paramètres fractaux pour utiliser des délais plus longs ou seulement un arrêt partiel
  4. Ajouter d' autres indicateurs comme le volume


La stratégie Ichimoku Cloud Nine améliore le trading Ichimoku en combinant des signaux pour augmenter la précision et le taux de gain.

start: 2024-01-19 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-18 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Ichimoku Cloud Nine", shorttitle="Ichimoku Cloud Nine", overlay=true, calc_on_every_tick = true, calc_on_order_fills = false, initial_capital = 5000, currency = "USD", default_qty_type = "percent_of_equity", default_qty_value = 10, pyramiding = 3, process_orders_on_close = true)

color green = #459915
color red = #991515

// --------
// Fractals
// --------

// Define "n" as the number of periods and keep a minimum value of 2 for error handling.
close_on_fractal = input.bool(false, title="Use William Fractals for SL?", group = "Fractals")
n ="Periods", defval=2, minval=2, group = "Fractals")
fractal_close_percentage =, minval=1, maxval=100, title="Position % to close on fractal breach", group = "Fractals")
selected_fractals_timeframe = input.timeframe('Current', "Timeframe", options=["Current", "1D", "12H", "8H", "4H", "1H"], group = "Fractals", tooltip = "Timeframe to use to look for fractals. Example: if 12H is selected, it will close positions when the last 12H fractal is breached.")

string fractals_timeframe = switch selected_fractals_timeframe
    "1D" => "1D"
    "12H" => "720"
    "8H" => "480"
    "4H" => "240"
    "1H" => "60"
    // Default used when the three first cases do not match.
    => ""

prev_high =, fractals_timeframe, high)
prev_low =, fractals_timeframe, low)


// UpFractal
bool upflagDownFrontier = true
bool upflagUpFrontier0 = true
bool upflagUpFrontier1 = true
bool upflagUpFrontier2 = true
bool upflagUpFrontier3 = true
bool upflagUpFrontier4 = true

for i = 1 to n
    upflagDownFrontier := upflagDownFrontier and (period_high[n-i] < period_high[n])
    upflagUpFrontier0 := upflagUpFrontier0 and (period_high[n+i] < period_high[n])
    upflagUpFrontier1 := upflagUpFrontier1 and (period_high[n+1] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+i + 1] < period_high[n])
    upflagUpFrontier2 := upflagUpFrontier2 and (period_high[n+1] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+2] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+i + 2] < period_high[n])
    upflagUpFrontier3 := upflagUpFrontier3 and (period_high[n+1] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+2] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+3] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+i + 3] < period_high[n])
    upflagUpFrontier4 := upflagUpFrontier4 and (period_high[n+1] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+2] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+3] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+4] <= period_high[n] and period_high[n+i + 4] < period_high[n])
flagUpFrontier = upflagUpFrontier0 or upflagUpFrontier1 or upflagUpFrontier2 or upflagUpFrontier3 or upflagUpFrontier4

upFractal = (upflagDownFrontier and flagUpFrontier)

var float upFractalPrice = 0

if (upFractal)
    upFractalPrice := period_high[n]

// downFractal
bool downflagDownFrontier = true
bool downflagUpFrontier0 = true
bool downflagUpFrontier1 = true
bool downflagUpFrontier2 = true
bool downflagUpFrontier3 = true
bool downflagUpFrontier4 = true

for i = 1 to n
    downflagDownFrontier := downflagDownFrontier and (period_low[n-i] > period_low[n])
    downflagUpFrontier0 := downflagUpFrontier0 and (period_low[n+i] > period_low[n])
    downflagUpFrontier1 := downflagUpFrontier1 and (period_low[n+1] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+i + 1] > period_low[n])
    downflagUpFrontier2 := downflagUpFrontier2 and (period_low[n+1] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+2] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+i + 2] > period_low[n])
    downflagUpFrontier3 := downflagUpFrontier3 and (period_low[n+1] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+2] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+3] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+i + 3] > period_low[n])
    downflagUpFrontier4 := downflagUpFrontier4 and (period_low[n+1] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+2] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+3] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+4] >= period_low[n] and period_low[n+i + 4] > period_low[n])
flagDownFrontier = downflagUpFrontier0 or downflagUpFrontier1 or downflagUpFrontier2 or downflagUpFrontier3 or downflagUpFrontier4

downFractal = (downflagDownFrontier and flagDownFrontier)

var float downFractalPrice = 0

if (downFractal)
    downFractalPrice := period_low[n]

plotshape(downFractal, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.belowbar, offset=-n, color=#F44336, size =
plotshape(upFractal, style=shape.triangleup,   location=location.abovebar, offset=-n, color=#009688, size =

// --------
// Ichimoku
// --------

previous_close = close[1]

conversionPeriods =, minval=1, title="Conversion Line Periods", group = "Cloud Settings"),
basePeriods =, minval=1, title="Base Line Periods", group = "Cloud Settings")
laggingSpan2Periods =, minval=1, title="Lagging Span 2 Periods", group = "Cloud Settings"),
displacement =, minval=1, title="Displacement", group = "Cloud Settings")

long_entry = input.bool(true, title="Longs", group = "Entries", tooltip = "Will look for longs")
short_entry = input.bool(true, title="Shorts", group = "Entries", tooltip = "Will look for shorts")
wait_for_twist = input.bool(true, title="Wait for kumo twist?", group = "Entries", tooltip = "Will wait for the Kumo to turn green (longs) or red (shorts)")
ignore_lagging_span = input.bool(true, title="Ignore Lagging Span Signal?", group = "Entries", tooltip = "Will not wait for lagging span to be above/below price and cloud")
bounce_entry = input.bool(true, title="Kijun Bounce", group = "Entries", tooltip = "Will enter position on a Kijun bounce")

e2e_entry = input.bool(true, title="Enable", group = "Edge 2 Edge", tooltip = "Will look for edge-to-edge trades")
e2e_entry_tk_confluence = input.bool(true, title="Require TK Confluence?", group = "Edge 2 Edge", tooltip = "Require confluent TK cross in order to enter an e2e trade")
min_cloud_thickness = input.float(10, minval=1, title="Minimun Cloud Thickness (%)", group = "Edge 2 Edge", tooltip = "Minimum cloud thickness for entering e2e trades")

donchian(len) => math.avg(ta.lowest(len), ta.highest(len))

tenkan = donchian(conversionPeriods)
kijun = donchian(basePeriods)
spanA = math.avg(tenkan, kijun)
spanB = donchian(laggingSpan2Periods)

plot(tenkan, color=#0496ff, title="Tenkan-Sen", linewidth = 2)
plot(kijun, color=red, title="Kijun-Sen", linewidth = 2)
plot(close, offset = -displacement, color=color.gray, title="Chikou Span")

p1 = plot(spanA, offset = displacement, color=green, title="Senkou Span A")
p2 = plot(spanB, offset = displacement, color=red, title="Senkou Span B")
fill(p1, p2, color = spanA > spanB ?, 50) :, 50))

cloud_high = math.max(spanA[displacement], spanB[displacement])
cloud_low = math.min(spanA[displacement], spanB[displacement])

lagging_span_above_price_and_cloud = (close > close[displacement] and close > cloud_high[displacement]) or ignore_lagging_span
lagging_span_below_price_and_cloud = (close < close[displacement] and close < cloud_low[displacement]) or ignore_lagging_span

cloud_thickness = (step1/step2)*100

// --------
// Trades
// --------

// kumo breakout
if (long_entry and ta.crossover(close, cloud_high) and tenkan > kijun and close > kijun and lagging_span_above_price_and_cloud and (not wait_for_twist or spanA > spanB))
    comment = "Long - Kumo Breakout"
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// tk cross above cloud
if (long_entry and close > cloud_high and ta.crossover(tenkan, kijun) and lagging_span_above_price_and_cloud and (not wait_for_twist or spanA > spanB))
    comment = "Long - TK Cross"
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// kumo twist
if (long_entry and close > cloud_high and tenkan > kijun and ta.crossover(spanA, spanB) and lagging_span_above_price_and_cloud)
    comment = "Long - Kumo Twist"
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// close inside cloud
if (ta.crossunder(close, cloud_high))
    comment = "Close Long - Close inside cloud"
    strategy.close("Long", comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// bearish tk cross
if (ta.crossunder(tenkan, kijun))
    comment = "Close Long - TK Cross"
    strategy.close("Long", comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (close_on_fractal and ta.crossunder(low, downFractalPrice))
    comment = "Close Long - Fractal"
    strategy.close("Long", comment = comment, qty_percent = fractal_close_percentage)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// kumo breakout
if (short_entry and ta.crossunder(close, cloud_low) and tenkan < kijun and close < kijun and lagging_span_below_price_and_cloud and (not wait_for_twist or spanA < spanB))
    comment = "Short - Kumo Breakout"
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// tk cross below cloud
if (short_entry and close < cloud_low and ta.crossunder(tenkan, kijun) and lagging_span_below_price_and_cloud and (not wait_for_twist or spanA < spanB))
    comment = "Short - TK Cross"
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// kumo twist
if (short_entry and close < cloud_low and tenkan < kijun and lagging_span_below_price_and_cloud and ta.crossunder(spanA, spanB))
    comment = "Short - Kumo Twist"
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// close inside cloud
if (ta.crossover(close, cloud_low))
    comment = "Close Short - Close inside cloud"
    strategy.close("Short", comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// bullish tk cross
if (ta.crossover(tenkan, kijun))
    comment = "Close Short - TK Cross"
    strategy.close("Short", comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (close_on_fractal and ta.crossover(high, upFractalPrice))
    comment = "Close Short - Fractal"
    strategy.close("Short", comment = comment, qty_percent = fractal_close_percentage)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (e2e_entry and e2e_entry_tk_confluence and ta.crossover(close, cloud_low) and tenkan > kijun and open > kijun and cloud_thickness > min_cloud_thickness)
    comment = "Long e2e"
    strategy.entry("Long e2e", strategy.long, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (e2e_entry and not e2e_entry_tk_confluence and ta.crossover(close, cloud_low) and open > kijun and cloud_thickness > min_cloud_thickness)
    comment = "Long e2e"
    strategy.entry("Long e2e", strategy.long, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (ta.cross(high, cloud_high))
    comment = "Close Long e2e - Target Hit"
    strategy.close("Long e2e", comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (ta.crossunder(close, cloud_low))
    comment = "Close Long e2e - Close below cloud"
    strategy.close("Long e2e", comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if (close_on_fractal and ta.crossunder(low, downFractalPrice))
    comment = "Close Long e2e - Fractal"
    strategy.close("Long e2e", comment = comment, qty_percent = fractal_close_percentage)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (e2e_entry and e2e_entry_tk_confluence and ta.crossunder(close, cloud_high) and tenkan < kijun and open < kijun and cloud_thickness > min_cloud_thickness)
    comment = "Short e2e"
    strategy.entry("Short e2e", strategy.long, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (e2e_entry and not e2e_entry_tk_confluence and ta.crossunder(close, cloud_high) and open < kijun and cloud_thickness > min_cloud_thickness)
    comment = "Short e2e"
    strategy.entry("Short e2e", strategy.long, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (ta.cross(low, cloud_low))
    comment = "Close Short e2e - Target Hit"
    strategy.close("Short e2e", comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (ta.crossover(close, cloud_high))
    comment = "Close Short e2e - Close below cloud"
    strategy.close("Short e2e", comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if (close_on_fractal and ta.crossover(high, upFractalPrice))
    comment = "Close Short e2e - Fractal"
    strategy.close("Short e2e", comment = comment, qty_percent = fractal_close_percentage)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// Kijun Bounce
if (bounce_entry and long_entry and open > cloud_high and open > kijun and ta.crossunder(low, kijun) and close > kijun and tenkan > kijun and kijun > cloud_high and lagging_span_above_price_and_cloud)
    comment = "Long - Kijun Bounce"
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (bounce_entry and short_entry and open < cloud_low and open < kijun and ta.crossover(high, kijun) and close < kijun and tenkan < kijun and kijun < cloud_low and lagging_span_below_price_and_cloud)
    comment = "Short - Kijun Bounce"
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment = comment)
    alert(comment, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

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