Perubahan harga & Strategi harga rata-rata berdasarkan indikator kuantitatif

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2023-12-11 11:18:56


Gambaran umum

Strategi ini menggabungkan tingkat perubahan harga dan indikator teknis rata-rata bergerak untuk menemukan titik beli dan jual dengan akurat. Ketika harga turun tajam, ambang beli ditetapkan. Dan ketika harga terus turun, posisi panjang dibuka. Ketika harga naik, ambang jual ditetapkan. Dan posisi panjang yang ada ditutup ketika harga terus naik dan memecahkan ambang jual. Pada saat yang sama, strategi juga mengadopsi metode piramida untuk membuka beberapa posisi panjang pada tingkat harga yang berbeda untuk menurunkan biaya.


Logika entri panjang

  1. Hitung Rate of Change (ROC) dari harga, dan atur garis ambang masuk yang panjang.
  2. Ketika harga melewati ambang masuk panjang ke bawah, catat titik istirahat ini dan mulai garis batas masuk panjang.
  3. Garis batas masuk panjang berlangsung selama jangka waktu tertentu yang ditentukan oleh parameter input dan berakhir setelahnya.
  4. Ketika harga terus turun dan melintasi di bawah garis batas masuk panjang, posisi panjang pertama dibuka.

Logika dekat panjang

  1. Hitung Rate of Change (ROC) dari harga, dan atur garis ambang batas dekat yang panjang.
  2. Ketika harga melewati ambang batas dekat panjang ke atas, catat titik istirahat ini dan mulai garis batas dekat panjang.
  3. Garis batas dekat panjang berlangsung selama jangka waktu tertentu yang ditentukan oleh parameter input dan berakhir setelahnya.
  4. Ketika harga terus naik dan melintasi di atas garis batas penutupan panjang, semua posisi panjang yang ada ditutup.

Pengendalian Risiko

Strategi ini memiliki built-in stop loss dan mengambil keuntungan fungsi yang dapat disesuaikan untuk mengontrol risiko secara dinamis.


Ketika membuka setiap posisi perdagangan baru, sistem menghitung harga masuk panjang berikutnya sesuai dengan parameter persentase input, sehingga menerapkan rata-rata turun melalui beberapa entri panjang.


  1. Mengadopsi indikator tingkat perubahan (ROC) untuk menemukan sinyal beli dan jual dengan akurat.
  2. Gunakan garis batas untuk konfirmasi lebih lanjut sinyal masuk dan keluar untuk menghindari pemutusan palsu.
  3. Metode piramida melacak nilai pasar sambil mengendalikan risiko.
  4. Dibangun dalam stop loss dan mengambil keuntungan ketat mengontrol risiko untuk setiap posisi.

Risiko & Solusi

  1. Fluktuasi pasar yang ganas dapat menyebabkan terlalu banyak posisi terbuka.
  2. Stop loss atau take profit dapat dipicu sering ketika pasar berkisar. kita dapat melonggarkan tingkat persentase atau bahkan menonaktifkan SL & TP di pasar sampingan.


  1. Menggabungkan dengan indikator lain seperti moving average untuk menyaring sinyal masuk. Hanya mengadopsi sinyal ROC ketika harga benar-benar melanggar garis MA.
  2. Meningkatkan logika piramida, membuka posisi berikutnya hanya ketika harga terus turun dengan persentase tertentu daripada hanya menurunkan harga masuk.
  3. Pengaturan parameter yang optimal dapat berbeda secara signifikan di antara instrumen perdagangan.
  4. Membangun mekanisme stop loss adaptif dengan tingkat persentase yang berbeda berdasarkan kondisi volatilitas pasar.


Strategi ini secara efektif menggabungkan sinyal masuk yang akurat dengan filter garis batas, fungsi manajemen risiko bawaan, dan piramida untuk ukuran posisi. Dengan penyesuaian parameter yang wajar, ia dapat memperoleh keuntungan berlebih sambil menjaga risiko terkendali.

start: 2022-12-04 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-10 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// @version=4
// © A3Sh

// Rate of price change / Price averaging strategy //
// When the price drops to a specified percentage, a Long Entry Threshold is setup.
// The Long Entry Threshold is only active for a specified number of bars and will de-activate when not crossed. 
// When the price drops further and crosses the Entry Threshold with a minimum of a specified percentage, a Long Position is entered. 
// The same reverse logic used to close the Long Position.
// Stop loss and take profit are active by default. With proper tweaking of the settings it is possible to de-activate SL and TP.

// The strategy is inspired by the following strategies:
// Price Change Scalping Strategy developed by Prosum Solutions,
// Scalping Dips On Trend Strategy developed by Coinrule,

strategy(title = "ROC_PA_Strategy_@A3Sh", overlay = true )

// Portfolio & Leverage Example
// credit: @RafaelZioni,
ge(value, precision) => round(value * (pow(10, precision))) / pow(10, precision)

port     = input(25, group = "Risk", title = "Portfolio Percentage", type = input.float, step = 0.1, minval = 0.1, maxval = 200)
leverage = input(1,  group = "Risk", title = "Leverage", minval = 1, maxval = 100)
mm       = input(5,  group = "Risk", title = "Broker Maintenance Margin Percentage", type = input.float, step = 0.1, minval = 0.1, maxval = 200)

c = ge((strategy.equity * leverage / open) * (port  / 100), 4)

// Take Profit
tpa = input(true, type = input.bool,  title = "Take Profit", group = "Risk", inline = "Take Profit")
tpp = input(5.6,    type = input.float, title = "Percentage" , group = "Risk", step = 0.1, minval = 0.1, inline = "Take Profit")
tp  = strategy.position_avg_price + (strategy.position_avg_price / 100 * tpp)
plot (tpa and strategy.position_size > 0 ? tp : na, color = color.gray, title = "take profit", style= plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 1)

// Stop Loss
sla = input(true, type = input.bool, title = "Stop Lossss ", group = "Risk", inline = "Stop Loss")
slp = input(2.5,   type = input.float, title = "Percentage",   group = "Risk", step = 0.1, minval = 0.1, inline = "Stop Loss")
sl  = strategy.position_avg_price - (strategy.position_avg_price / 100 *slp)
plot (sla and strategy.position_size > 0 ? sl : na, color =, title = "stopp loss", style= plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 1)

stopLoss = sla ? sl : na

// Long position entry layers. Percentage from the entry price of the the first long
ps2 = input(2, group = "Price Averaging Layers", title = "2nd Layer Long Entry %", step = 0.1)
ps3 = input(5, group = "Price Averaging Layers", title = "3rd Layer Long Entry %", step = 0.1)
ps4 = input(9, group = "Price Averaging Layers", title = "4th Layer Long Entry %", step = 0.1)

// ROC_Trigger Logic to open Long Position
rocLookBack  = input(3,   group = "ROC Logic to OPEN Long Entry", title="Rate of Change bar lookback")
rocThreshold = input(0.5, group = "ROC Logic to OPEN Long Entry", title="ROC Threshold % to Setup Long Entry", step = 0.1)
entryLimit   = input(0.5, group = "ROC Logic to OPEN Long Entry", title="Price Drop Threshold % to OPEN Long Entry", step = 0.1)
entryTime    = input(3,   group = "ROC Logic to OPEN Long Entry", title="Duration of Long Entry Threshold Line in bars")
minLimit     = input(0.8, group = "ROC Logic to OPEN Long Entry", title="Min % of Price Drop to OPEN Long Entry", step = 0.1)

//ROC calculation based to the price level of previous X bars
roc = close[rocLookBack]  - (close / 100 * rocThreshold)
plot (roc, color = color.gray, title = "roc threshold", linewidth = 1 , transp = 20)

rocT1      = open > roc and close < roc ? 1 : 0 // When the price CROSSES the Entry Limit
rocT2      = (open < roc) and (close < roc) ? 1 : 0 // When the price is BELOW the Entry Limit
rocTrigger = rocT1 or rocT2

// Condition for Setting Up a Long Entry Thershold Line
rocCrossed    = false
var SetUpLong = false

if rocTrigger and not SetUpLong

    rocCrossed := true
    SetUpLong  := true

// Defining the Value of the Long Entry Thershold
condforValue = rocCrossed and (open - low) / (open / 100) > 0 or (open < roc and close < roc) ? low - (close / 100 * entryLimit) : roc - (close / 100 * entryLimit)
openValue    = valuewhen (rocCrossed, condforValue, 0)

// Defining the length of the Long Entry Thershold in bars, specified with an input parameter
sincerocCrossed = barssince (rocCrossed)
plotLineOpen    = (sincerocCrossed <= entryTime) ? openValue : na
endLineOpen     = sincerocCrossed == entryTime  ? 1 : 0

// Set the conditions back to false when the Entry Limit Threshold Line ends after specied number of bars
if endLineOpen and SetUpLong
    rocCrossed := false
    SetUpLong  := false    

// Set minimum percentage of price drop to open a Long Position.
minThres = (open - close) / (open / 100) > minLimit ? 1 : 0

// Open Long Trigger
openLong = crossunder (close, plotLineOpen) and strategy.position_size == 0 and minThres

plot (strategy.position_size == 0 ? plotLineOpen : na, title = "Long Entry Threshold", color= color.yellow, style= plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 2)

// Show vertical dashed line when long condition is triggered 
// credit: @midtownsk8rguy,
vline(BarIndex, Color, LineStyle, LineWidth) => 
    return =, low - tr, BarIndex, high + tr, xloc.bar_index, extend.both, Color, LineStyle, LineWidth) 
// if (openLong)
//     vline(bar_index,, line.style_dashed, 1)

// ROC_Trigger Logic to close Long Position
rocLookBackL    = input(3,   group = "ROC Logic to CLOSE Long Entry", title = "Rate of Change bar lookback")
entryThresholdL = input(0.8, group = "ROC Logic to CLOSE Long Entry", title = "ROC Threshold % to Setup Close Threshold", step = 0.1) // Percentage from close price
entryLimit_CL   = input(1.7, group = "ROC Logic to CLOSE Long Entry", title = "Price Rise Threshold % to CLOSE Long Entry", step = 0.1) // Percentage from roc threshold
entryTime_CL    = input(3,   group = "ROC Logic to CLOSE Long Entry", title = "Duration of Entry Limit in bars")

roc_CL = close[rocLookBackL]  + (close/100 *entryThresholdL)
//plot(rocL, color=color.gray, linewidth=1, transp=20)

rocT1_CL = open < roc_CL and close > roc_CL ? 1 : 0
rocT2_CL = (open > roc_CL) and (close > roc_CL)  ? 1 : 0 
rocTrigger_CL = rocT1_CL or rocT2_CL

// Condition for Setting Up a Long CLOSE Thershold Line
rocCrossed_CL  = false

var SetUpClose = false

if rocTrigger_CL and not SetUpClose
    // The trigger for condA occurs and the last condition set was condB.
    rocCrossed_CL := true
    SetUpClose    := true

// Defining the Value of the Long CLOSE Thershold
condforValue_CL= rocCrossed_CL and (high - open) / (open / 100) > 0 or (open > roc_CL and close > roc_CL) ? high + (close / 100 * entryLimit_CL) : roc_CL + (close / 100 * entryLimit_CL)
closeValue = valuewhen (rocCrossed_CL, condforValue_CL, 0)

// Defining the length of the Long CLOSE Thershold in bars, specified with an input parameter
sincerocCrossed_CL = barssince(rocCrossed_CL)
plotLineClose = (sincerocCrossed_CL <= entryTime_CL) ? closeValue : na
endLineClose = (sincerocCrossed_CL == entryTime_CL)  ? 1 : 0

// Set the conditions back to false when the CLOSE Limit Threshold Line ends after specied number of bars
if endLineClose and SetUpClose

    rocCrossed_CL := false
    SetUpClose := false    

plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? plotLineClose : na, color = color.white, title = "Close Long Threshold", style = plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 2)

// ROC Close + Take Profit combined
closeCondition = close < tp ? plotLineClose : tpa ? tp : plotLineClose

// Store values to create and plot the different PA layers
long1 = valuewhen(openLong, close, 0)
long2 = valuewhen(openLong, close - (close / 100 * ps2), 0)
long3 = valuewhen(openLong, close - (close / 100 * ps3), 0)
long4 = valuewhen(openLong, close - (close / 100 * ps4), 0)

eps1 = 0.00
eps1 := na(eps1[1]) ? na : eps1[1]

eps2 = 0.00
eps2 := na(eps2[1]) ? na : eps2[1]

eps3 = 0.00
eps3 := na(eps3[1]) ? na : eps3[1]

eps4 = 0.00
eps4 := na(eps4[1]) ? na : eps4[1]

plot (strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps1 : na, title = "Long 1 Layer", style = plot.style_linebr)
plot (strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps2 : na, title = "Long 2 Layer", style = plot.style_linebr)
plot (strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps3 : na, title = "Long 3 Layer", style = plot.style_linebr)
plot (strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps4 : na, title = "Long 4 Layer", style = plot.style_linebr)

// Ener Long Positions
if (openLong and strategy.opentrades == 0) 
    eps1 := long1
    eps2 := long2
    eps3 := long3
    eps4 := long4
    strategy.entry("Long1", strategy.long, c, comment = "a=binance2 e=binance s=bnbusdt b=buy q=20% t=market")

if (strategy.opentrades == 1)
    strategy.entry("Long2", strategy.long, c, limit = eps2, comment = "a=binance2 e=binance s=bnbusdt b=buy q=25% t=market")

if (strategy.opentrades == 2)
    strategy.entry("Long3", strategy.long, c, limit = eps3, comment = "a=binance2 e=binance s=bnbusdt b=buy q=33.3% t=market")

if (strategy.opentrades == 3)
    strategy.entry("Long4", strategy.long, c, limit = eps4, comment = "a=binance2 e=binance s=bnbusdt b=buy q=50% t=market")

// Setup Limit Close / Take Profit / Stop Loss order 
strategy.exit("Exit", stop = stopLoss, limit = closeCondition, when =(rocTrigger_CL and strategy.position_size > 0), comment= "a=binance2 e=binance s=bnbusdt b=sell q=100% t=market")

// Make sure that all open limit orders are canceled after exiting all the positions 
longClose = strategy.position_size[1] > 0 and strategy.position_size == 0 ? 1 : 0   

if longClose

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