PPO Sensitivitas Harga Momentum Strategi Perdagangan Berarah Double Bottom

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2024-01-29 11:38:42


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PPO Price Sensitivity Momentum Double Bottom Directional Trading Strategy adalah strategi trading yang menggunakan identifikasi formasi harga double bottom oleh indikator PPO (Percentage Price Oscillator) untuk menghasilkan sinyal perdagangan.

Prinsip Strategi

Strategi ini menggunakan indikator PPO untuk menentukan fitur harga double bottom, sementara menggabungkan penilaian titik minimum harga untuk memantau pembentukan dasar indikator PPO secara real time.

Di sisi lain, strategi ini berkolaborasi dengan penentuan nilai minimum harga untuk memastikan apakah harga berada pada tingkat yang relatif rendah.

Melalui validasi karakteristik pembalikan PPO dan mekanisme konfirmasi tingkat harga ganda, kemungkinan pembalikan harga potensial dapat diidentifikasi secara efektif, menyaring sinyal palsu dan meningkatkan kualitas sinyal.

Analisis Keuntungan

  1. Pola dasar ganda PPO memungkinkan waktu yang tepat di titik masuk.

  2. Menggabungkan konfirmasi tingkat harga menyaring sinyal palsu yang terjadi pada tingkat yang relatif tinggi, meningkatkan kualitas sinyal.

  3. PPO sensitif dan dengan cepat menangkap perubahan tren harga, cocok untuk pelacakan tren.

  4. Mekanisme konfirmasi ganda secara efektif mengurangi risiko perdagangan.

Risiko dan Solusi

  1. PPO cenderung menghasilkan sinyal palsu, yang membutuhkan konfirmasi dari indikator lain.

  2. Stop loss dapat diatur bersama dengan optimasi ukuran posisi.

  3. Konfigurasi parameter yang tidak tepat menyebabkan kehilangan keuntungan atau entri yang salah.

  4. Ada volume kode yang substansial dengan replikasi. Modularisasi lebih lanjut membantu mengurangi kode duplikat.

Arahan Optimasi

  1. Menggabungkan modul stop loss dan mengoptimalkan strategi ukuran posisi.

  2. Memperkenalkan indikator moving average atau volatilitas sebagai alat konfirmasi.

  3. Modularisasi kode untuk menghindari penilaian logika yang berlebihan.

  4. Lanjutkan pengaturan parameter untuk meningkatkan stabilitas.

  5. Uji aplikasi perdagangan penyebaran di lebih banyak produk.


PPO Price Sensitivity Momentum Double Bottom Directional Trading Strategy menangkap fitur double bottom indikator PPO ditambah dengan konfirmasi ganda posisi tingkat harga untuk secara efektif melihat titik pembalikan harga. Dibandingkan dengan penilaian indikator tunggal, ia memiliki keuntungan akurasi yang lebih baik dan kemampuan untuk menyaring kebisingan. Namun, beberapa risiko sinyal palsu tetap ada, yang membutuhkan optimasi lebih lanjut pada kombinasi indikator dan taktik ukuran posisi yang ketat sebelum profitabilitas yang stabil dapat dicapai dalam perdagangan langsung.

start: 2024-01-27 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-28 00:00:00
period: 2h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © luciancapdefier

strategy("PPO Divergence ST", overlay=true, initial_capital=30000, calc_on_order_fills=true, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100)

// time
FromYear = input(2019, "Backtest Start Year")
FromMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month")
FromDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day")
ToYear = input(2999, "Backtest End Year")
ToMonth = input(1, "Backtest End Month")
ToDay = input(1, "Backtest End Day")
start = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)  // backtest start window
finish = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window() => time >= start and time <= finish ? true : false 

source = close
topbots = input(true, title="Show PPO high/low triangles?")
long_term_div = input(true, title="Use long term divergences?")
div_lookback_period = input(55, minval=1, title="Lookback Period")
fastLength = input(12, minval=1, title="PPO Fast")
slowLength=input(26, minval=1, title="PPO Slow")
signalLength=input(9,minval=1, title="PPO Signal")
smoother = input(2,minval=1, title="PPO Smooth")
fastMA = ema(source, fastLength)
slowMA = ema(source, slowLength)
macd = fastMA - slowMA
d = sma(macd2, smoother) // smoothing PPO
bullishPrice = low 

priceMins = bullishPrice > bullishPrice[1] and bullishPrice[1] < bullishPrice[2] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[3] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] == low[3] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[4] or low[1] == low[2] and low[1] == low[3] and low[1] and low[1] == low[4] and low[1] < low and low[1] < low[5] // this line identifies bottoms and plateaus in the price
oscMins= d > d[1] and d[1] < d[2] // this line identifies bottoms in the PPO

BottomPointsInPPO = oscMins

bearishPrice = high
priceMax = bearishPrice < bearishPrice[1] and bearishPrice[1] > bearishPrice[2] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[3] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] == high[3] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[4] or high[1] == high[2] and high[1] == high[3] and high[1] and high[1] == high[4] and high[1] > high and high[1] > high[5]  // this line identifies tops in the price
oscMax = d < d[1] and d[1] > d[2]   // this line identifies tops in the PPO

TopPointsInPPO = oscMax

currenttrough4=valuewhen (oscMins, d[1], 0) // identifies the value of PPO at the most recent BOTTOM in the PPO
lasttrough4=valuewhen (oscMins, d[1], 1) // NOT USED identifies the value of PPO at the second most recent BOTTOM in the PPO
currenttrough5=valuewhen (oscMax, d[1], 0) // identifies the value of PPO at the most recent TOP in the PPO
lasttrough5=valuewhen (oscMax, d[1], 1) // NOT USED identifies the value of PPO at the second most recent TOP in the PPO

currenttrough6=valuewhen (priceMins, low[1], 0) // this line identifies the low (price) at the most recent bottom in the Price
lasttrough6=valuewhen (priceMins, low[1], 1) // NOT USED this line identifies the low (price) at the second most recent bottom in the Price
currenttrough7=valuewhen (priceMax, high[1], 0) // this line identifies the high (price) at the most recent top in the Price
lasttrough7=valuewhen (priceMax, high[1], 1) // NOT USED this line identifies the high (price) at the second most recent top in the Price

delayedlow = priceMins and barssince(oscMins) < 3 ? low[1] : na
delayedhigh = priceMax and barssince(oscMax) < 3 ? high[1] : na

// only take tops/bottoms in price when tops/bottoms are less than 5 bars away
filter = barssince(priceMins) < 5 ? lowest(currenttrough6, 4) : na
filter2 = barssince(priceMax) < 5 ? highest(currenttrough7, 4) : na

//delayedbottom/top when oscillator bottom/top is earlier than price bottom/top
y11 = valuewhen(oscMins, delayedlow, 0)
y12 = valuewhen(oscMax, delayedhigh, 0)

// only take tops/bottoms in price when tops/bottoms are less than 5 bars away, since 2nd most recent top/bottom in osc
y2=valuewhen(oscMax, filter2, 1) // identifies the highest high in the tops of price with 5 bar lookback period SINCE the SECOND most recent top in PPO
y6=valuewhen(oscMins, filter, 1) // identifies the lowest low in the bottoms of price with 5 bar lookback period SINCE the SECOND most recent bottom in PPO

long_term_bull_filt = valuewhen(priceMins, lowest(div_lookback_period), 1)
long_term_bear_filt = valuewhen(priceMax, highest(div_lookback_period), 1)

y3=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough5, 0) // identifies the value of PPO in the most recent top of PPO 
y4=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough5, 1) // identifies the value of PPO in the second most recent top of PPO 

y7=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough4, 0) // identifies the value of PPO in the most recent bottom of PPO
y8=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough4, 1) // identifies the value of PPO in the SECOND most recent bottom of PPO

y9=valuewhen(oscMins, currenttrough6, 0)
y10=valuewhen(oscMax, currenttrough7, 0)

bulldiv= BottomPointsInPPO ? d[1] : na // plots dots at bottoms in the PPO
beardiv= TopPointsInPPO ? d[1]: na // plots dots at tops in the PPO

i = currenttrough5 < highest(d, div_lookback_period) // long term bearish oscilator divergence
i2 = y10 > long_term_bear_filt // long term bearish top divergence
i3 = delayedhigh > long_term_bear_filt // long term bearish delayedhigh divergence

i4 = currenttrough4 > lowest(d, div_lookback_period) // long term bullish osc divergence
i5 = y9 < long_term_bull_filt // long term bullish bottom div
i6 = delayedlow < long_term_bull_filt // long term bullish delayedbottom div

//plot(0, color=gray)
//plot(d, color=black)
//plot(bulldiv, title = "Bottoms", color=maroon, style=circles, linewidth=3, offset= -1)
//plot(beardiv, title = "Tops", color=green, style=circles, linewidth=3, offset= -1)

bearishdiv1 = (y10 > y2 and oscMax and y3 < y4) ? true : false
bearishdiv2 = (delayedhigh > y2 and y3 < y4) ? true : false
bearishdiv3 = (long_term_div and oscMax and i and i2) ? true : false
bearishdiv4 = (long_term_div and i and i3) ? true : false

bullishdiv1 = (y9 < y6 and oscMins and y7 > y8) ? true : false
bullishdiv2 = (delayedlow < y6 and y7 > y8) ? true : false
bullishdiv3 = (long_term_div and oscMins and i4 and i5) ? true : false
bullishdiv4 = (long_term_div and i4 and i6) ? true : false

bearish = bearishdiv1 or bearishdiv2 or bearishdiv3 or bearishdiv4
bullish = bullishdiv1 or bullishdiv2 or bullishdiv3 or bullishdiv4
greendot = beardiv != 0 ? true : false
reddot = bulldiv != 0 ? true : false

if (reddot and window())
    strategy.entry("Buy Id", strategy.long, comment="BUY")

if (greendot and window())
    strategy.entry("Sell Id", strategy.short, comment="SELL")

alertcondition( bearish, title="Bearish Signal (Orange)", message="Orange & Bearish: Short " ) 
alertcondition( bullish, title="Bullish Signal (Purple)", message="Purple & Bullish: Long " )
alertcondition( greendot, title="PPO High (Green)", message="Green High Point: Short " ) 
alertcondition( reddot, title="PPO Low (Red)", message="Red Low Point: Long " )

// plotshape(bearish ? d : na, text='▼\nP', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color(orange,0), textcolor=color(white,0), offset=0)
// plotshape(bullish ? d : na, text='P\n▲', style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color(#C752FF,0), textcolor=color(white,0), offset=0)
plotshape(topbots and greendot ? d : na, text='', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, offset=0, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(topbots and reddot ? d : na, text='', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.lime, offset=0, size=size.tiny)

//barcolor(bearishdiv1 or bearishdiv2 or bearishdiv3 or bearishdiv4 ? orange : na)
//barcolor(bullishdiv1 or bullishdiv2 or bullishdiv3 or bullishdiv4 ? fuchsia : na)


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