
作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン, 日付: 2023-12-21 15:16:24






  1. RSI インディケーター: RSI インディケーターが市場が過剰に売れていることを示したとき,それは購入信号とみなされます.

  2. RVI インディケーター:RVI インディケーターが市場が過剰に売れていることを示す場合,それは購入信号とみなされます.

  3. MFI インディケーター: MFI インディケーターが市場が過剰に売れていることを示すとき,それは買い信号とみなされます.

  4. SAR インディケーター:価格がSAR インディケーターを突破すると,それは購入信号とみなされます.

  5. SMA500 インディケーター:価格が SMA500 インディケーターを突破すると,それは購入信号とみなされます.


戦略 の 利点


  1. 複数の指標を組み合わせて市場状況を判断することで 信号がより信頼性が高まります

  2. ダブルボトムが形成されたときに購入信号を生成すると,利益の確率が比較的高い.

  3. 過剰販売と過剰購入状態を判断するために指標の組み合わせを使用することで,購入機会を逃すことは避けられます.

  4. ダブルボトムブレイクアウトモデルと指標戦略を統合することで,トレンドフォローと平均逆転取引の利点が組み合わせられます.

  5. この戦略には大きなパラメータ最適化空間があり,パラメータは異なる市場のために調整できます.

戦略 の リスク


  1. インディケーターから誤った信号が発信され,買い物による損失が生じるリスクは,パラメータの最適化によって軽減できます.

  2. ダブルボトムが破綻するリスクです.ストップ損失は,取引損失を減らすように設定できます.

  3. 高次元パラメータ最適化の難しさは大きく,膨大な歴史的データサポートを必要とする.段階的な最適化のために段階的なアルゴリズムを採用することができる.

  4. テストの結果は,過去のデータに依存すると,実際のパフォーマンスが異なる.異なる市場で検証が必要である.



  1. 購入指標の重量を最適化して最適な重量組み合わせを決定する.

  2. 最適なパラメータ組み合わせを決定するために指標パラメータを最適化する.

  3. ストップ・ロスの戦略を追加して 取引損失を減らす

  4. ポジション管理モジュールを増やして 安定した利益を得る

  5. 機械学習アルゴリズムを組み込み,適応性のあるパラメータ最適化メカニズムを構築する.



start: 2023-12-13 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-20 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]


strategy("UP & DOWN -  BNB/USDT 15min", shorttitle="U&D - BNB 15min", overlay=true, calc_on_order_fills=true, calc_on_every_tick=true, initial_capital = 1000,pyramiding = 40,backtest_fill_limits_assumption = 1, process_orders_on_close=true, currency = currency.USD, default_qty_type = strategy.cash, default_qty_value = 25, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, commission_value = 0.1)

// This startergy optimized to BNB 15 min standerd candlestic chart and buy & sell signals were based on technical analysis. 

UP_DOWN = input.string( title='Trade in', options=['Only on Up Trends', 'Uptrend and down trend'], defval='Uptrend and down trend')  
var profit_cal = input.float( defval = 3.7, title = "Expected profit %", minval = 0.2, step = 0.1)

//Backtest dates
fromMonth = input.int(defval = 10,title = "From Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12, group = 'Time Period Values')
fromDay   = input.int(defval = 1,    title = "From Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31, group = 'Time Period Values')
fromYear  = input.int(defval = 2021, title = "From Year", minval = 1970, group = 'Time Period Values')
thruMonth = input.int(defval = 1,    title = "Thru Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12, group = 'Time Period Values')
thruDay   = input.int(defval = 1,    title = "Thru Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31, group = 'Time Period Values')
thruYear  = input.int(defval = 2112, title = "Thru Year", minval = 1970, group = 'Time Period Values')

//showDate  = input(defval = true, title = "Show Date Range", group = 'Time Period Values')

start     = timestamp(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay, 00, 00)        // backtest start window
finish    = timestamp(thruYear, thruMonth, thruDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window()  => true
// inputs
//Inputs of SAR Indicator
sar1 = input.float(defval=0.0002, title='SAR value 1',step=0.0001, group = 'SAR Values')
sar2 = input.float(defval=0.0004, title='SAR value 2',step=0.0001, group = 'SAR Values')
sar3 = input.float(defval=0.1, title='SAR value 3',step=0.1, group = 'SAR Values')
src_close = input(close, "SAR Source - close", group = 'SAR Values')
src_open = input(open, "SAR Source - open", group = 'SAR Values')
bool sar_visible = input(false, "Show SAR",group = 'SAR Values' )
// Inputs of Super trend indicator
ST_T = input.int(defval=16, title = 'Supertrend - Trend', step =1, group = 'Super Trend')
ST_D = input.int(defval=7, title = 'Supertrend - Direction', step =1, group = 'Super Trend')
ST_SMA = input.int(defval=1, title = 'Supertrend - SMA', step = 1, group = 'Super Trend')
bool ST_visible = input(false, "Show Super Trend",group = 'Super Trend' )
//Inputs of SMA500 indicator
src_sma500 = input(high, 'SMA500 - Source', group = 'SMA500')
lb_sma500 = input.int(defval = 143, title = 'SMA500 - Look back period', step=10, group = 'SMA500')
bool sma500_visible = input(false, "Show SMA500",group = 'SMA500' )

// Calculations
// SMA500 Indicator
SMA500 = ta.sma(src_sma500,lb_sma500)
SMA700 = ta.sma(close,700)
SMA_Open = ta.sma(open,9)
//SMA9 Indicator
SMA9 = ta.sma((high+low)/2,5)
risingSMA9 = ta.rising(SMA9,1)
fallingSMA9 = ta.falling(SMA9,1)
color  plotcolor1 = color.black
if risingSMA9
    plotcolor1 := color.green

// SAR Indicator
sar = ta.sar(sar1, sar2, sar3)
sma2_close = ta.sma(src_close,1)
sma2_open = ta.sma(src_open,1)

[supertrend, direction] = ta.supertrend(ST_T, ST_D)
up_trend = ta.sma(direction < 0 ? supertrend : na,ST_SMA)
down_trend = ta.sma(direction < 0? na : supertrend, ST_SMA)

// Color change
color  plotcolor2 = color.green
if open>down_trend or close>down_trend
    plotcolor2 := color.lime
if open<down_trend or close<down_trend
    plotcolor2 := color.red
color plotcolor3 = color.green
if open>up_trend or close>up_trend
    plotcolor3 := color.yellow
if open<up_trend or close<up_trend
    plotcolor3 := color.red

color plotcolor4 = color.black
if (open>sar or close>sar) 
    plotcolor4 := color.white
if (open<sar or close<sar)
    plotcolor4 := color.red
color plotcolor5 = color.black
if (open>SMA500 or close>SMA500) 
    plotcolor5 := color.green
if (open<SMA500 or close<SMA500) 
    plotcolor5 := color.red

color plotcolor6 = color.green
rising_taalma = ta.rising (ta.alma(open,10,.99,1),1)
falling_taalma = ta.falling (ta.alma(open,10,.99,1),1)

if rising_taalma
    plotcolor6 := color.green
if falling_taalma
    plotcolor6 := color.red
// buy and sell conditions for uptrend

longCondition1 = (open >= down_trend or high>= down_trend or ta.crossover(open,down_trend)or ta.crossover(high,down_trend))
longCondition2 = (open >= up_trend or high>= up_trend or ta.crossover(open,up_trend)or ta.crossover(high,up_trend))
longCondition3 = (open >= SMA500 or high>= SMA500 or ta.crossover(open,SMA500)or ta.crossover(high,SMA500))
longCondition4 = (open >= sar or high>= sar or ta.crossover(open,sar)or ta.crossover(high,sar))
longCondition5 = rising_taalma

shortCondition1 = (close < down_trend or low< down_trend or ta.crossunder(close,down_trend)or ta.crossunder(low,down_trend))
shortCondition2 = (close < up_trend or low< up_trend or ta.crossunder(close,up_trend)or ta.crossunder(low,up_trend))
shortCondition3 = (close < SMA500 or low< SMA500 or ta.crossunder(close,SMA500)or ta.crossunder(low,SMA500))
shortCondition4 = (close < sar or low< sar or ta.crossunder(close,sar)or ta.crossunder(low,sar))
shortCondition5 = falling_taalma

comp_buy1 = longCondition1 and longCondition2 and longCondition3 and longCondition4 and longCondition5
op_buy1 = shortCondition3 and longCondition1 and longCondition2 and longCondition4
op_buy2 = shortCondition1 and shortCondition2 and longCondition3 and longCondition4 and longCondition5

comp_sell1 = shortCondition1 and shortCondition2 and shortCondition3 and shortCondition4 and shortCondition5
op_sell1 = shortCondition3 and shortCondition4 and longCondition1 and longCondition2
op_sell2 = shortCondition4 and longCondition1 and longCondition2 and longCondition3
op_sell3 = longCondition2 and shortCondition1 and shortCondition4 and shortCondition3
op_sell4 = longCondition2 and shortCondition1 and shortCondition4

var b1 = 0
var b2 = 0
var b3 = 0

if comp_buy1 == true and comp_buy1[1] == false 
    b1 := 1
    b1 := 0

if op_buy1 == true and op_buy1[1] == false 
    b2 := 1
    b2 := 0

if op_buy2 == true and op_buy2[1] == false 
    b3 := 1
    b3 := 0

// DCA method based on indicators

//RSI Indicator
len_rsi_10 = input.int(10,  title="Length", group = "RSI Indicator - 10", minval=1, maxval = 10, step = 1)
src_rsi_10 = input(ohlc4, "Source", group = "RSI Indicator - 10")
up_rsi_10 = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(src_rsi_10), 0), len_rsi_10)
down_rsi_10 = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(src_rsi_10), 0), len_rsi_10)
rsi_10 = down_rsi_10 == 0 ? 100 : up_rsi_10 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up_rsi_10 / down_rsi_10))

var p_rsi = 0

if rsi_10>= 0 and rsi_10<10
    p_rsi := 0
else if rsi_10>= 10 and rsi_10<20
    p_rsi := 10
else if rsi_10>= 20 and rsi_10<30
    p_rsi := 20
else if rsi_10>= 30 and rsi_10<40
    p_rsi := 30
else if rsi_10>= 40 and rsi_10<50
    p_rsi := 40
else if rsi_10>= 50 and rsi_10<60
    p_rsi := 50
else if rsi_10>= 60 and rsi_10<70
    p_rsi := 60
else if rsi_10>= 70 and rsi_10<80
    p_rsi := 70
else if rsi_10>= 80 and rsi_10<90
    p_rsi := 80
else if rsi_10>= 90 and rsi_10<100
    p_rsi := 90

len_rsi_50 = input.int(50, title="Length", group = "RSI Indicator - 50", minval=11, maxval = 50, step = 1)
src_rsi_50 = input(high, "Source", group = "RSI Indicator - 50")
up_rsi_50 = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(src_rsi_50), 0), len_rsi_50)
down_rsi_50 = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(src_rsi_50), 0), len_rsi_50)
rsi_50 = down_rsi_50 == 0 ? 100 : up_rsi_50 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up_rsi_50 / down_rsi_50))

var p_rsi_50 = 0

if rsi_50>= 0 and rsi_50<10
    p_rsi_50 := 0
else if rsi_50>= 10 and rsi_50<20
    p_rsi_50 := 10
else if rsi_50>= 20 and rsi_50<30
    p_rsi_50 := 20
else if rsi_50>= 30 and rsi_50<40
    p_rsi_50 := 30
else if rsi_50>= 40 and rsi_50<50
    p_rsi_50 := 40
else if rsi_50>= 50 and rsi_50<60
    p_rsi_50 := 50
else if rsi_50>= 60 and rsi_50<70
    p_rsi_50 := 60
else if rsi_50>= 70 and rsi_50<80
    p_rsi_50 := 70
else if rsi_50>= 80 and rsi_50<90
    p_rsi_50 := 80
else if rsi_50>= 90 and rsi_50<100
    p_rsi_50 := 90

len_rsi_100 = input.int(100, title="Length", group = "RSI Indicator - 100", minval=51, maxval = 200, step = 10)
src_rsi_100 = input(ohlc4, "Source", group = "RSI Indicator - 100")
up_rsi_100 = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(src_rsi_100), 0), len_rsi_100)
down_rsi_100 = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(src_rsi_100), 0), len_rsi_100)
rsi_100 = down_rsi_100 == 0 ? 100 : up_rsi_100 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up_rsi_100 / down_rsi_100))

var p_rsi_100 = 0

if rsi_100>= 0 and rsi_100<10
    p_rsi_100 := 0
else if rsi_100>= 10 and rsi_100<20
    p_rsi_100 := 10
else if rsi_100>= 20 and rsi_100<30
    p_rsi_100 := 20
else if rsi_100>= 30 and rsi_100<40
    p_rsi_100 := 30
else if rsi_100>= 40 and rsi_100<50
    p_rsi_100 := 40
else if rsi_100>= 50 and rsi_100<60
    p_rsi_100 := 50
else if rsi_100>= 60 and rsi_100<70
    p_rsi_100 := 60
else if rsi_100>= 70 and rsi_100<80
    p_rsi_100 := 70
else if rsi_100>= 80 and rsi_100<90
    p_rsi_100 := 80
else if rsi_100>= 90 and rsi_100<100
    p_rsi_100 := 90

// Relative Volatility Indicator
length_rvi_10 = input.int(defval = 10, minval=1, maxval = 10, step = 1, title="Length - RVI", group = "RVI Indicator - 10")
len_rvi_10 = input.int(defval = 10, minval=1, maxval = 10, step = 1, title="Length - EMA", group = "RVI Indicator - 10")
src_rvi_10 = input(high, title = "Source", group = "RVI Indicator - 10")
stddev_rvi_10 = ta.stdev(src_rvi_10, length_rvi_10)
upper_rvi_10 = ta.ema(ta.change(src_rvi_10) <= 0 ? 0 : stddev_rvi_10, len_rvi_10)
lower_rvi_10 = ta.ema(ta.change(src_rvi_10) > 0 ? 0 : stddev_rvi_10, len_rvi_10)
rvi_10 = upper_rvi_10 / (upper_rvi_10 + lower_rvi_10) * 100

var p_rvi_10 = 0

if rvi_10 >= 0 and rvi_10 <10
    p_rvi_10 := 0
else if rvi_10 >= 10 and rvi_10 <20
    p_rvi_10 := 10
else if rvi_10 >= 20 and rvi_10 <30
    p_rvi_10 := 20
else if rvi_10 >= 30 and rvi_10 <40
    p_rvi_10 := 30
else if rvi_10 >= 40 and rvi_10 <50
    p_rvi_10 := 40
else if rvi_10 >= 50 and rvi_10 <60
    p_rvi_10 := 50
else if rvi_10 >= 60 and rvi_10 <70
    p_rvi_10 := 60
else if rvi_10 >= 70 and rvi_10 <80
    p_rvi_10 := 70
else if rvi_10 >= 80 and rvi_10 <90
    p_rvi_10 := 80
else if rvi_10 >= 90 and rvi_10 <100
    p_rvi_10 := 90

length_rvi_50 = input.int(defval = 50, minval=11, maxval = 50, step = 1, title="Length - RVI", group = "RVI Indicator - 50")
len_rvi_50 = input.int(defval = 50, minval=11, maxval = 50, step = 1, title="Length - EMA", group = "RVI Indicator - 50")
src_rvi_50 = input(close, title = "source", group = "RVI Indicator - 50")
stddev_rvi_50 = ta.stdev(src_rvi_50, length_rvi_50)
upper_rvi_50 = ta.ema(ta.change(src_rvi_50) <= 0 ? 0 : stddev_rvi_50, len_rvi_50)
lower_rvi_50 = ta.ema(ta.change(src_rvi_50) > 0 ? 0 : stddev_rvi_50, len_rvi_50)
rvi_50 = upper_rvi_50 / (upper_rvi_50 + lower_rvi_50) * 100

var p_rvi_50 = 0

if rvi_50 >= 0 and rvi_50 <10
    p_rvi_50 := 0
else if rvi_50 >= 10 and rvi_50 <20
    p_rvi_50 := 10
else if rvi_50 >= 20 and rvi_50 <30
    p_rvi_50 := 20
else if rvi_50 >= 30 and rvi_50 <40
    p_rvi_50 := 30
else if rvi_50 >= 40 and rvi_50 <50
    p_rvi_50 := 40
else if rvi_50 >= 50 and rvi_50 <60
    p_rvi_50 := 50
else if rvi_50 >= 60 and rvi_50 <70
    p_rvi_50 := 60
else if rvi_50 >= 70 and rvi_50 <80
    p_rvi_50 := 70
else if rvi_50 >= 80 and rvi_50 <90
    p_rvi_50 := 80
else if rvi_50 >= 90 and rvi_50 <100
    p_rvi_50 := 90

length_rvi_100 = input.int(defval = 100, minval=51, maxval = 200, step = 10, title="Length - RVI", group = "RVI Indicator - 100")
len_rvi_100 = input.int(defval = 100, minval=51, maxval = 200, step = 10, title="Length - EMA", group = "RVI Indicator - 100")
src_rvi_100 = input(close, title = "Source", group = "RVI Indicator - 100")
stddev_rvi_100 = ta.stdev(src_rvi_100, length_rvi_100)
upper_rvi_100 = ta.ema(ta.change(src_rvi_100) <= 0 ? 0 : stddev_rvi_100, len_rvi_100)
lower_rvi_100 = ta.ema(ta.change(src_rvi_100) > 0 ? 0 : stddev_rvi_100, len_rvi_100)
rvi_100 = upper_rvi_100 / (upper_rvi_100 + lower_rvi_100) * 100

var p_rvi_100 = 0

if rvi_100 >= 0 and rvi_100 <10
    p_rvi_100 := 0
else if rvi_100 >= 10 and rvi_100 <20
    p_rvi_100 := 10
else if rvi_100 >= 20 and rvi_100 <30
    p_rvi_100 := 20
else if rvi_100 >= 30 and rvi_100 <40
    p_rvi_100 := 30
else if rvi_100 >= 40 and rvi_100 <50
    p_rvi_100 := 40
else if rvi_100 >= 50 and rvi_100 <60
    p_rvi_100 := 50
else if rvi_100 >= 60 and rvi_100 <70
    p_rvi_100 := 60
else if rvi_100 >= 70 and rvi_100 <80
    p_rvi_100 := 70
else if rvi_100 >= 80 and rvi_100 <90
    p_rvi_100 := 80
else if rvi_100 >= 90 and rvi_100 <100
    p_rvi_100 := 90

// Money flow index
len_mfi_10 = input.int(defval = 10, minval=1, maxval = 10, step = 1, title="Length - MFI", group = "MFI Indicator - 10")
src_mfi_10 = input(high, title = "source", group = "MFI Indicator - 10")
mf_10 = ta.mfi(src_mfi_10, len_mfi_10)

var p_mfi_10 = 0

if mf_10>= 0 and mf_10<10
    p_mfi_10 := 0
else if mf_10>= 10 and mf_10<20
    p_mfi_10 := 10
else if mf_10>= 20 and mf_10<30
    p_mfi_10 := 20
else if mf_10>= 30 and mf_10<40
    p_mfi_10 := 30
else if mf_10>= 40 and mf_10<50
    p_mfi_10 := 40
else if mf_10>= 50 and mf_10<60
    p_mfi_10 := 50
else if mf_10>= 60 and mf_10<70
    p_mfi_10 := 60
else if mf_10>= 70 and mf_10<80
    p_mfi_10 := 70
else if mf_10>= 80 and mf_10<90
    p_mfi_10 := 80
else if mf_10>= 90 and mf_10<100
    p_mfi_10 := 90

len_mfi_50 = input.int(defval = 50, minval=11, maxval = 50, step = 1, title="Length - MFI", group = "MFI Indicator - 50")
src_mfi_50 = input(high, title = "source", group = "MFI Indicator - 50")
mf_50 = ta.mfi(src_mfi_50, len_mfi_50)

var p_mfi_50 = 0

if mf_50>= 0 and mf_50<10
    p_mfi_50 := 0
else if mf_50>= 10 and mf_50<20
    p_mfi_50 := 10
else if mf_50>= 20 and mf_50<30
    p_mfi_50 := 20
else if mf_50>= 30 and mf_50<40
    p_mfi_50 := 30
else if mf_50>= 40 and mf_50<50
    p_mfi_50 := 40
else if mf_50>= 50 and mf_50<60
    p_mfi_50 := 50
else if mf_50>= 60 and mf_50<70
    p_mfi_50 := 60
else if mf_50>= 70 and mf_50<80
    p_mfi_50 := 70
else if mf_50>= 80 and mf_50<90
    p_mfi_50 := 80
else if mf_50>= 90 and mf_50<100
    p_mfi_50 := 90

len_mfi_100 = input.int(defval = 100, minval=51, maxval = 200, step = 10, title="Length - MFI", group = "MFI Indicator - 100")
src_mfi_100 = input(high, title = "source", group = "MFI Indicator - 100")
mf_100 = ta.mfi(src_mfi_100, len_mfi_100)

var p_mfi_100 = 0

if mf_100>= 0 and mf_100<10
    p_mfi_100 := 0
else if mf_100>= 10 and mf_100<20
    p_mfi_100 := 10
else if mf_100>= 20 and mf_100<30
    p_mfi_100 := 20
else if mf_100>= 30 and mf_100<40
    p_mfi_100 := 30
else if mf_100>= 40 and mf_100<50
    p_mfi_100 := 40
else if mf_100>= 50 and mf_100<60
    p_mfi_100 := 50
else if mf_100>= 60 and mf_100<70
    p_mfi_100 := 60
else if mf_100>= 70 and mf_100<80
    p_mfi_100 := 70
else if mf_100>= 80 and mf_100<90
    p_mfi_100 := 80
else if mf_100>= 90 and mf_100<100
    p_mfi_100 := 90

//Balance of power indicator
bop = ((((close - open) / (high - low))*100)+50)
bop_sma_100 = ta.sma(bop,100)

// Buy and Sell lavels based on Indicators
l_val_rsi = input.int (defval = 40, title = "Lower value of RSI", maxval = 100, minval = 0, step = 10, group = 'Indicator Values')
l_val_rvi = input.int (defval = 40, title = "Lower value of RVI", maxval = 100, minval = 0, step = 10, group = 'Indicator Values')
l_val_mfi = input.int (defval = 40, title = "Lower value of MFI", maxval = 100, minval = 0, step = 10, group = 'Indicator Values')

//h_val_rsi = input.int (defval = 60, title = "Higher value of RSI", maxval = 100, minval = 0, step = 10, group = 'Indicator Values')
//h_val_rvi = input.int (defval = 50, title = "Higher value of RVI", maxval = 100, minval = 0, step = 10, group = 'Indicator Values')
//h_val_mfi = input.int (defval = 50, title = "Higher value of MFI", maxval = 100, minval = 0, step = 10, group = 'Indicator Values')

buy_rsi = p_rsi_100 <= l_val_rsi and p_rsi_50<p_rsi_100 and p_rsi<=p_rsi_50
buy_rvi = p_rvi_100 <= l_val_rvi and p_rvi_50<=p_rvi_100 and p_rvi_10<=p_rvi_50
buy_mfi = p_mfi_100 <= l_val_mfi and p_mfi_50<=p_mfi_100 and p_mfi_10<=p_mfi_50

buy_compound = buy_rsi and buy_rvi and buy_mfi ? 100 : 0

var float  buy_compound_f = na
if (buy_compound[1] == 100 and buy_compound == 0) //and open > close
    buy_compound_f := 1
    buy_compound_f := na

ma_9 = ta.ema(close,2)
co_l1 = strategy.position_avg_price*0.95
co_l2 = strategy.position_avg_price*0.90
co_l3 = strategy.position_avg_price*0.85
co_l4 = strategy.position_avg_price*0.80

//Take profit in Market bottoms
profit_f = 1.0 + (profit_cal/100)

// Trading 
var final_option = UP_DOWN == 'Uptrend and down trend' ? 1 : 2

if final_option == 1
    if  ((buy_compound_f ==1 or ta.crossover(ma_9, co_l1) or ta.crossover(ma_9, co_l2) or ta.crossover(ma_9, co_l3) or ta.crossover(ma_9, co_l4)) and window())
        strategy.entry("long", strategy.long,comment = "BUY")
    else if ( comp_sell1 and window()) and strategy.position_avg_price * profit_f < close
        strategy.close("long", qty_percent = 100, comment = "SELL")
else if final_option == 2
    if (b1 or b2 or b3) and window()
        strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, comment = "BUY")
    else if (comp_sell1 or op_sell1 or op_sell2 or op_sell3 or op_sell4 ) and window() 
        strategy.close("long", qty_percent = 100, comment = "SELL")

bool PM_visible = input(false, "Show Profit marjin and average price", group = 'Safty Margins')
bool SM_visible = input(false, "Show Safty Grids", group = 'Safty Margins' )


plot(PM_visible or final_option == 1 ? strategy.position_avg_price : na, color = color.green, title = "Average Cost", style = plot.style_circles)
plot(PM_visible or final_option == 1 ? strategy.position_avg_price* profit_f :na, color = color.aqua, title = "Expected Profit", style = plot.style_circles)
plot(SM_visible ? strategy.position_avg_price*0.95 : na, color = color.gray, title = "SAFTY MARGIN - 95%", linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles)
plot(SM_visible ? strategy.position_avg_price*0.90 : na, color = color.gray, title = "SAFTY MARGIN - 90%", linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles)
plot(SM_visible ? strategy.position_avg_price*0.85 : na, color = color.gray, title = "SAFTY MARGIN - 85%", linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles)
plot(SM_visible ? strategy.position_avg_price*0.80 : na, color = color.gray, title = "SAFTY MARGIN - 80%", linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles)

plot(ST_visible or final_option == 2 ? down_trend:na, "Down trend", color = plotcolor2,  linewidth=2)
plot(ST_visible or final_option == 2 ? up_trend: na , "Up direction", color = plotcolor3, linewidth=2)
plot(sar_visible or final_option == 2 ? sar:na, title='SAR', color=plotcolor4, linewidth=2)
plot(sma500_visible or final_option == 2 ? SMA500:na,title='SMA500', color=plotcolor5, linewidth=3)
