ピボットポイント ゴールデン比 高いものを買う 低いものを売る戦略

作者: リン・ハーンチャオチャン開催日:2023年12月29日 16時48分06秒





  1. クラシックピボットやフィボナッチピボットを含むピボットポイントを計算する. 閉じる価格,最高価格,最低価格を異なるタイムフレームで計算する.

  2. 価格帯は,上位帯と下位帯に基づいて,現在どの価格帯にあるかを決定します. 5つの購入帯と5つの販売帯があります.

  3. 価格が買い区画にあるときに買い信号を生成し,価格が売り区画にあるときに売り信号を生成し,高値で買い,低値で売る戦略を実行します.


  1. 複数の時間枠の分析を用いて傾向を判断することで,市場の騒音に惑わされないようにします.

  2. クラシックピボットとフィボナッチピボットを組み合わせることでピボットポイントの信頼性が向上します

  3. 価格帯に基づいて市場への参入を決定することで リスク回避を最大化できます

  4. トレンドトレードルールに従って高値で買い低値で売ると トレンドに逆らった取引が避けられます


  1. ポイントは失敗するので 突破を監視する必要があります

  2. 誤ったストップ・ロスのオーダーによる損失の悪化を避ける.

  3. 取引手数料も 最終的な収益性に影響を与えます


  1. 戦略を最適化するために,タイムフレーム,トレード方向など,さまざまなパラメータをテストします.

  2. 誤ったブレイクを避けるために,傾向を確認するための他の指標を組み込む.

  3. ストップ・ロスのメカニズムを追加し,単一の取引損失額を制御する.



start: 2022-12-22 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-28 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © HeWhoMustNotBeNamed

strategy("BuyHighSellLow - Pivot points", overlay=true, initial_capital = 100000, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, pyramiding = 1, commission_value = 0.01, calc_on_order_fills = true)
Source = input(close)
resolution = input("4D", type=input.resolution)
HTFMultiplier = input(4, title="Higher Timeframe multiplier (Used when resolution is set to Same as Symbol)", minval=2, step=1)
//ppType = input(title="Pivot points type", defval="classic", options=["classic", "fib"])
ppType = "fib"
tradeDirection = input(title="Trade Direction", defval=strategy.direction.long, options=[strategy.direction.all, strategy.direction.long, strategy.direction.short])
backtestBars = input(title="Backtest from ", defval=10, minval=1, maxval=30)
backtestFrom = input(title="Timeframe", defval="years", options=["days", "months", "years"])
hideBands = input(true)
f_multiple_resolution(HTFMultiplier) => 
    target_Res_In_Min = timeframe.multiplier * HTFMultiplier * (
      timeframe.isseconds   ? 1. / 60. :
      timeframe.isminutes   ? 1. :
      timeframe.isdaily     ? 1440. :
      timeframe.isweekly    ? 7. * 24. * 60. :
      timeframe.ismonthly   ? 30.417 * 24. * 60. : na)

    target_Res_In_Min     <= 0.0417       ? "1S"  :
      target_Res_In_Min   <= 0.167        ? "5S"  :
      target_Res_In_Min   <= 0.376        ? "15S" :
      target_Res_In_Min   <= 0.751        ? "30S" :
      target_Res_In_Min   <= 1440         ? tostring(round(target_Res_In_Min)) :
      tostring(round(min(target_Res_In_Min / 1440, 365))) + "D"

f_getBackTestTimeFrom(backtestFrom, backtestBars)=>
    byDate = backtestFrom == "days"
    byMonth = backtestFrom == "months"
    byYear = backtestFrom == "years"
    date = dayofmonth(timenow)
    mth = month(timenow)
    yr = year(timenow)
    leapYearDaysInMonth = array.new_int(12,0)
    nonleapYearDaysInMonth = array.new_int(12,0)
    restMonths = array.new_int(10,0)
    isLeapYear = yr % 4 == 0 and (year%100 != 0 or year%400 == 0)
    numberOfDaysInCurrentMonth = isLeapYear ? array.get(leapYearDaysInMonth, mth-2) : array.get(nonleapYearDaysInMonth, mth-2)
        mth := (date - backtestBars) < 0 ? mth - 1 : mth
        yr := mth < 1 ? yr - 1 : yr
        mth := mth < 1 ? 1 : mth
        date := (date - backtestBars) < 0 ? numberOfDaysInCurrentMonth - backtestBars + date + 1 : date - backtestBars + 1
        date := 1
        yr := (mth - (backtestBars%12)) < 0 ? yr - int(backtestBars/12) - 1 : yr - int(backtestBars/12)
        mth := mth - (backtestBars%12) + 1
        date := 1
        mth := 1
        yr := yr - backtestBars
    [date, mth, yr]

f_secureSecurity(_symbol, _res, _src) => security(_symbol, _res, _src[1], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

f_getClassicPivots(HIGHprev, LOWprev, CLOSEprev)=>
    PP = (HIGHprev + LOWprev + CLOSEprev) / 3
    R1 = PP * 2 - LOWprev
    S1 = PP * 2 - HIGHprev
    R2 = PP + (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    S2 = PP - (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    R3 = PP * 2 + (HIGHprev - 2 * LOWprev)
    S3 = PP * 2 - (2 * HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    R4 = PP * 3 + (HIGHprev - 3 * LOWprev)
    S4 = PP * 3 - (3 * HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    R5 = PP * 4 + (HIGHprev - 4 * LOWprev)
    S5 = PP * 4 - (4 * HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    [R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, PP, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5]
f_getFibPivots(HIGHprev, LOWprev, CLOSEprev)=>
    PP = (HIGHprev + LOWprev + CLOSEprev) / 3
    R1 = PP + 0.382 * (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    S1 = PP - 0.382 * (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    R2 = PP + 0.618 * (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    S2 = PP - 0.618 * (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    R3 = PP + (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    S3 = PP - (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    R4 = PP + 1.41 * (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    S4 = PP - 1.41 * (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    R5 = PP + 1.65 * (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    S5 = PP - 1.65 * (HIGHprev - LOWprev)
    [R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, PP, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5]
f_getPivotPoints(HTFMultiplier, resolution, ppType)=>
    derivedResolution = resolution == ""? f_multiple_resolution(HTFMultiplier) : resolution
    HIGHprev = f_secureSecurity(syminfo.tickerid, derivedResolution, high)
    LOWprev = f_secureSecurity(syminfo.tickerid, derivedResolution, low)
    CLOSEprev = f_secureSecurity(syminfo.tickerid, derivedResolution, close)
    [R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, PP, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5] = f_getClassicPivots(HIGHprev, LOWprev, CLOSEprev)
    [Rf5, Rf4, Rf3, Rf2, Rf1, PPf, Sf1, Sf2, Sf3, Sf4, Sf5] = f_getFibPivots(HIGHprev, LOWprev, CLOSEprev)
    [R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, PP, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5]

f_getState(Source, R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, PP, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5)=>
    state =
     Source > R5 ? 5 :
     Source > R4 ? 4 :
     Source > R3 ? 3 : 
     Source > R2 ? 2 :
     Source > R1 ? 1 :
     Source > PP ? 0 :
     Source > S1 ? -1 :
     Source > S2 ? -2 :
     Source > S3 ? -3 :
     Source > S4 ? -4 :
     Source > S5 ? -5 : -6

[R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, PP, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5] = f_getPivotPoints(HTFMultiplier, resolution, ppType)

[date, mth, yr] = f_getBackTestTimeFrom(backtestFrom, backtestBars)
inDateRange = time >= timestamp(syminfo.timezone, yr, mth, date, 0, 0)

BBU5 = plot(not hideBands ? R5: na, title="R5", color=color.orange, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBU4 = plot(not hideBands ? R4: na, title="R4", color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBU3 = plot(not hideBands ? R3: na, title="R3", color=color.navy, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBU2 = plot(not hideBands ? R2: na, title="R2", color=color.olive, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBU1 = plot(not hideBands ? R1: na, title="R1", color=color.lime, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBM4 = plot(not hideBands ? PP:na, title="PP", color=color.black, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBL1 = plot(not hideBands ? S1: na, title="S1", color=color.lime, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBL2 = plot(not hideBands ? S2: na, title="S2", color=color.olive, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBL3 = plot(not hideBands ? S3: na, title="S3", color=color.navy, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBL4 = plot(not hideBands ? S4: na, title="S4", color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)
BBL5 = plot(not hideBands ? S5: na, title="S5", color=color.orange, linewidth=1, transp=50, style=plot.style_linebr)

fill(BBU5, BBU4, title="RZ5", color=color.green, transp=90)
fill(BBU4, BBU3, title="RZ4", color=color.lime, transp=90)
fill(BBU3, BBU2, title="RZ3", color=color.olive, transp=90)
fill(BBU2, BBU1, title="RZ2", color=color.navy, transp=90)
fill(BBU1, BBM4, title="RZ1", color=color.yellow, transp=90)
fill(BBM4, BBL1, title="SZ1", color=color.orange, transp=90)
fill(BBL1, BBL2, title="SZ2", color=color.red, transp=90)
fill(BBL2, BBL3, title="SZ3", color=color.maroon, transp=90)
fill(BBL3, BBL4, title="SZ4", color=color.maroon, transp=90)
fill(BBL4, BBL5, title="SZ5", color=color.maroon, transp=90)

longCondition = crossover(Source[1],R1) and inDateRange
shortCondition = crossunder(Source[1], S2) and inDateRange

strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, when=longCondition, oca_name="oca")
strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, when=shortCondition, oca_name="oca")
