Стратегия управления динамическими сетями торговли

Автор:Чао Чжан, Дата: 2023-12-04 15:43:44



Стратегия управления динамической сетевой торговлей - это подход к торговле, основанный на колебаниях рынка. Используя волатильность рынка, она устанавливает точки покупки и продажи на разных ценовых уровнях для оптимизации портфеля.

Принцип стратегии

Суть Стратегии управления динамической сетью торговли заключается в использовании поворотных точек на основе временных периодов для определения уровней сетки. Она устанавливает несколько точек покупки и продажи, покупая, когда рыночная цена падает, и продавая, когда она растет. Постоянная покупка во время спада рынка снижает среднюю стоимость приобретения. Когда рыночная цена превышает среднюю покупную цену, стратегия начинает продавать, продолжая делать это, если цена продолжает расти, тем самым получая прибыль.

Преимущества стратегии

  1. ** Приспособление

t к колебаниям рынка**: стратегия эффективно адаптируется к колебаниям рынка, применима как на бычьих, так и на медвежьих рынках. Второе.Диверсификация рисков: Торговля на разных ценовых уровнях диверсифицирует риск покупки или продажи по одной цене. 3.Долгосрочные выгоды: Подходит для долгосрочных стратегий владения, потенциально приносящих стабильную доходность с течением времени из-за среднего эффекта затрат.

Риски стратегии

  1. Экстремальное поведение рынка: При экстремальных рыночных условиях, таких как резкие колебания или крах рынка, стратегия может подвергаться значительным рискам.
  2. Необходимость оптимизации стратегии: Стратегия требует постоянной адаптации и оптимизации в соответствии с условиями рынка.

Руководство по оптимизации

  1. Корректировка параметров: Корректировка размера сети и частоты торгов в зависимости от изменений на рынке позволяет учесть различные волатильности рынка.
  2. Контроль рисков: внедрение более точных механизмов управления рисками, таких как установление точек остановки убытков, чтобы избежать существенных потерь в экстремальных рыночных условиях.


Стратегия управления динамической сетевой торговлей - это универсальный подход к торговле, применимый в различных рыночных условиях. Торгуя на разных уровнях цен, она направлена на снижение риска и достижение долгосрочных прибылей. Однако из-за непредсказуемости рынка стратегия требует постоянных корректировок и оптимизаций для адаптации к изменениям рынка. В целом эта стратегия предлагает привлекательный вариант для инвесторов, ищущих долгосрочную, стабильную отдачу.

start: 2022-11-27 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-03 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © XaviZ

strategy(title = "CoGrid Management", shorttitle = "CoGrid💹", overlay = true, pyramiding = 1000, default_qty_value = 0)

// ———————————————————— Inputs

WOption             = input('PRICE',        " 》 WIDTH TYPE",                                                   options = ['PRICE','% PP'])
Width               = input(500,            " 》 WIDTH",                type = input.float,     minval = 0)
ppPeriod            = input('Month',        " 》 PP PERIOD",                                                    options = ['Day','Week','15D','Month'])
BuyType             = input("CASH",         " 》 BUY TYPE",                                                     options = ["CONTRACTS","CASH","% EQUITY"])
BuyQ                = input(10000,          " 》 QUANTITY TO BUY",      type = input.float,     minval = 0)
SellType            = input('CONTRACTS',    " 》 SELL TYPE",                                                    options = ["CONTRACTS","CASH","% EQUITY"])
SellQ               = input(2,              " 》 QUANTITY TO SELL",     type = input.float,     minval = 0)

// ———————————————————— Vars

// ————— Buy Price & Sell Price
var float OpenPrice = na
OpenPrice := nz(OpenPrice[1])

// ————— Final Buy Price & Final Sell Price
var float FinalBuyPrice = na
FinalBuyPrice  := nz(FinalBuyPrice[1])
var float FinalSellPrice = na
FinalSellPrice := nz(FinalSellPrice[1])
var float FinalOpenPrice = na
FinalOpenPrice := nz(FinalOpenPrice[1])

// ————— Average Price
var int nBuys = na
nBuys := nz(nBuys[1])
var int nSells = na
nSells := nz(nSells[1])
var float sumBuy = na
sumBuy := nz(sumBuy[1])
var float sumSell = na
sumSell := nz(sumSell[1])
var float sumQtyBuy = na
sumQtyBuy := nz(sumQtyBuy[1])
var float sumQtySell = na
sumQtySell := nz(sumQtySell[1])
var float AveragePrice = na
AveragePrice := nz(AveragePrice[1])

// ————— Fibonacci Pivots Level Calculation
var float PP = na

// ————— Origin from Rounded Pivot Points or last Sell
var float PPdownOrigin = na

// ————— Origin from Rounded Position Price
var float PPupOrigin = na

// ————— Final Buy & Sell Conditions
var bool BuyCondition = na
BuyCondition := nz(BuyCondition[1])
var bool SellCondition = na
SellCondition := nz(SellCondition[1])

// ————— Backtest
BuyFactor           = BuyType  == "CONTRACTS"   ? 1 : BuyType == "% EQUITY" ? (100 / (strategy.equity / close)) : close
SellFactor          = SellType == "CASH"        ? close : 1
BuyQuanTity         = BuyQ  / BuyFactor
SellQuanTity        = SellQ / SellFactor

// ———————————————————— Pivot Points

// ————— Pivot Points Period
res                 = ppPeriod == '15D' ? '15D' : ppPeriod == 'Week' ? 'W' : ppPeriod == 'Day' ? 'D' : 'M'

// ————— High, Low, Close Calc. 
// "Function to securely and simply call `security()` so that it never repaints and never looks ahead" (@PineCoders)
f_secureSecurity(_symbol, _res, _src) => security(_symbol, _res, _src[1], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)

phigh               = f_secureSecurity(syminfo.tickerid, res, high)
plow                = f_secureSecurity(syminfo.tickerid, res, low)
pclose              = f_secureSecurity(syminfo.tickerid, res, close)

// ————— Fibonacci Pivots Level Calculation
PP                  := (phigh + plow + pclose) / 3

// ———————————————————— Grid Strategy

// ————— Width between levels
float GridWidth     = WOption == 'PRICE' ? Width : PP * (Width/100)

// ————— Origin from Rounded Pivot Points
PPdownOrigin        := floor(PP / GridWidth) * GridWidth

// ————— Origin from Rounded Average Position Price
PPupOrigin          := nz(PPupOrigin[1])

// ————— Grid Calculation
fGrid(_1, _2, _n) =>
    _a = _1, _b = _2, _c = 0.0
    for _i = 1 to _n
        if _i == 1
            _c := _a
            _c := _a + _b
        _a := _c

// ————— Initial Open Price
fOpenPrice() =>
    var float _ldown = na
    var bool _pb = na
    var float _lup = na
    var bool  _ps = na
    var float _OpenPrice = na
    _OpenPrice := nz(_OpenPrice[1])
    for _i = 1 to 15
        _ldown := fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, _i)
        _lup := fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, _i)
        _pb := crossunder(low, _ldown) and high >= _ldown
        _ps := crossover(high, _lup) and low <= _lup
        if _pb
            _OpenPrice := _ldown
        if _ps
            _OpenPrice := _lup
OpenPrice := fOpenPrice()

// ————— Buy at better Price
fBuyCondition(_n) =>
    var float _ldown = na
    _ldown := nz(_ldown[1])
    var bool _pb = na
    _pb := nz(_pb[1])
    var bool _BuyCondition = na
    _BuyCondition := nz(_BuyCondition[1])
    for _i = 1 to _n
        _ldown := fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, _i)
        _pb := crossunder(low, _ldown) and high >= _ldown
        _BuyCondition := nz(nBuys) == 0 ? _pb and _ldown < (fixnan(OpenPrice[1]) - GridWidth / 4)  : _pb and _ldown < (fixnan(FinalOpenPrice[1]) - GridWidth / 4)

// ————— Sell at better Price
fSellCondition(_n) =>
    var float _lup = na
    _lup := nz(_lup[1])
    var bool  _ps = na
    _ps := nz(_ps[1])
    var bool _SellCondition = na
    _SellCondition := nz(_SellCondition[1])
    for _i = 1 to _n
        _lup := fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, _i)
        _ps  := crossover(high, _lup) and low <= _lup
        _SellCondition := nz(nSells) == 0 ? _ps and _lup > (fixnan(OpenPrice[1]) + GridWidth / 4) : _ps and _lup > (fixnan(FinalOpenPrice[1]) + GridWidth / 4)

// ————— Final Open Price
fFinalOpenPrice() =>
    var float _ldown = na
    _ldown := nz(_ldown[1])
    var float _lup = na
    _lup := nz(_lup[1])
    var float _FinalBuyPrice = na
    _FinalBuyPrice := nz(_FinalBuyPrice[1])
    var float _FinalSellPrice = na
    _FinalSellPrice := nz(_FinalSellPrice[1])
    var float _FinalOpenPrice = na
    _FinalOpenPrice := nz(_FinalOpenPrice[1])
    for _i = 1 to 15
        _ldown := fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, _i)
        _lup := fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, _i)
        if fBuyCondition(_i)
            _FinalBuyPrice  := _ldown
            _FinalOpenPrice := _ldown
        if fSellCondition(_i)
            _FinalSellPrice := _lup
            _FinalOpenPrice := _lup

[_FinalBuyPrice,_FinalSellPrice,_FinalOpenPrice] = fFinalOpenPrice()
FinalBuyPrice := _FinalBuyPrice, FinalSellPrice := _FinalSellPrice, FinalOpenPrice := _FinalOpenPrice

// ————— Average Price & Backtest
for _i = 1 to 15
    if fBuyCondition(_i)
        nBuys           := nBuys + 1
        nSells          := na
        sumBuy          := FinalOpenPrice * BuyQuanTity + nz(sumBuy[1])
        sumQtyBuy       := BuyQuanTity + nz(sumQtyBuy[1])
        AveragePrice    := sumBuy / sumQtyBuy
        strategy.entry("BUY", strategy.long, qty = BuyQuanTity)
    if fSellCondition(_i)
        nBuys           := na
        nSells          := nSells + 1
        sumBuy          := na
        sumQtyBuy       := na
        strategy.close("BUY", qty = SellType != "% EQUITY" ? SellQuanTity : na, qty_percent = (SellType == "% EQUITY" ? SellQuanTity : na), comment = "SELL")

// ————— Origin from Rounded Pivot Points or last Sell                      
PPdownOrigin := (WOption == 'PRICE') ? 
     (fixnan(FinalSellPrice[1]) <= PP ? (floor(fixnan(FinalSellPrice[1]) / GridWidth) * GridWidth) - GridWidth : floor(PP / GridWidth) * GridWidth) :
     (fixnan(FinalSellPrice[1]) <= PP ? fixnan(FinalSellPrice[1]) - GridWidth : PP)

// ————— Origin from Rounded Average Buy Price
PPupOrigin := WOption == 'PRICE' ?
     ((ceil(fixnan(AveragePrice[1]) / GridWidth) * GridWidth) + GridWidth) :
     (fixnan(AveragePrice[1]) + GridWidth)
// ———————————————————— Plotting

// ————— Plotting Pivot Points
plot(PP, title  = "PP", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.aqua, linewidth = 2)

// ————— Plotting the average price
plot(nBuys > 1 ? AveragePrice[1] : na, title = "Average Price", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.fuchsia, linewidth = 2)

// ————— Buy Conditions                                                 ————— Sell Conditions
pb1  = fBuyCondition(1)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 1)   : na,   ps1  = fSellCondition(1)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 1)   : na
pb2  = fBuyCondition(2)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 2)   : na,   ps2  = fSellCondition(2)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 2)   : na
pb3  = fBuyCondition(3)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 3)   : na,   ps3  = fSellCondition(3)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 3)   : na
pb4  = fBuyCondition(4)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 4)   : na,   ps4  = fSellCondition(4)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 4)   : na
pb5  = fBuyCondition(5)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 5)   : na,   ps5  = fSellCondition(5)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 5)   : na
pb6  = fBuyCondition(6)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 6)   : na,   ps6  = fSellCondition(6)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 6)   : na
pb7  = fBuyCondition(7)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 7)   : na,   ps7  = fSellCondition(7)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 7)   : na
pb8  = fBuyCondition(8)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 8)   : na,   ps8  = fSellCondition(8)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 8)   : na
pb9  = fBuyCondition(9)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 9)   : na,   ps9  = fSellCondition(9)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 9)   : na
pb10 = fBuyCondition(10) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 10)  : na,   ps10 = fSellCondition(10) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 10)  : na
pb11 = fBuyCondition(11) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 11)  : na,   ps11 = fSellCondition(11) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 11)  : na
pb12 = fBuyCondition(12) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 12)  : na,   ps12 = fSellCondition(12) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 12)  : na
pb13 = fBuyCondition(13) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 13)  : na,   ps13 = fSellCondition(13) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 13)  : na
pb14 = fBuyCondition(14) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 14)  : na,   ps14 = fSellCondition(14) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 14)  : na
pb15 = fBuyCondition(15) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 15)  : na,   ps15 = fSellCondition(15) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 15)  : na

// ————— Buy Level Conditions
lb1  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 1)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 1)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 1)   : na
lb2  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 2)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 2)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 2)   : na
lb3  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 3)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 3)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 3)   : na
lb4  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 4)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 4)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 4)   : na
lb5  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 5)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 5)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 5)   : na
lb6  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 6)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 6)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 6)   : na
lb7  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 7)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 7)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 7)   : na
lb8  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 8)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 8)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 8)   : na
lb9  = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 9)   and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 9)  ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 9)   : na
lb10 = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 10)  and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 10) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 10)  : na
lb11 = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 11)  and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 11) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 11)  : na
lb12 = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 12)  and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 12) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 12)  : na
lb13 = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 13)  and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 13) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 13)  : na
lb14 = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 14)  and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 14) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 14)  : na
lb15 = low < fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 15)  and PP > fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 15) ? fGrid(PPdownOrigin, -GridWidth, 15)  : na

// ————— Sell Level Conditions
ls1  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 1)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 1)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 1)   : na
ls2  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 2)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 2)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 2)   : na
ls3  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 3)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 3)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 3)   : na
ls4  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 4)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 4)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 4)   : na
ls5  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 5)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 5)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 5)   : na
ls6  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 6)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 6)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 6)   : na
ls7  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 7)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 7)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 7)   : na
ls8  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 8)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 8)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 8)   : na
ls9  = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 9)   and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 9)  ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 9)   : na
ls10 = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 10)  and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 10) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 10)  : na
ls11 = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 11)  and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 11) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 11)  : na
ls12 = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 12)  and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 12) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 12)  : na
ls13 = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 13)  and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 13) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 13)  : na
ls14 = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 14)  and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 14) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 14)  : na
ls15 = high > fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 15)  and PP < fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 15) ? fGrid(PPupOrigin, GridWidth, 15)  : na

// ————— Buy Shapes
plotshape(pb1,  title = "Buy 1",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "1",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb2,  title = "Buy 2",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "2",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb3,  title = "Buy 3",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "3",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb4,  title = "Buy 4",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "4",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb5,  title = "Buy 5",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "5",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb6,  title = "Buy 6",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "6",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb7,  title = "Buy 7",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "7",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb8,  title = "Buy 8",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "8",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb9,  title = "Buy 9",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "9",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb10, title = "Buy 10", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "10", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb11, title = "Buy 11", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "11", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb12, title = "Buy 12", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "12", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb13, title = "Buy 13", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "13", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb14, title = "Buy 14", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "14", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(pb15, title = "Buy 15", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.lime, text = "15", size = size.tiny)

// ————— Sell Shapes
plotshape(ps1,  title = "Sell 1",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "1",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps2,  title = "Sell 2",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "2",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps3,  title = "Sell 3",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "3",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps4,  title = "Sell 4",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "4",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps5,  title = "Sell 5",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "5",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps6,  title = "Sell 6",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "6",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps7,  title = "Sell 7",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "7",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps8,  title = "Sell 8",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "8",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps9,  title = "Sell 9",  style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "9",  size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps10, title = "Sell 10", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "10", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps11, title = "Sell 11", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "11", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps12, title = "Sell 12", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "12", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps13, title = "Sell 13", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "13", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps14, title = "Sell 14", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "14", size = size.tiny)
plotshape(ps15, title = "Sell 15", style = shape.diamond, location = location.absolute, color = color.orange, text = "15", size = size.tiny)

// ————— Plotting Lines under PP                                                        // ————— Plotting Lines above PP
plot(lb1,  title = "Level down 1",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls1,  title = "Level up 1",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb2,  title = "Level down 2",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls2,  title = "Level up 2",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb3,  title = "Level down 3",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls3,  title = "Level up 3",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb4,  title = "Level down 4",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls4,  title = "Level up 4",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb5,  title = "Level down 5",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls5,  title = "Level up 5",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb6,  title = "Level down 6",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls6,  title = "Level up 6",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb7,  title = "Level down 7",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls7,  title = "Level up 7",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb8,  title = "Level down 8",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls8,  title = "Level up 8",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb9,  title = "Level down 9",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls9,  title = "Level up 9",  style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb10, title = "Level down 10", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls10, title = "Level up 10", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb11, title = "Level down 11", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls11, title = "Level up 11", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb12, title = "Level down 12", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls12, title = "Level up 12", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb13, title = "Level down 13", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls13, title = "Level up 13", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb14, title = "Level down 14", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls14, title = "Level up 14", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)
plot(lb15, title = "Level down 15", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.green),   plot(ls15, title = "Level up 15", style = plot.style_circles, color = color.red)

// by XaviZ💤
