Handelsstrategie für Kerzenmuster

Schriftsteller:ChaoZhang, Datum: 2023-12-19



Dies ist eine Strategie, die verschiedene Kerzenmuster als Handelssignale verwendet. Es kann 9 häufige Kerzenmuster erkennen und auf dieser Basis Kauf- und Verkaufssignale erzeugen.

Strategie Logik

Die Kernlogik dieser Strategie besteht darin, verschiedene Kerzenmuster zu identifizieren, einschließlich Doji, Hammer, Morning Star usw. Wenn ein bullisches Muster identifiziert wird, wird ein Kaufsignal ausgelöst. Wenn ein bärisches Muster identifiziert wird, wird ein Verkaufssignal ausgelöst.

Wenn beispielsweise drei aufeinanderfolgende weiße Kerzen mit höheren Höhen und höheren Tiefs erkannt werden, gibt es das Signal von Drei Weiße Soldaten, was auf einen Bullenmarkt hinweist. In diesem Fall wird ein Kaufsignal generiert.

Auch wenn eine lange Bärenkerze den Körper der vorherigen Bärenkerze vollständig verschlingt, bildet sie ein Bären-Schwelgungsmuster, was eine Trendumkehr bedeutet.

Analyse der Vorteile

Diese Art von Mustererkennungsstrategien kann kurzfristige Umkehrpunkte erfassen und eignet sich besonders für den kurzfristigen Handel.

Im Vergleich zu einfachen technischen Indikatorstrategien wie gleitenden Durchschnitten beinhaltet die Kerzenmusterstrategie das Urteilen über die Preisbewegung und die Marktstimmung, wodurch die Handelssignale genauer und zuverlässiger werden.


Diese Strategie stützt sich hauptsächlich auf die genaue Identifizierung von Kerzenmustern.

Auch kann eine technische Analysestrategie keine vollständigen Systemrisiken wie politische Auswirkungen, Schwarze Schwanereignisse usw. vermeiden, die den Handel beeinflussen können.

Wenn der Preis durch einen Bereich in die entgegengesetzte Richtung bricht, kann der Stop Loss ausgelöst werden, um die Positionen rechtzeitig zu verlassen.


Für die Signalbestätigung können effizientere Kerzenmuster wie Hammer, Inverted Hammer, Separating Lines usw. hinzugefügt werden.

Andere Indikatoren können für die Signalfilterung eingesetzt werden, um zu vermeiden, dass Signale in einem unsicheren Marktumfeld aufgenommen werden.

Die Stop-Loss-Logik kann so optimiert werden, dass sie ausgelöst wird, wenn der Preis aus einem Bereich in die entgegengesetzte Richtung bricht.


Dies ist eine sehr praktische kurzfristige Handelsstrategie. Es identifiziert gemeinsame Kerzenmuster, um Handelssignale zu generieren und kurzfristige Umkehrmöglichkeiten zu erfassen. Außerdem müssen potenzielle Risiken bemerkt und richtig optimiert werden, um Risiken zu kontrollieren und die Effizienz zu verbessern.

start: 2022-12-12 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-18 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Dan Pasco
strategy("Candlestick Signals Strategy" , shorttitle="Candlestick Signal Strategy $1000", overlay = true , initial_capital = 1000)

//Settings input menu
dojicon = input(title = "Show Doji's", type=bool, defval = true)
gravedojicon = input(title = "Gravestone Doji/Dragonfly Doji", type=bool, defval = true)
tbctwscon = input(title = "3 Red Crows/3 Green Soldiers", type=bool, defval = true)
tlscon = input(title = "Three Line Strike", type=bool, defval = true)
pcon = input(title = "Piercing/Dark Cloud", type=bool, defval = true)
mscon = input(title = "Morning Star", type=bool, defval = true)
escon = input(title = "Evening Star", type=bool, defval = true)
econ = input(title = "Engulfing", type=bool, defval = true)
hcon = input(title = "Hammer", type=bool, defval = true)
fscon = input(title = "Falling Star", type=bool, defval = true)

//Doji Up
dojiup = (open-close)>0 ? (high-open)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(high-open) and (open-close)<((high-open)/8) : (open-low)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(close-open) and (open-low)>(high-close) and (close-open)<((high-close)/8) and dojicon == true
plotshape(dojiup, style=shape.cross,location=location.belowbar, text="Doji", color=black)

//Doji Down
dojidown = (open-close)>0 ? (high-open)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(open-close) and (high-open)>(close-low) and (open-close)<((close-low)/8) : (open-low)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(open-low) and (close-open)<((high-close)/8) and dojicon == true
plotshape(dojidown, style=shape.cross,location=location.abovebar, text="Doji", color=black)

//Gravestone Doji Bull
gravedojibull = (close-open)>0 and ((high-close)/8)>(close-open) and ((high-close)/5)>(open-low) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(gravedojibull, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Gravestone Doji", color=red)

//Gravestone Doji Bear
gravedojibear = (open-close)>0 and ((high-open)/8)>(open-close) and ((high-open)/5)>(close-low) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(gravedojibear, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Gravestone Doji", color=red)

//Dragonfly Doji Bull
dragondojibull = (close-open)>0 and ((open-low)/8)>(close-open) and ((open-low)/5)>(high-close) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(dragondojibull, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Dragonfly Doji", color=green)

//Dragonfly Doji Bear
dragondojibear = (open-close)>0 and ((close-low)/8)>(open-close) and ((close-low)/5)>(high-open) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(dragondojibear, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Dragonfly Doji", color=green)

//Three Black Crows
tbc = (low[2]<low[3] and low[1]<low[2] and low<low[1] and high[2]<high[3] and high[1]<high[2] and high<high[1] and (close[3]-open[3])>0 and (open[2]-close[2])>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open[1]-close[1])>(close[1]-low[1]) and (open[1]-close[1])>(high[1]-open[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and tbctwscon == true)
plotshape(tbc, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="3 Red Crows", color=red)

//Three White Soldiers
tws = (high[2]>high[3] and high[1]>high[2] and high>high[1] and low[2]>low[3] and low[1]>low[2] and low>low[1] and (open[3]-close[3])>0 and (close[2]-open[2])>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close[1]-open[1])>(open[1]-low[1]) and (close[1]-open[1])>(high[1]-close[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and tbctwscon == true)
plotshape(tws, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="3 Green Soldiers", color=green)

//Three Line Strike Up
tlsu = ((close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (open[2]-close[2])>0 and (open[3]-close[3])>0 and open<close[1] and low[1]<low[2] and low[2]<low[3] and high>high[3] and low<low[1] and tlscon == true)
plotshape(tlsu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="3 Line Strike", color=green)

//Three Line Strike Down
tlsd = ((open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (close[2]-open[2])>0 and (close[3]-open[3])>0 and open>close[1] and high[1]>high[2] and high[2]>high[3] and low<low[3] and high>high[1] and tlscon == true)
plotshape(tlsd, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="3 Line Strike", color=red)

//Piercing Up
pu = ((open[1]-close[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>(high[1]-open[1]) and (open[1]-close[1])>(close[1]-low[1]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and open<close[1] and ((open[1]+close[1])/2)<close and ((close-open)/2)>(high-close) and close<open[1] and (high<high[1] or low>low[1]) and pcon == true)
plotshape(pu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Piercing Up", color=green)

//Dark Cloud
dc = ((close[1]-open[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>(high[1]-close[1]) and (close[1]-open[1])>(open[1]-low[1]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and open>close[1] and ((open[1]+close[1])/2)>close and ((open-close)/2)>(close-low) and close>open[1] and (high<high[1] or low>low[1]) and pcon == true)
plotshape(dc, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Dark Cloud", color=red)

//Morning Star 1 Up
ms1u = ((open[2]-close[2])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>=0 and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(open[1]-close[1]) and open[1]<close[2] and open[1]<open and open[1]!=close[1] and mscon == true)
plotshape(ms1u, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Morning Star", color=green)

//Morning Star 2 Up
ms2u = ((open[2]-close[2])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>=0 and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[1]-open[1]) and close[1]<close[2] and close[1]<open and open[1]!=close[1] and mscon == true)
plotshape(ms2u, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Morning Star X2", color=green)

//Evening Star 1 Down
es1d = ((close[2]-open[2])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>=0 and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(close[1]-open[1]) and open[1]>close[2] and open[1]>open and escon == true)
plotshape(es1d, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Evening Star", color=red)

//Evening Star 2 Down
es2d = ((close[2]-open[2])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>=0 and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[1]-close[1]) and close[1]>close[2] and close[1]>open and close[1]!=open[1] and escon == true) 
plotshape(es2d, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Evening  X2", color=red)

//Bullish Engulfing
beu = (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and high>high[1] and low<low[1] and (close-open)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and econ == true
plotshape(beu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Engulfing", color=green)

//Bearish Engulfing
bed = (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and high>high[1] and low<low[1] and (open-close)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and econ == true
plotshape(bed, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Engulfing", color=red)

//Bullish Hammer Up
bhu1 = (close-open)>0 and ((close-open)/3)>(high-close) and ((open-low)/2)>(close-open) and (close-open)>((open-low)/8) and hcon == true
plotshape(bhu1, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Hammer", color=green)

//Bearish Hammer Up
bhu2 = (open-close)>0 and ((open-close)/3)>(high-open) and ((close-low)/2)>(open-close) and (open-close)>((close-low)/8) and hcon == true
plotshape(bhu2, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Hammer", color=green)

//Bullish Falling Star
bfs1 = (close-open)>0 and ((close-open)/3)>(open-low) and ((high-close)/2)>(close-open) and (close-open)>((high-close)/8) and fscon == true
plotshape(bfs1, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Falling Star", color=red)

//Bearish Falling Star
bfs2 = (open-close)>0 and ((open-close)/3)>(close-low) and ((high-open)/2)>(open-close) and (open-close)>((high-open)/8) and fscon == true
plotshape(bfs2, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Falling Star", color=red)

//Declaring the buy signals
buy = (dragondojibear == true and gravedojicon == true) or (dragondojibull == true and gravedojicon == true) or (tws == true and tbctwscon == true) or (tlsu == true and tlscon == true) or (pu == true and pcon == true) or (ms1u == true and mscon == true) or (ms2u == true and mscon == true) or (beu == true and econ == true) or (bhu1 == true and hcon == true) or (bhu2 == true and hcon == true)

//Declaring the sell signals
sell = (gravedojibear == true and gravedojicon == true) or (gravedojibull == true and gravedojicon == true) or (tbc == true and tbctwscon == true) or (tlsd == true and tlscon == true) or (dc == true and pcon == true) or (es1d == true and escon == true) or (es2d == true and escon == true) or (bed == true and econ == true) or (bfs1 == true and fscon == true) or (bfs2 == true and fscon == true)

//Execute historic backtesting
ordersize = floor(strategy.equity/close) // To dynamically calculate the order size as the account equity increases or decreases.
strategy.entry("long",strategy.long,ordersize,when=buy) // Buy 
strategy.close("long", when=sell) //Sell
