
创建日期: 2023-12-19 11:34:46 最后修改: 2023-12-19 11:34:46
复制: 0 点击次数: 345




策略会在价格突破Bollinger带下轨时建立做多头寻求Trend Following,在价格突破上轨时平仓;同时利用MACD指标判断动量方向过滤虚假突破。可配置RSI指标辅助判断超买超卖进一步避免损失。








  1. Bollinger带判断价格波动范围,能抓住Trend Following
  2. MACD判断动量方向,过滤Bollinger的误报
  3. RSI辅助判断超买超卖,避免建仓追高
  4. 可通过参数优化获得较高胜率



  1. 股价剧烈波动时,止损风险较大
  2. 参数设置不当时,获利能力会下降
  3. 趋势行情逆转时,MACD指标会误判


  1. 可适当放宽止损幅度
  2. 需多次回测找到最佳参数组合
  3. 可利用更多指标预测价格转折



  1. 优化Bollinger带的参数,适应更多市场环境
  2. 增加更多指标判断,提高策略稳定性
  3. 利用机器学习算法自动优化参数
  4. 在高频数据上测试策略效果
  5. 增加资金管理模块,控制单笔损失



start: 2022-12-12 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-18 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © tedwardd

// This strategy is intended to help users of the 3commas.io platform backtest bot performance based on a Bollinger Strategy.
// It can also be used to signal a bot to open a deal by providing the Bot ID, email token and trading pair in the strategy settings screen.
// As currently written, this strategy uses a basic Bollinger Band strategy, recommening a deal start when the closing price crosses under the lower band.
// The thick red line plotted on the chart shows the average entry price of the current deal.

strategy("[v1.3laoowai]BNB_USDT_3m_3Commas_Bollinger_Strategy_by_tedwardd", overlay=true, default_qty_type=strategy.cash, default_qty_value=1000, initial_capital=900, currency="USD", commission_value=0.1)

// 3Commas Bot settinsg
bot_type                = input(title="Simple bot", defval="simple", options=["simple", "composite"])
bot_id                  = input(title="3Commas Bot ID", defval="")
email_token             = input(title="Bot Email Token", defval="")
base_order_size         = input(title="Base order size",minval=10, step=1, defval=10)
safety_order_size       = input(title="Safety order size", minval=15, step=1, defval=400)
volume_scale            = input(title="Safety Order Vol Scale (%)", minval=0.00, step=0.01, defval=1.83)
safety_step             = input(title="Safety Order Step Scale (%)", minval=0.00, step=0.1, defval=1.55)
safety_max              = input(title="Max Number of Safety Orders", minval=0, step=1, defval=2)
initial_deviation_input = input(title="Initial SO Deviation (%)", minval=0, step=0.01, defval=1.54) * 0.01
stoploss_input          = input(title="Long Stop Loss (%)", minval=0, step=1, defval=15) * 0.01
takeprofit_input        = input(title="Long Take Profit (%)", minval=0, step=1, defval=1.4) * 0.01

sma_short_val           = input(title="Short MA Window", defval=21)
sma_long_val            = input(title="Long MA Window", defval=100)
ubOffset                = input(title="Upper Band Offset", defval=2.2, step=0.5)
lbOffset                = input(title="Lower Band Offset", defval=2.40, step=0.5)
cross                   = input(title="Entrry at Cross Over/Under Lower", defval="under", options=["over", "under"])

// Backtesting Date Ranges
startDate  = input(title="Start Date", defval=1, minval=1, maxval=31)
startMonth = input(title="Start Month", defval=1, minval=1, maxval=12)
startYear  = input(title="Start Year", defval=2016, minval=1800, maxval=2100)
endDate    = input(title="End Date", defval=31, minval=1, maxval=31)
endMonth   = input(title="End Month", defval=12, minval=1, maxval=12)
endYear    = input(title="End Year", defval=2022, minval=1800, maxval=2100)

short_sma        = sma(close, sma_short_val)
long_sma         = sma(close, sma_long_val)
stdDev           = stdev(close, sma_short_val)
upperBand        = short_sma + (stdDev * ubOffset)
lowerBand        = short_sma - (stdDev * lbOffset)
stoploss_value   = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - stoploss_input)
takeprofit_value = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + takeprofit_input)
initial_dev_val  = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - initial_deviation_input)
inDateRange      = true

initial_deviation = close < initial_dev_val

// Market Conditions
goodBuy    = cross=="over"?crossover(close, lowerBand):crossunder(close, lowerBand) // Buy when close crossing lower band
safety     = initial_deviation and (1-(close/strategy.position_avg_price))/.01 > strategy.opentrades-1 * safety_step and strategy.opentrades <= safety_max // SO when price deviates below SO threshold %
stoploss   = close <= stoploss_value // Stoploss condition - true if closing price for current bar drops below stoploss %
takeprofit = close >= takeprofit_value // Take profit condition - true if closing price for current bar is >= take profit percentage
goodSell = crossover(high, upperBand)

// goodSell is currently unused for any practical purpose. If you wish to try it, switch these two values. 
// Doing so will make sell suggestions at high crossover upper bollinger but it does not trigger the bot to sell as written but may affect backtest results

// Plot some lines
plot(short_sma, color=color.green)
plot(lowerBand, color=color.yellow)
plot(strategy.position_avg_price, color=color.red, linewidth=3)

// Webhook message. Defaults to string. To signal 3c bot, fill in bot_id and email_token in user settings
var enter_msg = "Enter Position"
var exit_msg  = "Exit Position"
var close_all = "Exit Position"
if bot_id != "" and email_token != ""
    if bot_type == "composite"
        enter_msg := '{"message_type": "bot", "bot_id": ' + bot_id + ', "email_token": "' + email_token + '", "delay_seconds": 0, "pair": "' + syminfo.currency + "_" + syminfo.basecurrency + '"}'
        enter_msg := '{"message_type": "bot", "bot_id": ' + bot_id + ',  "email_token": "' + email_token + '", "delay_seconds": 0}'
    if bot_type == "composite"
        exit_msg := '{"message_type": "bot", "bot_id": ' + bot_id + ', "email_token": "' + email_token + '", "delay_seconds": 0, "pair": "' + syminfo.currency + "_" + syminfo.basecurrency + '", "action": "close_at_market_price"}'
        exit_msg := '{"message_type": "bot", "bot_id": ' + bot_id + ', "email_token": "' + email_token + '", "delay_seconds": 0, "action": "close_at_market_price"}'
    close_all := '{"message_type": "bot", "bot_id": ' + bot_id + ', "email_token": "' + email_token + '", "delay_seconds": 0, "action": "close_at_market_price_all"}'

actual_safety_size = float(safety_order_size) // Set safety order size to starting safety
if strategy.opentrades > 1 // If we have more than two open trades we need to start scaling the safety size by the volume_scale
    actual_safety_size := (strategy.position_size - base_order_size) * volume_scale // Remove base order from total position size and scale it for next safety order

// Momentum Strategy (BTC/USDT; 1h) - MACD (with source code) by Drun30

// Getting inputs
fast_length = input(title="Fast Length", type=input.integer, defval=23,group="MACD")
slow_length = input(title="Slow Length", type=input.integer, defval=16,group="MACD")
src = input(title="Source", type=input.source, defval=open,group="MACD")

signal_length = input(title="Signal Smoothing", type=input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9,group="MACD")
sma_source1 = input(title="Simple MA FAST (Oscillator)", defval="EMA", options=["HMA","DHMA","THMA","FHMA","WMA","DWMA","TWMA","FWMA","SMA","DSMA","TSMA","FSMA","EMA","DEMA","TEMA","FEMA","RMA","DRMA","TRMA","FRMA"],group="MACD")
sma_source2 = input(title="Simple MA SLOW (Oscillator)", defval="EMA", options=["HMA","DHMA","THMA","FHMA","WMA","DWMA","TWMA","FWMA","SMA","DSMA","TSMA","FSMA","EMA","DEMA","TEMA","FEMA","RMA","DRMA","TRMA","FRMA"],group="MACD")

sma_signal = input(title="Simple MA(Signal Line)",defval="EMA", options=["HMA","DHMA","THMA","FHMA","WMA","DWMA","TWMA","FWMA","SMA","DSMA","TSMA","FSMA","EMA","DEMA","TEMA","FEMA","RMA","DRMA","TRMA","FRMA"],group="MACD")
// Calculating
fast_ma = ma(src,fast_length,sma_source1)  
slow_ma = ma(src,slow_length,sma_source2)
macd = fast_ma - slow_ma //Differenza tra la media mobile veloce e quella lenta 
signal = ma(macd,signal_length,sma_signal) //usa o la SMA oppure la EMA sulla differenza tra la media mobile veloce e lenta
hist = macd - signal //Differenza tra la differenza precedente e la media mobile della differenza

use_stress=input(true,title="Use stress on recent bars",group="Stress")
recent_stress=input(0.41,title="Stress on recent bars",group="Stress",step=0.01,minval=0.01,maxval=0.99)
level=input(6,title="Level of stress",group="Stress")
if use_stress 
    if not na(macd[1])

use_ma= input(true,title="Use moving average (MACD)?",group="Moving Average")
if use_ma
    macd:=ma(macd,input(36,title="Length",group="Moving Average"),input(title="Type MA",defval="THMA", options=["HMA","DHMA","THMA","FHMA","WMA","DWMA","TWMA","FWMA","SMA","DSMA","TSMA","FSMA","EMA","DEMA","TEMA","FEMA","RMA","DRMA","TRMA","FRMA"],group="Moving Average"))

use_linreg= input(true,title="Use linear regression (MACD)?",group="Linear Regression")
if use_linreg
    macd:=linreg(macd,input(10,title="Length",group="Linear Regression"),input(1,title="Offset",group="Linear Regression"))

//macd == linea blu (differenza tra media mobile veloce e media mobile lenta)
//signal == linea arancione (media mobile dell'macd)
//hist == istogramma (differenza tra macd e media mobile)

on_cross = input(false,title="Use cross macd and signal",group="Condition entry/exit")
on_minmax = input(true,title="Use min/max macd",group="Condition entry/exit")

aperturaLong = change(macd)>0//crossover(macd,signal)
aperturashort=not (change(macd)>0)//crossunder(macd,signal)

if on_cross
    aperturaLong := crossover(macd,signal)
    aperturashort := crossunder(macd,signal)
if on_minmax
    aperturaLong := change(macd)>0//crossover(macd,signal)

rsiFilter = input(false,title="Use RSI filter?",group="RSI")
rsiTP = input(true,title="Use RSI Take Profit?",group="RSI")

len=input(22,title="RSI period",group="RSI")
srcr=input(close,title="RSI source",group="RSI")
ovb=input(90,title="Overbought height",group="RSI") 
ovs=input(45,title="Oversold height",group="RSI")
okLong=rsi<ovb and change(macd)>0 and change(macd)[1]<=0
okShort=rsi>ovs and change(macd)<0 and change(macd)[1]>=0
if not rsiFilter
usiLong=input(true,title="Use long?")
usiShort=input(true,title="Use short?")

chiusuraShort=rsi<ovs or (aperturaLong)
chiusuraLong=rsi>ovb or (aperturashort)
if rsiTP
    aperturaLong := change(macd)>0 and change(macd)[1]<=0 and rsi<ovb//crossover(macd,signal)
    aperturashort:=change(macd)<0 and change(macd)[1]>=0 and rsi>ovs//crossunder(macd,signal)

if not rsiTP
    chiusuraShort:=okLong and aperturaLong
    chiusuraLong:=okShort and aperturashort
//if chiusuraShort 
//    strategy.close("SHORTISSIMO")
//if usiLong and strategy.position_size<=0 and okLong and aperturaLong
//    strategy.entry("LONGHISSIMO",true)
//if chiusuraLong 
//    strategy.close("LONGHISSIMO")
//if usiShort and strategy.position_size>=0 and okShort and aperturashort
//    strategy.entry("SHORTISSIMO",false)

// Strategy Actions
if inDateRange and goodBuy
    strategy.entry("Good Buy", strategy.long, base_order_size, when = strategy.opentrades <= 0, alert_message=enter_msg)
if inDateRange and safety
    strategy.order("Good Buy", strategy.long, actual_safety_size, when = strategy.opentrades > 0, comment = "safety order", alert_message=enter_msg)

// Sell
if inDateRange and goodSell
    strategy.close_all(comment="Good sell point", alert_message=exit_msg)
if inDateRange and stoploss
    strategy.close_all(comment="Stoploss", alert_message=exit_msg)
//if inDateRange and takeprofit
//    strategy.close_all(comment="TP Target", alert_message=exit_msg)
if usiShort and strategy.position_size>=0 and okShort and aperturashort
    strategy.close_all(comment="SHORTISSIMO", alert_message=exit_msg)
//if chiusuraShort
//    strategy.close_all(comment="SHORTISSIMO1")