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Candlestick Patterns Trading Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-12-19 10:56:36



This is a strategy that utilizes different candlestick patterns as trading signals. It can detect 9 common candlestick patterns and generate buy and sell signals based on those patterns.

Strategy Logic

The core logic of this strategy is to identify different candlestick patterns, including Doji, Hammer, Morning Star etc. When a bullish pattern is identified, a buy signal will be triggered. When a bearish pattern is identified, a sell signal will be triggered.

For example, when three consecutive white candlesticks with higher highs and higher lows are detected, it gives the signal of “Three White Soldiers” indicating a bull market. In this case a buy signal will be generated.

Also for example, when a long bearish candle completely engulfs the body of the previous bullish candle, it forms a Bearish Engulfing pattern, implying a trend reversal. In this case a sell signal will be triggered.

Advantage Analysis

This type of pattern-recognition strategies can capture short-term reversal points and is especially suitable for short-term trading. Identifying accurate pattern signals can timely capture price reversals and get into profitable direction.

Compared to simple technical indicators strategies like moving averages, candlestick pattern strategy incorporates the judgement of price action and market sentiment, making the trading signals more accurate and reliable.

Risk Analysis

This strategy mainly relies on accurate identification of candlestick patterns. If the detection goes wrong, it’s easy to generate false trading signals and cause losses.

Also, any technical analysis strategy cannot completely avoid systemic risks like policy impacts, black swan events etc. that may influence the trading.

Risk can be controlled by stop loss. When price breaks through a range towards opposite direction, stop loss can be triggered to exit positions timely.

Optimization Directions

More efficient candlestick patterns can be added for signal confirmation, like Hammer, Inverted Hammer, Separating Lines etc.

Other indicators can be incorporated for signal filtering, avoiding taking signals in uncertain market environment. Signals from indicators like MACD, RSI can be used to filter out low quality candlestick signals.

The stop loss logic can be optimized to trigger when price breaks out of a range towards opposite direction. Combine with volatility indicators to dynamically adjust the stop loss range.


This is a very practical short-term trading strategy. It identifies common candlestick patterns to generate trading signals and capture short-term reversal opportunities. Also need to notice potential risks and optimize properly to control risks and improve efficiency.

start: 2022-12-12 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-18 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Dan Pasco
strategy("Candlestick Signals Strategy" , shorttitle="Candlestick Signal Strategy $1000", overlay = true , initial_capital = 1000)

//Settings input menu
dojicon = input(title = "Show Doji's", type=bool, defval = true)
gravedojicon = input(title = "Gravestone Doji/Dragonfly Doji", type=bool, defval = true)
tbctwscon = input(title = "3 Red Crows/3 Green Soldiers", type=bool, defval = true)
tlscon = input(title = "Three Line Strike", type=bool, defval = true)
pcon = input(title = "Piercing/Dark Cloud", type=bool, defval = true)
mscon = input(title = "Morning Star", type=bool, defval = true)
escon = input(title = "Evening Star", type=bool, defval = true)
econ = input(title = "Engulfing", type=bool, defval = true)
hcon = input(title = "Hammer", type=bool, defval = true)
fscon = input(title = "Falling Star", type=bool, defval = true)

//Doji Up
dojiup = (open-close)>0 ? (high-open)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(high-open) and (open-close)<((high-open)/8) : (open-low)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(close-open) and (open-low)>(high-close) and (close-open)<((high-close)/8) and dojicon == true
plotshape(dojiup, style=shape.cross,location=location.belowbar, text="Doji", color=black)

//Doji Down
dojidown = (open-close)>0 ? (high-open)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(open-close) and (high-open)>(close-low) and (open-close)<((close-low)/8) : (open-low)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(open-low) and (close-open)<((high-close)/8) and dojicon == true
plotshape(dojidown, style=shape.cross,location=location.abovebar, text="Doji", color=black)

//Gravestone Doji Bull
gravedojibull = (close-open)>0 and ((high-close)/8)>(close-open) and ((high-close)/5)>(open-low) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(gravedojibull, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Gravestone Doji", color=red)

//Gravestone Doji Bear
gravedojibear = (open-close)>0 and ((high-open)/8)>(open-close) and ((high-open)/5)>(close-low) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(gravedojibear, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Gravestone Doji", color=red)

//Dragonfly Doji Bull
dragondojibull = (close-open)>0 and ((open-low)/8)>(close-open) and ((open-low)/5)>(high-close) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(dragondojibull, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Dragonfly Doji", color=green)

//Dragonfly Doji Bear
dragondojibear = (open-close)>0 and ((close-low)/8)>(open-close) and ((close-low)/5)>(high-open) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(dragondojibear, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Dragonfly Doji", color=green)

//Three Black Crows
tbc = (low[2]<low[3] and low[1]<low[2] and low<low[1] and high[2]<high[3] and high[1]<high[2] and high<high[1] and (close[3]-open[3])>0 and (open[2]-close[2])>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open[1]-close[1])>(close[1]-low[1]) and (open[1]-close[1])>(high[1]-open[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and tbctwscon == true)
plotshape(tbc, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="3 Red Crows", color=red)

//Three White Soldiers
tws = (high[2]>high[3] and high[1]>high[2] and high>high[1] and low[2]>low[3] and low[1]>low[2] and low>low[1] and (open[3]-close[3])>0 and (close[2]-open[2])>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close[1]-open[1])>(open[1]-low[1]) and (close[1]-open[1])>(high[1]-close[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and tbctwscon == true)
plotshape(tws, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="3 Green Soldiers", color=green)

//Three Line Strike Up
tlsu = ((close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (open[2]-close[2])>0 and (open[3]-close[3])>0 and open<close[1] and low[1]<low[2] and low[2]<low[3] and high>high[3] and low<low[1] and tlscon == true)
plotshape(tlsu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="3 Line Strike", color=green)

//Three Line Strike Down
tlsd = ((open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (close[2]-open[2])>0 and (close[3]-open[3])>0 and open>close[1] and high[1]>high[2] and high[2]>high[3] and low<low[3] and high>high[1] and tlscon == true)
plotshape(tlsd, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="3 Line Strike", color=red)

//Piercing Up
pu = ((open[1]-close[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>(high[1]-open[1]) and (open[1]-close[1])>(close[1]-low[1]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and open<close[1] and ((open[1]+close[1])/2)<close and ((close-open)/2)>(high-close) and close<open[1] and (high<high[1] or low>low[1]) and pcon == true)
plotshape(pu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Piercing Up", color=green)

//Dark Cloud
dc = ((close[1]-open[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>(high[1]-close[1]) and (close[1]-open[1])>(open[1]-low[1]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and open>close[1] and ((open[1]+close[1])/2)>close and ((open-close)/2)>(close-low) and close>open[1] and (high<high[1] or low>low[1]) and pcon == true)
plotshape(dc, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Dark Cloud", color=red)

//Morning Star 1 Up
ms1u = ((open[2]-close[2])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>=0 and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(open[1]-close[1]) and open[1]<close[2] and open[1]<open and open[1]!=close[1] and mscon == true)
plotshape(ms1u, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Morning Star", color=green)

//Morning Star 2 Up
ms2u = ((open[2]-close[2])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>=0 and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[1]-open[1]) and close[1]<close[2] and close[1]<open and open[1]!=close[1] and mscon == true)
plotshape(ms2u, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Morning Star X2", color=green)

//Evening Star 1 Down
es1d = ((close[2]-open[2])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>=0 and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(close[1]-open[1]) and open[1]>close[2] and open[1]>open and escon == true)
plotshape(es1d, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Evening Star", color=red)

//Evening Star 2 Down
es2d = ((close[2]-open[2])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>=0 and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[1]-close[1]) and close[1]>close[2] and close[1]>open and close[1]!=open[1] and escon == true) 
plotshape(es2d, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Evening  X2", color=red)

//Bullish Engulfing
beu = (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and high>high[1] and low<low[1] and (close-open)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and econ == true
plotshape(beu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Engulfing", color=green)

//Bearish Engulfing
bed = (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and high>high[1] and low<low[1] and (open-close)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and econ == true
plotshape(bed, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Engulfing", color=red)

//Bullish Hammer Up
bhu1 = (close-open)>0 and ((close-open)/3)>(high-close) and ((open-low)/2)>(close-open) and (close-open)>((open-low)/8) and hcon == true
plotshape(bhu1, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Hammer", color=green)

//Bearish Hammer Up
bhu2 = (open-close)>0 and ((open-close)/3)>(high-open) and ((close-low)/2)>(open-close) and (open-close)>((close-low)/8) and hcon == true
plotshape(bhu2, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Hammer", color=green)

//Bullish Falling Star
bfs1 = (close-open)>0 and ((close-open)/3)>(open-low) and ((high-close)/2)>(close-open) and (close-open)>((high-close)/8) and fscon == true
plotshape(bfs1, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Falling Star", color=red)

//Bearish Falling Star
bfs2 = (open-close)>0 and ((open-close)/3)>(close-low) and ((high-open)/2)>(open-close) and (open-close)>((high-open)/8) and fscon == true
plotshape(bfs2, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Falling Star", color=red)

//Declaring the buy signals
buy = (dragondojibear == true and gravedojicon == true) or (dragondojibull == true and gravedojicon == true) or (tws == true and tbctwscon == true) or (tlsu == true and tlscon == true) or (pu == true and pcon == true) or (ms1u == true and mscon == true) or (ms2u == true and mscon == true) or (beu == true and econ == true) or (bhu1 == true and hcon == true) or (bhu2 == true and hcon == true)

//Declaring the sell signals
sell = (gravedojibear == true and gravedojicon == true) or (gravedojibull == true and gravedojicon == true) or (tbc == true and tbctwscon == true) or (tlsd == true and tlscon == true) or (dc == true and pcon == true) or (es1d == true and escon == true) or (es2d == true and escon == true) or (bed == true and econ == true) or (bfs1 == true and fscon == true) or (bfs2 == true and fscon == true)

//Execute historic backtesting
ordersize = floor(strategy.equity/close) // To dynamically calculate the order size as the account equity increases or decreases.
strategy.entry("long",strategy.long,ordersize,when=buy) // Buy 
strategy.close("long", when=sell) //Sell
template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6