Strategi Perdagangan Pola Lilin

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2023-12-19 10:56:36


Gambaran umum

Ini adalah strategi yang memanfaatkan pola lilin yang berbeda sebagai sinyal perdagangan. Ini dapat mendeteksi 9 pola lilin umum dan menghasilkan sinyal beli dan jual berdasarkan pola tersebut.

Logika Strategi

Logika inti dari strategi ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pola lilin yang berbeda, termasuk Doji, Hammer, Morning Star dll. Ketika pola bullish diidentifikasi, sinyal beli akan dipicu.

Sebagai contoh, ketika tiga candlestick putih berturut-turut dengan tinggi yang lebih tinggi dan rendah yang lebih tinggi terdeteksi, itu memberikan sinyal Three White Soldiers yang menunjukkan pasar bull.

Juga, misalnya, ketika lilin bearish panjang benar-benar menelan tubuh lilin bullish sebelumnya, ia membentuk pola Bearish Engulfing, yang menyiratkan pembalikan tren.

Analisis Keuntungan

Jenis strategi pengenalan pola ini dapat menangkap titik pembalikan jangka pendek dan sangat cocok untuk perdagangan jangka pendek. Mengidentifikasi sinyal pola yang akurat dapat menangkap pembalikan harga tepat waktu dan masuk ke arah yang menguntungkan.

Dibandingkan dengan strategi indikator teknis sederhana seperti rata-rata bergerak, strategi pola lilin menggabungkan penilaian tindakan harga dan sentimen pasar, membuat sinyal perdagangan lebih akurat dan dapat diandalkan.

Analisis Risiko

Strategi ini terutama bergantung pada identifikasi pola candlestick yang akurat. Jika deteksi salah, mudah untuk menghasilkan sinyal perdagangan palsu dan menyebabkan kerugian.

Juga, strategi analisis teknis tidak dapat sepenuhnya menghindari risiko sistemik seperti dampak kebijakan, peristiwa angsa hitam dll yang dapat mempengaruhi perdagangan.

Risiko dapat dikendalikan dengan stop loss. Ketika harga menembus kisaran ke arah yang berlawanan, stop loss dapat dipicu untuk keluar posisi tepat waktu.

Arahan Optimasi

Pola lilin yang lebih efisien dapat ditambahkan untuk konfirmasi sinyal, seperti Hammer, Inverted Hammer, Separating Lines dll.

Indikator lain dapat dimasukkan untuk penyaringan sinyal, menghindari mengambil sinyal di lingkungan pasar yang tidak pasti.

Logika stop loss dapat dioptimalkan untuk memicu ketika harga keluar dari kisaran ke arah yang berlawanan.


Ini adalah strategi perdagangan jangka pendek yang sangat praktis. Ini mengidentifikasi pola lilin umum untuk menghasilkan sinyal perdagangan dan menangkap peluang pembalikan jangka pendek. Juga perlu memperhatikan risiko potensial dan mengoptimalkan dengan benar untuk mengontrol risiko dan meningkatkan efisiensi.

start: 2022-12-12 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-18 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Dan Pasco
strategy("Candlestick Signals Strategy" , shorttitle="Candlestick Signal Strategy $1000", overlay = true , initial_capital = 1000)

//Settings input menu
dojicon = input(title = "Show Doji's", type=bool, defval = true)
gravedojicon = input(title = "Gravestone Doji/Dragonfly Doji", type=bool, defval = true)
tbctwscon = input(title = "3 Red Crows/3 Green Soldiers", type=bool, defval = true)
tlscon = input(title = "Three Line Strike", type=bool, defval = true)
pcon = input(title = "Piercing/Dark Cloud", type=bool, defval = true)
mscon = input(title = "Morning Star", type=bool, defval = true)
escon = input(title = "Evening Star", type=bool, defval = true)
econ = input(title = "Engulfing", type=bool, defval = true)
hcon = input(title = "Hammer", type=bool, defval = true)
fscon = input(title = "Falling Star", type=bool, defval = true)

//Doji Up
dojiup = (open-close)>0 ? (high-open)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(high-open) and (open-close)<((high-open)/8) : (open-low)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(close-open) and (open-low)>(high-close) and (close-open)<((high-close)/8) and dojicon == true
plotshape(dojiup, style=shape.cross,location=location.belowbar, text="Doji", color=black)

//Doji Down
dojidown = (open-close)>0 ? (high-open)>(open-close) and (close-low)>(open-close) and (high-open)>(close-low) and (open-close)<((close-low)/8) : (open-low)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(close-open) and (high-close)>(open-low) and (close-open)<((high-close)/8) and dojicon == true
plotshape(dojidown, style=shape.cross,location=location.abovebar, text="Doji", color=black)

//Gravestone Doji Bull
gravedojibull = (close-open)>0 and ((high-close)/8)>(close-open) and ((high-close)/5)>(open-low) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(gravedojibull, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Gravestone Doji", color=red)

//Gravestone Doji Bear
gravedojibear = (open-close)>0 and ((high-open)/8)>(open-close) and ((high-open)/5)>(close-low) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(gravedojibear, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Gravestone Doji", color=red)

//Dragonfly Doji Bull
dragondojibull = (close-open)>0 and ((open-low)/8)>(close-open) and ((open-low)/5)>(high-close) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(dragondojibull, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Dragonfly Doji", color=green)

//Dragonfly Doji Bear
dragondojibear = (open-close)>0 and ((close-low)/8)>(open-close) and ((close-low)/5)>(high-open) and gravedojicon == true
plotshape(dragondojibear, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Dragonfly Doji", color=green)

//Three Black Crows
tbc = (low[2]<low[3] and low[1]<low[2] and low<low[1] and high[2]<high[3] and high[1]<high[2] and high<high[1] and (close[3]-open[3])>0 and (open[2]-close[2])>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open[1]-close[1])>(close[1]-low[1]) and (open[1]-close[1])>(high[1]-open[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and tbctwscon == true)
plotshape(tbc, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="3 Red Crows", color=red)

//Three White Soldiers
tws = (high[2]>high[3] and high[1]>high[2] and high>high[1] and low[2]>low[3] and low[1]>low[2] and low>low[1] and (open[3]-close[3])>0 and (close[2]-open[2])>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close[1]-open[1])>(open[1]-low[1]) and (close[1]-open[1])>(high[1]-close[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and tbctwscon == true)
plotshape(tws, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="3 Green Soldiers", color=green)

//Three Line Strike Up
tlsu = ((close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (open[2]-close[2])>0 and (open[3]-close[3])>0 and open<close[1] and low[1]<low[2] and low[2]<low[3] and high>high[3] and low<low[1] and tlscon == true)
plotshape(tlsu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="3 Line Strike", color=green)

//Three Line Strike Down
tlsd = ((open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (close[2]-open[2])>0 and (close[3]-open[3])>0 and open>close[1] and high[1]>high[2] and high[2]>high[3] and low<low[3] and high>high[1] and tlscon == true)
plotshape(tlsd, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="3 Line Strike", color=red)

//Piercing Up
pu = ((open[1]-close[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>(high[1]-open[1]) and (open[1]-close[1])>(close[1]-low[1]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and open<close[1] and ((open[1]+close[1])/2)<close and ((close-open)/2)>(high-close) and close<open[1] and (high<high[1] or low>low[1]) and pcon == true)
plotshape(pu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Piercing Up", color=green)

//Dark Cloud
dc = ((close[1]-open[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>(high[1]-close[1]) and (close[1]-open[1])>(open[1]-low[1]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and open>close[1] and ((open[1]+close[1])/2)>close and ((open-close)/2)>(close-low) and close>open[1] and (high<high[1] or low>low[1]) and pcon == true)
plotshape(dc, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Dark Cloud", color=red)

//Morning Star 1 Up
ms1u = ((open[2]-close[2])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>=0 and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(open[1]-close[1]) and open[1]<close[2] and open[1]<open and open[1]!=close[1] and mscon == true)
plotshape(ms1u, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Morning Star", color=green)

//Morning Star 2 Up
ms2u = ((open[2]-close[2])>0 and (close-open)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>=0 and (open[2]-close[2])>(high[2]-open[2]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[2]-low[2]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and (close-open)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (open[2]-close[2])>(close[1]-open[1]) and close[1]<close[2] and close[1]<open and open[1]!=close[1] and mscon == true)
plotshape(ms2u, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Morning Star X2", color=green)

//Evening Star 1 Down
es1d = ((close[2]-open[2])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (close[1]-open[1])>=0 and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(close[1]-open[1]) and open[1]>close[2] and open[1]>open and escon == true)
plotshape(es1d, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Evening Star", color=red)

//Evening Star 2 Down
es2d = ((close[2]-open[2])>0 and (open-close)>0 and (open[1]-close[1])>=0 and (close[2]-open[2])>(high[2]-close[2]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[2]-low[2]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and (open-close)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (close[2]-open[2])>(open[1]-close[1]) and close[1]>close[2] and close[1]>open and close[1]!=open[1] and escon == true) 
plotshape(es2d, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Evening  X2", color=red)

//Bullish Engulfing
beu = (open[1]-close[1])>0 and (close-open)>0 and high>high[1] and low<low[1] and (close-open)>(open[1]-close[1]) and (close-open)>(high-close) and (close-open)>(open-low) and econ == true
plotshape(beu, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Engulfing", color=green)

//Bearish Engulfing
bed = (close[1]-open[1])>0 and (open-close)>0 and high>high[1] and low<low[1] and (open-close)>(close[1]-open[1]) and (open-close)>(high-open) and (open-close)>(close-low) and econ == true
plotshape(bed, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Engulfing", color=red)

//Bullish Hammer Up
bhu1 = (close-open)>0 and ((close-open)/3)>(high-close) and ((open-low)/2)>(close-open) and (close-open)>((open-low)/8) and hcon == true
plotshape(bhu1, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Hammer", color=green)

//Bearish Hammer Up
bhu2 = (open-close)>0 and ((open-close)/3)>(high-open) and ((close-low)/2)>(open-close) and (open-close)>((close-low)/8) and hcon == true
plotshape(bhu2, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar, text="Hammer", color=green)

//Bullish Falling Star
bfs1 = (close-open)>0 and ((close-open)/3)>(open-low) and ((high-close)/2)>(close-open) and (close-open)>((high-close)/8) and fscon == true
plotshape(bfs1, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Falling Star", color=red)

//Bearish Falling Star
bfs2 = (open-close)>0 and ((open-close)/3)>(close-low) and ((high-open)/2)>(open-close) and (open-close)>((high-open)/8) and fscon == true
plotshape(bfs2, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar, text="Falling Star", color=red)

//Declaring the buy signals
buy = (dragondojibear == true and gravedojicon == true) or (dragondojibull == true and gravedojicon == true) or (tws == true and tbctwscon == true) or (tlsu == true and tlscon == true) or (pu == true and pcon == true) or (ms1u == true and mscon == true) or (ms2u == true and mscon == true) or (beu == true and econ == true) or (bhu1 == true and hcon == true) or (bhu2 == true and hcon == true)

//Declaring the sell signals
sell = (gravedojibear == true and gravedojicon == true) or (gravedojibull == true and gravedojicon == true) or (tbc == true and tbctwscon == true) or (tlsd == true and tlscon == true) or (dc == true and pcon == true) or (es1d == true and escon == true) or (es2d == true and escon == true) or (bed == true and econ == true) or (bfs1 == true and fscon == true) or (bfs2 == true and fscon == true)

//Execute historic backtesting
ordersize = floor(strategy.equity/close) // To dynamically calculate the order size as the account equity increases or decreases.
strategy.entry("long",strategy.long,ordersize,when=buy) // Buy 
strategy.close("long", when=sell) //Sell

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