Strategi Perdagangan Grid Dinamis

Penulis:ChaoZhang, Tanggal: 2024-01-23 10:53:05


Gambaran umum

Logika Strategi

  1. Menghitung lebar interval grid sesuai dengan jumlah garis grid yang ditentukan.
  2. Menghasilkan array harga garis grid dengan jumlah yang sesuai.
  3. Sesuaikan secara dinamis batas, lebar interval dan harga jalur grid untuk menyesuaikan strategi dengan perubahan pasar.

Analisis Keuntungan

  1. Pengendalian posisi tertanam untuk mengurangi risiko.
  2. Pengaturan rentang grid dinamis meningkatkan kemampuan beradaptasi.

Analisis Risiko

  1. Kerugian yang parah dapat terjadi di pasar tren yang kuat.
  2. Pengaturan kuantitas grid dan posisi yang tidak tepat dapat memperkuat risiko.
  3. Jangkauan grid yang dihitung secara otomatis mungkin gagal dalam perubahan harga yang ekstrim.

Manajemen Risiko:

  1. Tutup strategi sebelum pergerakan harga yang signifikan.

Arahan Optimasi

  1. Pilih kuantitas grid yang optimal berdasarkan karakter pasar dan skala modal.
  2. Uji periode yang berbeda untuk mengoptimalkan parameter otomatis.


start: 2023-12-23 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-22 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("sarasa srinivasa kumar", overlay=true, pyramiding=14, close_entries_rule="ANY",, initial_capital=100.0, currency="USD", commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1)
i_autoBounds    = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="Use Auto Bounds?", defval=true, type=input.bool)                             // calculate upper and lower bound of the grid automatically? This will theorhetically be less profitable, but will certainly require less attention
i_boundSrc      = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Auto) Bound Source", defval="Hi & Low", options=["Hi & Low", "Average"])     // should bounds of the auto grid be calculated from recent High & Low, or from a Simple Moving Average
i_boundLookback = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Auto) Bound Lookback", defval=250, type=input.integer, maxval=500, minval=0) // when calculating auto grid bounds, how far back should we look for a High & Low, or what should the length be of our sma
i_boundDev      = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Auto) Bound Deviation", defval=0.10, type=input.float, maxval=1, minval=-1)  // if sourcing auto bounds from High & Low, this percentage will (positive) widen or (negative) narrow the bound limits. If sourcing from Average, this is the deviation (up and down) from the sma, and CANNOT be negative.
i_upperBound    = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Auto) Upper Boundry", defval=0.285, type=input.float)                      // for manual grid bounds only. The upperbound price of your grid
i_lowerBound    = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Auto) Lower Boundry", defval=0.225, type=input.float)                      // for manual grid bounds only. The lowerbound price of your grid.
i_gridQty       = input(group="Grid Lines",  title="Grid Line Quantity", defval=8, maxval=15, minval=3, type=input.integer)       // how many grid lines are in your grid

f_getGridBounds(_bs, _bl, _bd, _up) =>
    if _bs == "Hi & Low"
        _up ? highest(close, _bl) * (1 + _bd) : lowest(close, _bl)  * (1 - _bd)
        avg = sma(close, _bl)
        _up ? avg * (1 + _bd) : avg * (1 - _bd)

f_buildGrid(_lb, _gw, _gq) =>
    gridArr = array.new_float(0)
    for i=0 to _gq-1
        array.push(gridArr, _lb+(_gw*i))

f_getNearGridLines(_gridArr, _price) =>
    arr = array.new_int(3)
    for i = 0 to array.size(_gridArr)-1
        if array.get(_gridArr, i) > _price
            array.set(arr, 0, i == array.size(_gridArr)-1 ? i : i+1)
            array.set(arr, 1, i == 0 ? i : i-1)

var upperBound      = i_autoBounds ? f_getGridBounds(i_boundSrc, i_boundLookback, i_boundDev, true) : i_upperBound  // upperbound of our grid
var lowerBound      = i_autoBounds ? f_getGridBounds(i_boundSrc, i_boundLookback, i_boundDev, false) : i_lowerBound // lowerbound of our grid
var gridWidth       = (upperBound - lowerBound)/(i_gridQty-1)                                                       // space between lines in our grid
var gridLineArr     = f_buildGrid(lowerBound, gridWidth, i_gridQty)                                                 // an array of prices that correspond to our grid lines
var orderArr        = array.new_bool(i_gridQty, false)                                                              // a boolean array that indicates if there is an open order corresponding to each grid line

var closeLineArr    = f_getNearGridLines(gridLineArr, close)                                                        // for plotting purposes - an array of 2 indices that correspond to grid lines near price
var nearTopGridLine = array.get(closeLineArr, 0)                                                                    // for plotting purposes - the index (in our grid line array) of the closest grid line above current price
var nearBotGridLine = array.get(closeLineArr, 1)                                                                    // for plotting purposes - the index (in our grid line array) of the closest grid line below current price
strategy.initial_capital = 50000
for i = 0 to (array.size(gridLineArr) - 1)
    if close < array.get(gridLineArr, i) and not array.get(orderArr, i) and i < (array.size(gridLineArr) - 1)
        buyId = i
        array.set(orderArr, buyId, true)
        strategy.entry(id=tostring(buyId), long=true, qty=(strategy.initial_capital/(i_gridQty-1))/close, comment="#"+tostring(buyId))
    if close > array.get(gridLineArr, i) and i != 0
        if array.get(orderArr, i-1)
            sellId = i-1
            array.set(orderArr, sellId, false)
            strategy.close(id=tostring(sellId), comment="#"+tostring(sellId))

if i_autoBounds
    upperBound  := f_getGridBounds(i_boundSrc, i_boundLookback, i_boundDev, true)
    lowerBound  := f_getGridBounds(i_boundSrc, i_boundLookback, i_boundDev, false)
    gridWidth   := (upperBound - lowerBound)/(i_gridQty-1)
    gridLineArr := f_buildGrid(lowerBound, gridWidth, i_gridQty)

closeLineArr    := f_getNearGridLines(gridLineArr, close)
nearTopGridLine := array.get(closeLineArr, 0)
nearBotGridLine := array.get(closeLineArr, 1)

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