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Logika Strategi

Inti dari strategi ini adalah untuk menentukan apakah harga berada dalam tren naik atau turun berdasarkan indikator tren yang dipilih oleh pengguna. Strategi pertama menghitung lebih dari 20 rata-rata bergerak dan garis regresi. Indikator ini termasuk indikator teknis umum dalam pustaka standar bahasa skrip Pine, serta beberapa indikator khusus yang ditulis oleh komunitas coder Pine. Strategi kemudian menanyakan nilai saat indikator yang dipilih dan membandingkannya dengan nilai sebelumnya. Jika nilai saat ini lebih besar dari nilai sebelumnya, tren naik. Jika nilai saat ini lebih kecil dari nilai sebelumnya, tren turun. Akhirnya, strategi menentukan apakah harus memasuki posisi panjang berdasarkan arah tren.

Analisis Pro

Analisis Risiko

Peluang Peningkatan


start: 2023-01-16 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-22 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// @version=5
// Author = TradeAutomation

strategy(title="Multi MA Trend Following Strategy Template", shorttitle="Multi Trend", process_orders_on_close=true, overlay=true, commission_type=strategy.commission.cash_per_order, commission_value=1, slippage = 0, margin_short = 75, margin_long = 75, initial_capital = 100000000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100)

// Backtest Date Range Inputs // 
StartTime = input(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2019 05:00 +0000'), group="Date Rangte", title='Start Time')
EndTime = input(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2099 00:00 +0000'), group="Date Range", title='End Time')
InDateRange = true

// Trend Selector //
TrendSelectorInput = input.string(title="Trend Selector", defval="JMA", group="Core Settings", options=["ALMA", "DEMA", "EMA", "HMA", "JMA", "KAMA", "Linear Regression (LSMA)", "RMA", "SMA", "SMMA", "Source", "SuperTrend", "TEMA", "TMA", "VAMA", "VIDYA", "VMA", "VWMA", "WMA", "WWMA", "ZLEMA"], tooltip="Select your moving average")
src = input.source(close, "Source", group="Core Settings", tooltip="This is the price source being used for the moving averages to calculate based on")
length =, "MA Length", group="Core Settings", tooltip="This is the amount of historical bars being used for the moving averages to calculate based on")
LineWidth =, "Line Width", group="Core Settings", tooltip="This is the width of the line plotted that represents the selected trend")

// Individual Moving Average / Regression Setting //
AlmaOffset = input.float(0.85, "ALMA Offset", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when ALMA is selected")
AlmaSigma = input.float(6, "ALMA Sigma", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when ALMA is selected")
ATRFactor = input.float(3, "ATR Multiplier For SuperTrend", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when SuperTrend is selected")
ATRLength =, "ATR Length For SuperTrend", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when SuperTrend is selected")
JMApower =, "JMA Power Parameter", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when JMA is selected")
KamaAlpha = input.float(3, "KAMA's Alpha", minval=1,step=0.5, group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when KAMA is selected")
LinRegOffset =, "Linear Regression Offset", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when Linear Regression is selected")
VAMALookback, "VAMA Volatility lookback", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when VAMA is selected")

// Trend Indicators in Library //
ALMA = ta.alma(src, length, AlmaOffset, AlmaSigma) 
EMA = ta.ema(src, length)
HMA = ta.hma(src, length)
LinReg = ta.linreg(src, length, LinRegOffset)
RMA = ta.rma(src, length)
SMA = ta.sma(src, length)
VWMA = ta.vwma(src, length)
WMA = ta.wma(src, length)

// Additional Trend Indicators Written and/or Open Sourced //
de1 = ta.ema(src, length)
de2 = ta.ema(de1, length)
DEMA = 2 * de1 - de2

//JMA [Capissmo]
beta = 0.45*(length-1)/(0.45*(length-1)+2)
alpha = math.pow(beta, JMApower)
L0=0.0, L1=0.0, L2=0.0, L3=0.0, JMA=0.0
L0 := (1-alpha)*src + alpha*nz(L0[1])
L1 := (src - L0[0])*(1-beta) + beta*nz(L1[1])
L2 := L0[0] + L1[0]
L3 := (L2[0] - nz(JMA[1]))*((1-alpha)*(1-alpha)) + (alpha*alpha)*nz(L3[1])
JMA := nz(JMA[1]) + L3[0]

var KAMA = 0.0
fastAlpha = 2.0 / (KamaAlpha + 1)
slowAlpha = 2.0 / 31
momentum = math.abs(ta.change(src, length))
volatility = math.sum(math.abs(ta.change(src)), length)
efficiencyRatio = volatility != 0 ? momentum / volatility : 0
smoothingConstant = math.pow((efficiencyRatio * (fastAlpha - slowAlpha)) + slowAlpha, 2)
KAMA := nz(KAMA[1], src) + smoothingConstant * (src - nz(KAMA[1], src))

var SMMA = 0.0
SMMA := na(SMMA[1]) ? ta.sma(src, length) : (SMMA[1] * (length - 1) + src) / length

ATR = ta.atr(ATRLength)
Signal = ATRFactor*ATR
var SuperTrend = 0.0
SuperTrend := if src>SuperTrend[1] and src[1]>SuperTrend[1]
    math.max(SuperTrend[1], src-Signal)
else if src<SuperTrend[1] and src[1]<SuperTrend[1]
    math.min(SuperTrend[1], src+Signal)
else if src>SuperTrend[1]

t1 = ta.ema(src, length)
t2 = ta.ema(t1, length)
t3 = ta.ema(t2, length)
TEMA = 3 * (t1 - t2) + t3

TMA = ta.sma(ta.sma(src, math.ceil(length / 2)), math.floor(length / 2) + 1)

VAMA = mid+math.avg(vol_up,vol_down)

//VIDYA [KivancOzbilgic]
var VIDYA=0.0
ud1=src>src[1] ? src-src[1] : 0
dd1=src<src[1] ? src[1]-src : 0
VIDYA := na(VIDYA[1]) ? ta.sma(src, length) : nz(VMAalpha*math.abs(CMO)*src)+(1-VMAalpha*math.abs(CMO))*nz(VIDYA[1])

//VMA [LazyBear]
sc = 1/length
pdm = math.max((src - src[1]), 0)
mdm = math.max((src[1] - src), 0)
var pdmS = 0.0
var mdmS = 0.0
pdmS := ((1 - sc)*nz(pdmS[1]) + sc*pdm)
mdmS := ((1 - sc)*nz(mdmS[1]) + sc*mdm)
s = pdmS + mdmS
pdi = pdmS/s
mdi = mdmS/s
var pdiS = 0.0
var mdiS = 0.0
pdiS := ((1 - sc)*nz(pdiS[1]) + sc*pdi)
mdiS := ((1 - sc)*nz(mdiS[1]) + sc*mdi)
d = math.abs(pdiS - mdiS)
s1 = pdiS + mdiS
var iS = 0.0
iS := ((1 - sc)*nz(iS[1]) + sc*d/s1)
hhv = ta.highest(iS, length) 
llv = ta.lowest(iS, length) 
d1 = hhv - llv
vi = (iS - llv)/d1
var VMA=0.0
VMA := sc*vi*src + (1 - sc*vi)*nz(VMA[1])

var WWMA=0.0
WWMA := (1/length)*src + (1-(1/length))*nz(WWMA[1])

//Zero Lag EMA
EMA1 = ta.ema(src,length)
EMA2 = ta.ema(EMA1,length)
Diff = EMA1 - EMA2
ZLEMA = EMA1 + Diff

// Trend Mapping and Plotting //
Trend = TrendSelectorInput == "ALMA" ? ALMA : TrendSelectorInput == "DEMA" ? DEMA : TrendSelectorInput == "EMA" ? EMA : TrendSelectorInput == "HMA" ? HMA : TrendSelectorInput == "JMA" ? JMA : TrendSelectorInput == "KAMA" ? KAMA : TrendSelectorInput == "Linear Regression (LSMA)" ? LinReg : TrendSelectorInput == "RMA" ? RMA : TrendSelectorInput == "SMA" ? SMA : TrendSelectorInput == "SMMA" ? SMMA : TrendSelectorInput == "Source" ? src : TrendSelectorInput == "SuperTrend" ? SuperTrend : TrendSelectorInput == "TEMA" ? TEMA : TrendSelectorInput == "TMA" ? TMA : TrendSelectorInput == "VAMA" ? VAMA : TrendSelectorInput == "VIDYA" ? VIDYA : TrendSelectorInput == "VMA" ? VMA : TrendSelectorInput == "VWMA" ? VWMA : TrendSelectorInput == "WMA" ? WMA : TrendSelectorInput == "WWMA" ? WWMA : TrendSelectorInput == "ZLEMA" ? ZLEMA : SMA
plot(Trend, color=(Trend>Trend[1]) ? : (Trend<Trend[1]) ? : (Trend==Trend[1]) ? color.gray :, linewidth=LineWidth)

// Entry & Exit Functions //

if (InDateRange)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, when = ta.crossover(Trend, Trend[1]))
    strategy.close("Long", when = ta.crossunder(Trend, Trend[1]))
if (not InDateRange)

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